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@Florian: auth is handled on another app, so I suppose a malicious person can still trick a user into clicking on something
@Raynos: just to simplify the whole x years y months z days stuff tbh. I didn't think of calculating it and getting the difference from UTC 0, it's a good idea.
Tricking the user into clicking something usually isn't CSRF.
@AndyE googling "javascript date_diff" gives you this as first result tho
increase your google-fu!
@FlorianMargaine: not quite, they give you inaccurate methods that don't take into account the number of days in a month, and so on. Although Raynos's method wouldn't take leap years into account correctly.
@Bunz Step 1: Understand wikipedia
@Bunz no, CSRF is triggered when you visit a website where there is a hidden iframe
@AndyE oh, okay.
@Florian: Gotcha
@AndyE Why not?
@FlorianMargaine just read ur commits :-)
the code u did fully
while i was eating dinner now it makes much more sense to me then my attempt last night
@adscriven: because they make assumptions like every month has 30 days.
afternoon folks
and i am going to prototype the userpage tonight
for mobile , css only
@Abhishek you'll have problems to add new routes however, because there will be only one controller
@AndyE Oh right, I meant @Raynos's method.
let me send you something I started
i wont add routes just today
we will disucss architecture first
then routes , i am just gonna do rapid prototyping more like designing :-)
// i am more into design side of this as u can see already :o
If you are calculating a diff in months, then you have to make assumptions.
What's up, errbody? Any ladies in here?
@adscriven actually, you're right, there is no problem there. My brain's just fried from over-thinking the whole thing.
@AndyE Dates are messy.
Yeah, that's why I was hoping something was already done so I didn't have to get my hands dirty. Maybe I'm just lazy :-)
'Hubris, virtue, something or other.' --Larry Wall.
heh :-)
Q: redirect if borwser doesn't support jQuery

user1392191How could I redirect the user if his browser doesn't support jQuery? and is it possible to redirect if the browser doesn't support a specific version of jQuery (for example 1.3)? Thank you!

<noscript><?php header('Location: url'); ?></noscript> Like so. — The C0d3r 54 secs ago
@ThiefMaster lol oy... He obviously knows nothing...
Q: Why are these two ways of writing a jQuery plugin equivalents?a

js999Why are these two ways of writing a jQuery plugin equivalents?a First way: $.fn.myplugin = function () { return $(this).each(function() { return $(this).bind('click', function () { console.log('Hi'); }); }); }; Second way: $.fn.myplugin = function () ...

I would give anything for a female JavaScript coder to talk to me. Anyway, hope to talk about programming in here soon.
posted on July 12, 2012

We have two audio related items in the news today: the beginnings of an HTML5 audio editor called Plucked and a Three.js based audio visualization toolkit called ThreeAudio.js. Plucked Plucked is the beginnings of a basic HTML5 audio editor based on the Web Audio API, which means that at the moment, it only works in Chrome, WebKit nightly builds, and Safari 6 beta.  Although it says it can

@MikeS you don't even want to see what i'm redoing today
I wish my boss even knew basic HTML so he could see how big of a facepalm our website is
there are 4 body declarations
So my AJAX is returning a string: ["1","2"]. Is there something along the lines of parseArray?
the 'developers' just copied and pasted entire pages into one document (including head and html tags and meta et al) and hacked it to not horribly break.
not accessible, no SEO (at all), won't pass any validators. screen readers are out
jeezus, stanndard array object has nearly 20 properties?
layout is table after table after table with images sliced 9 ways to sunday
@SomeKittens just use JSON.parse
no wonder the page is chuggin
@rlemon wtf? how can u have 4 bodies? html validators across the land mourn for you.
^ one array with 20 props won't make a page chug
@MikeS just open the source.... dryermaster.com
try not to let your eyes bleed
retinal bleach...check
^ was developed by a company (link at the bottom) before I was hired.
@rlemon, oh, it's a little more than one
@jamesson even then. I've loaded datasets with ~500K values and not had the page chug. (loading them maybe took a few secs... but that is what XHR is for)
@Neal Thanks, that saved me a lot of time
@rlemon, alas not in browser
@SomeKittens JSON.parse(data); // parse JSON string to object, JSON.stringify(object); // returns JSON string.
FYI on the stringify
@rlemon incredibly scary
yes yes it is
i almost cried
@rlemon ahh, the infamous MM_ prefix "i don't know wtf this does but do it anyway" tag
Cargo cult programming is a style of computer programming that is characterized by the ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose. Cargo cult programming is typically symptomatic of a programmer not understanding either a bug he or she was attempting to solve or the apparent solution (compare shotgun debugging, voodoo programming). The term cargo cult programmer may also apply when an unskilled or novice computer programmer (or one not experienced with the problem at hand) copies some program code from one place and pastes it into another place, with little o...
My fav is the crap ass plugin for the dropdown menu with the copyright clearly not being met (this is not a personal site)
@rlemon /html/body/table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr/td/span/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/‌​p blind
or the many many repeating titles, the useless spans with a single title wrapping the entire page.
i feel your pain
the entire things needs to die... and the developers waxworks.com i'm going to try and talk the boss into contacting and demanding a refund
They will never refund.
Depends on specs
not in a gazillion years
I want to see the original contract.
good luck w/ that. no one is gonna open themselves up to that critique
1) the plugin may be a copyright infringement (we can then sue)
2) if they claim to provide anything that meets standards - well they didn't
it's a big company (local too) so i'm sure something can be done.
what a nice lunch =)
well, violating contract terms, however, is a whole different story.
opted to not say "whole different ball of waxworks"
yes that is what I want to see.. because we are an established company.. i can imagine in the contract my boss would have demanded something of quality or one or another things have been voided
because that site is horrible... to put it nicely
if I ever charged anyone for writing that I would expect bolts of lighting to smite me where I stand.
response.forEach(function(i){this.i = parseInt(i);});
Even in term of design
^how can I do what I want to do?
my geocities page in 1999 was better than that
(array of numbers posing as strings)
can I return to a previous revision in jsfiddle?
@SomeKittens this[i] = parseInt(i, 10);
But it's not efficient
Ok, what's a better way?
response.forEach(function(elem,i) {
   response[i] = parseInt(elem, 10);
however wouldn't map be better here?
jscharf: great nickname
responseNumbers = response.map(String.parseInt); // will this work? no clue
sure it's String.parseInt ?
yea no
just tested
but it won't, because of the 8 base
@SomeKittens no problem ^_^
doesn't work
what is response ?
...because I'm an idiot
response = response.map(parseInt);
on the other hand: [1, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]
response.forEach(function(elem,i) {
   response[i] = parseInt(elem, 10);
parseInt takes a second parameter
@copy optional iirc
@rlemon But map passes a second parameter
response.map( function( el ) {
    return parseInt( el, 10 );
} );
That's why it doesn't work
yea I don't use map so much.
@FlorianMargaine now a working transcoder in c++ ready to be binded to node.js :D
i am feeling so damn good!
it works now
thanks all
@SomeKittens response.map( Number ) might work too tho
That it does
Awesome. Learned something new.
if you want to remove falsy values (undefined, false), you can use arr.filter( Boolean )
Now i wanna ask something
@FlorianMargaine ahhh good to know :P
what do you guys use to Emulate Enums in JS ?
@SomeKittens We are all supposed to learn new things ever day... this is what makes programming exciting!
@rlemon would u like to show me an example
i have like 200 codecs that i have to bind .
like, ordered objects?
you can't REALLY
@rlemon It's one of my favorite things about coding.
but you can kinda
why not an array?
^ actually yea that
i am wondering how to
see i have a function
array of objects if you want more information
ffmpeg.encoder(filename, CODEC_ID)
I was just going to show you an array of objects. or if each codec has a name a big old object just like they use in js lexers
you can do CODEC[ID]
if i use array and 200 enums binded to an array the switch case is going to be very ugly :-/
because in C++ this wont be a switch case either
    codec: 'codcod',
    filename: 'CODEEEC'
    codec: 'hi',
    filename: 'chick'
@rlemon just goes to show ya, "you can't fix stupid"
no but you can eliminate it
i think i will have to go with rlemons idea
codec.ID= {
'mp3' : 0x101
@Abhishek or a simple object like { 'codcod': { filename: 'codec', 'other': 'info' }, 'othercod': { filename: 'codec', 'other': 'info' } }
and so on and first get this done
I call it "The Stupid Fixer"
then you get obj[ 'codcod' ]
this object is going to look kinda huge ? aye
@Abhishek I was thinking more along the lines of
200 items in an object isn't much
alright, rebooting
var CODEC = {
     'ID1' : someCodec,
     /// etc

CODEC['ID1'] or CODEC[idVar]
Ok, tomorrow i begin TwigJS
i will see which of the solution is faster lol
the js->c++ bridge is ugly slow with strings to begin with
buffer is epic fast
@rlemon That one. Do the simple thing.
@adscriven tell @Abhishek it is for him
@rlemon what ?
and its not for me
ffs people read more than two posts up :P
its for the part of humanity that wants to use ffmpeg programatically and want to stick to using good old javascript
@Abhishek that code was for you
oh thanks :-)
i will use direct symbols though.
Q: Insert dynamic parameters to sqlite database statements

Sana JosephI want to insert parameters dynamically to statements at sqlite. I now write as follows: tx.executeSql('SELECT Data from Table Where something = "'+ anyvariable+ '"',[],successFn, errorCB); But I guess there is a better (cleaner) method to do it.. Any ideas?

Q: Local Javascript scoping issue

NealIf I do this: var a = 0; (function () { var a = a; //want to make local a = global a ++a; console.log("fn",a); })(); console.log(a);​ The output is: fn NaN 0 Why does a inside of the self executing function become NaN? I know it works fine if I do: (function () { var b =...

@Neal var a = 5; is equal to var a; a = 5;
Oh there's already an answer
@copy :-P it is in a few answer i see. interesting.
Anybody know a flexible documentation tool? I want to use a bunch of custom tags on doc and just need to parse it and turn into json. I'm currently seeing dox github.com/visionmedia/dox but it lack of multi-line support for tags
In thiefmaster's answer, what does the final (a) do?
it passes the outer a as an argument to the function
@jamesson It passes the global a into the local scope
so inside you have its value as a function argument with the same name
@ThiefMaster: from the end of the function?
})(a);? That passes global into the function? If so, what does the a after function do?
It's just function invocation: f(a)
ok, but isnt it completely outside the brackets and parens? Does the semicolon put it into the function?
The function is called right after defining it.
(function(foo){...}) defines it and the (foo) rifgt after it calls it.
Oh, so, that last bit is the call
I thought parens contained args
You could also write it as (function(foo){...}(foo)), it doesn't matter.
@jamesson They do.
Yay, and stuff like this is why I love programming - paste.aeum.net/show/119 [finding files on my storage partition which are corrupted by a filesystem issue without actually listening to every single mp3 file if it sounds broken]
ok, but in this case a is an arg or the function name?
The function doesn't have a name
otherwise it would come right after the function keyword
so it can be called by the name of an arg?
(function whatever(a) { ... })(a);
right, exactly what I thought
A function expression can be called either directly or via the variable you store it in.
var foo = function() {};
var foo = function foobar() {};
The latter could be called via foo() even though the function's name is foobar
so your example would have to be stored in a var to work?
@ThiefMaster Nope, only foo
Well, it doesn't make sense to define a function which you don't call and don't make available somehow
@copy: true
That syntax is just a replacement for arguments.callee
Q: Code/Performance Optimization - Deep clone method

user1487756I'm quite new to javascript and wrote this clone method to be able to clone any kind of object, It works quite well for the cases i testet until now, but for JSON objects it seemed kind of slow to me, And I'm sure there is some additional speed to to squeeze out and a lot of overall improvement t...

anywho... I've been hacking at this for awhile, maybe you guys have some suggestions; jsfiddle.net/donovandigital/zwz6W/55 - what I need is 64 banksx8 clips each (2d array) so that bank0 clip 0-3 = track 0 - 3 clip 0 AND clip 4-7 = track 0-3 clip 1, bank 1 = track 0 - 3 clip 2 AND clip 4-7 = track 0-3 clip 3, etc
if you refuse to use semi-colons I refuse to accept your code
ugh it's even worse than that... you do use semi-colons... some of the times....
Is that still going on?
lol no
I just like reading the comments.
and it makes sense - even Eich says to use them
"The moral of this story: ASI is (formally speaking) a syntactic error correction procedure." - http://brendaneich.com/2012/04/the-infernal-semicolon/ Don't be a Hipster;
note the semi colon to end my tweet :)
now with my annoyance aside.... anyone here use twitter bootstrap? ( I still use it... but hate the style of the js... personal opinion here)
I would, but I can't get it to minify.
I should write a node script to add the semi colons according to ASI
go ahead
@rlemon, better?
Well, JSLint generates a syntax tree. Of course, you'd have to get it to pass JSLint first ...
where can i get free icons?
Of course if you did that ...
basic icons
@JohnMerlino, um, google?
I never tried to pass one of my script to JSLint
@dievardump It's good fun.
And I'm sure it wouldn't be a good idea
@dievardu Prepare yourself first.
@ sign failure. Jslint will make you feel bad.
Oh i'm not sure
It will just make me rework everything
@dievardump if you aren't using strict mode, he's already slapping you
No i'm not
Strict mode is a good idea
You can get around that by using IE.
He really has to ask for a decent design
Unexpected '!'.


line 1 character 2
Stopping. (0% scanned).
It does not like my comments
i just found good site
My script starts with /*!
can someone help me to fix menu on apexcue.com/medex-temp/# dropdown
when it says free, it really means it
anybody on mine?
do we have our first spambot?
@AnkitGupta make a question on the main site. and try to extract the code that is applicable to the dropdown menu and post that in the question
I really don't want to surf all your source to find it
@dievardump Hmm, can't reproduce that.
Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.
@rlemon "browser product "
@rlemon, sorry, I don't actually know the formal semicolon protocol - could you refer me to some documentation?
@rlemon $('#menu li').hover(
		function () {
			//show its submenu
			$('ul', this).slideDown(400);

		function () {
			//hide its submenu
			$('ul', this).slideUp(100);
(function () {
    'use strict';
in chrome it's create problem work fine in firefox.
Stopping. (3% scanned).
After passing my script to js beautifier
I'm done, i'm working no time to play with toys
It's obviously already beautiful
"Oh man, this code is gorgeous. There's nothing I can do here. I'm done."
@dievardump It's saved me a lot of time in the long run.
@AnkitGupta Question on the main site please
ok i'll give you a conceptual solution.... z-index and layers.. your menu is physically way up there so of course it will drop all the way down. layer it behind your header elements and drop it down from there.
I do this on lememe rlemon.github.com/lememe ln. 39 I have my meme-list-container element
@RyanKinal lol no ^^' It's just it's a personnal code, not for my work, I can't do it right now cause i'm at work
I'll play with it at home
(but yes, that code is gorgeous
@AnkitGupta it has a wrapper element.. here is my css
.meme-list-wrapper {
	position: relative;
.meme-list-container {
	position: absolute;
	padding: 1em 0;
	border: 1px solid #000;
	border-top: none;
	background-color: #F9F9F9;
	max-height: 600px;
	overflow-y: auto;
	overflow-x: hidden;
	z-index: 100;
@rlemon, any more semicolons I need?
@rlemon What's lememe? (Other than the lead singer in Motorhead, obviously.)
Following that link wouldn't be very Larry Wall.
it's a meme generator based on canvas and imgur's api
I'm trying to crowd-source my browsing experience.
the code is here: github.com/rlemon/lememe , and it's done by @rlemon :)
@FlorianMargaine Ah, thanks. (Yeah, I guessed that last bit!)
be forewarned. Lememe will soon be taking a name change and be upgraded to beta1 and released on a real domain / host
I will be listing thumbnails and hosting images myself.
i'm half done with the upgrade just shopping for hosts.
@rlemon Nice.
I have to name change because of stupid lememe.com
I'm dabbling on mememe.com Me meme (because of the drag and drop meme any picture feature)
I like the " Tolerate... stupidity "
@rlemon with ads and IE 8+ support ?
@rlemon NSFW this two almost nude people on the screen
@dievardump :-)
how is that not safe
they are not nude
I see no boobs
I see some guys arms and some shoulder
When your boss came behind and see you click on a link with that, it's maybe worse than nude people
fuck I see worse on prime time TV
my boss was here while I was showing you guys
I showed him the "cool tattoo"
@dievardump the IE support is ... well... going to be coming. because of Canvas I need to do some magic to support IE code.google.com/p/explorercanvas looks like it might work.... but i'm always like... ugh
counter-strike anyone ?
wwas never a fan
am going to play for an hour .. wohoo feeling like a boss after the cpp i did today
n64 007 was the only FPS I was ever able to get into
@rlemon sadly thats the only game i have on my HDD on windows!
and one of the only 2 games i have on it atm
Diablo 3
^ where it is at
@rlemon Ah yes, remember it well.
not on it
removed to save disk space
@adscriven I think i'll get a emulator and play 007 with the GF tonight.
Games : [ Window_Games , CounterStrike , HAWX ];
@rlemon I think I still have it in my garage.
like that eh
I have so many old games sitting around in... I need to hook them all up sometime
I can not understand why people code that
it's an effing waste of time
It's from Hakim El Hattab, he codes that in like 15 minutes
to have fun
you never wrote code just because you can?
when you're a man like him, it's not real "fun" to code that
That would be fun for me, does that mean I'm not a man :(
well then idk what to tell you - I would have had fun writing that and impressing my friends who don't know any better.
It's full of color, that makes gay, he shares it and people retweet
@rlemon trust me CS Source is more fun then N 64 007
bbl on windows
@Abhishek lies~!
wish me luck
that my pc wont freeze
i havent used windows 7 for a while
@dievardump well, whats not fun about that?
Everything except gay flag colors
you mean... a rainbow..
or... the colour spectrum??
iirc these kinda ... well... exists everywhere
windows default fonts .. man i have missed these cleartype fonts
@Abhishek hehe you need a SSD with a but load of RAM
i need to remember windows password
when I had a dual boot... total time from ubuntu shutdown to windows desktop was ~3 seconds
It was sarcasme
it booted in bout 12 seconds but
Nothing is fun in what it did, REGARDING his past
yeah then i was wondering what was my password
yea maybe you have a story behind this... all I see is a fun canvas thing (it is canvas? I didn't look)
bad thing my windows and linux passwords are same
with different capitlization
but yeah i need an SSD :P
For someone like Hakim El Hattab and the millions things he posted on chrome experiments, it's like writing HTML 4.1/css2 when you're fluent in HTML 5/css3
MacBook have em aye ?
that one is cool
it's fun little scripts. let him write them
i'm sure someone somewhere will use it for a unintended purpose and will love the fact he wrote it
That is
@dievardump Ah, just found his website. Impressive stuff.

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