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trying to access property of non-object... anyone come acrosss this in php?
Okay, so they deprecate the <u> tag, but introduce the <ins> tag... fiddle.jshell.net/Shaz/f3fu4
ins = inline style?
inserted text
whats the point?
Don't hate me for using w3schools: w3schools.com/html5/tag_ins.asp
the difference is that ins is sematic, it means inserted text. u is not semantic, it just means you want the text underlined, which you should do with styles.
@Raynos I have an array that works like this:
idArray = $('div.zone').map(function() {
	            var extractedId = this.id.split("_")[1];
	            return extractedId;
maybe try .toArray instead of .get
How do I make it so that if 2 identical values are extracted it adds them to the array in their own placeholder
because at the minute if I have "73", "73", "75"
it only has: "73", "75" in the array
not the 2 occurrances of 73
Why the heck do you have two indentical ids in the DOM?
is that to do with .split?
Theyre not identical ids
the numbers after are differnt
sections of the id's are the same
Then you'll need this
var idArray = [];
$("div.zone").each(function() {
ahh map deletes dupes?
or ignores them even
it shouldn't :S
It shouldnt I agree
@Raynos .text exists on HTMLScriptElement and something else, though I forget what the other one is…
@gsnedders that is true. It also exists on body :P ".text" on "<body>" in IE sets the text colour
@MylesGray Array.prototype.map doesn't, at least
then why the strange behaviour?
@Raynos HTMLBodyElement falls under the definition of "something else", I believe :P
well this is a jQuery .map
@gsnedders dont you mean Array.prototype.map ?
@Raynos Yes.
@Raynos same thing with that?
["73", "75"]
my bad my bad
@MylesGray your just doing it WRONG then.
sorry yeah i fucked up
@Raynos I think "wrong" needs Bold and italics?
@jAndy aryeh.name/spec/innertext/innertext.html is a draft spec for innerText BTW
@Raynos event source is also in Opera
ok, what's the problem this time around?
Also note that in IE9 textContent/innerText/text all have subtly different behaviour (the former per spec, the latter two the same as older IE releases).
hi guys
how's everybody!?
hi @luca
hi david
@MattMcDonald fixed it :)
@david may I ask u a question?
of course, infact you just did!
@david ahah well then a coulpe!there's somewhere around a good tutorial or post about applying mindate to datetimepickers??
i have to fields : "from " and "to" and i want to disable all dates previous to my 'from' field value
for 'to' input field
the datetimepicker is by trentrichardson.com
Check the section titled With minDate and maxDate datepicker options:
Q: JQuery datepicker- 2 inputs/textboxes and restricting range

Russ CamI am using the Jquery datepicker plugin with two input boxes, one for the "From" date and the second with the "To" date. I am using the JQuery datepicker functional demo as a basis for getting the two input boxes to work with each other, but I need to be able to add these additional restrictions:...

i was actually thinking i might use the solution by robin duckett
that's a method for a datepicker.. which changes should i make for a datetimepicker??
can you not call prototype methods from within the constructor function?
oops, left off the .prototype
crisis averted
@MattMcDonald If you're there could you take a look at something please?
Im getting a weird double element for event.target on a hyperlink
u: siteadmin p: cheese
if you add 1/2 wire items to any part
then try and add one to another part
look at the console and youll see what i mean
is it storing the event from the last click?
@MattMcDonald any ideas?
my idea is to download the code
need ftp again?
I think I emailled it to you before?
@MattMcDonald did you get it?
I held onto it
let me say this
@MattMcDonald It's completely different :P
you're doing yourself a grave disservice by hard-coding the first instances of the wires
you should be creating them like all the others
@MattMcDonald I know but that is just how the Code Igniter i inherited works
so the server echoes out values and makes a DOM string?
For the initial values?
no no
<tr class="wiring_details_<?php echo $part->id;?>-<?php echo $zone->id;?>-0" id="wiring_rows_0">
				<td colspan='2'>
				Wire Type:
				<select class="wire_selector_0-<?php echo $part->id;?>-<?php echo $zone->id;?>" id="wiring_select_0" name='select_wire_<?php echo $part->id; ?>' onchange='Estimate.select_wire( "0-<?php echo $part->id;?>-<?php echo $zone->id;?>", this.value, 0 );'>
					<option value='' selected="selected">Select wire..</option>
					<option value='1'>14/2</option>
					<option value='2'>14/4</option>
All the important bits (classes) are hard coded with 0
oh, no wonder nothing was changing
I can't write to the FTP sever
haha, you have the login and p/w in an email i think
make sure you pull the latest version from FTP first
there is a lot that has changed
I'm using FileZilla's recent connection list
and you cant write?
I definitely can't write
what does the username and password start with?
I'm uploading to the wrong folder
dun dun dunnn
@MattMcDonald are you uploading stuff?
I best stop if you are
Hmm, I wonder if it's possible to change your gravitar so it looks like you have more rep than you really have? Like, adding an extra digit onto the end...
I need you to get rid of the parameters in the onchange for the selects
I'm streamlining it so it will just detect what the target is
@MattMcDonald on the initial php?
yeah the initial select_wire calls.
no no I meant just remove the parameters
oh well.. its all gone now :P
and I've built a new event handler for it
9 hours later…
what is the purpose of window.location.hash.length
@MuhammadAdnanSaleem window.location gives you information about the browser's current URL
The hash property is the document fragment - the #something part of the URL
Since that property is a String, it has the length property, which tells you how long the string is
ok thankx Yi Jiang
2 hours later…
posted on February 08, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

Want to know which parts of your web page are hardware accelerated on Safari or Mobile Safari? It’s easy to find out. Just start Safari with… $ CA_COLOR_OPAQUE=1 /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari ..and all hardware-accelerated layers will show up in red. Try apple.com or Every Time Zone or Freelancember. Same goes for Mobile Safari, in the iOS Simulator: [...]

posted on February 12, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

What tools are the best for web development these days? It depends, of course, on what you do and what your personal preferences are. But let me tell you what I use and what works best for me, and most importantly, why I think it works best for me. Software IDEs are not my kind [...]

posted on February 16, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

DOM Monster is now at 1.3, and this version brings support for Jdrop, a “JSON in the cloud” service launched by fellow performance guru Steve Souders. It’s easy— just go to Jdrop, connect with Twitter or Google, and then use the good old DOM Monster bookmarklet anywhere. You’ll notice that there’s a new “save to [...]

posted on March 09, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

JavaScript libraries don’t have to big and clunky to be useful. Often, less is more. I’m doing a lot of work with single-page apps and short-lived event sites and visualizers—often coming up with some helper code while doing it, because it’s faster to implement small things yourself then to search for existing solutions, with none [...]

posted on March 16, 2011 by Thomas Fuchs

So with all the super-modern new amazing, astonishing technology at our fingertips—how hard could it be to play a single sound effect in a web browser? The answer is: it’s hard, painful, and you can’t get it to work in all cases anyway. Of course there’s the venerable SoundManager 2 library. But that’s 3000 lines [...]

Thanks for the spam
@ircmaxell Ya welcome!
Its worth it though; he does post some amazing stuff
I'm trying to decide whether to actually use the "Little helpers: a tweet-sized JavaScript templating engine" in an actual enterprise, production application.
To "set a topic": JavaScript has no support for Interfaces. Does it need them? Does any prototypical language need them? And, as a side-question, why is 'interface' a reserved word in JS?
@RyanKinal There are many reserved words in JavaScript that aren't even used
"class" for example. :|
Yeah, I realize. It confuses me a little. Especially when I'm writing a module identified as "platform.interface"
Maybe the JS developers planned to implement them later on, but never got around to it; or something.
Well, AFAIK, JavaScript does 'inherit' a few reserved words from Java
I would hate to see a new reserved word be implemented if I use it conclusively in my project.
I understand the sentiment, I guess, but with prototypical inheritance, I don't see "class" ever being used
@YiJiang So that's where the confusion comes from :-P
We spend a lot of time saying "JavaScript and Java are not the same thing", and then there are similarities and "inheritances" between the two.
@RyanKinal Oh no, absolutely not. The distinction remains, I just remembered reading somewhere that they reserved a few words from other languages for future language development purposes
So, they're leaving room for classical inheritance in a prototypical language?
I never did like classes
I never did like class.
A: Why JavaScript reserves Java keywords?

KevinThe story is that when they were developing JavaScript (originally called Oak I believe (apparently, I got the languages mixed up the previous statement about it's original name is incorrect.)), Netscape partnered with Sun to develop it. To entice the Java community, they wanted to make JavaScri...

I was thrown through the glass
With all my mass
But alas, I surely passed
> Please note that the only people who really know the answer are original authors of JavaScript. All the rest of us can do here is speculate. – Goran Jovic Jan 31 at 19:49
What are your thoughts on CompTIA certifications? I'm half debating going for Security+ and Linux+. Either that, or go for another Security cert...
Time to call in Brendan Eich!
@YiJiang Alright, I can accept that.
@ircmaxell I know nothing about certifications, really
Crud, wrong room...
Thanks though...
@ircmaxell if you have any sort of experience, those certs become pretty worthless
They are good to get your foot in the door if you have no experience at all
Well, I'm looking to bolster my resume a little bit
especially on the security front
then might as well get sec+
its pretty easy and cheap
they just changed it tmk
Yeah, any other web application security certs that are worth while?
Only ones I have seen are the MS ones
like MCTS etc.
I have a CWA but its worthless lol, I just wanted an easy cert
fair enough
there needs to be more web centric ones imo
right now the only way to see if people know what they say they do is to quiz them before hand, a cert could at least allow you to start off with harder questions
At least good web-centric ones...
Perhaps I should contact Pearson again and start one...
Only thing I know for sure is they dont hurt
they just dont seem to be as in demand as they were 5-10 years ago
now if you have experience and can prove it your generally good to go
But it can get you in the door in some places experience alone might not
sigh making me think again about getting sec+. I got a bunch of study material a while back but changed jobs.
I'm sitting for the ZCE exam tomorrow (Zend Certified Engineer, PHP 5.3 cert)
Hi guys
I have some issue to connect my script to a WebService
It says i didn't have the permissions but i dont know how to mention the user/pwd on the URL
@Sindar So, your webservice is behind authentication?
Hmm. I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer that, then. Sorry.
You don't have an idea
Just to try
perhaps something like "http://user:[email protected]/service"?
cant believe i didnt sleep last night and that damn projecct STILL isnt working
@MylesGray What project?
@Sindar Do note that my previously mentioned "solution" seems quite insecure to me.
CMS with a deadline that has passed :/
@MylesGray sounds like trouble
@Loktar o hai der!
jQuery Core Dev Meeting is happening in IRC (#jquery-meeting on irc.freenode.net) (Noon EST). http://j.mp/exxWf1
@RyanKinal yeah not good... populatinf the dom from a database in a very specific order is hard :P
@MylesGray Whiner :-P
yeah.. its bloody weird, population stops at 2 iterations for no reason
no errors, nothing
Huh. Are you using jQuery (or similar) for this?
Yeah, the clients previous code is full of it, i try to avoid it but i have to resort for handiness sometimes
Could it be something as simple as a case-sensitive ID/class? jQuery has a habit of suppressing errors when you try to act on an empty set of nodes.
so $('myContent').html() works when $('mycontent').html() doesn't.
@RyanKinal all class names are dynamically generated based on parent containers classes and row numbers
i triple and quadruple checked them
Figured I'd ask about the easy fix :-)
It can be tough to see that kind of stuff when you're really into it
god i hate maintaining code
i mean i use a dombuilder function to make sure everythinng is appended perfectlyy
the client uses string manipulation and jquery :/
and they wonder why it takes me longer to do it :P
lol. Good luck with that one.
@MylesGray what is dombuilder? What is wrong with jQuery
Stop being a snob and going "Can't use jQuery, use RAW js/dom manipulation instead"
@Raynos its mixed with raw js and just looks messy
jquery and raw js go fine.
What is this dombuilder you keep referring to?
not when you see thes tuff i inherited :P
@MylesGray @Raynos Bad JS is bad JS, regardless of libraries :-)
@raynos this:
well yes you can do bad jquery and you can very easily do bad js
function DomFactory() {
    this.buildElement = function(elementType, props) {
        var el = document.createElement(elementType);
        for (var prop in props) {
            el.setAttribute(prop, props[prop]);
        return el;

    this.buildTextNode = function(nodeData) {
        var node = document.createTextNode(nodeData);
        return node;
Why ?
inserts into the dom, cleaner code, more adaptability
why not
$("<div></div>", {
     "id": "foo",
     css: {
          "background": "black"
Why are you re-inventing the wheel
because this is nicer:
var dom_builder = new DomFactory();
            var part_stub = dom_builder.buildElement("tr", {
                'class': "wiring_details_" + part_id + "-" + zone_id + "-" + Wireholder.wires.length,
                'id': "wiring_rows_" + Wireholder.wires.length
            var part_td = dom_builder.buildElement("td", {
                'colspan': '2'
yahoo did something similar too
How is that nicer?
just seems better not to have html code in js
var part_stub = $("<tr></tr>", {
     "class": "wiring_details_" + part_id + "-" + zone_id + "-" + Wireholder.wirse.length,
     "id": "wiring_rows_" + Wireholder.wires.length
var part_td = $("<td></td>", {
     "colspan": "2"
Cant access blogspot
at work?
Why using some unknown homebrew domfactory rather then jQuery.
It's a stupid level of abstraction and it's reinventing the wheel poorly
its easier to append children and see what is going on imo....
Your doing it wrong (TM)
I don't see why your rolling out your own DOM manipulation library.
jQuery is there to normalize DOM manipulation. That is what it's used for. That's what you should use it for.
Did you also define your own addEvent(node, type, callback) ?
@Raynos but the problem isnt the dom manipulation code
its something else just stopping dead in its track at 2 iteraions from the library
Oh. What's your actual problem? You are using a debugger to see why your array is only two long or why the loop stops after two iterations right?
its iterating through JSON and just stops dead at 2 iterations
no errors, warnings nothing
and my onclick event handler is broken
Use break points
when you click an a it is meant to return the parent node
but keeps saying cant return parent node of null >.>
Thats because document.getElementById returns null for invalid ids
Even weirder is it only does that AFTER it has worked when you click something else
I coded the DomBuilder for him as a way to get rid of DOM strings and pass attributes in an object.
it's less work than hacking around strings
@MattMcDonald I don't see why you didn't use jQuery instead? It was alreayd there on the page
but the id is valid... its the same as the one that i clcked successfully
@MylesGray well debug it harder. Check where it is in the DOM. check it's value. Use ample amount of console.log & console.dir
most of the code is a giant mess unfortunately and I've bowed out of helping with it
@MylesGray I'll assume the answer is "no", but you don't have duplicate IDs, do you?
yeah its pretty atrocious
he did last night
which was a big problem
@RyanKinal theyre all fixed now
@Raynos console.dir?
logs as an object
^ That
lets you go through the properties and whatnot
oh okay
its basically console.dir(foo) == for (var i in foo) console.log(i + " : " + foo[i]);
I think you can see through this project just how much work it takes to build a good application
oh okay
A lot.
and you also need to show restraint in picking clients
yeah and how not to inherit code
@MylesGray if you need some help tonight I can give a hand debugging some stuff.
money is great, but don't over-extend yourself just to make it
Instead of ranting your design decisions
@Raynos i would very much appreciate that i think there are just some weird corner cases
I'm not fixing someone's code in a week because I need to rebuild it instead of hack it
@MattMcDonald @MylesGray I've also done some 3/4 day work in fixing someones elses broken code. It's a nightmare
hi, all. Is it possible to use flash to override the text which is copied with ctrl+c
strange.... onclick returns the clicked element twice
@Bakudan off topic. Do you want to stop users from copying text out of your flash program?
I've inherited a flash app with code that was actually done well
it still took me days to follow code and implement a change
just add a link form where the text is copied
Oh I'm working on a very well designed ASP.NET MVC 2 website. and it's difficult to see what it's doing. It also takes me a few hours to figure out what's going on
add a link form in flash to paste text copied in js?
if you have an idea that requires working with ExternalInterface, try thinking of something better. ExternalInterface is a terrible API.
communicating with the server via JS and loading vars in from the server via FlashVars is a better way to go.
btw @Raynos, that flash app I inherited was MVC. That was part of the reason it took me so long to follow the code. ;)
the idea was to use oncopy to send the text and the link to flash via flashvars
you're thinking the right way then
do realize oncopy only works in FF3 and above.
@MattMcDonald: and @Bakudan: and @Raynos: Guys i have a doubt in java, can anyone help me, to clear my doubt
though it looks like it'll work in IE 6-9
JavaScript, not Java!
yes i know
@MattMcDonald i k new it,but i m suffering from a big doubt, so that i m asking the permission
you're in the wrong room if you're asking about Java
ok,Mates, Carry on
@MattMcDonald I do like MVC. Once you get your head around it and if you have an IDE.
I know you do. :)
Oh I forgot. You don't like it.
I just don't like how things are structured and how ambiguous models/views/controllers can be between implementations
you can say I don't have my head wrapped around the concept yet
@MattMcDonald Oh I agree. Different MVC implementation are completely different.
But I always think in terms of models & views.
Seperate your DOM from your data model.
I've never built a proper web app before
but if I wanted to venture into that arena, I think I'd use a lot of "class" files and maybe add an onload attribute to the body to detect when all the files are loaded
I'm not sure yet
I would use a lot of librarys to support me.
Backbone, jQuery, jQuery UI, requireJS.
I was looking through the YUI source last night
they have it right in some areas
@MattMcDonald I have rolled my own file loader before. Get a bunch of files and fire an event when there all loaded.
very small core, everything else is a module
It's a similar thing with dojo.
YUI's code is definitely cleaner than Dojo's
but they still use a ton of browser/uA sniffing
Sometimes thats all your left with
I can't believe Crockford would advocate that tripe
You can't just use feature detection
jQ got rid of uA sniffing in 1.3
Seriously, sometimes you have no choice to use uA
jQ is a lot smaller then YUI/Dojo
yeah, YUI's core is 4k lines of code and Dojo's is about 18K
jQ is a library YUI/Dojo are frameworks
different structure of course
Yes there a lot more complex.
But tbh writing a proper web app in raw js is dangerous from a maintenance point of view. It's very hard to do it right so it can be expanded, or re-used, or maintained.
I'm trying to prepare myself for the day that Flash work goes down the toilet
whether or not that day comes
Try making a web app :)
I need to make one. I really need to get around to doing that
my first goal is replacing the jQUI widgets on my site with hand-made ones
but I'm not touching those until I graduate in april/may
You know what? I was looking for the best WYSYWIG editor ever. And i've found it: your Keyboard. Check it out, what you press is what you get. Simple huh? I dont know hat is TinyMCE for....
@MattMcDonald whats wrong with jQ UI ?
tinyMCE is 14K lines of JS
@Robik poor joke?
Keyboard have 120+ keys.
For real: What is better ckEditor or TinyMCE?
@Raynos I'm always trying to learn, so I want to do some effects myself. The widgets of course won't work with JS turned off, so I want to make something that gracefully degrades.
in the end, it's all about learning as much as possible.
I think I crashed notepad++ for searching for an empty string in thousands of files

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