That's the simplest way I could think of when I needed to display code yesterday. It was really late, so I didn't bother looking into the SyntaxHighlighter plugin
All key names are strings; array key names (which, coincidentally, can sometmes also be presented as integers (don't forget you can assign random key=>values to arrays too)) are converted to strings; arr[0] is turned to arr["0"]
@Zirak I've been working with your ideas and trying to set it up in a way that feels more natural. I came up with a really cool template but it had a small drawback.
A few months ago, Opera drafted a spec for a new DSP (Digital Signal Processing) API for JavaScript. This API would enable access to special vector instructions available to modern processors from JavaScript, and could possibly enable speedups of vectorizable JavaScript code. Instead of writing a for-loop to do the same computation to every element in an array in serial, you could call a meth…
var run = function(inherited) {
for (var prop in inherited) {
if (inherited.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof inherited[prop] === "function") {
var display = function(object) {
var object1 = function () {
return {
one = function () { console.log('action1'); },
two = function () { console.log('action2'); },
three = function () { console.log('action3'); }
var object2 = function () {
var inherited = object1();
inherited.two = function () { console.log('actionNOTHING PLAYA!! Action2 got ownt!'); }
you could even make a func
var blah = {};
blah.length = 0;
function addFunc(name, func) {
blah[name] = blah[length] = func;
// doesn't account for duplicate names!
then addFunc('hello', function(){}), addFunc('goodbye', function(){})
etc, would give you blah[0] and blah[1] and blah.length = 2, enough to iterate over them
@Zirak for my taste, that code is freakin' pleasant to look at. But, later objects cant change things and the methods within each object can't depend on one another.
basic functions: playerDiv : attach div to selector that player will load in loadYouTube api //this will trigger the youtube callback to make the player
that's a plugin right there, done.
so I want an option to just do that
then more functions: getFeed //does stuff with caching etc. makeThumbnails
@Zirak my plugin is actually pretty complicated. In my code above, I could get the simple version with display(object1); or the slighly more functional one with display(object2); and so on
Hey all, I was hoping someone in here could help me with a css issue...for some reason this site (when browser window is shrunk) is refusing to have a overflow-x scroll...
To be honest rep is a bit of a sore point. I only hound two tags (canvas and html5) which are ~relatively~ unpopular, so my reputation will never be as great as someone who simply peruses the JavaScript tag and gives offhanded answers to very simple questions
a detailed, analytical answer to a difficult problem in an unpopular tag will see one or zero upvotes compared to a flippant 5-second solution in a popular tag. This can be discouraging, and I'm not really sure if it needs fixing or not, or how it could be done