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Q: How do I keep co-worker from writing horrible code?

Drew HI can handle the for in.. without the hasOwnProperty filtering. I can handle the blatant disregard for the libraries I've used in the past and just using something else. I can even handle the functions with 25 parameters. But I can't handle this. var trips = new Array(); var flights = new Array...

@Vinay looks like your missing a $
and isn't .text a function not a property
and your missing a )
ffs did you even open the programming book? or did you just smash your face into the keyboard.
if ($(".cross-reference-question-value").text() == "") {
    } else {
@user1509326 thankyou! someone who makes a main site post then drops a link! awesome, I will def look (not promising I can answer)
thank u very much @rlemon
@Vinay Please Please Please read some docs.
yeah i will
thanks for your suggestion. I deffo do it
here start with these.

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 at 13:40 by rlemon

then read the jQuery API documentation
again thanks
@user1509326 I looked... no clue
@rlemon thank you anyways. do you know of any way to stream it to a video tag ?
i just need to stream my webcam so that i can grab it from any other computer or even my phone.
Q: Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

SMiLEWhat is the fastest way to stream live video using JavaScript? Is WebSockets over TCP a fast enough protocol to stream a video of, say, 30fps?

there are many node.js + websocket projects doing this
search google
and github
What is the best way to check if an object variable exists?
I keep failing my if != and !==null logic
What's an "object variable"
Or, in other words, an example if you may
I'm not sure what to call it. The value is stored at response[0].thing
and it is a string
If an empty string is invalid, as well as any other falsy value, then simply if (response[0].thing) { ... }
response is an array (right?) of objects with several saved things, but there is a function (index, value) {blah;} that is using $.each to go through them
I have no idea what you're doing (guessing xhrs), but the response is formatted as you said it will be. Just pass it into an if statement as-is
I'm not entirely sure as I'm new to javascript proper. I've been doing minor jquery and ajax and some coffeescripting, but very little real js before now
ajax is xhrs?
XHR (XMLHttpRequest) is the real thing, which people usually confuse for ajax
And you can't really use jquery/cfs without doing js. So I suggest you learn some of it before continuing
<--reading the XHR wiki atm. I've done XHR before, but it seems like (until now) the js I've needed to know was so spread apart that none of it stuck
Learned to love the chrome debugger last week
response is an array, 0 is an object in the array, thing is a hash (?) in the array where thing: "some value"
and if(response[0].thing) returns:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'thing' of undefined
because thing isn't always populated or set
That means response[0] isn't defined
"Cannot read property 'thing' of undefined"
right, so I need to skip over that segment or it trips the file and ends it prematurely
Not sure what to google on how to do that
Now that probably has nothing to do with the js side. Log response, see what it actually is, and then go from there
ok. I'll poke at it and try to step through
Thanks for the help

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