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Like Arabic. If you hear Arab songs (both old and new), the singers can be good, but the language itself sounds a bit coarse. Hebrew seems to have split into several sub-factions, but mostly left out the heavier sounds.
A: Should we downvote duplicates?

tvanfossonI have several times asked a question that the "similar questions" search did not identify that I later found to be a duplicate of an existing question when someone pointed it out. I think, then, in the general case that a downvote is probably not appropriate because it is entirely possible tha...

@SomeKittens Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, test, learn
I didn't downvote you. I don't downvote dupes personally unless they also show lack of effort. your post showed effort but it is still a dupe (albeit that question I linked only shows a partial answer (like 10 down), but it is a very asked question on the site.
the answer was accepted, but closing it off now as a dupe will keep new dupe answers from cropping up
@rlemon yea. I am just putting this here for those people who assume that they are "supposed" to dv a duplicate
What happened to !!/echo?
I put in the effort to find one. and I did not see that answer...
@SomeKittens It was a /learned command
Sorry, I don't know of any way to globally store them yet, especially since the bot's autonomous
Hmm. I knew you learned it, but I thought you implemented it. Memory, go home, you're drunk
see now you get it!
lol, i'm not gonna search the backlog of them ;P just when they present themselves too me I'll cv them
remember all, close !== delete. The question / answer are still visible to all. just closed.
@rlemon Holy fuck I just realized what you wrote there
yea, I already got an idea for how it could look, just @ work right now
when I get home I'll tickle my keyboard until it laughs so hard it pees out awesome.
@rlemon I'm going to forget I ever read that
@SomeKittens you know that won't happen easily.
...wut. 9GAG was funded by YCombinator.
Q: Animations on hyperlink click

fefewould be possible the following animation with jquery: I have a list and each list contains 3 hyperlink and each contains a background image defined by css. If I would click on the second what is practically stays in middle on both of the sides the hyperlink should toggle out and the clicked shou...

The state of the internet today is a sad one indeed
A: In chat, what is the difference between "hide posts" and "ignore this user"

rlemon"Hide posts" just hides them for that 'session' (i.e. you refresh and they are back!) "Ignore this user everywhere" is persistent a crossed rooms / sessions.

Yes, but "show posts" seems to undo the ignoring! — amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM A 39 secs ago
Just cuz.
Because if you want to see their posts, you stop ignoring them?
See revised answer — rlemon 5 secs ago
Did gh-pages go down?
Hide/Show === session of the chat, I ignore you, see people are chatting with you, 'show posts' to have things make sense. but tomorrow when I join the chat you are still ignored. see the power in that?
@AmaanCheval status.github.com
(wtf brain?)
@rlemon I see
If you just uploaded it, it may take a while to come up
Am I the only one who gets a 404?
Nope. I haven't changed a thing in a day
It worked like 5 minutes ago, and when I refreshed I got a 404
huh, weird
@Zirak ha
(Nothing pushed to the repo)
@AmaanCheval just re-push. I have also noticed this with GH-pages. occasionally (idk why) my pages needed "re-building".
Ah. Quite odd
See if there's an issue about it?
Yeah, I'll look tomorrow. And I'll try the getting zombie.js to work again
!!/todo add "Zombie.js" "Procedural hill graphics" "Rebuild github page"
@AmaanCheval Item(s) added.
Here's a petition (with a bunch of signatures) to allow the state of Canada to withdraw from the United States: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/peacefully-grant-state-canada-withdraw-united-states-america-and-create-its-own-new-government/rGN3YkRS #um
@AmaanCheval (1)Zombie.js, (2)Procedural hill graphics, (3)Rebuild github page
wow. have you looked at the source for that?
The petition?
yeah, whitehouse.gov 's source.
@AmaanCheval um... is this for real
And I'm on my phone now
@rlemon People are pretty stupid :p
I sometimes don't know how to comprehend you, @AmaanCheval
I just don't know how
I can't look at it now either because I'm online using my phone
@AmaanCheval view-source:url still works on Chrome mobile.
Oh, neat. Didn't know that
Off to bed. Bye!
@AmaanCheval I got a notification you commented on this
@AmaanCheval lol, epic trollz
Which is strange given the lack of you there
@Zirak I did, but it wouldn't get posted!
I'll try asking them
Asked if you were high when typing the code :p
Maybe. I ate some cake earlier. Maybe my dog sneaked in and made it a hash-cake?
You're still eating cake? You'll get fat, Zirak!
I'm one of those annoying people who can't get fat. Trust me, I'm on the pitiful side of skinny, and I've been churning unhealthy stuff for my entire life.
Do you like it that way?
The fact that I can eat all the tasty things I like without getting fat? You have 1 guess
Hahaha, of course you like that
Curse you, @Zirak ;-)
<--- totally got fat (but am now getting skinnier)
@AmaanCheval bah, I don't know how to word the github help request thingy. I'll just leave it at "mystery"
was unhealthily skinny (like 3% body fat) until two years ago, high carb beer + sitting on your ass. I'm a healthy 10% now and 60lbs heavier. My liver hates me btw.
!!/convert list
@Zirak C, F, K, m, f, km, mm, i, d, r, g, lb
!!/convert 60lb
@Zirak 27215.52g
say wat?
you don't have Kg in there
facepalm moved the dot 1 place sooner. Thought that was 272kg...
60lbs == 27.2155Kgs
Now, gaining 272kg is a feat.
I'm a whopping 170lbs now
Looks like a good place for an internship. Too bad it's in CA :/
I was (before) 24y/o, standing 5"8(almost 5"9) and weighted only 112lbs
!!/convert 170lb
@Zirak 77110.64g
!!/convert 170lbs
@AmaanCheval Confuse converter with lbs, receive error message
Yeah, that's a nice weight. I'm a shrunken person now, weigh about 53kg...
My goal is about 190.
How tall are you?
I think that's about right.
I'm 63 kgs
5'10" -ish
12 feet high
I'm the Rocket in Team Rocket
!!/convert 63000g
@AmaanCheval 138.6lb
I'll throw in kg (and lbs)
Do you guys ever upvote just to even things out? Like, if an answer got an incorrect downvote, do you upvote it?
sometimes... if I care enough.
I have
I usually do
What should be the default? Grams or kilograms?
I wish I were a mod and could just bin all of the "Here is the code dump, Here is what I want it to do. It doesn't do that. HALP!"
kg is more common
which is basically saying, "Hey I just met you, My code is crazy, I don't understand it, Fix it i'm lazy!"
@Zirak 100+g in kg, 0.049kg in grams
ohh idk, do significant digits.
no more than two or switch
I like that. DO IT NOW.
Yeah, that'd be cool
Is @RyanKinal horny? :p
you're winking a lot :p
woa woa wait a minute here...... I had a good idea?
So anything that can be represented in kg will be?
if the kg is < 0.1kg show it in g
i.e. never let it got to two decimals
@AmaanCheval Sorry. Just spent a weekend with many beautiful women in my arms.
because to anyone from outside the USA - what makes more sense to you. 450grams or .45kg
@Ryan I thought you were married
(Actually, I usually use winking to signify a jovial, joking voice)
@AmaanCheval LAWL NO
also, wink all you want :p
I use winking to show that it's a playful response.
But even if I were married, I would still have spent the weekend with many beautiful women in my arms.
or to break the tension
Ryan sucks..... ;) ;)
They both make equal sense to me. But it starts to lose it after ten-thousands of grams. But that's just me.
@Zirak you could just make a default, then allow a third param for the convert to
/convert 450g kg
Hmmm... an answer that links w3schools AND uses !important...
or /conevrt 450g lb
@RyanKinal LINK!
I kinda like the "converter grabs all units it can", and the smart resolution is a kinky idea
Or maybe not?
Maybe a precision thing? Or...something?
A: How can you reset CSS headings to the default sizes?

Josh RProbably the easiest way to have the heading font-size be set back to default is to remove the font-size declaration from the h2 element you already have, so instead of: h2 { font-size: 16px; margin: 1em 0 0.5em; } you will just have h2 { margin: 1em 0 0.5em; } You will also wan...

I can see you have put some effort into this answer, So I wont do my usual "OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" response, However I feel you should know that w3schools is a horrible resource (google can tell you why) and if you personally use it, you should stop and use MDN or other, just not w3schools. My second complaint is the use of !important, if you are using this to mute other rules then you have done something wrong. There are very few legitimate use cases for !important, and it should be viewed as akin to using eval in JavaSript. - My two cents. — rlemon 10 secs ago
I saw that :-)
I would need more than the comments allow to fully explain what is wrong with using !important.
so if he retorts with "what is so bad about it", I'll just have to link an article.
Why do my jsfiddles never work on the acrtual page??
beer!/convert 170lb
@Zirak 77.1106kg
beer!/convert 1lb
@Zirak 453.592g
Because you are programming by coincidence
beer!/convert 10000f
beer!/convert 1f
@Zirak 3.048km
@Zirak 0.3048m
Oh crap I don't allow decimals
Oh yes I do! pats self on head
beer!/convert 0.05f
@Zirak 0.0152m
It should arrive at mm any time now...
beer!/convert 0.005f
@Zirak Confuse converter with 5, receive error message
@Zirak 0.0015m
@Josiah Look through the code and you'll probably find control characters that are zero-width spaces
@Zirak 1.524mm
do you get errors like ILLEGAL TOKEN?
I already killed the zero space characters...
I think it's a coding error. I'm new at this.
beer!/convert list
@Zirak C, F, K, m, f, km, mm, i, d, r, g, lb, kg, lbs
Does anyone see a reason this wouldn't work on an actual page?? jsfiddle.net/MKcse/23
Just for good measure:
beer!/convert 170lbs
@Zirak 77.1106kg
@JosiahSouth Guess: You're relying on the fact that jsfiddle automagically wraps your code in window.onload
I included jquery on the page also...
So you get "wtf these elements don't exist" errors on your page
window.onload = togg1() omit the parens
@Zirak has a good guess.
And hit the "tidy up" button. It'll look sooo much better.
Yeah I need to space better haha
@rlemon Pushed changes, refresh if you wanna test the awesomeness
I omitted the parens. Still nothing. The page is acting like jquery doesn't exist. I can't even run ` $('#mONE').slideToggle();` from the web console.
But jquery shows up in the resources tab... So it must be there?
Is this the WebKit console messing with jQuery devs? :D
On my other pages where I use .toggle() and .hide() and such it lets me run them through the web console on safari. Won't work on firefox either on this page...
Q: PHP equivalent to Javascript "with" scope statement

Allyson de PaulaPorting some code from Javascript i'm having this incovenience. For example: In javascript we can produce this code. var a, x, y; var r = 10; with (Math) { a = PI * r * r; x = r * cos(PI); y = r * sin(PI / 2); } Instead a = Math.PI * r * r; x = r * Math.cos(Math.PI); y = r * Math.sin(M...

Any ideas??
why hate on with
You should probably show us the pages
c# and java have full-on implicit with everywhere
[16:31:20.153] TypeError: $("#mONE") is null
they even have optional this
goes to sleep before he can help
Night! :p
Just messing around right now. So ignore sloppiness on the page. whatzup.com/testing
I didn't design this either lol this dunce chick did. That's why 90% of it is a mess.
@Josiah First check if the element has the same ID, then check if the call is being made after the DOM has loaded, and then check if jQuery has loaded
How do I check if jquery has loaded?
!!/tell @JosiahSouth google How do I check if jquery has loaded?
In the web console `jQuery
function (a, b) {return new p.fn.init(a,b,c);}`
What does $ look like?
Because it looks to me like you're loading MooTools as well... which could clobber $
function (B, C) {if(B&&B.$family&&B.uid){return B;}var A=$type(B);
You're right!!
But I use MooTools for jdgallery, the slideshow. Can't do both?
So, replace $ with jQuery, and you're gold
Just swap every $ in my code for jQuery?
lol, as if jQuery didn't have a million slide show plugins
just get rid of mootools and use a jquery plugin
^ that works too
Haha yeah, I'll do it tomorrow. Got till 5 to clock out and wouldn't get it finished.
Thanks guys!!
I'm out... later folks
@JosiahSouth did anyone touch on the fact that you are passing in the "function results" and not the function itself as an argument
$('#mTWO').slideToggle(togg2(), togg3());
27 mins ago, by Zirak
window.onload = togg1() omit the parens
yea on that, not on the fn passing as arguments
@rlemon What?
I hate it when I'm 90% done writing a blog and realize just how bad it is.
function foo() {
     return "bar";

console.log(foo); // see the difference
I basically invented code reviews.
jsfiddle.net/kendfrey/wJ2qt I'm enumerating a sparse array. Criticize me.
@KendallFrey your stupid
Criticism .... check.
I meant the code.
now, does your array actually contain only those three values?
What do you mean?
var foo = [];
foo[45] = null;
f00[46] = null;
console.log(foo.length); // 47
@KendallFrey Just...why?
Sparse arrays are objects, you know
var foo = {"46":null, "45": null};
I'm not worried about length.
Even better. Plain objects are probably better than the sparse-arrays you can create
@SomeKittens That happens to me for most things I write. I edit and rewrite and then decide it isn't really important
use objects not arrays is what I'm trying to point out
@Zirak Objects use strings as keys. I should be doing math on strings?
caveats for using this structure with Arrays is not always apparent.
Array keys are stored internally as strings as well
Of course. Arrays are objects with some sugar.
They also allow integer keys.
in JS EVERYTHING is an object.
Ze console has trolled me :(
Q: HTML5 point and click adventure game code structure with CreateJS

user1612686I'm a programming beginner. I made a tiny one scene point and click adventure game to try to understand simple game logic and came up with this: CreateJS features prototypes for creating bitmap images, sprites and sounds objects. I create them and define their properties in a corresponding funct...

It does in fact return "42", "43", "45"
Object.keys( [0, 1] ) for a nice surprise
Dang. So if I'm not using any array-specific functionality, it won't make one lick of difference to use objects?
So I'll use objects.
If you want integer keys, convert them into integers when you use them
ok, brain, I know the body tells you it's sick and shit. But dude, seriously. The stupid mistakes have to stop. Right now it's innocent typos and <input></textarea>, but get a hold of your shit man.
You sick? Got diarrhea?
Okay, that was lame.
So does anyone have any good suggestions for sites that list web development jobs?
hmm why are people using sql for denormalized schemas, what is the point when you can just use nosql for that and it will most likely perform much better
it's killign me
Q: What is the most performant CSS property for transitioning an element?

Ian KucaI'm wondering whether there is a performance difference between using different CSS properties to translate an element. Some properties fit different situations differently. You can translate an element with following properties: transform, top/left/right/bottom and margin-top/left/right/bottom ...

@Zirak, OK I'm home. Let me get a glass of wine and get creative.
posted on November 19, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Op-ed: Encryption, not restriction, is the key to safe cloud computing Are Dust Devils Whirling Around the Curiosity Rover? Interactive Robot Animal Speaks: Electric Giraffe

Q: Help w/ iPad 1 performance for tile-based DOM Javascript game

butr0sI've made a 2D tile-based game with DOM/Javascript. For each level, the map data is loaded and parsed, then lots of tiles ( elements) are drawn onto a larger "map" element. The map is inside of a container that hides overflow, so I can move the map element around by positioning it absolutely. Wor...

Q: Stackoverflow Sentiment Search Engine

user14356Sentiment analysis... Generally speaking, sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to a topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document. The attitude may be his or her judgment or evaluation affective state (that is to say, the emotional stat...

!!/tell rad YCJIA
@phenomnomnominal Command ycjia does not exist.
@phenomnomnominal Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, stop, resources, learn
@phenomnomnominal whats that?
Chat bot
!!/tell @rad help
I see
hows Monday treating everyone? :)
It's Tuesday here, I live in the future

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