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it's a hot curve
@rlemon @OctavianDamiean wallpaperswide.com/download/…
^ That one is a stellar :P
nahh I cannot do the sexy ladies as a wallpaper.
gf doesn't like it
you are a developer dude!
you can code something to change it when gf is around ^_^
@rlemon Take a picture of her then. :D
She can't complain.
or that ^
@OctavianDamiean she might though
or I can just keep the stack of mags under the bathroom sink. Win
anyways am off
i lost about 40 hairs while chatting today just because of rlemon -_-
stop fail joking man i seriously lose hairs!
@OctavianDamiean She did, she said she didn't appreciate me undressing her in her sleep, positioning her, taking a pic, then re-dressing her like nothing happened... something about "thats fucking creepy" or something.
@Loktar btw if you really wanna try
makeupandbeauty.com/… <- Indian ayurveda , if you can get it and your hairs are not bieng lost by some other medicinal effect its the best thing it will re-repair your hairs :P @Loktar , but sadly in my case i have medicines for hyp. tension
@rlemon Pfff.
I know right?!
That's nothing ... there's so much potential.
when I have foo={bar:function(){foo.barbar=2;}} I could just change foo to this right?
Does noone like haikus?
@Neal I don't like the word.
@Event_Horizon With this, that wouldn't be exactly the same
Because you can call foo.bar with another receiver than foo.
@OctavianDamiean haiku
Using foo in the function locks the receiver.
@dystroy so I should just keep it that way then to make sure its foo
I know but I don't like the word haiku.
Time to go play some BF3.
@OctavianDamiean So call it something else :-P
It's too late now, I'll always think of haiku.
@OctavianDamiean hmmmm. sorry!
Good night everybody
see you next month
Also, it's not in npm yet, so disregard that
awesome. Since I suck and can't login to SO, I'm starting to port the bot to mostly-server/some-client: Browser script relays data to bot-on-server and vice-cersa.
posted on January 04, 2013 by dominiccooney

Learn how to use Shadow DOM to separate content from presentation.

On StackOverflow

Wearing all kinds of fun hats

We Don't Need no/sa tis fac tion but we try/ oh yes we try (woo!). — rlemon 9 secs ago
how do I get the key of key:value pairs in JS, do I have to use for/in? I'm pretty sure I don't but I can't find what I'm looking for (pretty sure you can do with simple for loop)
for in
@rlemon I can't get no (do do do) sa tis faction!!!!
@rlemon alright I thought so, is this the only good use case for using for in?
anyways. Shabbat is in 2 hrs. later ppl!
How many people hate me now because they have the stones stuck in their head?
@Event_Horizon probably a lot more. but this is the common
remember hasOwnProperty
You can also use Object.keys and iterate over that. But that's just a fancy for..in
@Event_Horizon Object.keys
Ninja'd, nevermind
@Zirak Object.keys uses for in iirc
> But that's just a fancy for..in
ahh, no apparently not in V8
Object.keys is optimized by V8 also handles deleted properties so hasOwnProperty is not needed either.
dunno about support... but yea.
Google Groups to the rescue
!!/spec Object.keys
!!/spec for-in statement
@Zirak [ Object.keys \( O \)](http://es5.github.com/#x15.2.3.14)
@Zirak [12.6.4 The for-in Statement](http://es5.github.com/#x12.6.4)
5. Let V = empty.
<!--- Dart ord randomization -->
			var dart_ord = dart_ord_gen();
			function dart_ord_gen() {
				var random = new Date(); random = Math.ceil(random.getTime() / 1000);
				random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) * random;
				return random;
		<!-- End Dart ord randomization -->
It's using the current time as a seed for a random number
sort of
var stupid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) * Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
I need to stop viewing the source of webpages, it makes me depressed....
single line.
@rlemon you were having mongo issues?
hey whats up guys
not really.
long time no see
also that code above fails quite often
var res = [], dupe=false, start = new Date().getTime();
function stupid() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) * Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
while(!dupe) {
   var n = stupid();
   if( (new Date().getTime() - start) > 30000 ) {
     alert('script timed out after 30 seconds');
     dupe = true;
   if( res.indexOf(n) === -1 ) {
   } else {
     dupe = true;
     alert('dupe found after ' + (new Date().getTime() - start) + 'ms and ' + res.length + ' passes');
I get dupes after 200-1000 passes
alright I hit a wall can someone tell me what I'm fucking up here bile, init, run
!!> Date.now() === (new Date).getTime();
@Zirak true
@Event_Horizon ok well flaw I see first is this
run: function(target) {
var content = target.value;
target is the event object in the key event handler
not a element
yo rlemon, check out the css room. I thought maybe you can give me some little advice there.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Tjx2U/10 @Event_Horizon and was this your problem?
you were adding to the text not replacing it
@rlemon ok yeah I get why I had that issue
@rlemon not sure I quite get this fix
what fix?
!!/mdn Function.call
when the event handler is triggered this keyword is the input. So use it. for calling the handler outside of the event model you can use .call to specify what var the this keyword will reference in the function scope
makes sense?
I hate to sound daft but no, I'm not following on this, brain is fried from work
lol ok one sec
ok all right fine.. I'll edit it. — HelloUni 11 mins ago
so that just passes the inheritance of that object to the run method, is that right?
var foo = document.getElementById('foo');

/* When the element is clicked you will see the Event object and the input in the 'this' variable */
foo.addEventListener('click', CLICK_HANDLER, false); // akin to .onclick = CLICK_HANDLER;

CLICK_HANDLER(/* what do you put in here? The first variable in the arguments will be the event object when invoked from the click event? see..... */ null); // this throws an error

CLICK_HANDER.call(/* here we sepecify which variable will be held in the 'this' keyword in the function scope */ foo);
does anyone know how to reset all the panel locations on jsfiddle? they've messed up and the handles are gone so I can't fix them =/
@Nile clear js fiddle specific cookies
@rlemon tried =/
thanks @AmaanCheval
@rlemon ah, just disabled cookies instead of deleting and reenabled and it worked. thanks
@SimonSarris No problem
@Nile strange it didn't work by deleting them. ohh well. cached maybe even though they were deleted?
@Event_Horizon does that last example make it a bit more clear for you
@rlemon yeah possibly
@SimonSarris GoJS looks pretty impressive, really
I just wish it would remember my preference for body/pure js
I hope so, it is my livelihood :D
@canon well....
// ==UserScript==
// @name          jsFiddle Developer Fixes.
// @author        Robert Lemon
// @version       0.0.001
// @namespace     rlemon.com
// @description   Adds a bunch of new features/fixes to jsFiddle
// @include       jsfiddle.net
// ==/UserScript==

/* Embed code on page */
function EmbedCodeOnPage(type, kode) {
	var elm = document.createElement(type);
	elm.textContent = kode;

/* Embed code on page and execute */
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(fn) {
@rlemon Yeah I get it now, the MDN page's example wasn't quite as easy to understand tbh
sorry for the wall.. but you need to install it locally anyways
it's not in the chrome store
github.com/rlemon/jsFiddle-Fixes/blob/master/… @canon download the file... drag and drop to chrome://extensions to install. rejoice
Also I feel like a wizard getting most of that by myself lmao
@Event_Horizon Edit it, then
:) feels nice
@rlemon I hadn't considered an extension. Nice. ty
any css pro here who could have a quick look at something later?
@Event_Horizon you might be interested to see this. github.com/rlemon/Chat-Easy-Input-Tools/blob/master/…
this was for the chat easy input tools I wrote.
it's not quite what you are doing (i think) but who knows.
@Demorus Have you read the rules in the description?
> There is no need to ask to ask a question.
I foresee you wanting to do some cool shit with selecting text and hitting some hotkeys
hey nile. No not really :D. Are questions not allowed?
@rlemon tl;dr the last hour!
You don't need permission to ask a question.
@Demorus Questions are allowed. But questions asking if you can ask a question are looked down upon
oh ya makes sense actually
Im kind of used to doing that lol
> This has to be the biggest annoyance for any room owner or regular. We are on a Question and Answer site; so yea, I'm pretty sure it's ok for you to ask a question here. Keep in mind that asking to ask a question will invoke snarky remarks and will hinder your questions chances of being answered. So once again, just ask your damn question!
lol Nile
@rlemon you do realize that <a href='#'>kittens</a> will also "scroll to top"?
It's in @rlemon's handy rule book
@SomeKittens I think his does the magic smooth scrolling shizam
@SomeKittens huh? you talking about my 'plugin'
yea it's meant to be smooth. :P
@AmaanCheval ah, fine, be fancy
@rlemon specifically I'm wanting to do something like SOChatbot except it will be BileBot, all it does is create, remove, replace shortcuts for text, I want it to be able to save its shortcuts at a later date, I got the inspiration from your "top" button earlier,wanted to turn my functional code into OO type code and possibly get it to be living code like SOChatbot
I wouldn't really use that
I'd probably use scrollTo(0, 0);
and @SomeKittens you should ALWAYS put an anchor element or an id to reference as a first element
don't just href="#"
bad mojo
@rlemon why?
semantics means nothing to you people??
...wait, why?
@rlemon there's nothing wrong with it. it's semantically correct.
I can use a rock to put a screw in a board but a hammer works better... and a screw driver is the best.
@Nile not for scrolling to the top
for a "nothing" or no anchor link yea.
but the links with a purpose (scroll to top) should have a named anchor at the top
or use scrollTo(x,y)
I am using soundmanager2.js in combination with a stylesheet to customize the look of my javascript and html5 based audio player. Now I added a css transition that when the user hovers over the player the title dissapears and remains hidden if it plays / pauses. However this doesnt seem to work in "Chrome" where the text re-appears upon play/pause. You can see the problem here: rolfvohs.com/audio_samples.php
@rlemon You can add add # followed by an element ID to scroll to that element... so what's wrong with adding no ID to scroll to the top?
because you are scrolling to a position. don't be lazy... add the position
don't let coincidences run your code.
I'm with the lemon dude.
don't let the browser guess
browser guessing = improper functionality at times
Just published my first node module!
I personally have lots of issues with anchors sometimes, viewing a lot of newer sites
To be honest, what'd I do is let it scroll to the header/upper most element for a fallback and prevent default with Javascript
<a name="top" id="top"></a>

... code

<a href="#top" id="to-top">Top</a>

$('#to-top').on('click', function(e) {
     return false;
semantic, fallbacks, and sweet jQuery
no animation because that was more to type and i'm fn lazy
Can someone please help me with what I believe is a scope issue with my code. A variable I think that should be available to a method seemingly isn't
you could use jquery animate
53 secs ago, by rlemon
no animation because that was more to type and i'm fn lazy
works great for animations if you dont want to use css3
We are discussing this because sourcoder.blogspot.ca/2013/01/…
so yea... I kinda know already about that :P
but thanks ! :)
so I got it adding the shortcut in but it only uses the last created shortcut, because replace isn't destructive, whats the best way to rectify this?
anyways regarding my question, here is the stylesheet Nile rolfvohs.com/css/360player.css
IE code
thats why I was trying to +=
but obviously that was wrong
@James, just ask
> This has to be the biggest annoyance for any room owner or regular. We are on a Question and Answer site; so yea, I'm pretty sure it's ok for you to ask a question here. Keep in mind that asking to ask a question will invoke snarky remarks and will hinder your questions chances of being answered. So once again, just ask your damn question!
@Event_Horizon yea i dunno why it's not working the keys are all there
one sec
I already asked
@Alexander Thanks, sorry will remember in future (and yes I've experienced the snarky comments before but have thick skin!) Q, coming up.
looks like we are in the same boat james
@rlemon replace not destructive
damn if the css room wouldnt be empty every time
replace is not. but! but! but! caching the input outside the loop is
@Event_Horizon see above.
@Demorus using the inspector check the computed styles in both FF and Chrome and see what is different
I did
I just cant figure out what I did wrong my friend.
@Demorus, I don't remember mentioning you :?
@FlorianMargaine If you're like me and like the 80 columns, I found a neat way to balance multiple panes (so you get equal 80-column sized windows)
I have an object and one of the methods for one of the properties returns the following when successful:

` for (var x in response.response[1].term) {
var test = new WinJS.Binding.List(content);

However the new variable `test` isn't recognised when I use try and access it from a different method.
@Demorus, mistaked you with Nile :D
This is the first time trying to explain something like this, sorry if it doesn't make sense :-s I'll try and clarify if you have questions.
!!/tell James google javascript scope
@Alexander mistaked you with Nile
(@FlorianMargaine, continued)
C-x 3 ;or whatever
M-: (set-frame-width (selected-frame) 162)
C-x + ;makes all windows equal width
@James you need to understand javascript lexical scoping/scoping in general.
there is no easy way for me to explain this
however after you understand it you can A) make it a global [bad bad bad] or B) pass the variable to the method [better]
@rlemon Thanks, I'll take a look at those links now. I knew it was to do with scope but was hoping there might be an easy answer since I was getting really frustrated with it not working! Haha, should know by now that you shouldn't take short cuts!
actually ircmaxell has a good video on js scope (easy to understand)
@rlemon Perfect, thanks for the help man, I see why it wasn't working now facepalms self
@rlemon and thank you for making it easy! I was going to google it.
@Event_Horizon np
@James np
damn... I should just buy support.rlemon.com and run a chat there :P
pats self on back some more... maybe tonight I wont fall asleep in a bed of tears and fears
Depressing jokes are depressing :(
Haha, or make everyone create a stack question so you can get rep for it!
meh, tbh I care less and less about rep
I want 10K for the tools but that is about it
!!/learn rlhd "rlemon: Rlemon HelpDesk speaking, how may I direct your question?"
Ahhhh I am so close... Yet so far away... 1st born for help on this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/14151701/…
@Event_Horizon Command rlhd learned
 //try this

love it!
wrapping window.onload=function(){} with jQuery
!!/tell rlemon rlhd+vk1
@Event_Horizon Command rlhd+vk1 does not exist.
my eyes are tired from walking up and down your code staircase. — rlemon 17 secs ago
@DigitalMediaGuy yea, It looks like you're close but tbh I agree with the top answer. You should try to make it a bit more modular and less callback soup
but that is a side comment, not answering anything.
Stupid question: If I have a snippet of js, can I save it as something in Chrome? I have a memory that it can be saved as a bookmark and run by clicking it.
!!/mdn window.localStorage
@JohanLarsson That'd be called a "bookmarklet"
!!/ tell JohanLarsson google bookmarklet
ok, ty ty
ahh 'run by clicking it'
didn't read that
Here is one bookmarklet I developed. It's actually SUPER simple
javascript: < yo codez >
@rlemon And surprisingly useful
@rlemon utility app right there imo :)
or there is userscripts if you want to target domains / urls
userscripts inject js to the page.. so you would need to make your own button on the page.
@SimonSarris helf
@SimonSarris What?
here she is, my book for public preorder
@SimonSarris Awesome!
I am scared :D
I'll be making a bunch of larger announcements tonight
Best of luck!
thanks! these next few months will be difficult
but all the hard parts are done, I think
Fifty Bucks?! no e-copy I can get for like $4.99??
!! what
nice dude
@Loktar Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand what
Im going to buy a copy for sure :P
> This item has not been released yet and is not eligible to be reviewed.
damn, Can't 5 star with a long heart felt story about how this book saved my job, my house, and my marriage...
1st born!
thats really badass though @SimonSarris congrats man
June 6th, Dday
no but seriously.. @SimonSarris will there be a epub copy for sale ever?
I bet itll be on Safaribooksonline.com
@SimonSarris Congrats!
the best service EVA
I prefer ebooks
@rlemon thanks!
if none of you have it, you should really look into it
its $40 a month
whoops meant to @Loktar
and you get access to THOUSANDS of books
:( I'll take the thanks...
look for other unleashed books at safaribooksonline
np, you just have to sign it for me :P
@rlemon there will be a kindle version
ALAS you'll miss the full color pages!
Windows® 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript Unleashed
By: Stephen Walth
(that better be happening)
You've done something few people can
^ thats the first one that comes up
only Kindle? (not to uptodate on how that works)
I have two android devices.
Typo :P
> Simon Sarris has earned a reputation the web's go-to source for reliable HTML5 programming answers.
you can get the kindle app for android and read kindle books
ahh, ok then. I'll be buying it
also the chrome app and read right in your browser
@phenomnomnominal yeah that description needs to be redone badly
/me doesn't buy paper backs if I can help it. Trees, money, space, you know.
Looks good though!
@rlemon thats what Im saying man.. safari books online
$40 == the price one one book a month
and you get access to SO FRIGGIN MANY digitally
Do you really have the time for that, though?
ahh, sorry I misread what you said about it earlier
meh I use it as a resource here and there
if I cant find what I need via a search I go to safari books online
I'd be lying if I said I didn't read it as Hardpoop at first glance
$40/mo or $40/year
like last night I went there for SAT collisions
(still havn't clicked the link)
$40 a month, you can get a coupon code to make it $30 a month for the first year
you might be able to get work to pay for it even
i write it off on my taxes
hrmm good call.
man. I have like 20 programming books... but they are so massive (most of them) that they take up more room than the rest of my books combined.
I sound like a sales man lol but anyone who can afford it, or can get work to pay should get it
they don't fit on shelves properly
it has self help books too
not just tech books
@rlemon yeah I stopped buying actual books.. they take up waay too much room
@Loktar I'm really hoping for Fifty Shades of Pro0n
^ I need that room for pc games
lol even though now I have even more crammed on there and I removed some more books
problem is any books I own are already dated.
they sit on the shelf and do nothing ~2 years after they are written
tech books suck like that
ASP.NET 2.0 --- WOOO i'll be picking that book up again!
Ill actually read @SimonSarris book soonish after release too
yea so will I.. I just was hoping for a ecopy vs paperback :P
yeah, ill let you know if its on safari books
im going to buy a paperback still though as well :P
@SimonSarris also, I've read that the 'writer' stands to make much more money selling ecopies publisher free. (Jeff Atwood blog)
@rlemon that's certainly true, the amount I stand to make on the book is not very large
but I'm more than OK with that
its a foot in the door if anything right?
yea I really don't know much about the publishing industry.. but I can imagine the publishers makes most of the $$$ (on the book sales)
unless you're selling swag (Harry potterish type of fandom) probably not going to be a retirement kinda deal.
^ might be wrong? I read some stuff here and there on it, but all just blogs and magazine articles on publishing.
I once wanted to publish a book, but soon gave up on the idea after reading about it
imagine: write a spider to scrape tweets, language heuristics to put them all together into one coherent story with a plot, character development, etc. but all random tweets. imagine it.
the web is speaking to us.
@rlemon nay I think you're right
also that sounds awesome
I don't know if it will work... but I think it would be cool.
other idea was to have a site that is just an input. You post a 'confession' with your name (made up or real) - that is it.
I organize them and filter out the spam and post them raw
then publish the best of the best in a large book of confessions
there are a few of those
ie postsecret
yea but they are available online
that one sentence story site (forget name)
I want the site to be up for a year then the book to be published after
thats what postsecret does!
really? damn.
I've had this idea since highschool. I call trickery!
someone stole my idea.
clearly we have discovered the author's secret
the tweet idea sounds really cool
yup, this was my idea in 2004 (grade 12)
fancy that he started the site in 04

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