Windows 8 game development is designed mainly for C++ (which I don't know), but can be done in JS (which I do know). Is it worth it to learn C++ or should I continue with JS?
that actually makes it impossible to analyze how smart someone is, based on what they're saying, for the fact that a lot of people don't know what they're saying.
check the link... it could mean either twice a month... or once every two months... now that would be confusing... especially if you're boss asked you "Would you like to be paid bimonthly?"
I'm submiting form with submit button inside of it and if form is invalid I get another button in form section, but this is simple button(not submit), so by clicking it I wan't to send ajaxForm. Here would be my code Could anyone take a look and tell me, what might be the reason, that it doesn't work with first click on simple button? I see received json only after second click on simple button.
Your best bet is to send data with the event. It is also more robust, as you have more control. Selectors might not be pretty, but the data are.
$('tag.class').trigger('myevent', ['some', 'param']);
$(document).on('myevent', function(param1, param2) {
console.log(param1); // "some"
i am working on a feedback form in which user has to answers question asked in form. and he can't refresh and close the form before saving data but if user do that i want all the form data to be saved in database till that time.
so for that i am using pagebeforeload event. and using jquery ajax ...
hi, i got this json like string: a:3:{s:5:"label";s:37:"!/treehousetruck";s:8:"protocol";s:5:"https";s:3:"url";s:29:"!/treehousetruck";} any idea on the format?
While writing the wiki- voice module i am quite done with the natural language thing and it can form out the pattern it needs to find in the article
what i am worried is that an article is huge and simple traversing of article to find the matching pattern is crazy and stupid
instead i was trying to create a network , like human brain
so here is what i am trying to attain at the moment
there will be two parts of response engines first that works on "instinct" that has programmed functions to execute information out of the article for instance "Who is / what is / when did" queries
and a far deep full article traversing for non-instinct... dunno how to make it learn in the second case
I have a simple WebGL canvas, where I'm attempting to render a texture on a square. When working with textures as local files, all is fine. But when I try to load a texture from the web, I get a black canvas.
Please see this fiddle for a demo. I have made the shaders and JavaScript very simple.
maybe since JavaScript is dynamic i should make it to create methods itself and reg-exps and then mantain a small db of how efficient and correct a method is depending on users Yes or No , would that make sense ?
Backpropagation is a common method of training artificial neural networks so as to minimize the objective function. Arthur E. Bryson and Yu-Chi Ho described it as a multi-stage dynamic system optimization method in 1969. It wasn't until 1974 and later, when applied in the context of neural networks and through the work of Paul Werbos, David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams, that it gained recognition, and it led to a “renaissance” in the field of artificial neural network research.
It is a supervised learning method, and is a generalization of the delta rule. It ...
i am working on a feedback form in which user has to answers question asked in form. and he can't refresh and close the form before saving data but if user do that i want all the form data to be saved in database till that time.
so for that i am using pagebeforeload event. and using jquery ajax ...
I'm binding a handler to the keyup event of all input,textareas in a document
$(document).on('keyup','input,textarea',$.debounce(600, editor.handleGlobalChange));
I don't want the handler to fire on a specific input field. So I want to unbind the keyup event.
It's not that the question doesn't show enough effort. It's that the questioner hasn't shown enough effort. As the comments mention, it could have been easily answered with a Google search.
Although, I suppose having this knowledge on SO isn't a bad thing.
As the mobile-app market is growing, developers struggle to support the maximum possible number of platforms, OSes and CPUs, both for what concerns desktop and mobile systems. Coding in a portable way is of course still valid for the core functionalities of an application, but there are completel...
I know this is a stupid easy question but its driving me crazy for 2 days , can some one tell me why this is not selecting the text box?
> not constructive : As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, see the FAQ for guidance.
Job title : FRONT END DEVELOPER Job Description: Strong knowledge of C#, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft ASP.NET platform, Visual Studio, Internet technologies, HTML, XML as well as security techniques and web server familiarity.
@dievardump - i've have people call me , my resume is all c# .net sql some jquery and javascript , and say , I have a senior level java developer - you use java right ?