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it's get lol
!!/help get
@Purmou get: No info is available
@rlemon Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand help
@rlemon Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, beautify, hang, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo
!!/todo add "learn SO-Chatbot's get command"
@Purmou Item(s) added.
!!/todo get
@Purmou (1)learn SO-Chatbot's get command
he hasn't committed his latest code :/
anyways i'm out
later dawg
I'm trying out canvas, but not getting something
the original point should change and the length of the line should remain the same
but the starting point remains...
I'm using this.pos.x and this.pos.y that I'm updating right after, so it should change
and debugging, it does change
it looks like the canvas isn't redrawn everytime I'm running the draw function :/
oh well, I'll see that tomorrow
1 hour later…
@FlorianMargaine it's not cleared each time, no. you need to use something like ctx.clearRect(left, top, width, height); each frame. it shouldn't flicker, though -- most if not all browsers i've seen do some kind of buffering thing
alternatively you could erase the parts that need undrawing, but that seems like it'd be more work -- and more error prone
3 hours later…
@Esailija do you know why jQuery selectors won't work like CSS selectors
what do you mean
they even have extensions to css selectors..
like i cannot use .somediv ul li
I need to .somediv > ul > li
$( ".somediv ul li" ) will work just fine
find all lis that have ul ancestor, that have ancestor with class somediv
hmm ok...
why is that wrong
$(".tags ul li").css({
	background-color: 'red'
howdy all
syntax error
did you not read your console?
BC Script Handler encountered an error SyntaxError: Unexpected token -
That is something I cannot understand
yes, it is indeed unexpected token
should it be backgroundColor
object literal keys cannot have dashes if you don't quote them
it can be backgroundColor or "background-color" or 'background-color'
quite stupid
i think jquery should accept -
well, you can't make a variable named var hello-word
ok stop there
this is javascript, not jQuery
jQuery does not change syntax, semantics or grammar of javascript
it's a library
it's just pre-made javascript code
then javascript should allow -
it's a normal symbol
well yes but consider
there is no way for the parser know if you meant
If I say var foo = new String("") inside a function, will it be local or global?
obj.background - color
or obj.background-color
but another issue . I would like to verkkokauppa.com/fi/catalog/29b/Kovalevyt .tags ul have columns, that every li element should have its own line
Eli siis miinusviivaa ei voi käyttää nimissä koska sillon se on kaksiselitteinen
and then columns
ei voi tietää tarkottaako nimeä vai miinustaako kaks muuttujaa
aa okei...
it will be local
okie ty
@Esailija I figured out the column problem my self
$(".tags ul").css({
	'-webkit-column-count': '6'

$(".tags ul li").css({
	display: 'block',
	float: 'none'
but is there way that it would automatically decide, is there needed to have columns?
well with code that calculates it
if($("tags ul li").length > 8){
why is that wrong then
missing .
ah ok.
why this wont do same for both
$(".tags ul").$(".tags").css
jQuery objects don't have a method called $
ok . so is there any recommended way to apply same css for many elements
in this case you could just use the css selector $( ".tags ul, .tags" )
ah ok. but is there selector which would apply elements with class tags brands
have both them classes
I cv'd but why is it not constructive
@Esailija Do you know how can I remove all classes from the element, and then add new class using jquery
@Purmou ok.
@Esailija , because i was aiming at "not a real question" , but failed
@tereško: that isn't not constructive
the only part that needs to be removed is "recommend the best one."
otherwise, comparison questions are just fine...
no shopping questions are not fine
this is good example of shark vs gorilla
Jeff Atwood on August 15, 2011

Who would win in a fight between a Gorilla and a Shark?

OK, maybe you’re thinking that’s a ridiculous question. Perhaps it is. But various forms of this question get asked all the time. Consider this now-ancient Stack Overflow question titled Python v. Perl:

Okay, so I’m finally making the jump into scripting languages and I have decided to focus on either Python or Perl. The problem is: I don’t know which to cut my teeth on.

Most of my programming experience is in C, Java, and C++. There’s no specific task I would be learning Python/Perl for, other that possibly applying it to my dev work to make life easier in general. …

the example he quotes is exactly like that question
@Purmou , do you really believe that the "recommend me the best one" is not the most important part of the question ?
the rest is just a filler to make it look legitimate
i'm not familiar with emberjs, angularjs, or knockout
but i'm sure there are similar parts of each framework
which it make it worthwhile to identify the core differences
which is what that question asks for
plus the user's recommendation, which makes it subjective.
if that last part were removed, it would seem that it's legitimate
it's textbook shopping question
why can't people see these
it's sad to see people are actually encouraging this
i don't see what's completely wrong with "what are the similarities and differences between x and y?"
as long as it does not become subjective (the only issue is that it's almost likely it will), then there is nothing wrong
it can help people make the choice when they know all the differences so that they can pick the one which best fits their needs
that's a legitimate coding question if I ever saw one
I don't see any source code in the question or the answers
i didn't mean coding in terms of a technical issue
but coding as the practice of it
and picking a framework is a subset of the practice of coding
if you want i'll say programming
please read the blog post to see why these are bad
it's not gorilla vs shark
it's monkey vs chimpanzee
they're not separate ends of a spectrum, they obviously share many components
"Difference between PHP and JavaScript" is gorilla vs. shark
"Difference between jQuery and MooTools" is not
the question linked is a lot closer to the latter than it is to the former
that's not the point, the point is that shopping questions are off topic
because they diminish the quality and usefulness of the site
"software tools commonly used by programmers"
straight from the damned FAQ
"practical, answerable problems that are unique to the programming profession"
@Esailija do you know a good yellow color ,which would be good for highlighting some parts
@Olli you really need to go to UX
or Graphic Design
i dont know them
but what you recommend
javascript programmers aren't necessarily the best designers :P
hi to all
i am using jquery ui sortable
i want brower window to scroll with elements when i sort them
but it's not working please help me out
@Esailija: "[I]f your motivation is “I would like others to explain ______ to me”, then you are probably OK."
@Esailija @tereško can you please help me out
How could I select 3rd element #statusLight from the page
with jqueyr
@Olli You shouldn't have more than one element with the same id.
@Purmou , what you are saying that just because you re-word "what i better: mootools or jquery" it would make it an acceptable question
@Purmou sorry, I meant .statusLight
@tereško: no, not "what is better." "what are the differences between..."
@Olli: $(".statusLight:eq(3)") or $(".statusLight").eq(3)
yes .. as i said: re-word
no, rewording it would be "which should i use?"
i'm changing the question actually being asked
help me please
... while keeping the same goal and leaving all the same flame-war hazards
<span original-title="Tuote saatavilla Jätkäsaaren myymälästä." class="statusLight">Tuote saatavilla Jätkäsaaren myymälästä. </span>Jätkäsaari, Helsinki<span> 5 kpl</span>
how could I select the text Jätkäsaari, Helsinki ?
the answer is completely useless and predicted
since it's actually not inside any span
"you need to try them to get a feel"
wow lol
@Amaan can you help me out
the goal of "what is better" to get someone to pick something out for you
the goal of "what are the differences between" is to get a better understanding of each framework so that you can pick it for yourself
and there is no issue in answers being predictable--that's the case with a lot of code-based questions/answers
@rahul With what?
i cannot believe that you are so naive
@Amaan i am using jquery ui sortable
i want brower window to scroll with elements when i sort them
but it's not working please help me out
and for reference, there isn't a single comparison of all three of those frameworks elsewhere
anyone could help me?
there's emberjs vs knockoutjs
but not one including all three of them
so it's a viable reference
maybe it's predictable for you, but others aren't as arrogant and educated as you
which is why they come to SO in the first place
how is three-way flamewar better then two-way ?
there is no flame-war there, stop using the term
@Amaan got my question
the question was answered and accepted
they should go to discussion forums which are full of this useless crap
again, useless to you, maybe
not to others
@Purmou , read the description of what "not constructive" means .. PELASE
only because you said PELASE
@rahul I'm busy now, maybe later
> As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, see the FAQ for guidance.
answers to that question would use facts and specific expertise
it hasn't solicited debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion
so i see no reason for it to be closed as not constructive when it fits perfectly within the guidelines of being constructive
How to Read data from a file link
> this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.
I tried jQuery AJAX
@tereško: it has not done any of those and likely will not.
and I also tried jQuery.get('file.txt', function(data) {
//process text file line by line
why the fuck i am even wasting my time on this
that's your problem
tl;dr i'm not CVing
plz tell me
why do people think that they are the center of world ?
@DextOr get rid of the # in $('#div')
@tereško I certainly don't
yeah ... that's why you thought it was all important for us to know that you wont be closing the question ... because it really matters
you asked us to CV it
that was my short response to it
I was simply letting you know in simple terms that I won't be doing what you asked
and if anyone thinks they're the center of the world, it's the ones who think they should close a question as "not constructive" because the answer to it is oh-so-predictable to them and because it somehow compares sharks to gorillas to mangos.
predictable, as in, it was predicted the answer would be bunch of horseshit mainly amounting to "it depends on your personal and subjective needs"
but it also brought forth the differences between each, didn't it?
that was the pertinent information in the answer
like i said, it would be much better if both the part asking for the recommendation in the question and the part saying it depends on the needs were removed
i said that from the start ;)
so i think it would be more worthwhile to ask for the posters to remove them so that the question may end up more fitting for the site
the entire point of the question is to compare them as "rivals"
yes, he used that word
if he wants the comparison to choose one, so be it
no I mean you cannot edit it because the OP explicitly wanted it to be a gorilla vs shark question
but i'm editing it right now
that's what the point of the edit system is--to fix questions that are otherwise unfit
in this case, there is minimal fixing to be done
i don't see why you guys are so quick to CV when it is possible to salvage this post (even though it didn't really need much salvaging to begin with)
removing the sentence about recommending doesn't change anything
it sure does
@purmou whether we can take the click event for the canvas image?.If so pls send the code for the same
it makes it a little more objective
@purmou canvas Html5
@Ritesh I'm not familiar at all with canvas, sorry =/
comparin frameworks as rivals is never objective
forget the "rivals" portion
it is otherwise a good question, isn't it?
but that's the reason he is asking the question, because he couldn't find anything where they are "compared as rivals"
his personal reason is beyond the point--if there is no other comparison of the three online, wouldn't it be useful to have one?
if we remove his personal need for it, it becomes a very useful question since it compares three similar frameworks
laying out the differences with respect to just each other is something there would be a need for for whatever reason
Q: HTML5 canvas click event

RichadCI made an array of squares ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; for(x=0;x<=25;x++){ for(y=0;y<=25;y++){ ctx.fillRect(x, y, 20, 20); } } and I want a square to change its colour when clicked. How can I do that? I don't know much HTML5 and need some help. Thanks.

that's actually a pretty specific question
"which has better performance?"
literally "which is faster?"
which can be answered with facts and references
but, of course, depending on what is being done in each framework
that's the reason for jsperf.com
Yeah, as if you could just plug those frameworks in jsperf and get any useful results
that doesn't mean their performance can't be weighed against each other with factual evidence
well it objectively cannot
even the answer says so
it's basically saying "this is stupid question and can't be answered, gtfo"
he goes for a long essay trying to explain it so it really sinks in
morning guys
GM My mates
morning abh
Hello all
@ilis Hello 2 u
@AndersMetnik sup?
@Abhishek Not much, you?
@AndersMetnik waking up
and trying ot sit

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