If you know me at all you will know that I don't often suggest or use third party libraries for Javascript. Not because I think i'm too good for them or anything, I just enjoy understanding my own code and being able to debug with some degree of certainty. With this said; I created a very simple plugin that provides the 'Return to Top' buttons you see on so many pages. Introducing: mcToppy.jq…
function sa() {
var a = document.title.replace(/^\(\d*\*?\) /, "");
if (0 < R || y.len())
a = "(" + (0 < R ? R : "") + (y.len() ? "*" : "") + ") " + a;
window.setTimeout(function() {
$(document).attr("title", a)
It's the "I like video games, so making them is a great career move*" people that get on my nerves. *They all dropped out once they realized that it was difficult
@Zirak, Hey, I changed the method which we were discusing last time, Now can you help me with this, var ubtn = "<a href='' onclick='like_decrease("+id+","+liker+"); return false;'>Unlike</a> this"; The liker and id are showing in source-code as Example: like_decrease(1,user1); how to make it like_decrease("1","user1"); without breaking the main string ?
Sorry, I solved my prob*
It should be like_decrease("+"\""+id+"\""+","+"\""+liker+"\""+")
Question for ya'll... I'm trying to select a table row... call it ($this) row and update part of a form with the data that the row contains... almost there but stuck on a few things.. mostly the javascript part.
I am learning Node.js and I have also started to look at MongoDB. You have the concept of documents. However when you retrieve this documents in code, wouldn't you also want to have methods on it that works on the data?
$.on('click', 'tr', function() {
//Get the ID from the row clicked
var id = $(this).data('recordId');
github.com/wikimedia/jquery.i18n <- for those who make big apps and want i80n [ this powers wikipedia so meh this is highly capable of a lot of things ]
@Zirak Let say you are building a web service. Exposing a list of cars. I am using MongoDB for storage. When I retrieve a set of cars from the database I get documents. Now object oriented design and MVC have thought me that models should contain business logic. However the documents does not have any methods. Am I wrong if I think like that when using Node.js and MongoDB?
just trying to add some buffering to jscast.. but for some reason the few seconds from the buffer are always garbled as soon as i start replacing old mp3 frames
nvm got confused :-| , show me whole code maybe we can figure something out , my best bet is you are doing something wrong in the math .. not sure what!
@Zirak Yes, but how is it normal to use the data when doing further processing? Do you create a Car class and extract the data to it or are you just passing the object around through functions?
@Andy There are so many ways to model data. Really, tons. There's an entire branch of CS devoted to it and people get Nobel prizes for it and all that serious shit. How you do it is data-sensitive, design-sensitive and sensitive in many other way.
@Zirak Let say you retrieved a document from MongoDB. Do you extract that data over to an object of class Car for instance. Since the Car class has methods you can call myCar.driveFast() on it...or do you just have functions such as driveFast(carDocument); ...or other approaces
In some javascript code I'm working on refactoring I've handled cases where I wanted to default a property to true without having to go through the code-base and add the property to every instance of callers by doing something like this:
if(typeof('thisBool') === 'undefined' || thisBool) {
Hi . a question please. if I have this html span <span class="myclass" data-my-text="some text"></span> . is this what $(".myClass").data("my-text") does ? I know how JQ's data works. but isn't there any collusion here ?