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@FlorianMargaine OMG the jQuery answer
because they're the ones talking to the client
@dievardump 6 upvotes...
@FlorianMargaine seems it's what we learn in France, "you have to educate the PMs"
well, hopefully I'll become a PM and be educated.
meeeeeh na
Don't become a PM, become an Expert
why? I want to do project management :(
more salary
Expert do project Management. But as Expert they are more trusted than literal "PM"
hm, no
at my company, PM do PM. Experts are there for technical decisions and stuff
but only the PM talks with the client
Hum, not everywhere. There is the PM who talk with the Client, and the "Expert/Technical director" who manage projects on the technical Side and sometimes talk with the client when it come to tell them "huuum, nah, FU" in the good maner
not here
the client is in Paris, we're in Grenoble, so only the PM goes up to Paris to talk with the client
The PM is the "Expert"'s Client.
and btw
only one interlocutor for the client === win.
(You can manage a project and be a PM without directly talking to the final client)
how come .class input[type=text] has more specificity than .class .class2?!
I thought classes had more specificity than elements
but maybe the [type=text] changes that :/
input[type=text] is for me more specific than a class
you know, the pc is as smart as its owner.
It's not my PC who decide that.
It's Google Algorithms
on MY Google account, w3schools.com is blocked.
HEy guys
My effing windows just get out itself from the "standby" (not sure of the word)
Q: I want the station name to be changed when user clicks play button

benlevywebdesignI have the fiddle all ready to go I just need help with the jquery/javascript part. What I want is to have the record name/station title change when the user clicks on the play button they find on hovering over the album cover. I also want the record/vinyl in the "player" box to start spinning. R...

That's really anoying.
yeah that is
I was not talking about your probem ^^'
I know
your problem
I'm sorry but for your question, I think you won't have any answer.
There is some chance it will be closed
Because you ask for code, you didn't even provide any JavaScript
that blog is ugly as sin
Are they Serious? It's MONTHS that the news is known.
At the beginning, IE10 wasn't meant to support flash at all.
@dievardump I don't try to hide it. I just hope he never comes into the chat. I don't want him reading the shit I write
I will kinda miss Flash, but flash is more suited for TV anyway. So-- no great loss
flash is more suited for .... 1998
Well, it's used for most modern cartoons, that's what I suppose Adobe should focus on. As a web thing, it's kinda clunky and..old
haha someone just answerd my question and told me I got my id's and classes mixed up and then gave me an answer that didn't work lol
@rlemon Flash website, not Flash.
Flash is not meant to do website, at the beginning.
Yeah, basically. PPG, MLP, and now well Simpsons is Harmony pro I think, but that's in a vector based format that can export SWF, so basically flash-
Probably most disney and CN stuff
oh flash
how I loathe you
I don't like flash. I was a Shockwave kinda guy
unless it was Swish.... my text never looked more bauce.
I kind of disliked anything that required me to install a plugin, but I never worked with web flash or shockwave
hah yeah swish
I remember using that as well
When it comes to "Develop Animations", Flash is not bad.
Interactive Animations? Flash is good.
It runs fast, even on mobile devices.
yea so does unity
being its own app it gets those perf benefits
JS is coming along though, at a pretty fast pace
in 2009 barely anyone knew wtf canvas was
look at it know :P
@Loktar I'd like to see a Unity game on my Android 2.2
@dievardump zombieville usa.
I prefer flash on tv, without newgrounds style tweening
in 2009 I was so far removed from programming it's a wonder I have caught up to the point I have.
those are 2 great android unity games
^ works on 2.0.1 and up
and is a Unity game :P
but that's native
? its done in unity
I can not even install it ^^'
wonder why not
works on my droidx even
I don't have space to :p
ahh ok
(and it should work in the browser. That's what made Flash what it is right now)
So, flash as an app or utility outside animation isn't dying?
I don't think so.
posted on October 11, 2012

OK, there’s a budding consensus on how position: fixed should work on mobile. Android WebKit and Chrome both do it, and in iOS6 Safari has dropped the weird iOS5 stuff and moved to a sensible solution. Instead of explaining it in words, here’s a video. HTC One X, Android 4.0.3, Android WebKit default browser. Problem As you see the fixed layer is fixed relative to the v

@rlemon I've only started developing for real since a year or so
Hi can anyone help me on twitter bootstrap?
@sharkbait Don't ping people to ask them if they can help you :p.
Just say what your problem is
If someone can and want help, they will.
the same someone just updated an answer to my question and told me I got my id's and classes mixed up and then gave me an answer that didn't work lol and there help still was bad
@dievardump That's good, would be sad if it just vanished.
Air is still used too.
This is my problem stackoverflow.com/questions/12841374/… I don't know if there's a way to condense or in such way slide up and down a table
Flash will be around for a while Im sure, but its disappearing at a pretty fast rate
@FlorianMargaine me was year and a bit
Like this conversation.
Hum no
I've only started making something past month, before then only messing around in C# as a kid
Of course, this is the only time I've felt like "I want this to exist" so that's some motivation I never had before
@Vivix seems a bit late to be getting into Flash
what in particular are you doing in it?
Oh not flash, JS
ahh ok
well with all tech you have to assume it will be gone one day
even good ol JS
plugin free multi user canvas, tablet(not the computer kind) friendly
yeah, probably~
@rlemon yeah I mean it would be pretty crazy if it happened
but when I see the writing on the wall Ill jump
thats like saying we will one day replace c
Maybe in 80 years
everyones trying to replace JS already
MS, Google
and how far are they getting :P
Thing is, often you can't really replace something that works on a basic level
only one I worry about is MS
with typescript, although typescript isn't bad
(it's 11am... I'm here since 9am... And I just opened my SublimeText...)
yea well MS is a turd
I worry more in the corporate area
@dievardump I opened VS - haven't done anything in it
I could see a lot of people using typescript on enterprise apps..
yea. that will be unfortunate
@rlemon but you can switch to the view if needed
I couldn't.
@rlemon TypeScript is not that bad. There is good and Bad in it
yeah, at least its not a js replacement
just a superset of JS
but it's like all startups to date using CoffeeScript and other FizzBuzzFooBarHelloHipster crap libraries and templating engines.
@dievardump no it's not. it's actually looks to be quite promising.
"look how hip we are!"
at least they didn't retard the syntax like CS
"we threw all of our ruby code in the trash!"
I remember when Ruby was the hip thing
now it seems Node is
although I like node :P
I like node, but I don't know how to actually use it
I have to learn though, for a good multiuser experience-
Texture Poem
disagree ^
^ disregard your disagreement
tis the only reason I have not learned python yet...
sucks because I hear such great things about Python
I've never really seen it myself outside of Linux, and I haven't used that for... around ten years
I've never really done webstuff though, and I hear it's popular for backend?
popular / powerful
and man you need to get your linux on
get it on hard!
Ii proobably should~
The last I remember is KDE Mandrake and Redhat
I suggest Ubuntu or Arch.
I hear everyone is using Ubuntu now?
I'm not using Ubuntu
Ubuntu is nice - however tonnes of people RAGE on Unity DE
css question
how would you align the textfields? jsfiddle.net/Ralt/Y5zDV
You could use a table
@rlemon you don't have to use it...
@FlorianMargaine i know
@PeterOlson and besides blaspheming?
I use a list usually.
keeps them looking nice generally
Are you wanting it vertically aligned or howizontally aligned?
or I just float the label/inputs
so many ways!
but yeah I hate form styling
You could give them absolute positioning!
@Loktar I did. now i'm beginning to love it
I like doing cool stuff with them lately
like the state one I did for retroships
Actually, position: absolute; bottom: 0; isn't a bad idea. Give the divs position: relative and some padding on the bottom, and you should be golden.
I want them displayed like that jsfiddle.net/Ralt/Y5zDV/2
those are radio buttons
@RyanKinal it's a very simple example though. I have way more forms on multiple lines to get
that last jsfiddle looks very wonky on chrome- hm
Same in IE9, the second one is alittle bit lower
yeah, you get the idea
can someone tell me why this is happening ? I want a href to open in a new tab/window , so I add the attribute target="_blank" now what happens is it opens the new link in that tab , then opens a new tab and displays the page that the link was clicked on (the first page) , why is it re-rendering the first page in a new tab? shouldn't it open the new tab for the link ?
good on Opera
Does the href link to the page you're already on?
no , i links to a new page , that new page gets rendered in current tab , then the new tab renders the first page again , its weird , its happening in chrome and FF
I am adding the target attribue dynamically in js if that makes a difference
I'm working on someone else's javascript when my background is in PHP. Is there a way to find out what variables(?) are available to a method (method.variables) in a console log?
Actually, forget it. I know nothing. What is a good online resource?
@FlorianMargaine jsfiddle.net/Y5zDV/6 doesn't work for you?
idk what you guys are doing I just felt like writing this
It's so beautiful
isn't it
labels inline with their inputs with no additional HTML
aroused me
idk about you guys
Meh. It's basically the same as styling a <dl>
:before, :after, :content arouse me lately
@RyanKinal I love throwing that out to people who claim to be "html experts"
I think this is the most beautiful thing I have ever designed: jsfiddle.net/vAMdH/3
content: attr(data-foo); is actually the sexiest thing I've seen from CSS in ages
im like oh sweet so whats the markup for a definition list?
@rlemon yeah, that's pretty awesome
@Loktar Hah, nice
I hate when people just write off HTML like its so easy..
@PeterOlson MY EYES
"yeah I know html whatever" - says the secretary.
@RyanKinal looks good
@Loktar no bitch you know tables and headers
lol exactly
and you probably don't know what <thead> or <tbody> are
I can honestly say I don't know HTML, I can do the basics though
I find what trips most people up is the fact that some elements simply can't contain other elements.
HTML is my favorite programming language
<a href="foo"><p>NOT VALID</p></a>
I figured I'd wait with reading up fully on html until my basic... functions and workings were down
<a href="foo"><p>NOT VALID</p><p>REALLY NOT VALID</p></a>
ow man
IE8 doesn't support nth-child() in css :/
yeah.. my coworker didn't know what block level meant :?
use div and ul/li everywhere without knowing if there's another way If there are better ways, I will read about them soon-
I was like ughhhhghhh.
> IE8 doesn't support nth-child() in css :/
Ryan Kinal's example worked on all my browser though
yeah itll work.
its just not correct
@RyanKinal nah, the box model is ok in IE8
never put block level elements inside of inline elements.
Well, I don't have ie8 to test on- but it looked correct on ie9
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I know. I just enjoy hyperbole.
@Vivix That's the thing. Browsers are veeeeery forgiving of bad markup. They have to be.
If they weren't... wed have higher caliber front end devs :P
I did notice they tend to have different slacks- in opera all my css changes in js worked, but in none of the other browsers, turns out I needed to write .style.cssText for maximum compability
Sometimes, the slack is really confusing when you don't know what you're doing wrong
PLS HELP FOR BELOW URL QUEShttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/12842533/form-submit-when-selecting-drop-down-menu-after-submit-i-redirect-to-same-page-i
Plz gimmeh teh codez!
I wonder who's gonna die most Flash because of whitelisting, WebGL since it's not supported at all or Metro?
do event.mousemove go through layers? Like z-index?
Example: if two divs are plased on top of eachother, and the one below has an event listener, will it register when you click on the one above? Or, rather, should it? Because that's what seemingly happening to me-
it shouldn't
okay- then I need to rethink this, because I have to be messing it up somewhere- I'll jsfiddle it
Why does my Firebug console doesn't work anymore?
Does the new Developer tools override it?
Oh effing god yes
jsfiddle.net/2nQuz s shows the sizebar, click and drag should be the method (this is-- pretty comfy for pens) but it only drags downards if I hit within the red, and it will not drag upwards unless I do it very fast. It's as if it triggers again when I hit the red
Very pasted and a bit modded to fit in jsFiddle
can I do this way padding:5px inherit 1px 3px;
so it would take the right padding from parent
@dievardump Ouvre un bug stp.
" Open a bug pls "
@Abhishek delete
I thought it was a password
(which is not, but a message id)
Sorry ^^'
rest parameters are supported
so are proxies
What are proxies?
I should have read up on them by now -.-
@AmaanCheval slap
can I do this way padding:5px inherit 1px 3px;
so it would take the right padding from parent
That's crazy how many people "steal" even tweets.
@dievardump they will steal everything and anything .just to look intelligent and cool.
Some idiots will RT anything.
I think it's his less retweeted tweet.
Maybe they are less idiots than he thought :o
Hum nope, it's not the less retweeted one
sad dievardump is sadder than sad lemon
@dievardump who's this guy? he's got over 3M followers...
Ricky Gervais!
It's Ricky Gervais
He's a comedian
And productor

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