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Any good jpeg optimizer ?
in javascript?
no optimizer tool
@ErikReppen do you mean that the inside Iframe should change its Father Url by adding #doFunc ?
to the father iframe ?
to the father Url sorry
I like trimage personally, which is a gui wrapper for a bunch of other optimisers, then
@dievardump margaine.com/Snake not working perfectly :p
I mean window.resize = checkIFrameURLForMessageandFireAppropriateFunction;
@Zirak yeah, but this switch does more than just mapping
@FlorianMargaine your "unit" are maybe too long
too long?
what do you mean?
@RoyiNamir ^ where checkIFrame... is a handler function defined in both the iFrame and the parent document. Again, this is ONLY necessary if they don't have the same domain.
At the beginning, your snake must be at least 2 units long. And when you turn, you have to turn "unit by unit"
Here, when you turn, your entire snake turn.
@ErikReppen (Sorry for keep asking) but let me see If I understand you : the Iframe "B" wants to send a message to its father "A"...... so "B" change its own url and appends www.B.com#activateFatherFuncwith_1 and then I should activate the window resize event....right
Yes and then www.A, the parent doc would check the URL and if it had logic handling #activateFatherFunc... etc. it would fire the function.
Otherwise the iframe and the parent document are completely blind to each other's contents when they have different domains. So you'd need a script in both to handle the messages.
@dievardump yep, I'm playing with "old direction" now in the switch
because when you go top, it depends if you were going left or right if I have to change startX or endX
@RoyiNamir But if the iframe and the parent document are in www.A there's no point because they can access each other's contents.
I have to implement the shifting :/
@FlorianMargaine how is it not ?
It's a pretty cool trick if you're still supporting IE7 or lower and can at least set a script in the other domain.
@Abhishek try going top bottom right left etc
and besides i kinda dislike the method you are using ( probably no geting it) why not just mantain a shift & pop ?
shift the next position
and pop the last
then render :?
I'm just trying to maintain a 2 dimensional array of the canvas
oops now i get what u are saying
@ErikReppen I know I can caccess if its in the same domain ( or sub somain by document.XXX - I dont remember now). So after the B Iframe changed its own url and activated the window.resize event , the Father must register this function and each time he should check ITS CHILD IFRAME URL....right ?
a position is several things: beginning and ending of the snake, but also the shifts it's taking
got it ^_^
I can't just shift and pop
Yes, you check for messages on every window.resize.
well you can if u think different
explain then :p
but its your choice and now i get it :D , cool trick
Here u go

Have the snake as an array of objects like

to calculate
it's not :/
@ErikReppen Thanks.
the new position
what you can do is just take the first element of the array and then add / substract depending on your
You might want to throttle repeated firings of the function with a setTimeout in case the user decides to go crazy and change the window size back and forth.
snakes dir
and then shift it in front
I see what you mean
@ErikReppen why did you say that they both have to have the same script ?
oooh right
they both should have SRC to the same SCRIPT ?
yep good idea
thanks :-) , made snake on c 2 years ago .. this was the bad rememberance (xD)
@RoyiNamir They mention a jquery plugin that handles IE<=7 using that technique for postmessage here:
@RoyiNamir They can't access each other's functions so both iframe and parent need JavaScript that responds to message changes if you want 2-way communication.
Or it could just be one-way and only the iframe sends messages but you could communicate from parent to iframe and iframe to parent.
@ErikReppen I want only child to parent
@RoyiNamir how can an only child do the parenting!
I would have two 2DArrays.
One filled with the snake units x/y, one with the canvas direction change.
When a Snake unit touch a DirectionChange array cell, you change the unit direction.
No need to old or new direction after that. Only one current direction.
@RoyiNamir Then the child tells the parent to do things by changing it's hashtag message and firing window.resize. The parent listens for window.resize and fires functions if it sees the right message in the hashtag. But you do need cooperating scripts on both sides.
@dievardump actually, I prefer abhishek's idea
@ErikReppen the Parent just register to the resize event and check its child SRC url for #xxxxx , and the Iframe just run the resize event ( and change its URL by adding to itself #xxxxxx) right ?
@FlorianMargaine Totally agree.
It's effing clever ^^'
Awake. arise.
Eat. work. sh*t. sleep.
Awake. arise
long day at work again... meh
Kevin Montrose on August 21, 2012

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@FlorianMargaine it's effing clever AND you only need to redraw two cells of your canvas. The last one and the new one unshifted.
yep indeed
@RoyiNamir Yes, you've got it.
@ErikReppen Thanks a lot man.
@Esailija Thank you for helping
@dievardump but I'll try by just drawing everything at first :p
@Abhishek That's 24 mins.
I am not doing that to myself.
i just linked u ^_^ ur wish if u wanna :#
Nice thing about having a C/C++ dev with an interest in JS in the room is all the stuff we never think to use like push/pop, which is probably also stupid-efficient since that's something that can boil straight down to assembly I would think.
i have been listening to him for past hour
@ErikReppen eh ?
haha, i love browsing through old code-snippets
@Abhishek eh? on the assembly thing? I might be talking out of my ass but I thought you could handle stacks in assembly.
@ErikReppen why even do that ?
I'm an idiot
@SomeKittens no you are not
I found a GitHub repo in my Dropbox
Okay i change my words
You wouldn't. The native methods we're referencing and the compilers that built them would.
@ErikReppen :-)
i miss vectors :$
lol @SomeKittens
Hey y'all Is there anyway I could compare array's of two input value
People use vectors in canvas heavily.
not those vectors
C++ vector
Or do you mean some language construct.. .right NM
js arrays behave a bit like em though but the internals are pretty different :D
Hey y'all Is there anyway I could compare array's of two input value
@Abhishek This is coming from you going through V8, isn't it?
How do they vary in usage? The reference offset thing?
@Amaan bulls eye
the place where you see just one data type ( top class ) the data all data types are derived from that class
perfect @Abhishek margaine.com/Snake
thanks ;)
np ^_^
it still bugs :$
flush your cache maybe
my stupid cache :D
you know how github pages is...
@FlorianMargaine Looks good! :D
yay thanks
@FlorianMargaine here is a small suggestion
if ( moving_left && right_pressed || moving_right && left_pressed){
/* dont do nothing */
same with up and down
if its moving up and i accidently press down it kills me :-(
that's the point
you're losing if you do that :)
oh 3:
@Abhishek It's a classic snake game. People used to write those in basic all the time. Turning back on itself kills it.
hmm :$
Dealing with outsourced code:
u guys give me so many ideas
sadly when i cant code em (XD)
@ErikReppen , @FlorianMargaine if either of you want how about a html snake :$
snake is a <ul>
all its fragments are <li>
don't wanna
DOM is slow :p
DOM is faster then canvas a lot of times :$
depends on the use though
@FlorianMargaine You use left / right and top / bottom. I think up / down would be more suitable
I chose that according to css rules
@Abhishek How about an animated sprite sliding around in a div background from back when I was learning JQuery?

@ErikReppen its cool!
I'm sure there's a lot of shame and horror in that JS though. That's from like three years ago.
@Abhishek Yeah I had to relearn trigonometry for that to get the facings right. :)
I feel creepy usign that
@ErikReppen my first html5 game :$ 1.4 year ago
i am still proud but now when i read the code i can laugh :$
My first game was Break Out
Yeah, I only edited the sprite. Found it on some random forum and I couldn't find the artist to give him credit.
@ErikReppen hehe
my gun is from counter strike 1.6 :$
@Amaan fun game
@FlorianMargaine It didn't even occur to me to cache my JQ selections back then.
Idea wasn't mine
Matt's ?
@ErikReppen hahaha
@Abhishek I don't use GIT much. How do you get to implementation on the web? Or do I just download and use locally.
Na, just saw it as an iPhone game
Thought I'd try making it using JS
@ErikReppen it's not so bad though
there is one
@Abhishek Y U ALERT
@Amaan cause that was my first js project!
alert is fun!
only knew canvas is like lower level graphics on C++
alert was the first dialog i found -.-
@Abhishek That looks better than I remembered :D
Good job, man
Thanks :-)
erikreppen.com/experiments/game_sprites/index.htm @ErikReppen get the css-skeleton source code form me someday when i am on windows
@FlorianMargaine But yours is still in progress
wont work on a machine less then an i5 or i7 with a decent graphic card
but u can combine em both :$
And alerts are okay if they don't force you to switch tabs
well, I guess.
For your game, we're in the game's tab
For his, it's onload
a snake is better with more thickness
@FlorianMargaine and a nice lil texture :$
and shadow :$
and a tongue :$
@Abhishek Sounds interesting.
oh and i forgot fangs ?
@Amaan hey
yeah yeah, I'll maybe do that later
for now I'll just add the food
and the collision engine
@ErikReppen well not that intresting its like a .obj file getting rendered as 3d graphics via divs
using css 3 transforms
and transitions to animate :-/ , yeah seriously i went that crazy
and then realized oh hey we got webGL
@Amaan come
where is
@DariushJafari You're kind of creepy.
Come where?
ok yes @Amaan
there goes that joke
damn ...
@FlorianMargaine I need your brainz!
whats shakin
@OctavianDamiean ?!
A conceptual question. When writing a Node.js module containing a binary, what goes in the main.js file?
depends on how you want your module to be used
and you don't need a main.js file either
var lib = require( 'lib' );
// how you want lib to be used
you export whatever object you want
if you want a function so that people want to instantiate you usually do:

function Lib() {}
// some code
module.exports = Lib;
@FlorianMargaine Interesting. For some reason npm doesn't want to install my binary in to the npm_dir/.bin directory.
Nah, it should be a command line tool.
or if you want an object ready-made, you use:

function Lib() {}
module.exports = new Lib();
@rlemon Where did you get this photo of me when I'm drunk ?
did you specify the bin correctly in the package.json file?
@dievardump I'm the one who ate your right hand
That's the odd part.
How, I see.
It is supposed to work but it just doesn't. :(
You know it still hurts ?
how did you try to "install" it?
Let me try something else.
also, is there more than one binary?
are you using npm link?
@OctavianDamiean most important question ^
answer looks like "no" :p
Oh boy ...
in your module, do sudo npm link
Yea, thanks a bunch mate. :D
then try using the CLI, it should be globally installed
feels like a bloody newb
if you want to locally install it in some project, use npm link moduleName
but be at the same path as if you were using npm install moduleName
like, don't go in the node_modules folder and try to npm link moduleName
I did. It doesn't work.
and of course
npm link is just a symlink
so when you edit the files in your module, the changes are immediately reflected to the global instance
(since the global instance is just linking to your module)
Yea, thanks. :)
I wish that part would be better documented.
yeah... so did I.
oh hey, good idea for a blog post!
in french though :D
stackoverflow.com/questions/12078198/… this one is questionable. the question is bad. so i'm voting to close. however it could be saved.
@FlorianMargaine Oh NOOOOOOO!!!!
hey, I have my audience!
oh hey, I earned 104 rep today.
been a long time.
!!/stat rlemon
@rlemon Command stats does not exist. Did you mean: stat
@rlemon no method found with this name
@rlemon Florian Margaine has 7154 reputation, earned 104 rep today, asked 17 questions, gave 373 answers, for a q:a ratio of 17:373.
17/373. Very useful ratio
but well, we already talked about this.
@rlemon rlemon has 5944 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 318 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:318.
wow, that's a lot of questions :p
yea, taught myself modern js with only 71 questions :P
!!/stat zirak
prior to being on here I hadn't coded a lick of web specific code since 2005/06
@SomeKittens Zirak has 3287 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 16 questions, gave 144 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:9.
(@rlemon if it has spaces in it, surround with quotes. anyway, I have to switch partitions, so the bot will be on in ~2 minutes)
!!/stat Neal
what is !!/ ?
!!/stat Neal
oh boy
!!/stat dievardump
!!/stat jimmy
@SimonSarris goto github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot
1 min ago, by Zirak
(@rlemon if it has spaces in it, surround with quotes. anyway, I have to switch partitions, so the bot will be on in ~2 minutes)
!!/stat 561731
Awww it's been 2 minutes
actually, there was a ~
so it's NOT 2 minutes
no it's an approximation, however rounding out like 5 minutes now it was a bad one
which would be 11111101 (or 253) minutes
!!/stat 561731
You'll have to wait a while
and that's only if he's using 8 bit
huh?? I know what you are trying at ... but ...
The tilde (, ; ˜ or ~ ) is a grapheme with several uses. The name of the character comes from Portuguese and Spanish, from the Latin ' meaning "title" or "superscription", though the term "tilde" has evolved and now has a different meaning in linguistics. It was originally written over a letter as a mark of abbreviation, but has since acquired a number of other uses as a diacritic mark or a character in its own right. These are encoded in Unicode at and , and there are additional similar characters for different roles. In lexicography, the latter kind of tilde and the swung dash () a...
gotta rock the common uses here
@rlemon I'm fully aware of that
I was trying to be funny
now you've ruined all of my hopes and dreams! runs away sobbing
ew bots in chat
boo and hiss
!!/tell "Simon Sarris" No! I am alive!
You don't have to pass the data around. You could clean this up more by doing this $('a').click(DisplayFullDescription);, remove the fullText param and in the function $(this).data('fulltext') will work now. — rlemon 12 secs ago
@Loktar margaine.com/Snake @Abhishek gave me a better idea than yours :p
having an array of the positions of the snake, and just shift/push in this array, then draw the whole array
so a sep array for the snake?
yeah, but it has only position objects in it
so you just loop through this array and draw immediately
... thats what I was saying :P
except I guess I was saying an array for the map
thought you meant an array for the whole canvas
and you just loop through that and draw anything thats not the bg
well I didnt mean per pixel or anything like that
yep, but that's a pain to calculate the next frame
kind of like tetris I guess.
the board is an array
and the pieces are little arrays
with this "position array" you just shift/push to get the next frame
that can rotate ect.
yeah, and that's a pain to manipulate :p
bah, now I need to write one this afternoon
yeah i wanna see
I want to see how feasible what I was thinking is
yep I don't think you're seeing everything
I already feel thankful for writing such well organized code
changing something is so easy :D
(don't look at the bundle.js file, it's generated according to these files github.com/Ralt/Snake/tree/gh-pages/js)
So, what is the advantage of model-view binding in an HTML templating system in something MVVM-ish vs. a more traditional approach using IDs classes or data-attributes as hooks to a client-side app architecture that's more exclusively defined in the JS. The 'hook' approach seems lighter/more decoupled to me. I would think you could still 'mutate' the relevant attributes without causing trouble for designers.
@ErikReppen I don't see what you mean with your second approach as it can be in the first :/
@SomeKittens eh? dv-pls doesnt exist....
Okay, so it's more of an (IMO) messy thing the popular libraries seem to favor than a required characteristic of the MVVM approach.

Holy crap, another Reppen on Stack.

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