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I'll look, I'm waiting for a genetic algorithm to finish
it's a library for emulating classical inhertiance
awesome, thanks
it will be great to get some feedback, i haven't really gotten too many downloads yet, not sure how to spread the word
Okay, first question, what does it give me that no other library does already
well i am not sure what other libraries give you
but i know it allows you to structure classes in a very neat and efficient manner
and it compliments jQuery very well when you start getting into the utilties that extend jQuery functionality
more neatly and efficiently than CoffeeScript?
can you beat class Horse extends Animal
i'm not really sure, i only know of typescript. i have heard of coffeescript but not actually seen it
yes i can
because just like typescript, defining classes in that manner is counter-productive
using jtypes, how do I extend a class?
and if you read gettingstarted.js, you will see why
var $class = $$('abstract', function() { //constructor }, { //prototype });
how is that better than:
var $derived = $$('sealed', $class, function(){}, {});
class Horse
   constructor: ->
because you are writing your definitions in code
so it can be more dynamic
let me give you a simple example
you want to create an override function, but only in MSIE
how would you go about doing that very easily
when you can't wrap a function definition in a class with an if statement
but defining your classes in raw javascript code gives you dynamics
just like reflection does with C#
with jtypes, its all dynamic
functions like $$.isClass or $$.isSealed
can help you in creating dynamic classes
plus it has added two built-in types to compliment object, "class" and "instance"
so you have $$.isLiteralObject, $$.isClass, and $$.isInstance
keeping everything separated, and classes perform just like normal prototype classes you define in JS
but compiling them and creating the instances give you inheritance
and when you get to the end of gettingstarted.js, you will see how the "property" and "event" keywords give you a lot more flexibility with enumerating, giving a really nice hybrid between classical inheritance and jQuery
okay well for starters, get a github page!
and then if you read extend.js, you will see how this can be plugged into jQuery to provide completely custom class wrappers that pretty much wrap DOM elements with custom functionality using classical inheritance, and then operate on them just like jQuery does in a really cool and efficient way
so you like?
was that convincing?
I can honestly say I'll never use it
well thank you for your honesty
do you see it as a useful tool?
or am i wasting my time?
My opinion? The code looks yuck, all those $$$$$s, having to compile classes isn't very appealing and it feels like you're trying to force JS to be something that it really isn't. But I'm sure there will be people who will love it
well i mean, you need $ for jQuery
and libraries usually start with a $
But you get brownie point for var $marty = new $Zebra();
and instead of like $J or $T i usually see second libraries as $$
i didn't think two was a big deal
It's not a big deal, just a matter of taste!
plus when you type a simple example you see that
let me tell you, typing big classes like i have been for a week
it's much more spaced out
jQuery would look like a bunch of $s too if you had a bunch of functions all scrunched up and not chained
but that's the downfall of simple examples
You have to understand, I've been using CoffeeScript for a year now, and class, extends, super() and @ for scoping is really all the OOP that I've ever needed
i come from a C++/C# background, so i think this is the best thing since sliced bread
cause i love jQuery, but i think combining this with jQuery gives you a hybrid of JS and C# that i absolutely love
Fair enough
to give you a more evolved example
instead of trying to cut to basics, in the end when you create custom classes
you can do this:
@Abhishek, dude looking good! Now make it make the screen dark :P
$('form').findTextboxes('.test').value('something').disabled(true).last().focus(‌​).end().findDatePickers().value(new Date()).minimum(new Date(0))
so after findTextboxes(), value and disabled are custom methods in the textbox class
im not in jquery anymore
Yeah but no one would EVER do that
thats a wrapper class bound to the element
with custom control
then i can pop back out to jquery again
find custom datepickers
disable them or something
so first you query, and then you typecast
which is my experience as an application developer, is extremely useful
it looks ugly now because i wrote it in one sentence
when you type that out nicely using newline chaining and the property indenting, its so organized and simple
@redline remove that before som1 send u a missile
a great way to operate on forms, which is what i spent a majority of my day doing at work
a missile...
@redline, yeah they're pretty anal here about code formatting
surround it in back ticks (`)
@phenomnomnominal codeformatting ?
or press cntrl+k before you send it
are u kidding me that jQuery is madness
Yeah, I'd personally never do that. But to each their own.
Wouldn't want to have to maintain that either
i wont just use it ever like it
i mean for minimum and maximum date we can just use ... html5 native form :-| [ for old browser support too this kinda code is crazy ]
none of the html5 form stuff is fully adopted yet, chrome still hasn't finished putting everything in
and these again are just simple examples
@redline what ?
imagine you work for a bank like me and you can standardize your branch locator
and operate on it
using a hidden form field
Yeah sorry dude, I'm still not convinced of the usecases. But hey, if it makes your job easier go for it
call custom class methods
have the value stored in the hidden field
serialized as whatever you define
@phenomnomnominal its actually unsafe to use that much chaining
you can pretty much attach a custom class to any dom element and make anything a custom form element
because of jQueries awesome silent errors
@Abhishek, yeah for sure
they are overcoming that
MSIE 10 is the first i have seen to give me all the errors
chrome still is silent, but it's not as common as you think
and can easily be circumvented with some basic error handling throughout
and again, when typed line by line, its much neater
well, even if you guys don't like it, can you guys help point me in the right direction to see if other people might like it
im sure i can find two guys in a chatroom that hate jQuery too
so i don't want to give up that easily
but i don't really know much about programming forums or blogs or anything
so i don't really know where to go to get more information out there
Haha sorry dude, I didn't mean to be such a downer!
You will definitely find a lot of people who don't like jQuery
well that makes me feel a lot better
It's a matter of taste, lots of people disagree on how JS should be used etc
The fact of the matter is, JS applications are getting larger, OOP techniques are being used, and people will try a tool to see if it works
i feel this is a lot like jQuery, LINQ in C#, and basic classical inheritance all in one allowing you to provide custom wrapper classes on DOM elements, and all put together that sounds really cool to me
so i'm sure other people with my programming tastes will find it to their linking
but like i said, i have no idea where to go
You can press the "up" key to edit old posts
why do i need to edit my old posts?
So you don't have to do liking*
You can just change the typo, OR THIS
that's pretty sweet AWESOME!
@redline you'll find a lot of people who don't like jquery
thanks florian
@phenomnomnominal classical inheritance sucks
@FlorianMargaine, yeah, I don't think it really belongs in JS
people think they should do it in JS because the new keyword exists
i think its more because of the mentality
you program C++ for years and then get used to overrides and thinking in a class structure
and you want to apply that same thought process to JS
because that's how you think and how you program
and it's a rock solid method, been around forever, and it works
Yeah, but it's not the only method that works.
of course not
should braces go on the same line or the next line?
doesn't matter
it's a VS setting, so it's a personal preference
just like the language you use
but unfortunately, to program the front-end of your website, you are forced to use JS
ultimately its JS
so each "hard" language needs to be represented in it's own way
but you don't have to write the JS
i could also write raw machine code
but what's the point
if something sucks it sucks
raw JS isn't as powerful as the libraries that have evolved it
No, but there is Dart, TypeScript CoffeeScript, and a lot of others
just as the .NET framework makes me a way more powerful and skilled developer than before-hand when i was stuck with Win32
That's a silly thing to say. The libraries are JS
it didn't change the language i was writing
Often libraries are just bloated
and was written in the language i was writting
true, i hate bloated libraries
that's why i trying to keep this simple, its a simple concept, and a very lightweight script
and if i add more, it will always be in pieces, so you can choose what you want
but not as overly-complicated as the jquery UI, that's too many choices
@redline in js, it does matter ;)
i am just lazy and don't want to pick out what i want
    some: 'object'
usually when i get a library, i want to experiment
i want the whole thing
and btw, JS is based on scheme - so scheme organization is usually the best
@redline in JS, there is the ASI (automatic semicolon insertion), so the snippet I just showed will not return the object, but undefined
i am not familar with scheme
that's why braces on the same line or not does matter
are you trying to tell me that
and return {
are different....
console.log(function() {
    return {
console.log(function() {
i just ran both in chrome
the first returns an object, the second returns undefined
in a var x =
with the brace after the equals and on the next line
bonjour :)
it made no difference
@redline ^
salut @mmmshuddup
ok well first off
i never type a plain object on a newline anyway
comment alles vous?
i always encapsulate it with ()
how's it going?
so i would always do
return (
fine, what about you?
@redline that's stupid
fine as well thanks. just trying to wrap up that google maps mess. everything works but the map panning is not as smooth as it was in v2. -.-
but i was referring to if statements actually
for next line
and in the end it doesnt matter
@redline you're just adding characters for no reason
it all gets minified
the minifier removes it
the minified version will add semicolons too, so it does matter :)
so its irrevelant
and its not stupid, because i do it for VS
otherwise it complains
don't use VS then :p
i would never not use VS
its awesome
I never knew console.log() accepted closures :O (lambdas)
@mmmshuddup what?
its just JS
@mmmshuddup it just logs what's returned
but anyway florian thats an interesting little piece of info
@FlorianMargaine like console.log(function() {});
@FlorianMargaine Yeah I figured that, but I just didn't know you could do that. that is neat
but its pretty stupid if you ask me because you natively think that whitespace would be irrelevant in that scenario
poor design
yeah, that's a bad part of JS
this book should be renamed "JavaScript: The Bad Parts", they're all explained
ASI is also in IIRC

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