Reboot after upgrade to Fedora 17 ... kernel panic. Tries to start Fedora 16 ... hangs. Tries old Fedora from harddisk ... okay, wait, what's my root password from last year ?
I have a job as an intern at a technology company, I was given the unfortunate job of performing some data entry into our web management system. The information entered into the web form is stored in a MySQL DB. Upon receiving the data I realized I would have to submit this online form about 1000...
I'm currently working for a pharma company that has a J2EE application and they want something automated so Im using javascript to make many clicks and enter data over and over for them
I have a group of javascript functions in one js file. each function acts on a specific action and get its own ajax response. some are on different pages, some are on the same page. If I don't do the localize, I can't get response. How can I localize this file for multi actions?
I am making a login page in JSP. I have an index.jsp page where exist the form and some javascript scriplets. Connectivity to oracle database and checking for username and password in database is done in check1.jsp file
My issue is after entering username and password, when I press login button,...
if you have anything better, I'd gladly take it if you have a nice idea :] and the module.exports = function( app ) is what I call "passing the var around within parameters"
does anyone know about getting javascript intellisense to work in vs 2010 with resharper? Please take a look at…. Thanks.
Error 200, typically means no response, kind of like a 404 error. Or at least thats what it usually means for me when I run into those.
what is the actual value sUrl? my guess if your attempting to communicate with a domain thats different from the one your launching the script with, and if that...
The easiest way that i have found is to use Backbone.Marionette
which allows you to use separate regions for separate functions.
If you dont want to have another dependancy you can do that manually :
@FlorianMargaine have you encountered any zombie views/model already? im looking for a simple solution that i can easily grasp. im still a newbie in backbone
You know, I kept insisting MVC isn't a perfect fit for the client side web, but I keep noticing my own stuff tends to inch further and further in that direction.
here my codebase structure router(initialization)->views(viewjs/templates)->model/collection->backend i think it's cleaner this way than not using mvc at all
Well, if you read things other than non-fiction. New Doctor Who via Neflix, and Firefly. Then maybe you can suffer through old Star Trek. New Star Trek mostly sucks.
@ErikReppen back when im still not using backbone, i used to create an initialization, events, and ajax requests objects etc. in my own way, but backbone has a better solution for that.
In windows in a folder I have a lot of html file I want to open them in chrome by one click. Ie,firefox , chrome none of them have a option to choose multiple file in open file option
Yeah, I tend to be a bit of a curmudgeon on the popular tool front so I have to check myself. Still though, Jquery got me on DOM-cruft elimination/normalization. Nobody's convinced me on architecture yet but I really haven't given backbone a fair shake.
quick question..I have a button that when hovered toggles a div out from it. How can I keep that div toggled while I mouse over it instead of it disappearing when I leave the button?