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posted on November 18, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Aerosols: Airborne particles in Earth's atmosphere More Magnets - Sixty Symbols ScienceCasts: The Diner at the Center of the Galaxy

Q: How can I do text buildouts and other typography animation similar to Apple Keynote in html5?

Vincent WebbI am looking for something where text flys in or fades in one letter at a time. I've seen some basic text animation with jquery, but not a library of effects. Does anyone know if this exists?

Q: iOS 5.1.1 javascript URLs (bookmarklets) not working

user1092719This isn't a question; more of a request. I don't know where else to put it so feel free to move it if it's in the wrong place. No matter what I do I cannot get any javascript URLs or bookmarklets to work in Safari on my iOS 5.1.1 iPhone. Even a simple one like javascript:alert("hello"); will j...

javascript garden is dead =[
1 hour later…
That experiment was a big failure.
I give up on hosting.
What did you try?
Oh the bot?
Heroku and Nodejitsu
No, haven't even started on the bot yet
Nodejitsu was actually really nice. I just hit a wall with one of the third-party guys
2 hours later…
@rlemon Read that while listening to metal. Made it even more hardcore.
lol nice
@rlemon >_>
> So what you want to do in JS is to set up a timer which starts a new thread after a slight delay:

function loop() {
// ...
This way you keep going up and running the loop every millisecond. Get it?
the heck did i read ?
recursion at it's finest worst
that sullies the good name of recursion
I've done worse.
Script that read itself from the filesystem, eval'd, and then edited the source. Yep.
^Intentional, unlike the grep thing
    // some shit
   setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1);
I don't see how someone would come across setTimeout, and not find setInterval?
if you call function.call without an argument, what does this become?
@phenomnomnominal Duuuuuuuuude.....
What! Is the answer that obvious?
It may be because I'm more tired than usual, but that sounded like a stoner programmer question
Haha, no I'm dead serious! Because it it's whatever the current this is, then that's nice, but if it's always the root then that's dumb.
@SomeKittens i doubt thats even recurssio
It's not technically recursion, but it's close.
i don't thing pushing it to event queue and popping the current event out of it
can be recursion
because in recurssion the parent function used to sit and wait
and even big question , is it somehow related to threads even in the wildest dreams ?
I see your bad recursion and i raise you:
function bah() { console.log(this); this.call(this) }
Wow, your recursion killed rlemon.
!!/google recursion
@Zirak, totally using your 'first' function right now
@Sathya Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand live
@Zirak shya
@SomeKittens Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, eval, suckit, echo, learn
!!/tell me your laws
@Sathya Command your does not exist.
!!/tell sathya help
@Sathya The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. There were no survivors, and nobody is brave enough to go to the island to retrieve the footage.
@SomeKittens very nice. By you?
@Sathya No, Zirak's done most of it, but it's been forked by many in this room
good stuff :)
there's also this
Q: FlackBot - Making Conversation in the Chat Rooms

George Edison Screenshot About FlackBot (whose name was inspired by this app) is a chat bot for the Stack Exchange network of chat sites. It currently hangs out in the Sandbox but it it designed for the Ask Ubuntu General Room. It is capable of understanding quite a few commands and those commands resem...

I'll pass on the grats
!!/tell @Sathya suckit
@Sathya you're not winning.
back later. Good to see the bot!
!!/learn whoIsTheBestBot "I AM!"
@phenomnomnominal Command whoisthebestbot learned
!!/learn whois "IP: URL: www.cia.gov "
@SomeKittens Command whois learned
!!/forget whois
@SomeKittens Command whois forgotten.
@SomeKittens Command whois learned
!!/whois zirak
@SomeKittens IP: URL: www.cia.gov
This should be fun tomorrow.
@SomeKittens, dude genetic algorithms are so cool
I'm building one of those for my AI class
Nice, what are you solving?
I'm just working on a library for them
(it's already been solved, just as an exercise)
Oh yeah nice!
I'll probably GitHub it when it's done. Still not sure what language to do it in
@phenomnomnominal JS is good for AI +1
It's either that or Prolog
JS is good for everything :)
do js , i will understand it aswell then (angel)
@phenomnomnominal except for games , open debate
with games i mean games like d3 and so ^^
Very open debate :P
Atwood's law: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.
@SomeKittens so very true
@SomeKittens indeed
Thus, all applications will eventually be written in JavaScript :)
Cole's law: Thinly sliced cabbage
I remember needing to memorize Amdhal's law
I can't wait til my raytracer is the go to javascript ray tracer :P
Most production software bugs are soft: they go away when you look at them.
- Hiesenbugs uncertainity principle
@phenomnomnominal darkyen.webs.com/Raycastv3.html [caster but u know ^^ ]
My favorite is the mad girlfriend bug: You know something's wrong, but the app won't tell you.
Mine is SO much cooler than that one :P
@Abhishek You need to catch my cursor.
@SomeKittens it was made an year ago :-(
dont wanna re-code it ever :D
I just need to get it to an alpha point where I can start letting people use it haha
Ah, understandable
Anyway, I'm tired. Bedtime.
@SomeKittens good night
may zirak cum in ur dreams :D
It takes a COLLADA file distributes it over any number of javascript slaves using FB or Twitter or however (just share a link) and does full photo realistic raytracing

Jason Brown

has earned 2 trophies from PlayStation®Network in "Call of Duty® Black Ops: Declassified"!

Congrats man
correction May @Zirak cum in your dreams.
@phenomnomnominal pull request accepted
Can't wait til Zirak reads that.
where is rlemon and loktar
who scared em away when i was gone >_<
1 hour ago, by SomeKittens
Wow, your recursion killed rlemon.
@SomeKittens It was me :-(
according to ancient astronaut theorists
@AndyPerlitch ?
the guy in that meem is from a show called ancient aliens
check it now ^_^
I did em wrong :-(
should of used label instead :-|
do this work...
@redline huh?
sorry i was just checking if this was actually working, i've never been on stack overflow before
just signed up today and answered some questions
this place is pretty cool, i didn't even realize they had chats on here
!!/tell redline google "You ain't seen the half of it yet!"
@phenomnomnominal Command you ain't seen the half of it yet! does not exist.
!!/tell redline suckit
wtf is going on
!!/tell redline help
@phenomnomnominal Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, eval, suckit, echo, learn, whoisthebestbot, whois
@redline https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
@redline Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, han
there's a jquery command?
are you kidding me?
!!/jquery ajax
Searches the jquery api docs
!!/jquery find
!!/define buttmuncher
that's pretty cool
Could not find definition for buttmuncher. Trying Urban Dictionary
@phenomnomnominal [buttmuncher](http://buttmuncher.urbanup.com/124851) 1. An individual who munches on butts.
2. An annoying person who should eat some ass; dirty, stinky, hairy ass.
!!/spec ===
so i take it this makes it a lot easier to help people with questions
when all this information is so readily available
well, while i am here
if anyone is interested, i've been working on a library recently
What's your library for
and was curious if anyone wanted to check it out
or provide feedback

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