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@SomeKittens I mentioned it three times. :P
The only Windows version I can say I enjoyed using was 95
@OmeidHerat I use mainly windows (to play), so I have a vm with vagrant on ubuntu, using putty everything's great :p
localstorage rape in progress: stackoverflow.com/questions/11417479/…
@FlorianMargaine I have a Window7 machine and a XP machine for gaming. then my development box is Ubuntu and work I have Ubuntu
@FlorianMargaine well yeah that is handy, but cygiwn gives you access to the files-system. though you can use Samba to do that with your VM. but I think there is more to cygiwn :)
there is a shared folder on the vm
vagrant is really great
quick javascript Q
is there a way without jQuery to get all tags of a specific type, say all <canvas> tags in a document?
(short of actually traversing the DOM myself)
@SimonSarris Yes. jQuery is written in Javascript, so it's possible to implement all of jQuery's functions in JS
i just had to make a border by using a 1px high div with background
i feel dirty :(
var myNodeList = context.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
@SomeKittens I know that, I was wondering if there was an actual singular method
context = document
...context :D:D:D:D:D
@rlemon y u no fix font :p
cuz happy?
thanks @rlemon
@SimonSarris np
@SimonSarris basic function of the DOM, you should learn it :p getElementsByTagName
we all have our brain farts
@FlorianMargaine context can be the document yes..
it is most of the times ><
@rlemon yay /o/
but I can also document.getElementById('foo').getElementsByTagName('li');
no love for the girls?
@rlemon Don't kid yourself
well I would imagine Rebecca is a woman.
^ if that isn't a chick then man... that guy has a feminine belly
I just think it's cool i'm starting to see younger(17-20) girls getting into coding. In my highschool there were no girls in the engineering classes or CS classes.
not a one.
@rlemon barntotal.se/startsida_gravid halfway down the page
that also happens a lot
@rlemon Not a fan of brogrammers?
that was like GirlCanCode
@rlemon I was going to say, you're the one who showed me that technique
@rlemon i think it's great too
now with all of this said: I would never be able to date another programmer. There would be too many fights. What if she was all "ASM" and I was all "GTFO" how would we raise the kids?!
@rlemon "OO!" "No, Functional!"
agreed. my girlfirend is a nontechie but i think it balances me out.
i teach her technology and she teaches me that technology isn't everything lol
I'd rather have someone who complements me than a carbon copy
What if she used CF?!?!?!?!?
that said, it'd be pretty cool to have a clone.
I don't want a clone. I want "Minions"
check this out: www1.umn.edu/parent
click on change my view and change the view
what the heck is that called?????
@SomeKittens "someone who complements me" what does that phrase mean?
@SimonSarris I'm big-picture. I think about concepts. My girlfriend is detail-oriented. Together, we make a great team. (Much better than two conceptual people)
so you wouldn't date other conceptual people?
that seems like a strangely arbitrary dating criteria, even if it is presented a lot.
@SomeKittens same here. i think it's best when you fill each others voids.
@hanleyhansen heh.
ohh I fill her void alright
@rlemon lmao
@SomeKittens what dont you get?
heh not huh
/me eyeroll
oh lol
@SimonSarris My perspective on dating is vastly different from the norm.
I think everyones is
i seem to agree with you
or else we would all want eachother.
what is that change my view crap called?
view changing
there's no exact term for it?
I will make one up
Reflective Media - media that reflects the user group currently viewing it .
sounds legit
No! Lol i need to google for the right term so i can find out the best way to do it.
ship it!
umm server side with routing
@SomeKittens oh now I doubt that, at least on this point, I hear the "I want someone to compliment me" line rather often, though I don't understand the reasoning
fail lol googling reflective media was a huge fail thanks @rlemon
basically offer up one template file... fill in the data based on the route the user takes /parents /students /etc
@SimonSarris Ah, so based on one context-free line of my opinion, you've extrapolated the entirety of my feelings about relationships?
i need to do it in drupal
should i make different templates depending on their chosen preference?
one template
i need to cookie it
or session
but cookie probably better
@hanleyhansen just use the themes drupal provides
@SomeKittens Just that from what you've said so far, you've said zero outside the norm, so it seems odd that you'd even say your perspective is vastly different
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean?
he can choose its preferences: one of them is the theme to use
@FlorianMargaine no because it has to be for visitors too. not just authenticated users.
@FlorianMargaine look at how they do it www1.umn.edu/twincities/index.html
authenticated users have to be able to change theme too?
@SimonSarris I'm remaining a virgin until marriage. Different enough for you?
@FlorianMargaine everybody. it should have nothing to do with authentication
@FlorianMargaine top right: change my view
any ideas?
@SomeKittens wtf
not seeing it :/
@rlemon then what? conditionals lol?
@SomeKittens that's a freaking great idea!
$viewType = $_COOKIE['My_viewType']; // is this cookies in php i forget???
$data = array();
switch( $viewType ) {
     case( VIEW_PARENTS ):
          $data['someData'] = $this->modal->getSomeData();
     case( VIEW_STUDENTS ):
              $data['someData'] = $this->modal->getSomeDataForStudentsOnly();


// some other stuff

// now pump out a view using the $data to fill it in
it's just some links :|
obviously that code example is horrible.
but it shows what i'm trying to say
@rlemon i think it's beautiful
do you get what i'm trying to say though ?
yes exactly
thank you
saving this snippet
> we come out of college thinking we know how to do everything when in fact we only know how to do what has already been done
Great snippet, and very true
honestly. in PHP using a framework (Zend CI SF2 whatever your fancy) will make you better at PHP :P makes you realize things and such - god I suck at explaining myself. lets just say :P
$data is going to be super complex though. they change links and everything.
I need a tiny dom selector, anyone knows a decent one ?
I can't be bothered to test on the browser now.
have you used it ?
QS/QSA = context.querySelector[All](selector);
gist: tiny select. Selecting has never been so awesome \o/, 2011-12-10 16:01:27Z
// Pretty fast - http://jsperf.com/select-vs-natives-vs-jquery
  By, shortcuts for getting elements.
var By = { 
    id: function (id) { return document.getElementById(id) }, 
    tag: function (tag, context) { 
        return (context || document).getElementsByTagName(tag)
    "class": function (klass, context) {
        return (context || document).getElementsByClassName(klass)
    name: function (name) { return document.getElementsByName(name) }, 
    qsa: function (query, context) { 
        return (context || document).querySelectorAll(query)
    qs: function (query, context) {
        return (context || document).querySelector(query)
@SomeKittens yeah I'd call that fairly different, though I went to catholic school for 12 years so I saw that sentiment a lot (my state has highest % catholics in US)
CSS question
how can i select an input which has a value ?
@SimonSarris Just try to avoid making large generalizations like that in the future.
@SomeKittens you are everyone else in a nuttshell
@FlorianMargaine what happens when the browser doesn't support QSA ?
just face it
@SomeKittens It wasn't a generalization, based on what we were just talking about, the sole thing, you were pretty much standard issue
we should just call you "Us"
@rlemon UsKittens? Doesn't have the same ring
nono.. just Us
[troll]I didn't know catholic still existed.[/troll]
catholics will kill you!
with torture!
yes they'll release the wild nuns upon you
@Loktar I didn't expect that!
flesh eating nuns
Lets not get on the religious debate. I really don't want to get banned again for speaking my mind and offending religious types (when in fact their views are them speaking their mind and offending me... I never could see how this is so one sided)
literally, as in its in the holy book that you eat flesh
lol @rlemon
you're probably right rlemon, this might not be the place for that sort of thing
@rlemon <- That. Let's stick with Monty Python references
The Walking Dead ?
@SomeKittens was mostly referring to medieval times :P
@SimonSarris plus.google.com/110964538845594153848/posts/TSw4LaVtLGa this was a result of people using open forums to generalize and condemn opposing views
@rlemon Is that intentionally 404'd?
shouldn't be
it's a g+ post
It's 404
Sure of the URL ?
i clicked it and i can see it
probably a permissions thing
@Abhishek notice no porn tabs??
I checked
@rlemon notice unreadable tabs :o
@rlemon Ugh, all too common...
just live and let live.
@rlemon seriously i am using asumption to go through tabs
anyways does anybody knows how to apply a css rule if the input element has any value init ?
or will i have to use the good old javascript in here ?
class ?
:active ?? just a stab
nah active wont do
:focus ?
no ? ok
@dievardump no he means like input[value=?]
OOOOO input[value!='']
It should work with a selector value!= or something else
@rlemon try it
hi there, is there something wrong with jquery.com?
yea doesn't work
@EH_warch Yeah, it hosts jQuery.
maybe jquery itself
@rlemon that is an awful lot of tabs
@OmeidHerat that is nothing. At least I can still read the first letter of those
in an hour it'll be reaching the browser limit
pluf, anyone have the reference for the $.post() function?
uncle google does
@EH_warch maybe jquery.com
its up again, thanks anyway. It was down ... at least for me that is why i was asking
1 min ago, by rlemon
@EH_warch http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
now you no longer need to ask
@rlemon did not know that, thank you
OK lets close some tabs!
It's only 2:15 pm
I know it's depressing
I need to get back at freelance
was funnier
I never made enough money
I like a steady pay cheque too
But I could handle part time + freelance
so what are the disadvantages of storing images as base64?
Which is to say: I am looking at this plugin.... Why would you make your "users" pull like 5 files (js, css, 3 images) when the images are all loaded via js and you can just store them as base64 in the code.
minus readability/maintainability is one slower? browser support?
Q: Is it safe to use <a href="data; ..."> to display images?

ColenI've learned that it's possible to embed an image in an HTML page like so, instead of linking to a separate image file: <a href="data:image/png;base64,...(blah blah base64-encoded png goes here)..." width="70" height="38" alt="image embedded using base64 encoding!"></a> Is this "...

@rlemon I know that feel bro
@SimonSarris I just can't sit idle while someone insults me (albeit in a generalization)
@SimonSarris hehe i'm reading your blog post on getting your nexus. did you watch the Google I/O 2012 keynotes?
I can't wait to get my OTA 4.1 update :P will be so bauce
@rlemon nay
If you have some time watch the opening keynote - it does a descent job of summarizing the updates in 4.1
all I watched was paul irish (my hero), but I'll have a look at that too
wait? did you get a nexus @SimonSarris
like do you physically have it?
Im waiting on mine, Ive heard rumors they are going to ship next week. I hope its true.
well I have the Galaxy Nexus via last year. although reading the specs I don't see a diff other than software
yeah.. Ive got a galaxy tab 10.1
idk how much I will like going to a 7" screen
The nexus 7 I am waiting patiently for.
"paul irish (my hero)" sounds so weiiird
okay cant be done with css
I mean Paul Irish seems like a cool guy and all, but idk.
and i take this as personal offence :-(( :-((
He reminds me too much of Dane Cook
@Loktar Reminds me of Newton a lil bit , just add a wig
@dievardump I read this... someones profile?
Now you are giving him way too much credit.
@rlemon nop
5 mins ago, by Simon Sarris
all I watched was paul irish (my hero), but I'll have a look at that too
ohh that is probably where I read it
I want a Banana Split
that makes me buy a X-Box :3
Iron Xbox
@Abhishek haha awesome.
heh, female is Iron Male
that is a cool case mod
but for consoles.. I still think ps3 is superior
of course PC > all
@Loktar nay I just have a galaxy nexus phone, I will get the tablet "soon" probably
ah ok cool
Consoles have a special feel, and the remotes rock, but as you rightly said, the PC is god.
I thought maybe you got lucky somehow
@dievardump ?
@Zirak yeah only reason I even have a ps3 is due to the damn exclusives Sony has
everytime I play an fps on the ps3 im like UGH I need my mouse.
@Loktar no, but I did get lucky for the chromebook, I was one of the first people in the U.S. to get one outside of google :D:D:D
wow nice
(a free one from the pilot program)
howd you pull that off?
just luck of the draw?
He slept with Larry Page
just luck I think
thats awesome
I considered getting one for my wife, but I didnt know about them until just after I ordered her laptop
@SimonSarris A friend of mine also got a free one. I am sooo jealous
@SimonSarris "Paul Irish (my hero)" sounds weird for me ^^'
Are Chromebooks good or something?
Are Chromebooks good or something?
Third time
well, not particularly
@adscriven nope
i'd rather buy a surface (XD)
@Zirak for pretty cheap I have a nice controller for my pc
@dievardump Not my fault! :-)
(Not clicking retry to the timeout this time.)
I have a nice pc controller too
a wired 360 one :P
@SimonSarris But so much love. Is it cos they were free?
@adscriven they're great for browsing the web, though a little slow. I only use it for traveling though, and use a more powerful laptop or desktop otherwise
@rlemon As time passes, "gaming mice" turn more and more into Transformers
@SimonSarris Does it have a good battery life then?
Cos you can use an iPad for that.
that is actually nice - me wants for diablo
@adscriven Yes, the only drive is solid state (no spinning parts) and it lasts typically for ~4 hours. The newer ones might last even longer.
I take it traveling because it is small and seemingly durable. it may be replaced by an "ultrabook" soon though
I'm getting this one for my birthday: logitech.com/en-ca/gaming/mice-keyboard-combos/…
Hmm, doesn't sound like a long battery life to me. But small and durable is good on the road.
thinkgeek.com/product/eb03/?srp=48 this thing is also pretty sweet
Get something nice out of the day the world turned from a nice, warm shell into a miserable chain of horribleness
Best game controller I've ever used is the iPhone + gyroscope. Marvellous thing.
Slightly small display ...
iPhone + Google Glass?
so I went back to working on my shmup, could someone with ubuntu/chrome give it a quick look?
@rlemon you had that weird flickering issue, j/w if its gone now
same issue / hard refresh / same issu e
sorry bro
im going to have to setup a machine to test it on then
yay for debugging codeigniter :X
server suddenly stopped working
the logs are useless
CI appears to display all errors... then you scroll down to the bottom of some random config file and see ... oops... it is only 'logging' them
Q: javascript loop to get a certain result

weebeyI have a javascript as follows: var 1 = 3000; var 2 = 0; count = 3; charlist = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; myChars = ""; loop: var 2 = charlist.charCodeAt(i) * count; count ++; end loop I want my var 2 to be equal to var 1, but only with charCodes from c...

I just rolled back all config and it's still not working
holy shit
it was just working what th hell
@Esailija :-P
how could I be so stupid this is ridiculous
@Loktar I'll peek at the code later tonight, maybe another set of eyes will find something odd

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