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Depends on what you look for. Basic CSS is easier to find by just typing in the search bar. Adding MDN doesn't help for this.
@ThiefMaster We're now deleting not constructive questions of 2009 ? I always hesit to vote to close them in the queue, especially when they got many votes.
The question is crap and +5 is not "many votes"
One answer got +11 votes. I don't have so many answers so much upvoted. Generally, if a question/answer is obsolete and was popular (more than +5), are you, as a moderator, advising to vote to close it ?
VTC: If the question is NC then yes, certainly. Closing doesn't necessarily mean deleting it
If the question+answers are not really worth preserving.. vote to delete, too
and a mix of dead links, w3schools and a bunch of mostly link-only answers.. not really quality content
I agree. I was just taking the occasion to ask a more general question, as I very often click "skip" in the queue (feeling like an unsure neeb).
lets agree to disagree
:( w3school figured out how to sneak past my content filter on google after the last update. still is in the filter..
now it shows up in my search results again. makes me sad
makes me sad, makes me wanna cry.. makes me wanna die :(
I clicked on it once by accident. had to clean my entire browser history and drink 2 gallons of paint thinner just to forget about that tragedy...
@jAndy w3scools is bad, very bad
Feels better ?
w3schools is the proverbial (and literal) monkey on @dystroy's back.
Yeah. All my answers are backed by w3schools
are you w3schools certified?
In fact... one of my most upvoted answers had a link to it
@rlemon i am w3schools certified for css 3 man
anybody seen bob ross lately ?
actually +15
lol... my answer got a -1
^ Amazing
-1 for ref w3schools and not mdn or w3c
503 rank just for one question :D
be responsible and clean up your answers :P
@OlegOrlov everything
or atleast have an understanding of how your application might become a horror if it lacks memory :P
@rlemon was i wrong >
Is the chrome on nexus 4 a webkit browser ?
depends... if you're just a code monkey probably only very basic amounts (how GC works, etc).
if you are an arch then you must know this in detail. live and breath it.
As a code monkey I find this comment offensive
V  \
 \  \_
   |\ `. `.
   ( \  `. `-.                        _,.-:\
    \ \   `.  `-._             __..--' ,-';/
     \ `.   `-.   `-..___..---'   _.--' ,'/
      `. `.    `-._        __..--'    ,' /
        `. `-_     ``--..''       _.-' ,'
          `-_ `-.___        __,--'   ,'
             `-.__  `----"""    __.-'
ascii banana looks happy
@jAndy he isn't blinking, i am disappoint
@GNi33: good point :p
what have I done....
damn it got stuck.
@AndersMetnik most probably yes
Thanks :)
@AndersMetnik afaik it's like chrome 20 with some 'tweaks'
Chrome 20 is webkit ?
... just like every other Chrome
Just had to be sure :-i
actually @RyanKinal they decided chrome 27 wouldn't be webkit anymore. Trident is all the new rage in the Google offices.
@rlemon WHAT ?
@Abhishek It's true!
if there was a gold badge for trolling I would have just unlocked it.
@AmaanCheval reference ?
I was pretty surprised as well
@rlemon You suck.
We didn't have to tell him yet!
@AmaanCheval :P
i was just over-reacting son :P
he's a geek, he's over there frantically ticking his google trying to disprove us anyway
@rlemon I think that filter is somehow broken...
@ThiefMaster yea. I am not touching it until the next update. if it fixes cool. if not i'll worry about it then
@rlemon lol
@rlemon Google Nexus 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S3
Nexus 4
but close call
Nexus 4 will always win because it's official google release.
OS was designed for it, and it for the OS.
S3 is still a freaking fabulous phone. If I could I would own both.
I've heard the Nexus 4's glass gets scratched / breaks pretty easily, though
friend buying :P , not me
Apart from that, I think Nexus 4 is better
i am happy with my ME Proof iPhone4s
Of course, you're an Apple fanboy :p
no i have a reason (XD)
this attracts women :$
also u can clean the screen with jeans without worrying about it scratching
Uhh, I don't think the Nexus 4's screen is that delicate
Maybe as much as the iPhone 5 is
Good morning all
Disclaimer: All of my opinions are my own (or someone elses). If you do not like them you can easily be ignored (In fact you probably already are, and if you were not; your piddly ass complaints just landed you there.), or publicly flogged. I digress, back on topic: My opinions may be of a controversial nature to some, but will not be censored. I am offended by black hair.... go shave your head... (see how ridiculous it sounds?). Banana, Peanutbutter, pancakes. Thank you for your time.
Bleh, thought you were about to rant about Apple -.-
no, my apple rants are getting dull for me.
Dudes my next phone is going to be something on firefox OS ;-) so not apple not android :P
i'd love a phone completely running on javascript ;D
Apple sucks... ipods are cool. Fuck you whoever makes their business decisions... I hope your wiener gets caught in an elevator door.
most apple products are cool
I'm surprised elevator companies are not getting sued because their doors "slide to close"
@Abhishek Do you know if the Galaxy Nexus can dual boot FF OS and JellyBean?
^ I would dual boot totally
@AmaanCheval there are a few :P
There are a few what?
@Abhishek can you make me an image for dual boot ICS / FF OS on a Viewsonic G Tablet
Dude, we're asking about dual booting
@AmaanCheval it it works for the S2 I can imagine it would for the Galaxy Nexus
dunno bout dual boot
never dual booted my phone
Oh, I know FF OS works on the GNexus
But I'm not willing to switch to it completely
Wish I had a secondary Android device
@AmaanCheval :3 i do (XD)
take mine :P but its too old
Samsung Galaxy Y
> GDBBD1005
20% off godaddy code
if anyone is making any purchases any time soon
@AmaanCheval There should be just phones imho
@jAndy Bowties are cool.
you should be able to choose if you wanna install widows phone , io Ass or Droid or FFOS
Bowties are not cool Neal... stop it with the damn bowties!
@rlemon link
@rlemon :-P Stetsons are cool.
it's freaking 2013 already neal.... Bowties were 2010.
stetsons are old too
get with the times.
I didn't get it :p
Blinking Gifs are cool.
@jAndy dr who reference.
@rlemon fine fine fine. Sherlock Holmes is cool.
Yeap they are cool @rlemon
yay pr0n is back
@rlemon Thank you
as much as I want it there... I also don't want abhishek to get banned
you didn't even see your her nipples
so nobody is getting banned
1 message moved to rlemon's secret folder
see facebook :D
be amused (XD)
i just sent u a real good one there ;-)
js weekly ohh my
@Abhishek: thats a good one :p
and we can't paste such pictures in here ?
where is the rule that does not allow .. pictures of girls ?
you all are developer enough to understand how to decode that :P
@Zirak You may like that ^ Heavy WIP, though
@jAndy Probably because of people like amaan :P
hey guys... remember that time I was in js weekly... yea... memories... my 15 minutes of fame... smiles... then realizes it's over and done with... gone... never to return... slowly my happieness fades away to a dull throbbing pain in my stomach. The pain of remorse. Remorse felt for leading a life no longer worth living due to an uneventful year spent playing video games and trolling noobs..... who am I kidding.. that was FREAKING AWESOME!
@Abhishek Well, my mom's sitting closeby, so yeah, I'd prefer the images not to be oneboxed
@rlemon Hahaha congrats :p
@AmaanCheval haha
@AmaanCheval just wondering bro :P whats your families reaction on when u talk to a girl
mine are
I don't tell them who I'm talking to
they never come home , aww man! you are missing fun /
Hahaha, nope
lucky you :P
i have like 2-4 coming my home daily , these days
I play one big video game all day long, it's called: The Internet.
The objective is to make as many people rage-quit as you can before you rage-quit yourself. Be careful, you can get pulled into pr0n traps or reddit and not return for days.
and my dad is always like " WHy the heck are u talking to so many girls "
my reply : " For the sake of mankind "
hey mankind should be educated man , i just teach em -_-
Well, I was raised Muslim, so I'm not even supposed to talk to girls.
don't think something bad
Isn't that way, of course
@AmaanCheval i personally am a Brahmin but since I prefer Calling myself Indian
But my parents don't know that most of my friends are girls
@jAndy HAH!
I didn't lose.
Just because their balls are larger and relocated doesn't make women so much different from men.
I more often prefer the company of women.
@rlemon all males do :P
except for they are in this room
however as I've been getting older it seems not to make much difference.
and all females do prefer company of male :P , basic psychology
When I was younger I hung around with a lot of girls because guys my age were annoying as shit.
hell like all the girls in my class talk to me -_- ... and think i am some kind of GAWD
except when they are pissed at some male person. then they prefer the company of cats. :p
girls (when not doing girly stuff) were cool.
just cause i can code everything , troll teachers and blah
@ThiefMaster my wife hates cats
@Neal *aghast*
@Neal i love pussy cats :D
does one make a 'wifes a dog' joke? Neal will get pissy even though his wife is hot
@rlemon LOL
@rlemon she is not to keen on dogs either.
but she said shed get a dog over a cat any day
Just as a fact : dogs dont like dogs but dogs definitely dont like cats atall , unless they are raised with one
> "She is not a monkey, I will have you know she comes from a very respected orangutan family!"
Does this site work well for everyone? I am not sure it works completely in FF or IE
Okay Lemon & Abhsslkjfawjejr what are u doing .. lemon and Abeiwriwer shtap
sorry i feel like typing my own name is pita
so just abh<RandomWords> shall do fine
@Abhishek it is
I always want to leave out the first h
I peronally like my screen name "Dark / DarkYen / Darky"
@Abhishek makes me think of politically corrected black Chinese money.
That's kind of his point
well arn't you a smart pants.
@rlemon in my country like 50% of money is [maybe more] black :P
He said it just yesterday
so my gf today forgot how old I was. Just saying. I was pretty offended.
and is stacked under piles of govt. and idiots
so i wear that name as hate :P
u reminded me that a girl of 23 hit on me because i look 23
fork fork fork
@rlemon That's funny :p
@Abhishek I'm 26 and my gf is 29 - for this I will now constantly remind her how old she is
@rlemon lol
well changing my name to darkyen
Completed ?
@AmaanCheval Last updated 2 years ago. I won't be on my toes waiting for updates.
Oops. Didn't see that
Hi all,

I've html like this. I want to show only first "li" tag. How to do this?

<div class="class1">
<u1 class="class2">
<li class="class3"> </li>
<li class="class3"> </li>
<li class="class3"> </li>
<div class="class1">
<u1 class="class2">
<li class="class3"> </li>
@Abhishek ohh god don't do a screen name change here.
I will always call you @Abhishek and you will never get my pings.
then we will drift apart as friends.
I'll start drinking and you'll turn to heroin.
@rlemon will take like 2 days
to refactor that
its hard for me to type my name lol
@rlemon i dont think it will change though
SO changed it but SO-Chat didnt
@jAndy saçma sapan konuşma la!
Sony went on length :D
@Özkan: Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus!
@jAndy ::English:: ?
it exists :D
come on, everybody speaks latin
@jAndy testiculos
Hey I need to translate
Latin is fucking crazy
What did you say?
You seem so brainy!
@* dudes today is Florian's birthday
Hey EGO postulo ad transferendum
Lingua Latina sit stupri rabidus
Quid dixisti?
Videris sic brainy!
so ping him :P to make him feel loved
I was just going to post the latin... but I think most would have been too lazy to translate it
ignored :-(
@rlemon its me
@Abhishek you suck.
we're not friends anymore until you change your name back
new name eh?
@FlorianMargaine happy birthday bro!! Bonne fête!! מזל דיין געבורסטאָג!!
Yiddish just seemed like it would be needed there.
@FlorianMargaine Hah, you'll die soon.
@rlemon wtf is that last thing? Y U MAEK UP YIDDISH??
@Neal happy birthday in yiddish.
@FlorianMargaine happy new year birthday, son !
@rlemon ummm yiddish aint my language...
@FlorianMargaine Happy birthday!
Yiddish literally means 'Jewish' and is of Jewish origins... and you are Jewish.... it's like talking to a bowl of pasta...
too much cream in my coffee. :( disappointing.
@rlemon ehhh its of european origins....
> Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken in many parts of the world. It developed as the immigrant community added Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary to German dialects, with traces of Romance languages from the regions they had previously inhabited.
Wikipedia FTW
> of Ashkenazi Jewish origin
@rlemon lol oy. I don't speak it. My parents dont speak it. My grandparents speak it. It is almost a dead and dying language
@RyanKinal Y U POST THERE? :-P
@RyanKinal :_P
Hmmmm trying to hold shift when making tongue all sticky outy doesnt work
I am going to write some stuff about OOJS, though. The prototype chain, .call, inheritance, design patterns, etc.
@RyanKinal k cool :-) Does it load for you yet?
I have an article in Google Docs already, but there's some misinformation there.
@Neal Not at work
@ThiefMaster had some ideas yesterday of why it might not have been working for you.
@RyanKinal cool. I can 'review' them before they go live. and by 'review' I mean post them to my own blog and take all the juicy juicy credit.
@rlemon Sweet! Then we'll all have duplicate content, because it's going on mine too.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 17 hours ago, by ThiefMaster
The router often caches DNS replies too.. so restart it unless you know how to clear the cache on it (restarting dnsmasq via shell worked for me on my dd-wrt box)
@RyanKinal :-P well isn't that a bit redundant ^_^
@Neal Yeah, because I'm going to kill wireless for the whole third floor because I want to go to javascriptroom.com
win. we'll start a company you see... then we'll write some BS about anything but under different blogs with seemingly no affiliation to eachother. Because both un-related sources are reporting the same information it must be true.... troll the world Ryan... the world!
@RyanKinal hehe had other idead. that was just one of them :-P
you want seo, talk to expertseos.com
there we go!
lol another random unused domain name :P
"ryans blog" > Chrome turns too trident!
"rlemons blog" > Why Chrome going trident is a right move.
"Loktars blog" > Trident will be a Chrome Killer!
we'll have the world thinking Chrome will move to Trident.
caniuse.com/svg *rabble rabble*
Obviously, it should be a circular list of references
Sometimes I want to try and start random trends on twitter.
@rlemon ... was it you that started the whole "cut yourself for Bieber because OMG HE SMOKED WEED" thing?
lol no
but I laughed so hard at a youtube comment
> thanks for making weed gay Bieber. Now I have to freebase meth... again... thanks.. #MorganFreemanDied
2 mins ago, by rlemon
Sometimes I want to try and start random trends on twitter.
if we all sent out a tweet today with just "OMG IT CANNOT BE TRUE! RIP #MorganFreemanDied" considering that would instantly hit like 3000 people (all of our accounts followers) how long before it's a trending topic and a full blown internet hoax?
@rlemon 42 Minutes.
@Neal that isn't interesting at all.
I think we'd have to edit wikipedia
Fine 17 minutes and 64 seconds
(think about that one)
Time is a measurement with units. a unit can be broken down to smaller units. 42 units of time could be anything #PedantBecauseItsFun
the funny thing is, that a good hoax really could make half world population which is able to receive digitial media, believe
the london wheel on fire thingy took like 3 hours to get full blown "hoax" status
I consider it a hoax once news sites start running with it
@Abhishek: If u cant say good for atleast dont say bad for
are you kidding
@rlemon What? @RyanKinal You have a blog?
Oh, the ugly one :p
I consider everything and everyone as horrible, bad and horrific until the opposite is proved
@RyanKinal Do you have a feed for your blog?
Grr, never mind, found it :P
AmaanCheval I made a better one: slickdev.blogspot.com
ryankinal.com/blogrss.php doesn't work well with Google Reader for some reason
@AmaanCheval yeah, I know
But don't bother with that one anyway
I don't plan on posting there again. Ever.

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