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ugh. it's like SO doesn't want people to make neat stuff. Logging in programatically is just too weird
quick question: can you paste code found in gists into your SO answer (with a link to it, of course)
Why not?
don't know, wasn't really sure if i should
the gist-code isn't really nice after all, just the first thing i stumbled over :D
Is Ajax included in the basic JS library, or does it need an include?
what is the basic JS Library?
god knows
what im on about
do i need any page includes to use ajaz?
AJAX is a buzzword for XMLHttpRequest
it's kind of an API, provided by the browser for you to interact with it with JS
no include, it doesnt have anything to do with a page, it's a browser-feature
now you made Zirak go capslock... not a good sign
When creating a game with canvas, is it good practice to redraw by clearing the field and then redrawing every game object ?
what's the other option?
with canvas you're basically dealing with mspaint.
Clearing only objects that have changed and redrawing them. Or modifying pixel arrays
you'll pretty much need to do this
after it's drawn it's drawn. you cannot move it without first clearing it away.. and in the case of a game where objects are layered on a map yes, you will need to redraw everything
That's why they call it canvas
ohh html, y u so semantic
Give me an awesome web page, I'm making a xhr-for-dummies snippets.
eh, nvm, I'll only get "trololol same-origin"
I'll just hardcode awesomeness.txt
Okay, another beginner question: When I use requestAnimationFrame (RAF), does some magic happen that speeds up consecutive drawRect, drawFoo, ... calls ?
it's your browsers vsync
it's just a browser-implemented way, that is better for keeping a constant framerate
and it pauses, when the tab is inactive ;)
Not enough bad metaphors and hardly any insults to your mother
that is what the Mooooooo in the content is
haha, that twitter account is great
Q: Run a webgl function in a three.js program

user1482030In my three.js script I want to use this webgl function : gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE,gl.ONE). How can I do that with three.js ? Thank you.

these web-gl questions are getting worse and worse
Q: Open Source HTML/JS game(s) with license that would allow embedding in my app?

DustMasonI'm working on an educational app for kids. At the end of the sign-up process, the kids must wait for a confirmation from their parents in order to gain access to the app. While they wait for this to happen, we want to let the kid play a simple game as a way to keep their interest up. Is there ...

Q: javascript to redirect page based on unique identifier

JeffI'm trying to redirect a page view for numbered identifiers to a different page view. the id= has a number after it and I want the /Ticket/Display.html?id=number to match the /Ticket/ModifyAll.html?id=number. This is what I came up with but it fails for obvious reasons. //==UserScript== // @nam...

I'm not going mad, right? XHR was introduced in IE7
Not as an ActiveX object
okay, then you're right
gist: xhr for dummies, 2012-07-10 23:33:20Z
  So, you want to send a motherfucking XMLHttpRequest (XHR, or commonly and
falsly known as AJAX.) Too bad, just ran out of motherfucking XMLHttpRequests;
but I still have one regular.
  XHR is not magic. It does not autofuckinmagically send things the way you
want them do be sent. It does not do the thinking for you. It just sends an Http

  You get a hold on such a prime beast like this:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

  It's different in IE6-. But I don't give a fuck about IE6. If you do, then
google it.
  Congrats, you're on your way to AwesomeVille. Step 1, getting the car,
complete. Bitchin ride. I heard the flames make it go faster. Your car's smart,
though, so just tell it how and where to go, otherwise known as Step 10:

xhr.open( method, url );

  Your car knows how to GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS and PUT. No, you don't
need to know all of them (you fucking well should), but usually just GET or
POST will do.
  Here, I wrote the coordinates down for you:

xhr.open( 'GET', 'awesome.ville' );

(See "Tonsil A: open" for more rants, if I can be fucked to write it. Why not
Appendix? I wanted an original unnecessary organ.)

  Here's the part where you set up the gear. Your ride needs pimpin. Luckily,
it has event handlers. The most important one you'll care about is
`readystatechange`. You can skip this step, also known as Step 11:

xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    //when xhr.readyState === 4, it was received by the server
	if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
	    //do shit, preferabbly call a callback or some other crap
		//xhr.status has the status code. I bet you didn't see that coming.
		//xhr.responseText includes the raw response
		//xhr.responseXML is a DOM object if you requested an XML doc

  And a very crucial point: Gas. It's important to know if you run on diesel or
not. Luckily, we have request headers, in the glorious step 100:

xhr.setRequestHeader( headerName, headerValue );
//or, hardcoded to nearly every fucking need your pathetic ass will ever
// encounter:
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );

  Now, ride, motherfucker! Ride into the horizon, Step 101!


  Say what? You wanna sent data to the server? ...Fine. Ruin my analogy.
  If you've ever taken the time to get up from your smelly sofa and actually
look at how HTTP reuqest bodies look, then you'll know they look like this:


  And every key and every value are, of course, URI encoded.
  Here's a stupid example:
xhr.send( 'tifa\'sBoobs=huge&your%20mother=insulted' );

  Which translated to, surprise, `tifasBoobs=huge` and `your mother=insulted`.

  In conclusion:
//step 1
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
//step 10
xhr.open( method, url );
//step 11
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { ... };
//step 100
xhr.setRequestHeader( ..., ... );
//repeat step 100 until obtained all secret desires
//step 101
xhr.send( optionalEncodedData );

  Here are some motherfucking references:

* http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/AJAX/Getting_Started (note: XHR support was added in IE7, the first section lies)
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/using_xmlhttprequest
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest#HTTP_request
@HarryBeasant read
I'm most proud of "autofuckinmagically"
I liked it
//step 1
//step 10
//step 11
//step 100
//step 101
I c wut u did theare
" motherfucking references" is good to
I like listing things in binary. Makes people go "wtf"
"Yeah, there are only 101 steps!"
Binary is too easy
Must. Get. All. Badges.
Good game. Then shop. Ugh

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