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@MattMcDonald I guess so. I feel I have to do it the other way around. Learn how to use many tools to create larger projects. I need to learn to develop quickly, efficiently and elegantly using tools.
nothing wrong with that
Its cool! Thanks!!
@Robik I am not up with the most recent versions of both but I think FCKeditor is kind of big and bloated but TinyMCE has enough features and is smaller/faster.
there's something bigger than tinyMCE?
I'm getting a little sick inside
I dont talk about FCK but CK :D
@MattMcDonald Agreed
I'm not familiar with that one
It's completely unsupported at this point, which sucks, but NicEdit (nicedit.com ) is, well, nice.
Has anyone here used Javascript to create a Force Directed Layout?
I can't wait for the day when that runs smoothly at around 24-30 FPS in most browsers
I'm wondering about Javascript performance when it comes to intense math equations
as long as you aren't animating, it's not a huge burden
@RyanKinal Doesn't work in IE9
@Shaz That's a shame. Maybe you should notify Stanford
Is it the graphics interface that kills it's performance?
I really don't know much about it - found it while googling "Force Directed Layout"
Yeah my code is MVC here too :P
Must be something about MVC and readbility
@MylesGray it is?
I'm looking to do some applications that deal with Data Mining, and was wondering if javascript was the way to go
@AlbertPerrien depends. What are you data mining? Are you doing it in a browser?
I use python and C++ religiously, along with an affair with perl
Javascript is faster then python
but it seems everyone has javascript, it being part of the browser.
Well V8 is faster then python
Chrome 10, FF4, IE9, Opera 11 are all fast.
Financial data from slot machines
FF3.6, opera 10 & safari are reasonably fast
IE8 And any other browser is slow
@Raynos Yeah my app is MVC too
@MylesGray the one your doing for the client? Did you make it MVC or was it already MVC ?
the person that implemented it has all the default values being inserted in PHP however
so it's not the best
it was already MVC
I'm liking what I see from AJAX apps
Does it use a MVC library? I can't imagine something that uses HTML string manipulation being MVC.
Good performance, local portability
@AlbertPerrien its really browser specific. IE<9 is really slow
Do you want to have clients do computation for you?
Yeah it is MVC (Code Igniter)
I want to be able to do some computation on the client, and reserve the servers for larger things
@MylesGray oh thats SS MVC. JS MVC is different :)
@AlbertPerrien that is indeed possible.
Oh i see, yeah its php MVC not JS MVC
@MylesGray big difference there.
yeah i would imagine so
Some specialized groupings and filtering can/should happen on the server. Math manipulation can be reserved to most of the client.
How goes it?
We have internal audit teams, along with Data Analysts that look for anomolies
and then the rest of the accounting team that wants to reconcile things, and administration that wants to project trends
Keeping everyone happy is a challenge
@AlbertPerrien A big W00T to that
Ah i think i have found the problem... the async JSON isnt reporting back in time...
Myles, is that anything I can help with?
@MylesGray You're doing processing that relies on async somewhere other than the async callback?
@RobertKlubenspies I dont think so, I inherited some really bad code so im trying to do my best with it
@MylesGray Ah, right. That "inherited code" thing... that sucks
Get used to it!
@RyanKinal I am trying to keep the JSON in a function and call the function from intside the for loop
@Nathan I know I know :P
@MylesGray I see. That's always a fun time. I'm having a bit of problems myself. My IE compatibility just took a dump.
Didnt goto bed at all last night cause of it though
@RobertKlubenspies I dont have to sorry about that - internal CMS
as long as it works in IE8 im good
That's cause for celebration
I think i may be able to get them to use IE9 even
@MylesGray nice! I have to go back to IE 7 with Fancybox.
Not a fun time
@RobertKlubenspies more fun than wrestling DOM + Async JSON messing shit up
@MylesGray very true
random comment: I <3 YUI compressor
hey @MylesGray
lol you're killing yourself with this project
@MattMcDonald me?
remember I told you I was on 5 cups of coffee last night?
Im on my 8th now :P
I would have a heart attack with that much caffeine
you seriously need to ask yourself if this project is worth it
because you're becoming a slave to it
Beginning to think I should break out the bag of caffine
@MattMcDonald Yeah I know but I dont like non-completion
when I got this job, I left my old boss hanging on a a web app
he went out and found someone better suited to the job and got it done within a few months
was that the one you were telling me about?
@MylesGray, sleep and shower quickly become the shortest solution to whatever the problem is. Sleeplessness magnifies stupidity exponentially.
@Nathan Ive had a nice old shower and that helped :)
he had zero problems with me leaving, and encouraged me to go for the job
@MattMcDonald is that a good thing? :P
a bad client is a bad client
they deserve what they get
if they give you a stringent deadline with a crappy project, you tell them to take a hike
Man, I wish I could do that with my current project
But I'm salary :-P
I suppose but I really want to see it through to the end
remember, as a programmer, you're the brains that makes the project work.
I am almost there
you should never be the one getting stepped on
@MattMcDonald the client is another programmer
with no time to complete the project for their client
And the job description was kind of "I need this done in 5days can you do it?" and it really didnt seem hard at all
Wasnt until I saw the code that it hit home how much there was to do
@MattMcDonald problem?
I hate when people get lazy and try to pass their problems to other people.
@MattMcDonald Is that a reference to the previous conversation, or a reference to whatever work/programming you're dealing with?
this is relevant to the current project discussion
@RyanKinal I think it is the current convo
@MattMcDonald Ah, yeah, I suppose it is
I guess I can understand the need for help, though. If the code is as crappy as it sounds, it likely needs multiple programmers to meet the deadline. How that's accomplished may vary, though.
Ah hah! found why the parent node is null... the JSON is taking ages to call back and the function has executed by then
@MylesGray Congratulations!
Also, your JavaScript is obviously far too fast. De-optimize.
ill eval everything
eval twice
@MylesGray In other words: you're doing multi-threading (well, events at least) wrong. Try agian
@ircmaxell I can handle multithreading and BG workers in .Net... in JS oh no :P
I need to wrap all my JSON calls in wrapping functions
then call those functions from where they are needed so they execute synchronously
Yes. Because it's tehnically not multi-threading, but event driven programming (which .NET doesn't do very well)
@ircmaxell Thats not strictly true, I wrote a program in .Net that does make new threads in taskmanager with background workers
@MylesGray hows it going? ... Synchronous code? ... Write proper async code.
@Raynos the problem is its async
Yeah write it properly.
the JSON call calls back AFTER the rest of the code executed
@MylesGray It does threading well, just not event driven code
Use callbacks properly
which is a very different concept
then put the rest of the code in the callback -.-
@ircmaxell Oh yes I get your point now
If .NET couldn't do multi-tasking, that would be very bad
Well .Net is nice from a programmers POV, users (well the people I designed for HATE .Net libraries)
I really need to write an MFC version of it
but as it was free to use I find it hard to get incentives to convert it over
Whats MFC ?
Microsoft Foundation Class
Microsoft Foundation Class
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (also Microsoft Foundation Classes or MFC) is a library that wraps portions of the Windows API in C++ classes, including functionality that enables them to use a default application framework. Classes are defined for many of the handle-managed Windows objects and also for predefined windows and common controls. History MFC was introduced in 1992 with Microsoft's C/C++ 7.0 compiler for use with 16-bit versions of Windows as an extremely thin object-oriented C++ wrapper for the Windows API. C++ was just beginning to replace C for development of com...
Dont even know what that is.
@MylesGray if you wanted some help btw, I can actaully try and help you with your code.
Much more lightweight than the .Net libs
@Raynos I know but you get what i mean
@MylesGray .NET is a framework. It's a VM just like Java
More lightweight, but not as feature filled.
There is the program I wrote:
Probably wont mean much if you aren't an overclocker but it has a very nice crap cleaner built in if i do say so myself
Yeah... never bothered overclocking
I guess I was always a web guy :-P
@RyanKinal Your not cool man :P
OCing is where it's at
@MylesGray I've also never harbored any illusions of being cool :-D
you havent lived till youve poured Liquid Nitrogen into a 4.5Kg solid copper pot on a CPU :D
so much fun
not joking its great fun
I'm sure it is!
Overclocking afterwards?
anyhoo yeah thats why it needs converted to MFC as MFC is much more lightweight than .Net
Make the electrons frrl the burn
.Net slows down your OS considerably just by being there
@MylesGray I could argue that there are other, more fun experiences in the world, but that does sound like fun
@ircmaxell Hahaha, yeah playing solitaire is amazing too ;)
@MylesGray That kind of clouds my opinion of what you think is fun
Well, one that I can attest to first hand, is landing an airplane...
@ircmaxell Thats pretty awesome
And being inside of a burning building (not a simulated building on fire, a real one)
Was it "oh my god the pilot is dead who knows how to fly a plane" or "so now you want to lower your ailerons slowly..."
@ircmaxell Unreal, dude
@ircmaxell Yeah I would imagine during your time as a fireman you would have had some unreal (good and bad) experiences
@MylesGray Neither. It was that I took lessons
@ircmaxell Just for fun?
I have my license
Wow thats really cool, i'd love to try it some day
It's a lot of fun
I actually had my pilots license before my drivers license
Oh disclaimer: anyone that chooses to use my program do NOT use the Enable/Disable services option on your main OS
it strips everything but the bare minimum to make the OS run
@ircmaxell Yeah so did my friend, were you in the cadets or something?
Ugh... Explorer crashed. Stupid Windows. back in a bit
No, just lived down the street from a small airport
@RyanKinal get a mac
@ircmaxell Oh okay cool :)
Work computer -_-
wrong room
@ircmaxell max int key + 1
@ircmaxell or 0, if there is none that are positive (still wrong room, I know)
So your answer is -8?
@ircmaxell 0.
@MylesGray I recently had success using async.js to make some JSON calls parallel and run others in series. jQuery 1.5 had that new dependency thing too but I haven't tried it.
Q: How can jquery deferred be used?

RaynosjQuery 1.5 brings the new Deferred object and the attached methods .when, .Deferred and ._Deferred. For those who havn't used .Deferred before I've annotated the source for it What are the possible usages of these new methods, how do we go about fitting them into patterns? I have already read ...

Ahh thats nice, but if jQuery has it I may as well use jQ
right, its all clicked now
I was thinking that before
I find that so often... I will look at something over and over and not really understand it until I need it, and I'm thinking, "if only I had a library that takes care of X and Z..." and wham! it clicks!
yeah exactly what happened me
I feel bad, the new puppy keeps coming for attention and I pet it then our other dog gets really jealous and comes over too
@MylesGray jQ is awesome isn't it? :p use more jQuery
@Raynos... it is pretty good :P
@Raynos Can I use .deferred with $.getJSON?
$.getJSON returns a deferred object
$.getJSON("url").then(success, fail);
Hm thats strange, all my JSON is in .getJSON methods so it should execute sync?
you're using jQuery 1.5x?
@Nathan 1.4.2 but I can upgrade to 1.5.1 safely
the deferred stuff is new in 1.5 I believe.
I'll try upgrade see how badly the code breaks...
What is jQuery tools and why is it imported into this app?
God knows.
oh my fucking god
it fixed it
1.5.1 fixed the broken JSON calls
that, right there is straight up weird
You were using jQuery 1.5 syntax wern't you?
What is your json call?
@Raynos nope
just using stuff detailed compatible with 1.4.2
but yeah.. thats fixed something at least
the parentNode of null is still there though
Tahts because it has no parent :P
Its not in the dom
did you forget to attach one of your nodes to the DOM?
@Raynos nope, its hardcoded
thats what i dont understand
gah, bloody userscript is on the blink
@Raynos beta.mutant-tractor.com/estimate/view/rick_musil/4 is the page I am working on
Theres no js on that page
oh you may have to login
u: siteadmin
p: cheese
rofl. That sounds ominous
the hardcoded stuff is what gave me headaches
it lead to duplicate ids
@RyanKinal I think I may have given him a heart attach
@MattMcDonald I fixed that?
Ugh. My WebService is broken. Stupid encryption, breaking everything.
you can write windows administrification scripts in jscript/javascript!
cscript %windir%\system32\inetsrv\fcgiconfig.js -add -section:"PHP" -extension:php -path:"c:\Program Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe"
that had never even occurred to me, but it has to be better than VBScript.
Anything has to be better then VBScript
Aw man, I thought I was being clever using $().live() to add class-based events, but now I need to stop event bubbling, and I can't.
@RyanKinal can't you stop it with return false or preventDefault?
It's not about the default behavior, it's about the even bubbling up through the DOM
Oh wait :D
It bubbles upto the body and then decideds who to give the event too.
@Raynos Doesn't work with .live
It's outside your control because thats how delegate works
Pretty much
Kinda screwed myself :-D
can you narrow the scope of .live()?
Hmmm... maybe.
now i have to port any JS onload functions to PHP YAY :D
@RyanKinal or see .delegate() for a different way of scoping
@Nathan Yeah, I'm looking into it
@MylesGray I'm glad I don't have your job
@Raynos hey
you know I was asking the other day about vector imagery in canvas, well I found an Adobe Illustrator to canvas converter. greepit.com/2010/10/…
@Greg ;_; adobe
Thats got to be wrong
Ive got to make the svg in ai
any idea how box.net does their whole-window drag and drop feature?
They say it's with HTML 5 and JQuery, but it works fine in IE8 as well
@Ryan probably with HTML5 drag-n-drop, with jQuery as fallback for browsers that don't implement that
ah okay that makes sense. Any links to help with the HTML5 drag-n-drop?
Thanks a lot Greg
I had no idea they screwed it up so badly.
drag n drop?
7 events for d + d is beyond silly
3 are all you need
wow. that is jacked up
so... it might just be easier to stick with pure javascript for now? Are there any <b>real</b> advantages to using HTML5 for drag-n-drop at the moment?
hmm. that did not work
can you use italics/bold in this chat?
use * for italics
So, * ..... insert text .... *
I don't remember what bold is
_ are for italics too _
bold is double asterisk
Looks like
Hooray for @Greg
**this is bold**
Hey! How to get rss feed into the chrome extension and display it?
anyone there?
I'm here... mostly. I just don't have an answer for your question.
Hi, anyone here? I have a question please...
Watsup david?
@YiJiang Thanks for the Garden fixes :)
Pro Tip: If you're doing an on-site, prepare yourself!!!
@IvoWetzel on-site?

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