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@SomeKittens, so this showEditor might give me a clue where the code lies on the server?
@dievardump can I see the latest again?
thank the lord work is paying my phone bill from last month (while in the US)
@fn24 Is that the function that's called when "Edit page" is clicked?
$600 phone bill :/
wow, how?
lol data roaming was 1cent a KB
calls are like 73 cents / minute
and text messages are 25 cents outgoing
@SomeKittens I genuinely dont know. I inspected it with firebug. My task is to find and edit html a little on the page that loads when "Edit page" is clicked.
what do you think of this comparitvely?

.pop .anim {
animation-duration: .85s;
animation-timing-function: ease-out;
@fn24 Ah. Well then. If you're incompetent enough not to understand what onClick means, then this guy should be able to help you.
I didn't think of playing with the timing function... completely forgot that.
Thanks I updated with that.
@Esailija Hi:-)
Question please.
in what scenarius should I use "</scr" + "ipt>";
I mean dividing the script string
I prefer "<\/script>"
You cannot have </script> inside a <script> tag in any case.
I dont see any usage for it.
anytime you have script element in html and don't mean to close it
So you somehow need to escape it so it's not a literal </script>
<script>alert('hello</script>');</script> results in ');</script> being outside of the script tag
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var a = "<script>alert('hello');<\/script>";
imagine if I took the \ away...
it would break the script tag
what to you mean break the script ?
this script will never run since its a string
@RoyiNamir <script>document.write("<script>yaddayaddayadda<\/script>");</script>
@SimonSarris congrats! :D
@GNi33 thanks :D
@RoyiNamir the containing script tag
would be broken
if you literally write </script> (doesn't matter where), then it will break the containing script tag
<script type="text/javascript" id="containing-script-tag">
var a = "</script>";
try that and see it will not work
it will be seen as
@Esailija ohh
<script type="text/javascript" id="containing-script-tag">
var a = "</script>
I see
the rest becomes normal html
@Esailija but if I don't have any further js , I can write it as normal ....right ?
what do you mean
there is no javascript that would be valid with </script>
considering that it breaks the script tag containing the script, ending it prematurely
@Esailija Ok So why did I seen In our code something like this :

`var ScriptSTR = "<script type='text/javascript' id='SCR_PassportCard_aff_1'>";
ScriptSTR += "var s_PC_s = document.getElementById('SCR_PassportCard_aff_1');";
ScriptSTR += "var pc_s = document.createElement('script');";
ScriptSTR += "pc_s.type = 'text/javascript';";
ScriptSTR += "pc_s.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') ";
ScriptSTR += "+'www.passportcard.co.il/DC_Distributers/Code/Distributers/Affilate.js'";
@Esailija ahhh
Now I see
so it doesn't break the containing script tag
cause the line ScriptSTR += "</scr" + "ipt>"; will break the main script tag
That code gave me cancer
right ?
@SomeKittens I didnt write it.
it would break it if it was </script>
@RoyiNamir dude. just do <\/script>
you can simply write <\/script>
@RoyiNamir Do you have the ability to fix it? Do so.
nice trick
or you can use this \x3C\x2F\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x3E
I know this obsfcure
I like it too.
@rlemon here is the online ver javascriptobfuscator.com/Default.aspx
obvious trolls should be obvious
@rlemon Dont understand your last sentence.
*I don't
@Esailija Does openning many Iframe one by one ( creating Js elements of Iframe) - is running simultanously ? or one by one ? does the browser opens a thread for each creation of Iframe ?
no all frames run in same thread
you can use web workers
that obsfucator sucks :?
throw it in beautifier and it instantly converts it.
Ive asked this question yesterday ( about Iframe proxying) stackoverflow.com/questions/12057735/…
and got no answer
after reading this interesting article : pipwerks.com/2008/11/30/…
In all case, obfuscator sucks.
Ah, time for a Coding Horror binge
@RoyiNamir that article is useless since he has control over the 3rd party domain
he might as well used the cross-origin iframe communication
@Esailija what are we discussing ?
@Esailija I have 2 domains which I own ( and they're not sub domained)
I just want A.com to communicate ( js func's) with B.com
use the .postMessage API
this probably wasn't available in 2008
yeah but there are many ie7 users
I know the alternative ( signal R , html 5 send messgage)
but still I would like to know if thats possible
well the iframe is in same domain
so why not
just do top.func()
@RoyiNamir You can send messages by adding '#<message>' to the url of a nested iFrame and then signaling the parent document with window.resize
@Esailija Thats the question. the little inside iframe can recognize by top the topest iframe ???
and what about parent.parent ?
yes, top is reference to topmost window
That's the older-school way to pass messages in IE6 and IE7
^ but not necessary if both are in the same domain.
@ErikReppen nice . its like a page anchor (href)
@ErikReppen Will parent.parent.myFunc() will work ?
@Esailija Will parent.parent.myFunc() will work ?
sorry for double mesaaage It was by mistake
No, you can only signal across domains and only if you have scripts in both domains set up to do the listening. But again, if you have a shared domain, use the top. stuff
I doubt so. why would you care about parent.parent anyway
@Esailija Just expant by 0.001 the knowledge
Morning all
@ErikReppen but what about if I dont want the top domain ?
T - > A -> B->A
the last A should talk to the first A
not T
I'm talking about one document with a nested iframe from another domain. Both main doc and iframe can edit the URL of the iframe and trigger a window.resize event.
> function javascript:DisplayFullDescription
top.func() works fine
@Esailija if the last A will write top.func() it will think T has it
but only the first A has it
Don't attempt what I'm describing if your iframe is in the same domain. Listen to Esailija in that case.
Im just asking guys to learn from your experience.
parent.parent.func() works too
at least in chrome
@Esailija great. now I dont have to use TOP.
it's shorter to write
p.s. , I didnt understand the window.resize event stuff ?
!@Esailija the postmessage api looks good
@RoyiNamir bind it and
then resize your browser
without css 3 media queries its the best method to implement responsive web-design
@RoyiNamir Don't worry about it. It only matters if www.domainA.com wants to communicate with www.domainB.com in a nested iframe by putting messages in the hash tag of the nested iframe.
I have a touch event question
But mostly, if you can avoid it, don't nest iframes in iframes in iframes. That's just horrifying.
or I have an any JS event question, really
Is it possible to create a function that fires an event handler for, say touchdown or mousedown?
@ErikReppen but how Iframe B will activate its Father JS function ?
They would have to have a shared script that fires functions when the right message is passed in the URL and window.resize is fired.
@SimonSarris Not sure what you mean. You want to fire the event? The handler is the function you pass to addEventListener
Or $('#someDiv').click(handlerFunction); in JQ-ese
@ErikReppen I want to fire the event with an artifical mousedown
I want a click to occur, maybe with an event I saved previously, but not with my actual mouse
!!/mdn document.createEvent
!!/mdn event.initEvent
@Zirak https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/document/createEvent
@Zirak https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/event/initEvent
@Loktar you often get this kind of stuff? :> margaine.com/Snake (try going top, bottom, left etc)
ah dispatchEvent may be what I need
@ErikReppen what so special about the window.resize ?
is it affected by changing URL ?
@SimonSarris be careful, a click event on a link won't make you go to the link though
@SimonSarris Elements also have a click method.
oh @SimonSarris you made me want to make a canvas game btw ;> but having some difficulties :D margaine.com/Snake
@FlorianMargaine I can help you later tonight if you please
I'll see if I need help, that'd be a pleasure yeah
I'm having some difficulties, that's nice :3
!!/todo add "Fix /mdn DOM"
@Zirak Item(s) added.
ooh I know where it's wrong
@FlorianMargaine where at >
@Zirak Why do you write 90% of your comments with !!/
this switch is tricky
I'm updating the startX/endX and startY/endY values to correctly map the array
but it's somehow wrong
@AndréSilva eh?
need to spend some time on it
@RoyiNamir It's a shared event both the iframe and the parent document will hear.
It's a way of signaling to check for a new message without changing anything.
@FlorianMargaine what difficulties ?
@FlorianMargaine protip: When you have a switch statement, you usually have a map.
@Zirak Like you wrote on comment 5040629 and such..
@SimonSarris I'm having a hard time finding browser support for initEvent. I don't think it's brand new but I doubt it works in old IE and maybe not IE8
Going to check it out.
@SimonSarris Forgot that I had IE8 up. It's present in IE8

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