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@somekittens morning
I want to create modal windows with different skins or different fuctionality. Which design pattern should I follow?
@chchrist I'll probably get beaten to a pulp for this, but I'm partial to the idea of MVC
Hmm I was thinking more of the Factory or the Facade pattern or some other object creation pattern
Good morning now
:D I feel energetic!
Don't take my word as gospel truth but it's worth a look
[some tabs help]
Morning all!
@Neal o/
@Abhishek eh?
its called a hi 5
Person 1 -> o/ \o <- Person 2
-hands in hi5-^
I am very confused....
@Abhishek It's just laughing out loud in italics
@Neal welcome to internet :D
\o/ <- italics gone terribly wrong
@SomeKittens nah .. its a pattern of supporters
[ sorry 4 cups of cuppachino + 1 bottle of beer + a secret tab with skillet music ... aye! I am hyper ]
@Abhishek There is really no need for hi-fives online...
@Neal its just a way to say hello
seriously people... stop talking about coffee :D
@Abhishek Not that I know of. I just say: "Hello", "Hi", "Hey", etc...
@GNi33 get some bro
@Abhishek Ah! A fellow Skillet fan!
@Neal append.
@Abhishek ?
append this new way of to the array containing hello , hi , hey , namestey , bonjour , ...
@SomeKittens oh yeah skillet skillet \o/
@Abhishek that's the problem... i can't
the freaking machine is broken
I wish I could mail you some, but that doesn't seem practical.
No programmer should ever be without his coffee
Machine is broken ? cant u use hands ? oh wait no milk and spoon and heater aye ?
nothing, just beans and a broken machine
i could eat some of those beans though... wonder how that tastes
One direction - Beautiful has more views then skillet monster , linkin park points of authority
@GNi33 Thou your soul shall meet an expericence you will never forget.
eat it and upload the expressions on reddit :D
Yeah! Music was best when I was most emotionally vulnerable to sappy pop lyrics!
Hey all. I am having some js issues
I am appending spans to a <td> element.
Then when I try to get the children() of that td element, only the original span that was there shows up as a child....
@Abhishek those all have more views than Parkway Drive, after all
Why would that happen? :-(
@SomeKittens Ill make one. un momento
@SomeKittens jsfiddle.net/maniator/9rhjj here ya go
I am making a tree view
y u use tables and not ul>li
I am trying to make .vert to all places where there should be a vertical tree line
@rlemon bc I am.
hrm... ok but all of this can be accomplished with HTML + CSS
you're WAY over complicating things.
@rlemon Oy.... I want to be able to make rows children easily.
i can see the difficulty in formatting it to also display as a table.. but to me this is all overkill. just my opinion
@rlemon heh? it has to be a table
it is a table of information
nothing has to be a table.
I basically want to rewrite the code that made this:ying-sw.com/js/jQTreeTable/unobtrusivetreetable.php bc it is glitchy
but I cannot get those vertical lines in right
why not just use the plugin
@rlemon agian. it is glitchy, and not what i need. that is for a static table that is unchanging
I want to be able to change the tree on a whim
It is the last part of my code that doesn't work. with spanVert
I must be doing something wrong.... because this should work:
var thisTd =  $(this).children("td").eq(1);
var spanVert = $("span.img:eq("+lastChildSpanIndex+")", thisTd);
Oh. wait, I might have found my problem.
anyone got a good js / general dev - podcast for me?
@rlemon didn't you post a good talk-list some time ago?
podcast? no... youtube... yes
me no uptodate with this podcast stuff

Learn Javascript Videos

Apr 27 at 15:10, 1 minute total – 7 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Apr 27 at 15:13 by rlemon

basically googleTechTalks channel on youtube and search for Javascript
thanks :)
Ok figured it out :-)
@rlemon ah, i was remembering this one -> youtube.com/playlist?list=PL20115B23208B1033
ohh yes
how to do ajax async call, which will work in background? i want to upload some data to database, but it should not stop when redirecting page. Plz help...
ontwik.com is great too btw
Can somebody help me with this?

if ($("#feedback").overlay().close().click()) { location.href = "/providers/place/"; }
what do you expect that code to do?
@Nimmy what does AJAX stand for? learn that and you've answered your own question.
If you close the overlay, you go to the /providers/place/ page
ahh ok well that code will not do that at all.
why is it in a if - clause? what is .overlay()
what gets returned of .close() and so on ...
TBH i'm not sure what that code will do...
$(overlayCloseButton).on("click", function() {
     $(this).parent(overlay).remove(); // or close or w/e
     window.location = someNewLocation;
something like this
thank you
think about this
make the close button a link to the new page.
haha, are you going to just paste this now?
<a href="/providers/place">Close the overlay</a>
^ does the same thing
@Arthur i like how the demos on that page are broken
@Arthur ok so the REAL issue here is your loose understanding of Javascript and even worse understanding of the jQuery API. (not to offend) you will have a much much easier time if you spend a day or two learning some basics.
@GNi33 Have you clicked on a photo there?
yes, but the css doesn't look to good
the text is flowing outside of the overlay
jquerytools.... wow - lets take the bloat and make it bigger... that is money
@GNi33 what browser you use?
/*  Warning:  bogus C code!  */

if (some condition)
        if (another condition)
@rlemon will the ajax call work when im redirecting page?
> Either the indentation is wrong, or the program is buggy, because an "else" always applies to the nearest "if", unless you use braces. This is an essential problem in C and C++. Of course, you could resort to always use braces, no matter what, but that's tiresome and bloats the source code, and it doesn't prevent you from accidentally obfuscating the code by still having the wrong indentation. (And that's just a very simple example. In practice, C code can be much more complex.)
man that argument is so bad.
> but that's tiresome and bloats the source code,
{} is not hard to write...
and the compiler takes care of the rest.
^ this is from a pro python site.
me wants to learn python but hates block indentation rules
@Arthur chrome 20 and opera 12.5
@FlorianMargaine can't execute in head
@rlemon I used to code like that (naked code, no braces if not needed) but changed to OTBS when I started writing code others would use/see.
@FlorianMargaine or wait for DOM to load
exactly what I was thinking
It's just too easy for someone to add a line after the else that will be executed regardless
if you don't want to use Sizzle you can use QSA
I made this redundant function so it was easier to see and replace the selector engine.
@GNi33 Strange here in chrome it works also good, do you use the apple operation system?
man I need to revisit a lot of my projects.
@FlorianMargaine Hint Hint
apple operation system?
@Arthur thank god, i don't have to :D
@Abhishek I'm reading your loader.html
oh (x
its primitive but explains the concept
Please any one help me to do a background worker for jquery mobile application
but I don't really like it
it looks like a maintenance hell
Sorry guys I mean Mac OS
@GNi33 What operation system you use?
I'm on Windows 7 right now
i think this is what he is talking about
@Abhishek use some real indentation ffs :(
@FlorianMargaine sorry :-(
and it wont be a maintanance hell , wikipedia (mobile) uses a similar structure , jQuery UI does for colors
lets see this
@GNi33 Strange I have Vista, can you show a screenshot of the problem?
rlemon just posted one
I see
@Abhishek the first bad thing is: you're using window.onload :p
I think they have not set the height on auto
closes browser... blocks page... looks up owner on whois.net.... burns his house down
I want there was only one browser
that reminds me something
isn't there some mini library like ystop or something
^ I also do this when I see tables with uncollapsed cell borders
to enable or not features
I hate IE you can use html5 there
yepnope is kinda nice
Chrome über alles!
@FlorianMargaine what else can we use ?
for the germans .
window.onload , document.on('load',function(){
}), $(function()){
}, document.ready
@Abhishek you don't need to wait for onload or anything :|
oh yes (XD)
@rlemon even that
i can just put it in head crap
do you want to use require.js?
nah, let's just use a single global variable
tapeer ;
@FlorianMargaine require.js looks good
but we will have to think something about css
var allOfTheThings = {
      'cow': jQuery,
      'moo': $,
      'huh': _,
      'and': YUI
there now i'm ready to make a website

var allOfTheThings = {
      'cow': jQuery,
      'moo': $,
      'huh': _,
      'and': YUI
It's not working, the overlay close immediately I'll load the page again with ajax and we not needed the href
well mooTools was using $
hence the moo:
I don't run noConflict... I NEED CONFLICT!
@FlorianMargaine alright lets use require.js w/t require.js with requireCss
I like to release my jQuery and mooTools onto an unsuspecting DOM and let them have fun for a bit... they usually end up fighting though. So I have to give them both a time out (I'm sorry your browser will now have to wait until their timeout is over)
^ I often wonder looking at some peoples puke code if this is their mindset.
RT @paul_irish: @firefox #iusefirefoxbecause the mobile client can save any page to PDF, making bandwidth-saving on international trips ...
@FlorianMargaine what were you using typesetting for anyways?
trying a logo
but then I found out that typesetting just cuts everything in its own span
I thought there were some css with it too :(
you know, use typesettings.something and BAM! something ridiculously beautiful
@FlorianMargaine thanks
@Abhishek I don't think it's worth it to use require.js actually :/
rather, I think we shouldn't use it
well I can make it beautiful
@FlorianMargaine then we can always use what we are using right now !
What is the logo text
because the website will be heavily dependant on js, and require.js adds some delay before js is ready, this wouldn't be good
@rlemon nah, doesn't matter, that was just some quick thought I had
and @Abhishek I definitely don't think the html structure will be the same on desktop and mobile versions
@FlorianMargaine why ?
what are you guys building?
the base is going to be same
@rlemon the next facebook, what else?
@FlorianMargaine nah not the next facebook , maybe html5 skype with features of fb
@rlemon It's like GitHub for lesbians!
nice advertising tactics @rlemon
@FlorianMargaine The ultimate dom wont be same thats for sure .
but the base can be same then with platform dependence we can manipulate it on demand
or if u are not very happy with working this way we can always break it into two parts
mobile / pc
ohh why ohh why do people join the chat without enough rep to talk
@Abhishek no, we can't, that'd be UA sniffing on the server side
remember, the main content must be reachable by google :]
oh yes :-| , now u see why i say i havent understood seo
Wait, why would you want to design the next Skype when Google already did?
because we're better than Google ofc
hell yeah lol
what else?
@FlorianMargaine hmm so we should break it into two different sites aye ?
or we go the responsive design way, yeah
sounds like a plan and with minor ua sniffing at server we can also force pc users not to come on phone and vice-versa
responsive design .. explain. , technology involved
faking UA is three clicks away
!!/tell @Florain'users' !== 'hackers'
responsive design is: we build the mobile version first
this way, the main content is available for google
@FlorianMargaine Users are not hackers
then, we build all the desktop thingy with javascript, using responsive design
Make a link to mobile version of the site and show desktop version first
how does that sound?
@FlorianMargaine hmm sounds like a plan
And your site does not need to be accessible from Google if it's only an app and you don't have content
i was asking that because a lot of responsive web-design use @media-queries
which are awesome no-doubt
@copy we have content, that's the problem
What content ?
@FlorianMargaine just wondering , if we should just make it public developed -> the chat made by SO chat ?
Was the skype thing not serious ?
@copy yes.
it's not a skype thing
well, kind of
but there is public content too
Then don't use JS
@copy why not ?
OK so you're making Google Hangouts
with <video> , <[web]audio>, WebRTC and flash based Client-Server Shims its possible the skype part comes last in priority though.
@Abhishek Well, not definitely. But you should start that way
@Abhishek aaaaand google hangouts has all of this.
@copy that's why I'm saying "build mobile version js-less"
it has the main content
@rlemon come on facebook
i cant explain it all in here or wait
Excuse me.
@FlorianMargaine Why mobile ? Mobile isn't that important usually
mobile means that the main content is there
you have what you want your users to see
(including google)
@copy are you effing me?
in a minimalistic way
mobile is not important???
@rlemon My effing 100 euro trash phone already has a resolution of 800*600
we can build around this, then
I hate browsing reduced websites
I hate browsing non reduced websites
@FlorianMargaine we can move it there
@rlemon please join
how does that change anything? :|
@FlorianMargaine Its too specific for JS
@copy and my desktop has 1920*1080 - make your site scale properly
@rlemon That's what I'd suggest instead of making an extra version for mobile
responsive web is nice... but cannot be done well in all situations.
@rlemon It also slows down processing a lil-bit
@copy the desktop version is just the mobile version responsively designed
if you use @media-quries
cause it seems constantly polls
you know, the other way :)
@FlorianMargaine So, when somebody visits your website through google they land on the mobile version ?
if they have js disabled, yes
if js is enabled, responsive design does its job and you get the version for your resolution
Okay then
love it
Anyone mind a frustrated rant?
give it to us!
don't be disturbed by me, just trolling trough
When assigning a project, make sure that you know what you're planning to do ahead of time
Don't make it up as you go
^ isn't that most companies business models?
Make sure there's a spec, or SOMETHING that describes what you're making is supposed to do
@rlemon and we wonder why most companies fail.
methinks SomeKittens has never worked in the corporate software world.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you change how the project works halfway through
unless you are the CEO and you want it to
@rlemon I thought we covered that?
you sign the cheques you can do pretty much anything you want.

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