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Too many blogs, not enough time....
Not enough blogs, too much time.
@RaphaelR teach me
Here's a hint: Don't use an RSS reader. They make it way too easy and quick to sort out boring content. Always use your web browser.
I wish I was a Time Lord.
That, and read more uninteresting, mainstream blogs. You'll waste time without actually learning something.
Wow SO Notification Fail. I just got a notification that my answer was edited... goto it... edited by me. #fail
And last but not least, reddit.
You wanna waste time? Learn CoffeeScript
actually, time isn't that much of a problem for me the past weeks, motivation is :(
Actually, if you're looking for a really hard language, try this one. Syntax errors EVERYWHERE.
@SomeKittens because it's duck typed. :P we all know duck typing is the future
Tsk, I'm a native german speaker. Your argument is invalid.
English Uber alles
take that!
German über alles°
@RaphaelR English is the second hardest language to learn (non-programming). Mandarin Chinese being the first
sorry my keyboard doesn't do those made up characters :P
@SomeKittens that is arguable.
English is the hardest to master, that is for sure.
English is the hardest to master because it's everywhere and you need it everywhere if you are reading this chatroom.
It all depends on what one means by "learn"
Therefore, lots of vocabulary.
Esperanto, ftw. ;)
but I've had enough philosophy for today
or because it's been bastardized a million times over. words mean 18 different things depending on context.
Deutsch ist doch so eine nette Sprache
I can speak french and polish (not so well... but I get by) - however cannot read a lick of polish
The only German I know is Rammstein but I'm sure you native German speakers are tired of hearing that.
french (being canadian) has been forced upon me
@minitech how are you.
because it's not hard to learn.
you can get by with horribly broken english
but to be a master...
@AnkitGupta Fine, thanks! And yourself?
well that I cannot even claim to be
because those charts are for english speaker POV
thats why swedish is in the easy category
@rlemon You can't even capitalise a sentence. :-)
I am fine. are you really 14 year old
@adscriven I know!
@AnkitGupta Yes! \o/
@AnkitGupta Where is @hanleyhansen (Chris) when you need him
Having a seat right over there, perhaps?
I know a few words of French!
@rlemon An improperly punctuated ellipsis is also a pet hate. :-)
> Bonjour!
you should be 15 soon right
@Esailija Within the next year, yeah ;)
@minitech Awesome! I'll be a year older within the next year too!
@SomeKittens At least, you hope...
Dun dun dun.
@minitech aww this entire time I was hoping you were the other Ryan O'Hara
now i'm a sad lemon :<
@rlemon What, the rugby player?
That guy is happy as hell.
@minitech Nine lives * "some" === Pretty sure I'll survive
@Loktar He looks like he's about to eat me
@SomeKittens +1 for identity!
@Loktar Kinda looks angry to me.
Google "Robert Lemon" - and I used to think I had a unique name.
I'm similarly unique.
unique name is definitely a plus
This Should work right
@SimonSarris, unless you're in HS
This Should work right? http://jsfiddle.net/donovandigital/2Kw4p/13/
@jamesson ???
Any language in which this is valid is just annoying.
The nested ternaryh?
Ugly, but should work yes?
I believe that's just BrainF*** and CoffeeScript. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
what, me?
@SomeKittens Are you replying to me?
uhh, you dont want a >= b > c
@jamesson Sorry, wrong username.
@Esailija, how come?
@minitech No, just found that.
[No, actually, I'm just being annoying. That comment was languages in which chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/4467955#4467955 are valid.] @jamesson
because it doesn't work like you think
@Esailija, what will it do?
it will first compare a >= b and either evaluate to true or false
then it will compare that (true = 1, false = 0) > c
ah, sucky.
@Esailija is correct.
How to fix?
The easiest way to fix that is to use CoffeeScript.
@minitech :-)
a >= b && b > c
minitrvh - next project :)
@jamesson No, don't. 'Tis a silly language.
it's more like a bunch of macros than a language
@rlemon - is that the error Estailija was talking about?
that's not an error, it's just jslint
Why is this valid in CoffeeScript?
I am to blame for coffeescript. I got drunk one night and was trolling Jeremy Ashkenas about how much better Ruby syntax is compared to JS... he took me seriously.
var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };

Why === this(__indexOf.call(typeof CoffeeScript !== "undefined" && CoffeeScript !== null, valid) >= 0);
@minitech LOL
CoffeeScript is like a guarantee that you will never find any syntax errors. Ever.
that's funny
@RaphaelR oh, just noticed, another Austrian in here :) where from?
@jamesson bad assignment, no semi colon (just a pita), you're blocks are all messed. you close the function then return a value then close nothing.
Carinthia/near italian/east tyrol border
pain in the ass
ah haha
you should use jQuery instead
and totally drop that
@rlemon *your :)
Oh right! jQuery has a plugin for that too.
$.inlineCoffeeScript('a >= b > c')
crap. still cant get jPaginate to work. boo
ASI was never meant to allow programmers to write JS without semi-colons, TBH I don't know why in the hell it is even there.
rlemon: so how to fix?
Learn JavaScript
@jamesson How do you think you fix missing semicolons?
ASI is very annoying feature and the lead cause of javascript drama
@jamesson Pretend you're writing Java.
@Esailija You're thinking of loops and closed variables now.
I am currently reading a book called
btw the dart thing doesn't count as drama
> # Beginning iOS Application Development
so it's all ASI
> ## With HTML and JavaScript
@Esailija ?
Commas first is a shitload of drama as well
What no headers come on
@Esailija there has been some drama around it
Anyway, some of the code examples in this book are lovely.
And !function(){ ...
if(someVariable == true)
O sorry, I misunderstood the missing semicolon part
@Zirak you can put commas first in most languages
someElement.color = #000000
without quotes?
@adscriven Oh come on, that one's great! It saves a whole byte!
@Esailija Exactly. This is a book.
why are you reading it
@Esailija I didn't know it was bad until I started reading it.
@rlemon By using the longer form of the word you hereby waver any right under the Anti-Grammar Nazi Act of 1997. Therefore, I am legally allowed to inform you that the correct form is "your", a possessive, and not "you're", a contraction for "you are". Have a good day.
return x == true ? true : false;
^ Not from the book, but I have seen it.
@minitech :-) And JSLint. And underscore vs. lo-dash. And, and, ...
And AMD vs. CommonJS.
> By using the longer form of the word you hereby waver any right under the Anti-Grammar Nazi Act of 1997
var I, am, going, to, write, all, my, shit, like = this; // now
@rlemon You're missing a comma there.
@rlemon s/AND //
@minitech you're only a few provinces away... don't think I won't come out there!
@minitech Yeah, and a '!'. Is that an exclamation, or a command?
@adscriven I believe it is, yes.
Then police, beware!
! is a statement separator
All of this anger effected my good grammar. <-- Perfectly correct!
@Esailija ++drama. :-)
@minitech *Affected. "Effect" is a noun, not a verb
Sorry, drama += 1.
@Zirak Nuh-uh :)
puts on sunglasses, rides to the sunset
Hold on, lemme find it.
@adscriven lol indeed
Hang on, I recall in my childhood...something about lightning shocks and grammar.
hrm. Fuck you, I'll spent the next hour trying to learn the minutiae ~_~
@Zirak No, you're thinking of "grandma"
Lightning Shocks Grandma died before I was born; that's where I got Phoenix Grandma from. duh.
@minitech AHA! Gotcha!
Shit; sorry; drama += 1;
Tricky ass bastard.
((=>)== =>) is 0??? isnt yes???
And still, it's incorrect! The verb "effect" means "brings about" or "cause"; your sentence All of this anger effected my good grammar implies that "All of this anger caused my good grammar"
@minitech It's 42
@Zirak Yes, that's what I was implying.
...really? Shit.
But it didn't. That sentence was a complete falsehood, save for the latter part.
Grammatically valid, however!
Thanks for the lesson, Oh Aged Grammar Granny.
@minitech Is anger divisible?
$("*").fixGrammar();  // now no more discussion
@SomeKittens Command @minitech quiet, you two does not exist.
@SomeKittens /tell does not simply give someone a message :P It's used to delegate command output
@Zirak then what was I thinking of?
what does adding ? at the end in coffeescript do
@SomeKittens Command list does not exist.
oh right, broken link. whoops...I should change that.
ah I see
@Esailija It implies self-doubt.
!!/tell SomeKittens listcommands
(typeof lol !== "undefined" && lol !== null) != null;
@SomeKittens Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, hang, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo
@Esailija Or since it's really Ruby, I guess it does nothing.
@Zirak Nudge registered.
@Esailija It checks for null and undefined.
yea dunno why I asked since I could have just tried it
@rlemon :P
Not sure why they don't just use == null.
@minitech Ooh, so not a valid identifier char?
It's more concise and probably faster.
@adscriven Oh right. It checks for undefined variables too.
it throws if it's undeclared
Wait, now I'm confused as to what you meant by that, @adscriven.
But I won't ask.
@Zirak I Love CoffeeScript... and LAMP! I LOVE LAMP!
if you are the one in control you can just sayt if window.asd != null though
but the code cannot know
@minitech I just guessed it was used in the same way as in Ruby, like at the end of a method name.
Aw, CoffeeScript can't do string multiplication.
So no
Like appending a 'p' in Lisp.
"Buffalo" + " buffalo" * Infinity + "."
I guess
Hey, actually, I wrote a sort of general idea for a new language that has any character work in an identifier, almost. Somebody wanna help me implement it?
@minitech Forth?
I think it probably falls under the category of "recursively enumerable languages", though.
@adscriven No, I said "new".
&hellip; <!-- Just checking
@minitech No one uses it anymore. Pass it off as new.
Microsoft do that all the time.
And attach a ".NET" or ".js".
Anyway, the general idea for the language is that you can define function names as going anywhere and the interpreter will figure out what you mean.
@RaphaelR lisp.NET
hey all
'going anywhere'?
paste.ubuntu.com/1085196 Link is too long for the chat
good night now
workin a regex problem atm... tryin to match all periods (".") in a string except the last occurrence of one. any suggestions?
For example, else could be defined as
gist: ISMETA: else implementation, 2012-07-10 21:03:09Z
def else (Block b) (Block k = Block.empty) {
    (Condition c) {
        Condition r = if not c b
        k r
@SomeKittens Aw, you beat me to it. Anyways, what was Microsoft THINKING when they named IronScheme!
@AndyPerlitch How about .+\.(?=[^\.]*\.)?
@AndyPerlitch Example input and output?
No wait, I thought you meant just the last one.
Loop through with exec :)
so for example, a file called imagename.php.jpg
i want to get rid of the first period
@AndyPerlitch Match them all, then pop the last match off the end of the array of matches.
What he said.
Oh right.
Or... (give me a second)
im usin it with preg_replace so was hoping for an expression
didnt wanna bring that up cuz this ain the php room
@AndyPerlitch /\.(?=.*\.)/g
@minitech EPIC
thank you minitech
@AndyPerlitch No problem! Confusing regular expressions are my specialty.
could you possibly explain the syntax for the parenthesized part?
Too bad JavaScript doesn't have named backreferences, that would be more fun. 'Course, there is XRegExp.
does (?=[charclass]) mean do not match that?
@AndyPerlitch (?= starts a zero-width assertion.
Hey look! I'm using echo for something other than debugging!
So it looks ahead of the current match, and if there is no match for the lookahead, the match doesn't match.
aright hang on lemme think about that a sec
'match'.match(/match/) == 'match' // match matches match. Who knew?
Another way: it decides whether a match happens, but isn't included in the match.
@minitech ok read this a few times, i get it
so it finds a period, then looks ahead to the rest of the string, and if there isnt a directly adjacent period or some chars then another, the initial period is not matched
Yeah. And then for any subsequent matching (if the regexp were more complex), the regexp engine backs up to the point where the (?= started.
Computer bluescreens, restarts into Ubuntu.
cool. thanks fellas
Well, that is what I get for using the Windows 8 Release Preview.
No, no, no :(
I had my TrueCrypt password drive mounted, and apparently it doesn't save until you unmount it. And I registered an account somewhere. Time to get a password reset.
Doubt it. TrueCrypt could hardly keep the data of a several GB partition in RAM.
Well conceptually anyway. Probably how most JS implementations do it too.
Also, my computer crashed at least once while I was working on a TrueCrypt partition, and I remember that everything I saved in the editor was alright.
> The "get" method should be used when the form is idempotent (i.e., causes no side-effects). Many database searches have no visible side-effects and make ideal applications for the "get" method.
Is it just me, or is that incredibly wrong?
I never use get
@SomeKittens I think it's just you - or is that just me?
There are some good use-cases for GET
aww i hate women
A search form is one of them.
@ThiefMaster I'm currently using it so the user can bookmark it
@RaphaelR 10MB partition. It's for passwords.
@Abhishek That's where you are going wrong.
@Abhishek The gay side is open for you to come in.
not that way
oh god
i should say
I hate indian women
Racism < misogyny?
@adscriven Yeah.
I need to review the operator precedence chart.
This is why I like Lisp.
Oh yeah, that new language I was talking about doesn't have operator precedence.
It's kind of like... what was it? INTERCAL?
@adscriven No, I'm talking about another language.
Pretty sure that INTERCAL has no precedence rules and everything is left associative.
Though, does Forth have operator precedence?
@RaphaelR I thought you had to disambiguate anything with ' or ".
Right! Sparks and bunny ears!
@minitech Smalltalk?
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
Tom Lehrer? ;)
@ThiefMaster No, I was just describing my day.
@minitech Nope, just a stream of space-separated tokens.
It's a shame that this guy didn't continue his singing career instead of just teaching whatever he's teaching...
@ThiefMaster, he got bored of playing the same stuff every night
Nevermind, I'm a moron
@GNi33 can u check out the login page on mobile for me bro ?
haven't got a mobile device right now
i can check tomorrow at work though
u can use pc [it will work]
woah, why's there so much inline css?
Is enybody here?
There is a list of avatars to your right. You tell me.
@GNi33 where is inline css ?
Hi man.. I have a big problem with jquery.ajax method
and asp.net web serivce
@Zirak Fool! :-)
woah, brb, I think my neighbour, Interest, just got shot!
ah if you mean the <style> tag
@Abhishek nah, sorry, didn't mean inline - css, but in style-blocks in the header
ı am calling web service from jquery ajax method...
Hi GUys
yeah thats so , but then you have to remember its me (XD)
you can look my questtion from here
I'm trying to figure out the best way of delivering an advert onto a page with an external script
I need the script to make a call to some php and then the php feed back the info
Q: Jquery Ajax method error with asp.net web service on a remote server subdomain

MehmetI created a project, it is an asp.net project and it has a Service1.asmx and ı hosted this project to remote server like a subdomain (myservice.test.com/Service1.asmx) and ı am calling this web service from an asp.net application with jquery ajax method. This application is on same remote server ...

No using jQuery, which i have at the moment
Using $.post
@GNi33 i was too lazy to think a seperate name for the css file
so just wrote it in there
hehe, oh well...
Sending an xhr without jQuery!? That's madness, I tell you, madness!
SO i should use xhr?
If only there was some heavily documented and illustrated API to do it!!
Hint: XMLHttpRequest
Just to make sure he doesn't land on w3sh... developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM
I am very bad with the naming thing @GNi33 seriously in my earlier / well in most of my project the <style> block is about a thousand lines
Cheers, do you know how other ad networks deliver adverts
when i code , by the end it becomes main.css lol
can anybody help me?
haha, just split it up in some main seperate parts
style-tags inside html - files become unmaintainable very quickly
ctrl + f
and random comments help
i'd rather have blahwtfbbq.css than something like that
what i do
/* Le face - nose */
. 200 lines just to make a realistic nose with flowing mucus as li and :after
/* le lips */
but being with florian and you i am damn sure i will learn some naming conventions and a lot of js / css and web tech :D
See you all tomorrow , i am heading towards my bed which looks awesome without any woman init :D

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