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yeah could do that too I suppose
tons of ways to do it
dunno yet how I'll handle collision, I'll see :p
yeah for the array approach youd just check the next position in the map array
if its anything other than 0 its a collision
wouldn't be so hard with another array actually
@FlorianMargaine why exactly?
separation of concerns
mainly for code organization
hm, i still don't see why
seperate the modules, but after that, write into one main-array before it get's drawn
I can have one object for the snake, one object for the food, and another handling collisions
see the array only as the represantation of data
.... trying to hold back not writing a snake game
isnt there a site that records your coding?
it's my first canvas game :p
like it records what you've typed
oh @FlorianMargaine yeah I just realized ive never done one
I used to play it in qbasic a lot though!
wait for me to finish it otherwise I'm gonna be ashamed :D
Q: Using JQuery to check for Rel Attribute of Image before Overriding It

JK ThngMy Wordpress theme (when enabled) overrides the rel value of the link of all images with rel="lightbox" using the following code: http://pastebin.com/Bsh739QY How can I edit the JQuery to check for the rel value first? If the rel value is already set to "lightbox[xyz123]" or "lightbox[xyz-123|a...

ah yeah I was actually thinking more along the lines of tron
like maybe 2 snakes
an AI and the player
I wont though! lol
just in the mood for a small experimental proj
and now i want to continue writing my little canvas-library. but i'm at work.... thank you guys ;)
well, the library is actually not the real thing i wanna write, but i wanted the game to be modular anyhow, so why not
Do Discs of Tron. There was an arcade game I only saw in one place.
that looks a bit complex
Huh. I guess it was more common than I thought.
I really want to do 5x games in canvas for mobile. But the "research" is way too distracting.
oh god
there was a tron game i played ages ago
where you could play against each other on one pc, driving around with these bikes
dammit, i can't find this game anymore, might as well just write it myself
@GNi33 thats what I was talking about
yep, like it, but way older
Google had an AI competition for it too
Like '80s ages ago or '90s ages ago?
i remember playing it on DOS
what's the fastest way to create a 2 dimensional arrays with 0 on 300x300 columns?
doing 2 nested for loops works, but seems "old"
the bikes would have rockets, that you could fire in a 5 or 10second interval to blast small "holes" into the surrounding wall and the walls that other bikes would leave
not like armagetron, where the walls dissapear after a while, they would stay
that's a string
Yeah, just realized that
Yeah but split/join is the right direction I think.
But yeah, you could only get string 0 that way I guess.
Q: How does the GPL work in regards to languages like Dart which compile to other languages?

Peter-WGoogle's Dart language is not supported by any Web Browsers other than a special build of Chromium known as Dartium. To use Dart for production code you need to run it through a Dart->JavaScript compiler/translator and then use the outputted JavaScript in your web application. Because JavaScript...

Q: Most efficient way to create a zero filled JavaScript array?

dilWhat is the most efficient way to create an arbitrary length zero filled array in JavaScript?

indicates that counting down is faster than counting up, which is a TIL
today I learned
@moopet kangax himself answered :-)
Well, the answer did it wrong.
while(len--) is all you need. 0 evaluates to false. The logic is wasted perf.
Oh nm. First example was 'most languages'
So I have to write a tech-related blog for work
any suggestions on a topic?
depends what you work on.
Target audience: customers of IT companies (Specifically MSP's)
@FlorianMargaine The other way to do it would be using [].map, I think
the problem is
try Array(10).map( anything )
and it doesn't work
because map doesn't do anything on undefined values
@SomeKittens tell them why it's a freaking bad idea (security-wise, it's the only thing how you can get to them) to use outdated browser-versions
Array(301).join(0).split('').map( something );
oh, yeah
but then we're completely losing performance :p
Yeah :p
@moopet the perf gain in while(i--) isn't a factor of going backwards. It's that you've smooshed the increment and evaluation into one step. Also, caching .length beforehand helps a lot (the most probably) in huge loops.
I guess it'd be best to put Array(301).join(0).split(''); in a variable, and assign that array to every index of another array
Can you force an array to pass as a value?
Then you could build one and just push copies of it in one loop.
What do you mean?
Oh, for Florian
Yes. Sorry should have @FlorianMargaine ^^
slice would copy it
Nice. Good call.
I'll just go for the nested while
Yeah :p
@ErikReppen makes sese
Last 24 hours Please, I'd hate to see my bounty go to waste... I've provided my own (partial-) answer (but I'm not the type to accept my own answer unless it's 100% accurate).
I've also had to delegate the click events for IE to make my solution work... so I end up with a tracker object, with the checkstates and a second listener... beats hundreds of listeners, but please... any thoughts are welcome
can you give me a TL;DR of what you are basically trying to do
$(document).on( "change", "select", function(){}) but without jQuery?
@FlorianMargaine still two loops but sexier than hand-building 300 arrays.

var i,j =300;
while(i--){ my300Array.push(0); };
while(j--){ my2D300Array.push(my300Array.slice(0); }
I just fired that fiddle up in IE8
I wonder if it would make much difference perf-wise.
`while(j--){ my2D300Array.push(my300Array.slice(0)); }`
Any of you guys have some good guides to make my understand this cryptic css language? ^
css is a just a bunch of rules
@FlorianMargaine Missing a } I think.
@ErikReppen which one?
NM. I was wrong. Expected object to end where it wasn't ending.
in PHP, 5 mins ago, by SomeKittens
heh, he fixed the capitalisation
@FlorianMargaine Try the slice approach I did above. With a big enough canvas, that could be millions of pixels in a nested loop.
@moopet Nah, I edited the question. Which should show how bored I am
I am procrastinating
@ErikReppen it creates a 300 items array, but each array is empty
And it's crashing?
Oh, sorry. Thought you said there was a problem in Chrome.
got it
yeah, with the code I pasted
var arr = [], board = [], i = 300, j = 300;
while(i--){ arr.push(0); };
while(j--){ board.push(arr.slice(0)); }
you forgot to initialize i at 300 ^^
Oh, that should have been i = j = 300, not i,j=300
yeah I guessed so
I code via the keep running into walls method.
@FlorianMargaine That ones actually cool
me likey
told you :p
you can write like this for the client, it can only be cool
slept well? :)
@FlorianMargaine You sure slice is needed?
I don't think a reference to the array is assigned
actually... it is
@FlorianMargaine Ah
@Amaan see the difference jsfiddle.net/Ralt/cu5am/1
hi all,
Is here any one having knowledge of Visual WebGui...
I have to call a java script method on a button click form the Form... how can i acheve it..
When I was testing it, I tried changing the variable's value. Which is stupid
Yeah, understood. All the values would be 'linked' without a copy
Q: how to call a activex method on button click in a Vsual WebGui project

Amish KumarI am creating a project in visual WebGui, On loading of first page i have taken a ActiveXBox and installed it to the system. Now I want to access the method in the ActiveX control. How can i achieve it. Thanks

Any kind of data structure is typically passed by reference in most languages. In JS, functions, arrays, objects, and also strings are passed by reference, but strings are immutable so you generally invoke methods on a string that pass a new string so you rarely notice it's a reference.
Has anyone here played with Dart?
@Loktar You get a star for that
for what?
ooh thanks :)
It looks neat
@FlorianMargaine finally they found out whats wrong with me :-)
so, it's official, you're stupid?
nah i just have high viral infection
thats got onto brain :-|
and lol that stupid thing has been official for long time now!
and sorry about yesterday i was a bit way too offmood / dipressed
and needed somebody to talk to
@Abhishek at last the stupidity is not infectious .. though the hypothesis is still being tested on reddit
@Abhishek so you have a treatment now?
@tereško haahaha
@tereško He's Indian, the infection finally got to him
@FlorianMargaine yeap
Quick doubt. I'm writing a nodejs app. Using express. My server.js contains module.exports=express(); ... when i import server.js on multiple files, will there be a problem ??????
@BoopathiRajaa what ?
no, require() are cached
multiple files or multiple instances ?
multiple files ..
and As @FlorianMargaine said require(); is cached
ok. cool .. thanks .. !
When there are circular require() calls, a module might not be done being executed when it is returned.
And, is there any other way I can use app from express(). on other files in my application.
as in ... var app=express();
>Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. This means (among other things) that every call to require('foo') will get exactly the same object returned, if it would resolve to the same file.

Multiple calls to require('foo') may not cause the module code to be executed multiple times. This is an important feature. With it, "partially done" objects can be returned, thus allowing transitive dependencies to be loaded even when they would cause cycles.

If you want to have a module execute code multiple times, then export a function, and call that function.
anyways am going back to bed
see ya later
is it impossible to add a table to a li ?
Pretty cool AMD Loader : davidwalsh.name/curljs
I think i'm in love with David Walsh
With you too. Don't worry. You still are my favorite rlemon. I could die for an Unicorn ride next to you.
Anyone that can tell me what i have to do, to make the table disapear when pushing the checkbox ? (from this guide: http://acidmartin.wordpress.com/2011/09/26/css3-treevew-no-javascript/ )
Can't figure out this css ://
so the difference to require js is the promises interface?
afaik require.js allows for plugins as well
@AndersMetnik there is no checkbox?
yes there is ;-P
just 0 opacity, second i'll show it
@Esailija it does
but I'm more and more thinking that the way to go is browserify
Or well a checked property atleast ;)
Thanks @rlemon better vision of it now:
Fixed it, forgot a ul to hold the table *duhs*
Any ideas why IE might not like this? var fileType = imageProvider.imageList[0].substring(imageProvider.imageList.indexOf('.'));
Array.prototype.indexOf isn't defined in IE8- (or IE7-, something like that)
I am at the school now, looks like they are running 8
Of all the sting methods why in the world would they not include that one?
anyone that can explain : .css-treeview input ~ ul

More precisely what is ~ul in this..
I understand that the rest is if a under class .css-treeview a input is but is ~ == a condition like and there is no ul ?
general siblings selector
Or am I understanding this css wrong? :)
grats @SimonSarris
@dievardump I do think the slower transition made it less nauseating
ty all
in Internet Explorer version 8 this selector only matches the first 298 elements in range (Bug documented at Microsoft Connect).
In Internet Explorer 7, this selector fails if a comment appears between the combinator and the simple selector that follows it.
parser choking on a comment? :D
hello everyone,
@moopet Thanks :)
Can someone explain me where is this javascript:; pointing? <a onclick="showEditor('venue'); return false;" href="javascript:;">Edit page</a> p.s. I need to find the document opened by this functions.
@fn24 You'll have to look at the showEditor function
@SimonSarris well all the transition are .75. You think I should make it longer ?

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