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Reboot after upgrade to Fedora 17 ... kernel panic. Tries to start Fedora 16 ... hangs. Tries old Fedora from harddisk ... okay, wait, what's my root password from last year ?
I am fucked
Does Ubuntu have a terminal ?
@copy ctrl + alt + T
they also have xterm installed by default
> SQL was optimized for SQL injection attacks. Douglas Crockford
What on earth is he wearing?
It's not exactly SQL, rather the interface to it.
...I may have just realized a very easy way to programatically log into SO. Copy+Pasting cookies.
If this work, I'm gonna stone someone.
wow, why am i just unable to fall asleep, dammit :/
Watch a documentary about the tides of Venezuela and how they relate to the migration of the European swallow
If there isn't one, go make one!
i'm watching CSI... boring as hell, but it doesn't help much
on the other hand.... horatio is in it
( •_•)

( •_•)>⌐■-■

@GNi33 LOL :D
does anyone know of any good filesystem html5 demos?
with permanent storage?
i don't get it, where do this user1796651hellofalongnumber - usernames come from?
he just added to the default username
Users who didn't change their name to something else
If you didn't change your name to GNi33, you'd be user809950
i changed my username?
i thougt i registered with that nick...
Sorry, it usually comes along if you just post a question/answer without registering
oh, okay... didn't even know that was possible
so, back to your question, @user1509326
(this feels sooo unpersonal)
what kind of a demo are you talking about? filesystem API? FileReader?
Permanent Storage, like, on your local harddrive?
oooohhhh, he just put his sunglasses on.... like a BAUCE!
@user1509326 alright, it's 3:30am around here and i should try to sleep, i'll just drop this link for you now -> html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem
Is Javascript the best solution to make a div have a fixed location in side the parent div (which doesn't have a fixed location) ?
no, css is
How can I do it? Fixed fixes to the brower not the parent element
what do you want to do?
fixed relative to what?
to page-scroll - position but it should stay inside of it's parent element?
I have a child div that needs to be in a fixed location, but needs to be fixed to a certain spot in the parent div.
And I can't just do position: fixed as it locks to the browser window, not the parent element
let me show u what im trying to do, 1 second
Q: Sripting language for filling out web form

ityler22I have a job as an intern at a technology company, I was given the unfortunate job of performing some data entry into our web management system. The information entered into the web form is stored in a MySQL DB. Upon receiving the data I realized I would have to submit this online form about 1000...

Almost done uploading
@Feeds I have no words for questions like this...
The closest thing to a "stupid question" I can think of are these "which language should I use" questions
@GNi33 If you click on Show More News
@GNi33 I need the Months to stay where it is
so it needs fixed position, but position needs to be relative to the parent div
so, if you scroll down the page and reach "Months", it should scroll along, right?
Ever looked into position : absolute?
Actually, meh, I'm stupid.
Yea. The Months and January should be fixed to that spot on the page
I really need position: fixed
but I need the left: xxx px to be the same when the browser window gets wider
well, they should not be fixed to that spot on the page, they should be fixed to that spot in the browser window
or disappear when the parent div is scrolled out of sight
thats something different
or i just don't get what you want to achieve right now
hello.. can anyone help me with stackoverflow.com/questions/11444003/…
@GNi33 Do you see the whole panel on the right? Where "Months" is
Well I need Months to stay fixed to a certain position. So It needs Position: fixed. But it can't flow outside of that section
yeah, okay
so you'll need a little javascript
get the initial position of the element
if the scrolling position reaches this one, set the element to position:fixed
:/ ok, Was hoping there was a pure css solution
specify a maximum, probably the height of your parent-element + the height of your header/ the offset of your parent element to the top of the page
Might just abandon the idea or edit the image to remove right column
css is static (except for some fancy css3 shit); js is the only dynamic thing you have
Woah I'm back. I hate Linux for allowing me to break everything and then take 3 hours to fix it :-/
that's the linux spirit
@Steven10172 it's actually not that hard and a good starting point to play around with JavaScript and the DOM a little
if you want to learn something, i would give it a try
I know JS already. Was only doing so I didn't have to edit the image
but I'll just edit the image. The right column is useless anyways
more or less was using this as a possibly in-depth css learning experience
there's not that much css involved
"I know JS" is one of the most frightening claims one can make.
thats why I was hoping it could be done in all css as i'm newish to it
position: fixed and absolute are the only things you need
and relative for the parent, of course ;)
Well I'm currently programming in JS at a company for automating something in a J2EE application
So i know a decent amount or can figure things out when needed
wait... what?
See? Frightening
I'm currently working for a pharma company that has a J2EE application and they want something automated so Im using javascript to make many clicks and enter data over and over for them
A Bookmarklet
swirl around, cape flaps, and disappears
It saves ~5hrs a week a person who uses it
and it going to be pushed to ~10,000 people shortly
it makes clicks?
alright, i guess i'm really too tired
yea. sendevent('click', elementID);
u gotta remember its a J2EE application
hm, okay, it just sounds weird without knowing the application, you know ;)
has been ages since i've touched J2EE
I hate it
Its made by IBM
generates worst html code u could imagine
or at least this application interface html code is hideous
i've never seen good generated HTML markup
but this is worse then most
yes, i've heard that a few times already. these IBM applications seem to be crazy when it comes to html
its homeade too
some tags are
anyone know how to upload a file using filesystem api or file api to a node.js server with an ajax connection using jquery?
@GNi33 thanks for your response before man, i can store it and retrieve it now in the filesystem
i am good with php but trying to learn node.js =/
@Zirak I know js ;)
I'm sure you do
Any ideas on this iOS4/5 issue stackoverflow.com/q/11230848/139698 I've updated since asking earlier today
@rod is that a JS question?
@Linus yes
Sorry I should have phrased my pre-question better :)
This is a JavaScript setTimeout issue stackoverflow.com/q/11230848/139698
Why when the window is small on twclaimer.com/twopcenter/index.html and you scroll right the #fullNews-Container doesnt stretch all the way over?
Q: How to localized one js file for different actions?

JennyI have a group of javascript functions in one js file. each function acts on a specific action and get its own ajax response. some are on different pages, some are on the same page. If I don't do the localize, I can't get response. How can I localize this file for multi actions?

@Raynos Which registrar are you using for raynos.org ?
@Zirak mediatemple
@Zirak xhr.addEventListener("load", fuckingDone)
Does having files like gamebar.innogames.de/sprites.png better?
Does it help with cache?
I think you can avoid a line.
But yes, usually it makes less call to the server
I didnt make it
saw a game had that and was wondering the purpose
Q: Redirect to the same page but with a message in it

MurtazaI am making a login page in JSP. I have an index.jsp page where exist the form and some javascript scriplets. Connectivity to oracle database and checking for username and password in database is done in check1.jsp file My issue is after entering username and password, when I press login button,...

Yawn, working at 7.45 in a morning...
I'll start in about an hour which is around 9:45 for me.
Thats not too bad :)
Not at all.
its 11.45pm here :D
@FlorianMargaine o/
@Raynos From the states?
@Raynos \o
how are you doing?
Im ok
I should sleep
SF looks nice :p
I need to write more code ._.
thanks for your answer btw :)
Sleep is overrated ...
I havnt written enough client side code recently
I ended up using this btw github.com/Ralt/express-boilerplate
global variable ftw :D
ncore would be great if there were client side code
but right now, a global var is enough to suit my needs if there is only server side code
@FlorianMargaine ;_; express. global variables
One global variable should always suffice.
what's wrong with express?
@FlorianMargaine you fucking kidding me?
oh right, I'm not reinventing the wheel :D
global variables :\
you lazy shit
yeah, I'm lazy, I agree
but it's nicer than passing the var around within parameters
just require it
or do the old
module.exports = function (app) { ... }
require requires the path, it's ugly
Wait, are we talking about server side js?
that's why I wanted ncore
your real problem is that you use the "app" everywhere
@OctavianDamiean yeah
the notion that there is an "app" that is needed everywhere is stupid
Oh for fuck sake
why do you write code like this. It's stupid
@FlorianMargaine you should be able to do better
because it works :/
It should take me only half an hour to fix your code
which way?
and yeah it's just a basic boilerplate, there isn't much code in there
that's just the basic structure of the app
all of it
I need to fix it all ._.
if you have anything better, I'd gladly take it if you have a nice idea :] and the module.exports = function( app ) is what I call "passing the var around within parameters"
it's just ugly
this is exactly why I like ncore
hello brother .
hey @Abhishek
what's wrong? you any better?
woman troubles , bad times , i am better then yesterday though :-/
don't let'em getcha
trying to learn c++ to keep me distracted
thing is bro its damn too easy for em to manipulate my mind , i am a stupid person i help em even when they hurt me
and in the end i feel used :-/ with nobody left with me in real life but oh well >_< ,
i dont suit the atmosphere in here anyways , if u help some1 and console em the people with you think u are cheating and not trustable :P
embarresed </emotion>
come on, you got your parents left
or your best friend or whatever
You have me @Abhishek!
@FlorianMargaine thats what i am holding on bro
don't worry, really :]
life ain't so bad
Oh boy. @Abhishek do you know the series How I Met Your Mother?
@OctavianDamiean yes lol
who doesnt
So you know Barney Stinson.
You gotta be more like him. Try to adopt some of his mentality.
@Abhishek ^
I'm not gonna go into detail, all I can say is that it works. You just need to learn to control your emotions.
I love that one too
just saw this PHP the good parts pdf :D
the content is... amazing
is it empty ?
or i dont have fonts to render it ?
it has the title
no wait :-| , that was a joke , aye ?
and 61 empty pages
anticlimax there @FlorianMargaine
I was hoping for a good pdf, then it was blank => thefreedictionary.com/anticlimax
@FlorianMargaine basically you make shit far too complex
I like the commit title :p
Now don't get me wrong, routil is a kitchen sink
and I'm working on making the damned thing modular
I've got some ideas on how to make it modular
Time to ride to work.
@Raynos it sure looks nice, but there is no support for named params, sessions, etc, is there?
@FlorianMargaine routes does named parameters, it just isnt in the example code
@FlorianMargaine routil-session does sessions
for the body parser, i'll make my own?
Look at raynos-blog source code
routil and friends basically cover everything you need express / connect to do for you
did anyone else notice the prettify button on chrome dev tools is gone?
I recommend you read isaacs/npm-www, raynos/raynos-blog and raynos/routil for inspiration on how to write simple web servers
@FlorianMargaine to me ?
@Raynos k, I will
@Abhishek no, raynos on my code :p
he totally changed everything :D
@FlorianMargaine oh lol
i was wondering hey i havent commited anything since past day
btw i am committing something to github by later tonight
node-ffmpeg-binding // end all the fucked up shit bloatware which use the cuffing ffmpeg executable and calls em native
@FlorianMargaine it should also be noted that the notion of a boilerplate is a horrible pattern, this is a seperate discussion
if you have boilerplate code, write a module
@Raynos seriously? for many websites you'll have the same folders, files, etc.
if you build websites by copy pasting your doing it wrong
I have not run into this "for many websites you'll have the same structure" problem
all of my websites have a different structure, build & tailored from scratch
Has anyone here ever ran JsTestDriver?
you don't have routes, domains, datasources and controllers for each of your website?
Woops. Got it. Don't know why though. Running from a .bat might be the only difference
does anyone know about getting javascript intellisense to work in vs 2010 with resharper? Please take a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/11447195/…. Thanks.
@OctavianDamiean yo, how's work? :-)
I'm still in the process of getting my breath back.
what, you went there running?
Nah, by bike.
The only problem is that my bike wasn't made for riding up hill ...
oh dear jesus in heaven... another one that cannot grasp what is JSONP
Q: Why jQuery ajax jsonp request gives error?

Burak"fnServerData": function( sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) { oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( { "url": sUrl, "data": aoData, "success": fnCallback, "error":function(msg){ alert(msg); }, ...

it should be just called Hacky Javascript instead of JSONP
A: Why jQuery ajax jsonp request gives error?

chrisError 200, typically means no response, kind of like a 404 error. Or at least thats what it usually means for me when I run into those. what is the actual value sUrl? my guess if your attempting to communicate with a domain thats different from the one your launching the script with, and if that...

jsonp has technically nothing to do with json
> Error 200, typically means no response, kind of like a 404 error.
downvote to oblivion ffs
Hi, can anyone help me in backbonejs? im having a zombie views, thanks
Well, you know, groping about in the darkness and taking a rake handle to the face are kind of the same thing.
^ that was @ the 200 vs 404 thing : )
@FlorianMargaine Good god ... had to leave a comment too.
haha yeah I like it :D
here's my question
A: How to clean views and models in Backbonejs

HurricanepktThe easiest way that i have found is to use Backbone.Marionette https://github.com/derickbailey/backbone.marionette which allows you to use separate regions for separate functions. If you dont want to have another dependancy you can do that manually : http://lostechies.com/derickbailey/2011/09/1...

227 questions
I haven't tried Backbone. What's the excitement all about?
for 96 answers
@ErikReppen nicely structured (MVC) js client side code.
just excellent for single page apps
handles all the routing, the templates, etc.
I assume you mean complex single page apps.
complex or not
a todo app is a simple example
yet backbone fits nicely.
@FlorianMargaine have you encountered any zombie views/model already? im looking for a simple solution that i can easily grasp. im still a newbie in backbone
nope, sorry
You know, I kept insisting MVC isn't a perfect fit for the client side web, but I keep noticing my own stuff tends to inch further and further in that direction.
having a structure (whether it's MVC or something else) is good everywhere
I think there's a blurring of data vs. communication that we haven't quite sorted out or maybe have and I just don't get it yet.
@ErikReppen it's not actually literally mvc, its more like a mvrc = model, view, router, collections,
using the router/controller/datasource is something I'm more and more going to
kind of like mvc, but in a more "http" oriented way
Ah shit. Uhura.js
uhura.js ?
google doesn't give anything :D
She's the communication officer in Star Trek
The original.
Not really in control but she says stuff and everybody else responds.
oh, k.
here my codebase structure
i think it's cleaner this way than not using mvc at all
never watched a single episode of star trek
Have you at least watched a single episode of Dr. Who.
Dr Who is not broadcasted in france
always wanted to watch it, but well...
@Barry you have views, model and controller and it's not mvc at all?
there's no controller in backbone @Esailija :)
are you using backbone on server side
Well, if you read things other than non-fiction. New Doctor Who via Neflix, and Firefly. Then maybe you can suffer through old Star Trek. New Star Trek mostly sucks.
@Esailija no, it's a javascript framework/library, well unless you implement the same architecture in nodejs
Thing of it is, the front end is basically one massive state variable for UI.
That's supposed to be bad, but it kind of works, IMO.
By front end I mean web/client-side
Do someone know how to open multiple html file at once in windows.
In any browser use iFrames or (ew) frames.
If I click right then I will only have option to scan it.
I have no idea what you mean by that.
@ErikReppen back when im still not using backbone, i used to create an initialization, events, and ajax requests objects etc. in my own way, but backbone has a better solution for that.
I just flagged 2 answers with exactly the same body :D
In windows in a folder I have a lot of html file I want to open them in chrome by one click.
Ie,firefox , chrome none of them have a option to choose multiple file in open file option
both had, character for character Did you have any luck on this ?
Yeah, I tend to be a bit of a curmudgeon on the popular tool front so I have to check myself. Still though, Jquery got me on DOM-cruft elimination/normalization. Nobody's convinced me on architecture yet but I really haven't given backbone a fair shake.
quick question..I have a button that when hovered toggles a div out from it. How can I keep that div toggled while I mouse over it instead of it disappearing when I leave the button?
EXTJS is the anti-christ as far as I'm concerned.
@Pollux, put the div inside the button.
@ErikReppen ahh thx!
Make the button relative positioned. Absolute position the dropdown. Now you only have to worry about one element.
@Esailija same user?
don't remembeer
search for isaccepted:0 body:"any luck"
is this a non answer
A: Calling a function of a 'super' javascript object

Ionut Staicuobj.dimensions.x doesn't work?

I couldn't say. I don't know SuperJavaScript.
Okay, I read it. Yes, non-answer.
you shouldn't have to read the question to see if it's a non answer
technically incorrect is still an answer even though it's not the answer
My answer is awesome.
@Esailija flagged
Oh well, I assumed the Asker wanted to know how to get at things less explicitly.
@ErikReppen except it doesn't work
put your functions in the prototype, not in the object itself
or they won't be inherited
so object literals are fine for OP there :)
Do they need to be inherited in this case?
obj.dimension won't work otherwise :|
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/2cQaiRAK
I'm not trying to make obj.dimension work, I'm trying to give access to an object called dimension within the object.
so far..
pretty good code after gone gf
> cout<<"Failed to allocate memory ... Add more ram add more ram!";
I mean that sure looks like a local state object to me.
@ErikReppen maybe then, I didn't look far enough

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