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@MylesGray yes, you managed to dig up the only pic of me I allow people to see.
@MattMcDonald meh, its not a bad one is it?
it was a still from a video for class
does the job :)
What exactly does "->" do in PHP? >.>
object property
$obj -> prop = "foo";
So obj.prop = "foo" ?
remember "." is the concatenator
$obj -> prop === "foo" ?
I take that as a no :(
no answer === null, not "no" or "yes"
answer === undefined
by my recollection, you can use $obj -> prop and $obj['prop']
I see, thanks. :)
someone messing around with my project?
@MylesGray And snatchen ur people up
Hide your kids, Hide your wife and Hide your husband cause they rapin' everybody up in here
thats the one!
@Shaz we have too much free time
Wow 75 million views. and @MylesGray, I agree xD
A: Select different CSS style sheet for different browser window sizes?

user667776You can determine window size by Jquery $(window).width(); $(window).height(); or $(document).width(); $(document).height(); then change css $("link").attr("href", "blue.css"); Something like this: $(document).ready(function(){ if($(document).height() > 600 or $(window).height() &...

wait, why does SO prefer javascript for the title when I entered css first?
I noticed that too
JS has more tags?
@MattMcDonald SO doesn't care about the order you entered the tags in
it automatically reorders tags based on their popularity
The title tag is determined from that too, unless the tag already exists in the title, in which case the next one is chosen
Hello everyone !
Hi doctor nick
how you going @MylesGray
nay good deadline for yesterday
i don't like to distract you @MylesGray but what was it !?
a website job or something ?
I reckon you have finished that like 5 times
and just wanted to change this and that ?
or make it a lil bit more fancy
yeah it just needs a bit of sprucing really
@YiJiang interesting, thanks
hi all the best way to learn javascript any online tut?
thank you
stick to the first section before you attempt the DOM.
6 hours later…
Can I has shoot myself?
"top online educator" and "number one online education source" my arse
3 hours later…
@YiJiang The reviews are even better
the book was simply new...

i love that it's lightweight...

i take it with me while i'm doing laundry...

it is worth the price....

this is one of the best computer science texts that i own.
1 hour later…
@gsnedders Answer this one will you
Q: How are closures and scopes represented at run time in JavaScript

Theodore NorvellThis is mostly an out-of-curiosity question. Consider the following functions var closure ; function f0() { var x = new BigObject() ; var y = 0 ; closure = function(){ return 7; } ; } function f1() { var x = BigObject() ; closure = (function(y) { return function(){return y+...

@YiJiang @IvoWetzel you realise those 3 w3school books are their online "resources" in book format.
I.e. no new content, no re-wording, nothing that you couldn't get free online. In a book
@Raynos Still a must have for your bookshelf!
@IvoWetzel :(
my first though when I saw that link above was like.. "noo oothey didn't!"
thats really disgraceful
@jAndy I think it is a resounding "ohhhhh yes they did"
heh.. unfortunately yes
@jAndy "It makes a great reference"
well I didn't read the book (did anybody?)
I want a real reference :(
maybe the did a good job, I can't tell
Is there a real cross browser compliance reference?
@jAndy Apparently it's their online content printed out. Just Crawl over their "CSS" section and print out every page you find. It'll be the same as the book
maybe we'll order one at work.... just for... you know, putting it on the shelf and than make it an interview question "which book doesn't belong here?"
oh my gosh then
@IvoWetzel We had a senior web developer who used w3schools. I mentioned "Oooo can't do that. That's bad!". He said he liked the browser complliance markers.
@IvoWetzel Is node.js a secure HTML server? I mean it has all the standard defences againts attacks right?
@Raynos What kind of attacks?
>_> Attacks. I don't know.
SQL injection etc
That would have nothing to do with Node itself
Not that kind of stuff. More low level.
Well, check through the HTTP parser then
HTTP Flooding?
The problem with node.js as "stand-alone webserver" is (in comparison to apache for instance) that it's by far not that "battleproved".
bad TCP headers?
broken IP packets?
@jAndy thats exactly what I'm thinking. Does node.js have the same level of security as apache & nginx. Is it just a matter of "Oh it's new. Can't trust that!"
nginx becomes more and more reliable .. and that's much longer out there
@Raynos thats a VERY broad question
I mean even ryan dahl stated he wouldn't use node as standalone webserver
theyre 2 completely different architechures wiht different attack methods
Well after all, in any serious use case you would have some load balancer in front of the Node.js instances anyways
@IvoWetzel or under category anti-patterns
@IvoWetzel I would use a node.js load balancer
@Raynos: the problem is, nobody can tell
only time will and can
@Raynos apache for example has specific attacks for it, node will also have its own (undiscoverd) vunerabilities
it just takes time and @ircmaxell to uncover and haxx them :D
I seperate question is
apache can get attacked even nowadays.. I won't even think about attacks to node.js server then
Do I need to do my own security checks on incoming request objects at code level?
@Raynos only for your own code cunerabilities
you can't do much at code level against server attacks right ?
there is nothing you can do about a HTTP server vunerability in code
@jAndy Exactly!
Well I get a HTTPRequest object. Can't I do some filtering on it and goh "Woh that's a bad HTTP Request drop that connectioN"
@Raynos No, just do eval(req.data)
@IvoWetzel o/
That is served by the HTTP server
the HTTP server handles HTTPRequest Objects
@Raynos If it's a malformed HTTP request, it should never make it to the request event handler
but man.. come on. I mean node.js had quite of a development over the past month. Its pretty stable and you can use it even as standalone server (load balancer, whatever) for your private websites
But no company can do that for exactly the above reasons
yeah no ones going to DDoS a blog
I had the some headache when deciding to use node as only server for my site.. and using apache as balancer/proxy seemed to be totally unreasonable
I mean putting apache infront of node.. lol is like swimming upstream
hey brilliant javascript minds. here is one:
look at mozillas javascript implementation for Array.prototype.forEach (for instance)
@MylesGray lol
they use the similar code for almost all those ES5 methods
why would you invoke another call to Object within the method
I just don't get it
var t = Object(this);
To ensure the prototype is applied, no?
MDC's codes for .some() or .indexOf() are even worse.. lol some of those codes even create infinite loops or just don't work
I mean
thats w3fools.com's job no ?
that code is weird
I'm recreating those methods for my own compatibilty library so I'm trying to understand those Object(this) calls if there is any sense
@ircmaxell: what for?
they should call new Object(this) at least then
anyways.. Array already inherits from Object.. so why not just use this
@jAndy I think they work the same way tbh
t = this
Object vs new Object is no difference
I dunno, I'm not 100% sure
@jAndy browser compliance. Try AOL, IE4, NN4
I find t.length >>> 0 weird. is that just convert to type integer?
@Raynos: probably yes, but lots of js validation is spinning without "new"
upfront jslint
@jAndy besides if you call new you get a clone of the array rather then the original one. Don't think you want that
I'm just asking, is there any reason / sense in wraping the this in another Object-object
Don't know. Only reason I can think of is OLD browser compliance
@jAndy: try it. Write a test for that method, test it on all browsers with and without that line
I can imagine some dated engines not linking Array -> Object in the chain
and LOL for "try AOL" @Raynos :P
sure.. lets google that.. AOL version 1 for snowleopard
either the guy who coded that is coding several levels above and below me
When the forEach method is called with one or two arguments, the following steps are taken:
1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the this value as the argument.
I guess they don't continue and write "because..." ?
@jAndy @IvoWetzel seems like they are following the spec.
this already represents an instance of Object, I actually don't care about the spec if its not necessarry
unless.. Raynos is right that some.. old.. really old implementations didn't inherit Array from Object
which I just cannot imagine
@jAndy Why is there a window object inside a window object?
window.window.window.window === window
awesome best 20th birthday present EVER
@Shaz: good question. I guess it has something to do with that the variable object for the global object is the global object itself, in a browser environment window
but to be honest, I'm not all that sure.
@Shaz because we need to use MOAR RAM with infinite circular pointers
Actaulyl if you refer to window
your referring to a global variable
and a global variable lives here -> window["name"]
so window["window"] exists.
didn't I just say that :p ?
The "top level" window is unaccesible. Your actually accessing the pointer to window on the unaccesible top level window object.
@jAndy yes but I didn't read your statement and you used big words. :(
haha :p
doh I was laughing so hard yesterday when Odlanier Solis went down
"There is no native Javascript interface to get and/or set that kind of OS setting."
ActiveX ?
I wouldn't consider that native
Eww, ActiveX.
Can't you figure something out through the HTML5 audio api?
is there a way to check dynamically added onchange properties?
@MylesGray yes. Wrap the thing in a listener
no not at all. A browser is and will always be a pretty sandbox.
i cant see it in chrome?
Minus ie
cache it. Delete it. Add the property back with a custom getter/setter
IE doesn't know the words "Pretty" or "Sandbox"
hey isn't FF4 officially released in the near future?
Trying to prettify IE is like trying to prettify obfuscated code
"// controls
attribute boolean controls;
attribute double volume;
attribute boolean muted;"
There is some kind of volume setting on it
in two days!
wow, a double volume!
@Raynos: what is that? HTML5 sound tag spec ?
Since when were there doubles in js o.o
@Shaz that's interpreter implementation. The javascript interpreter should implement volume as a double internally.
Although that only allows you to set volume on a media element. Not get OS volume details
but that volume is only responsible for the volume of the <sound> tag
not the operatings systems volume value
yes. it might be useful though.
the biggest step "outside" the browser sandbox was made with the "WebkitNotifications" in the past month (which is accessible with Javascript)
I personally like the notifications
I do too.. but afaik there is still no Mozilla version of it
@Shaz The Number type in JS just represents an IEEE754 double precision floating point.
@gsnedders I stopped at IE
@jAndy Everyone else is just waiting for it to be standardized AFAIK
it was on the whatwg mailing list twice
but without a real outcome so far
I've only been programming in as3 and js, so I don't know too much of double number types :p
@jAndy There's a whole W3C WG for it
then Mozilla announced only to implement it in their "prison" (was that the name?) project.. but that is obsolete also now
@jAndy Prism?
The API is available to add-ons too
Prism apps have the same level of security access as add-ons, so...
@YiJiang So it's basically the same as a packaged chrome extension?
did any browser vendor beside Chrome implement that already ?
@Shaz Chrome has a similar function, but its not extension, hang on...
that was also PRETTY confusing. Chrome had it implemented "WebkitNotifications" (spotlight on WebKit)
@jAndy the web apps stuff? there's almost no consensus on any of it
but Safari didn't
and still doesn't
The 'create application shortcut' thing
Ah yes, I see
But its more powerful because it allows you to bundle scripts with the web app
Unfortunately, development stopped mid-way, so the API is incomplete, and the whole thing feels slightly half-baked
@Shaz A double precision floating point goes back to the days of COBOL
well double precision at least
DP just means it is 2x as precise
That tends to happen with Lab experiments, unfortunately
@MylesGray Well, I only go as far back as 1991 :P
the problem with the IEEE754 is that it is to the Base2
base2 cannot understand decimals due to it being integer based
so it has to estimate 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3
yay another great one
classic one
@YiJiang There's been a lot of discussion in various groups about standardizing all this stuff, and well, yeah… trying to reach some sort of common ground can be hard.
0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3
they need to move to a truely decimal number system really
0.2 + 0.7 is more cool
@jAndy even weirder is 0.2 + 0.1 != 0.1 + 0.2
as they are estimates 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.299999999999995 and 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.300000000000005
Oh and happy late birthday @MylesGray
or something close to that
@Shaz Use JSON!
@MylesGray they are equal in JS, FWIW
@Shaz thank you sir :D and you still have too much free time
Haha yeah :p
@gsnedders they are?
@MylesGray It depends upon what rounding mode you use (IEEE754 defines several), and ES requires round-to-nearest (which in many ways is not the most performant)
>>> 0.2 + 0.1 === 0.1 + 0.2
I dont think so as every programming language uses the IEE754 standard and they all have the same problem
>>> 0.2 + 0.1
there we are
knew i was close
They just need to design a proper decimal system
@YiJiang You may also get different answers between x86 and everything else (inc. x86_64)
we should also decimalise time
0.2+0.7 creates something like 0.89999
24hours? thats just arbitary
@gsnedders Really? That's interesting. (On x86 right now)
I want to say "the time is 0.8945"
no you want to say "stardate 2011039491"
@YiJiang It wont matter the IEEE754 standard is a 32-bit signed numeric system
@YiJiang Almost everything compiled for x86 uses x87 for floating point, which is an 80-bit stack-based FPU
yah the sign is one extra bit
and 6 for powers
@YiJiang And 80-bits is more than 64-bits, so you get different results because of precision differences
everyone needs to watch this:
@YiJiang how did you do that?
@MylesGray The SEChatMod script, I added that feature because I was annoyed with them not oneboxing Vimeo
nice :D
I have that but what is the code?
/ob video-URL - go try it out in the sandbox
It uses Vimeo's simple API to do it, Vimeo has a lovely API
@gsnedders did you see that question. How does opera deal with gc of local "closured" variables?
@Raynos Yeah, I posted a comment on the one answer, and am trying to make sure I answer it correctly
@Raynos I am unsure in the simple answer.
@Raynos The changes to eval that make it possible to GC them are changes from ES3 in ES5, and I'm not sure if anyone optimizes based upon the new behaviour yet
I see.
Whats JSC ?
haha @Myles: the video is ownage! :p
@Raynos JavaScriptCore, the JS engine that is developed as part of WebKit, variously having branches called SquirrelFish, SquirrelFish Extreme, and marketed under the names Nitro and Nitro Extreme
@jAndy Yeah i havent seen it in a while i love it
@gsnedders: does opera optimize a "closured" context in some way ? Better asked, if a function context copys a parent context into its [[Scope]], is there some kind of optimazation for "not used" variables/propertys ?
I guess that could be a pretty hard algo to figure
@jAndy What do mean by that? Optimization in what way?
@jAndy Also note that almost anything perf-related is considered a competitive advantage and can't be commented on, so the likelihood of getting me to say anything unless I'm sure everyone does it is low.
@gsnedders: for instance, a created function context copys one more parent context activation/variable object into its [[Scope]] property, is there some kind of algo that figures if all stored propertys in those variable objects are used
and if not, remove / GC those
does that make any sense ? :p
@jAndy Okay, whether you GC stuff from further up the scope chain after the execution of the parent function has ended, but the reference of the function object still exists? As I said above wrt stackoverflow.com/questions/5368048/… I dunno.
@jAndy As I'm about to claim, it isn't that hard to actually test
Hmm yes I forgot about the fact that all "modern" engines use a register-lookup instead of a scope-chain lookup
@jAndy Certainly direct eval calls make it impossible to do any such optimization
@gsnedders: does that fact (registers lookup) actually change the way I should look at ecmascript ? I mean technically, should I still store a deep property access like (something.foo.bar.baz) or is there no performance leak at all
I mean with a chain-lookup there certainly were performance issues
@jAndy I think using registers should make that cheaper, but that's not the big gain from JIT'ing engines in that case (where property caches gain a lot), as well as increasingly CSE simply optimizing out repeated things like that
@gsnedders: so when accesssing something.foo.bar.baz several times the engine takes care of it ?
@jAndy Some engines do, some don't. I expect within a year or two for it to make no real difference.
@gsnedders: and does not resolve the whole ""chain"" every time
I still have a hard time to fully understand how "registers" works in that context. I mean, resolving propertys in a prototype or scope chain.
do you know some source where that is explained ?
@jAndy As I said above, I'm not the best person to speak to about JS perf., or impl detail relating to anything perf-related.
@jAndy The register merely stores a pointer to the object.
well ok understood. But your answers seem pretty reasonable anyway :)
@jAndy Equally, I spend most of my time doing black-box QA work, I don't have a brilliant clue about JS-engine internals (though, admittedly, probably more than most on SO)
@jsnedders: when you say "merely", so an that-way optimizing engine still walks the prototype/scope chain and just "optimizes" the access doing that ?
more like that?
ok ok I'll stop asking stupid questions :)
@jAndy Look up the V8 article on PIC
@jAndy Or more generally, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline_caching
yes.. I guess I have to do that. I successfully dodged to read the full V8 spec so far, but what can you do if you want to know whats going on under the hood
@jAndy Actually, it's not true that the register just stores a pointer to the object (unless we're talking about CPU-registers, which at this level we're not), but it just stores the object itself (or at least I believe this to be the case — I'm not entirely sure)
@gsnedders: yes, it makes kind of sense. But that seems so "logically" to do that I'm wondering this is still not implemented in every js engine since 2005 or something
@jAndy Using register-based VMs?
@gsnedders: storing pointers to objects
I mean I never looked into the C/C++ core of a js engine, but how do you resolve a prototypechain without pointers to all objects ?
Cam I request for a code review hee, its very very Imp, Pls help
@SamRudolph How long? If its more than a few lines try codereview.stackexchange.com
@jAndy Ah. Yes, I can't claim to be that sure about this, as it's not a bit of any JS engine I've really touched… (there again, most of what I have touched is the parser :P)
I was confused by "registers are merely pointers to objects", if that is the complete "magic" I'm wondering how this worked before
@YiJiang thanks
@jAndy Ah. I don't know much about JS engines prior to the latest generation of them. Not that I know a huge amount about the current ones either…
Is it a bad idea to use if statements within a for loop to find specific child elements?
@Myles: I can't see any bad in that
for(i=0;i<el.children;i++) {
it's not really bad, the bad part here would be by accessing the .length from a HTMLCollection (it's live!)
but if you know the node classnames you're interested in, why not pre-query those explicitly ?
@jAndy what do you mean?
or getElementsByClassName
Javascript is a jQuery plugin !
jQuery.fn.Javascript = :p
jQuery.fn.JavaScript = function(code){
    return eval(code);
@YiJiang Yay, let's make the function execute more slowly!
haha :p
Bring out the pitchforks!
/me grabs his
(Why yes, I do keep one beside my desk for times like this.)
runs away
I'm trying jQuery.fn.cake now, its only dependency is jQuery.fn.fork, pretty cool. later guys
jQuery.fn.Portal('cake') = 'lie';
Back so soon after using eval. Hmm
I have questio nabout regex
Ifi have Expression like that: (.*?) - how to make it anty-empty value?
what browsers are compatible with querySelectorAll and getElementByClassName
@MylesGray IE8 has querySelectorAll, but not getElementByClassName
okay cool querySelectorAll is fine for this app
@jAndy You said it wasnt good to use .length on HTMLCollection as it's live
my node comes from an Array
is it acceptable to use a for loop with if statements on HTML stored in an Array?
@gsnedders nitro is a name I know :)
Is there a way to target an array to get classnames from with jQuery
@Robik anti-empty value? So what do you want it to match? Anything of at least one char?
say i have an array storing HTML called wireholder
@gsnedders thats why we need strict mode. Disallowal of eval in strict mode allows a lot of optimisatioins
@Raynos eval isn't disallowed in strict mode, merely it creates a new variable environment. And "eval" is guaranteed to always be bound to the built-in eval object.
and each iteration wireholder[1] holds a tr
is there a way to target the array like this:
can we have a "stricter mode" that disallows eval?
_.each(wireholder, function(elem, i) {
      console.log("class of element : " + i + " is " + elem.className);
@Raynos For what gain?
@gsnedders Performance, presumably? But wouldn't simply not using eval in the code solve that already?

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