this video about Progressive Enhancement.. is laying out the idea of "building an m&m from the peanut to the candy".. Content --> Presentation --> Behavior .. this is doesn't practical anymore. I design Behavior --> Content --> Presentation and I couldnt imagine doing otherwise..
Any backbone based, jQuery driven, web app now adays is Behavior --> Content --> Presentation..
im still watching though, maybe he'll enlilghten me
idk, this NZ guy seems a lot more knowledgeable about the subject than me.. im waiting to be enlightened from this video before I say anything else about it..
I'll be writing a short chapter for an upcoming title of his, though I don't want to give more details because I don't know how much he wants to be public.
Well folks, it's been nice but I think I need a smoke and then start working on lemon meme. If you cannot read this visit to decipher. Thank you and have a nice day.
I don't know if I can watch the rest of this, I just don't agree.. I can't provide the best possible experience for every browser.. I just don't have time.. how could I support a user for instance that doesn't have javascript turned on for instance when all my content is fetched with ajax ? would be take too much time and not enough incentive..
js is disabled on 2% of desktops and like half of all smart phones (worldwide)
If you're cool with alienating all of those users then so be it. but at least if a client asks you to support it you know A) how, and B) how to do it right, and easy, and quickly.
it's really not that hard.
and by smartphones I really mean all mobile web enabled devices.
Can someone help me optimising this regex: var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); return item.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'i'), function ($1, match) { return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'; });
so if i need to prevent the user from tabbing out of the form, i just need to make sure that when someone leaves the "last" element , he/she/it focuses the first one ( in that particular modal dialog )
Ok, I want to make an xhr to read several webpages (around 80) from a website, but this website is about a videogame where having lag may mean death and hence losing 3 days of your life. The script will run in a chrome's extension every 5 minutes and lasts around... 1 minute running at 220~KB/s in a 2Mb/s connection, which means lag for 1 minute...
@RyanKinal - the problem is that it isn't 'infinite' data, so it doesn't work. You're specifically looking for something, eg starting with z, and you have to scroll through every letter and wait for them to load
Learning the Revealing Prototype Pattern, I made a simple started application base. Criticism welcome (aka all the stupid things I am doing...) [Github Link](
News from Cupertino says that Apple is working on a cheaper and more affordable version of their largely popular iPhone. Word also has it that it may be launched alongside the much anticipated iPhone 6/5S during the later half of 2013!
welp, got some spam recruitment email (I feel kinda flattered, really...) from someone using a Wanted to be a good Samaritan and email swccd, but no email is listed in the main page or the contact-us. Work is done.
I'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...
You just put the function call in a callack given to click :
function iptxt(){
var d=document;
} catch(e){alert('Please wait until the page has loaded.');}
@AmaanCheval "they asked us to prove the pigeon hole principle" basically if there are m pigeons and n pigeon holes and m > n then atleast one hole will have two pigeons My proof : "Lets assume this is not true" Suppose we have m pigeons and n holes Such that our pigeon are un killable & we want them alive then if n < m to evenly distribute each hole will get m/n pigeons but oh no we killed all the pigeons cause n / m not an integer always oops so our postulate are wrong hence we are inhuman there for the condition is true