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Question; when you enable es modules in node, it requires a ".jsm" extension on your files. Is this going to be a hard requirement moving forward, or is it simply for using them in conjunction with an experimental flag?
@sterling teach me the ways of dating in the modern age
@HatterisMad weren't you like getting married ?
@ShrekOverflow welcome to life
I am so sorry mate :(
@HatterisMad it includes a lot of crying, a lot of vodka, and a lot of swiping right
@ndugger i purposely didn't ask you dugger lol
I am here if you wish to talk
@ShrekOverflow i am fine man seriously
I've had maybe just as many tinder/online dates as Jordan, but I think he talked about it more
@HatterisMad ok
@HatterisMad his current operation is to toss a lot of lines out on Tinder, then ask me for pickup lines once they match him
@ndugger i think the question here is how many of them were healthy interactions :/
@rlemon LOL
none of them
I was in a very self destructive phase in my life
@ndugger im not that desperate yet lol
I got better
i am likely to get worse, but i am fine at the moment
Just embrace the fact that you're gonna get worse for a while. Make mistakes, drink too much, pass out in a jimmy johns. It gets better. Just acknowledge that it's gonna suck for a while.
@ndugger lol god... i don't drink currently, so if i start drinking only to pass out in a jimmy johns i know my life is fucked
There's a large wooden sasquatch here in the skyway, and I saw a homeless dude passed out behind it on the floor one morning
I wish we had jimmy johns
I'm sometimes baffled by late contributions to canonical Q&A: stackoverflow.com/a/49997447/621962
People who date on the internet are losers, change my mind.
it's not his only late answer
Toss some votes around if you guys have time.
@Loktar flagged you chad
@KevinB are those late answers always upvoted?
all the ones i've looked at
the answers to more recent questions though aren't upvoted
@KendallFrey I wanted to make a meme picture but was too lazy :/
> a meme picture
so it could just be coincidence
I wanted to take a photograph of a picture and add text to it and use a meme machine to put it on the internet basically
on popular questions like that, people seem to upvote everything
you're so basic
where's the damn meme machine
you're chatting in it
@canon > -70 03:00 reversal Voting corrected (learn more)
@KendallFrey I will send a Polaroid to your house fite me
that was in april
@Loktar do me next
export class WSGIMiddleWareAdapter extends Function {
`// code here`
Is this call for disaster bad?
@towc lol
@ShrekOverflow nah, it's a great call for disaster, you're good
@Loktar I well send a polar bear to your house
@towc It does work in ES6 that is what freaks me out
ok, yeesh sorry man
wow that just got real man
> Lendall
lmao I almost left it, the Lendall part
after lunch, the coworkers usually go play table football. We have a separate room for it in the office
they spend about 20 mins on it. I usually join them for about 10-15
is that, like, foosball or what
@Loktar hey wait lol
polar bears are one of the few animals that if they attacked me I'd prefer a grizzly
black bear: basically a kitten
brown bear: you'll be dead before you can find help
polar bear: you were dead before you saw it
I don't know where I was going with that
panda: they'd be dead if we didn't breed them
What kind of bear is best
panda bear: scared itself to death by sneezing
@rlemon i think we get them to breed each other man :/
we can try, but they're super dumb
Reminds me of the fact that "Arctic circle" is basically "the area with bears"
like.. nature making fun of itself dumb
@MadaraUchiha is it?
And that "Antarctica" is basically "the anti-bear continent"
22 mins ago, by ndugger
Question; when you enable es modules in node, it requires a ".jsm" extension on your files. Is this going to be a hard requirement moving forward, or is it simply for using them in conjunction with an experimental flag?
@towc yes, and their breeding in nature is very limited
@BenjaminGruenbaum you might know ^^
they have a VERY small breeding window, and they dont' always line up
@ndugger I predict it'll stay that way
@MadaraUchiha Do you think it will line up that way in the browser as well?
The alternative is reading the file to find out if it's a module or not, and I don't see that happening.
Don't zookeepers show them panda porn? That's a real thing, right?
@ndugger No, because in the browser you add an attribute to the entry module
@KendallFrey Yup
pandas are so cute, but so sad of an animal
Well that sucks that it'd be inconsistent
that's annoying
@MadaraUchiha if you're importing it as a module, can't you just assume that it's a module?
at least for static ones
How would someone make an env-agnostic module for both browser and node, then?
otherwise throw an error
@ndugger I'm fairly sure you can make the browser consume *.mjs files
I think that's reasonable
oh, that's my answer
@towc No, because there's an interop
I know the babel plugins for modules don't support .mjs out of the gate, but I think you can configure them
You want to be able to import files that still use require() and module.exports
@ndugger It's still years until you'd be able to do that in public facing production
Unless your boss/product team doesn't care about IE or Safari
I think ignoring IE and Safari is becoming common place
definitely among startups, here
Safari no
Sure, but I'm cool with compiling via babel for now. I just was having issues with webpack not finding some modules because the babel plugin wasn't looking for .mjs files
IE yes, but don't ignore edge
but that should be an easy configuration
Chrome, Edge, FF, and Safari should be cared about unless you have specific user data to suggest otherwise
@rlemon Don't tell me what to do
don't tell me what to do in regards to telling you what to do
also, oh man, developing backend (with docker might I add) has been such a relief
no need to think about platform compatibility at all
just always using the latest features
also, I got my first "code review" at work today
nothing about my code being actually bad as far as I could tell. Just some changes to fit the standards instantiated in the rest of the codebase. It wasn't bad
oh, also, as mentioned, removing functional promises and putting messy async/await in my code. They wanted me to do that
tbf I'd have a lot to put in a code review of the person who did my code review. I don't think they care much as long as the product works and I don't make their job harder. Which is fair
I feel like I won't learn much by just interacting with the guy, which is kinda sad, except for ofc communicating with a local team efficiently, and how jobs actually work
How do I tell typescript that I'll have variables named as dict.HTTP_*
> Dear typescript,
I will have my variables named as dict.HTTP_*.
Regards ShrekOverflow
@ShrekOverflow Maybe remove the prefix
if it's on all properties, it's not very useful anyway
@SterlingArcher I starting watching Archer on Netflix, recognized the cartoon title from your nickname, nice stuff
was missing those completely random humor cartoons
has anyone here ever developed on Magento with docker? I'm very new to docker, but isn't it a big hassle to have the internal Magento folder synchronized with a host local folder? I was thinking volumes, but they are unilateral, I don't think I can get the folders that are already inside the docker container to show up in a specific host folder with them
he's Rob--, because I'm Rob++
and then there's just Rob
classic Rob
@Cereal Rob the mod
@KendallFrey Its the WSGI Spec
and its not on all properties
@rlemon That sounds like a good way to get a ban
moderators have enough #sharethewealth
brb, ciggy smokey cancer time
@ndugger no
Not a hard requirement, but there is a good reason for it
@ndugger No one likes esm, but unlike client side modules which can afford to process all the files and parse them ahead of time - Node.js needs a way to know if a module is esm or commonjs ahead of time. We're currently discussing it.
TS rules. Any import or export in the file makes it an es6 module.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You mean nobody likes ".jsm"? Or nobody likes es modules?
I mean, for the most part, all of the node .js files I've written were all modules. I could see the default being to assume that something is an es module
The only downside to esmodules is not having access to __dirname
that I've found, anyways
but that just made me structure my code a bit smarter
.mjs* (correction on my first message above)
Because ES Modules behave differently than commonjs ones
Something about lexical naming or something
It's been a while since I dig into it
about time that import/export finds its way into node
Q: Is function literal an expression?

overexchangeBackground An expression describes a computation and evaluates to a value. a=2 // 2 is an expression in assignment statement 3 // is an expression [1,2] // is an expression {'a':2, 'b':[1,2,3]} // is an expression mul(add(4, mul...

@Earth2Eddie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Quick question (my first here on Chat). How does StackOverflow save and mine what goes on in this chat room to be useful later? Seems like it would be quite a bit more difficult than the Q&As
Can you be more specific?
They save it, but I don't think they mine it.
There's a transcript
@Earth2Eddie they save it and index it on google.
so it is pretty usable, just not with the built in search
Hello guys I have a question about react, postgres node express.js
@hackrack Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon the old welcome message still bugs me :/
they index the chat transcripts on Google?
down vote
I am using React.js in frontend, node, express and postgres in backend. I have input form, asking from user his name, email, phone number, date of birth. Once user fill up the form and click the submit button, I want to check through his phone number whether this person existed in table1 or no, if yes it has to come back to user and ask his verification, for example (is this your phone number --6891?) and if user clicks "Yes", it has to go back and put his information into table2 with id from table1. English is not my first language if I wrote some words with mistakes p
wow did you copy the text directly from a question
yes sorry this is my question
You can just paste the link to your question, but have a little patience and give people a chance to answer before you do.
it's a pretty wide question
Not really wide
He's just literally asking how the full stack works
from user to database and back
Long and narrow, if you will
@KendallFrey then direct me what to do
ask @Zirak
Yea, what he's asking for is specific enough. He just didn't give anyone a reasonable amount of time to answer it.
problem is you guys have to tell me what to run before 5pm EST
otherwise nothing I can do
Not that it hasn't been answered probably a hundred times before.
@rlemon can you check the localstorage to see if the welcome message is in there?
So, do you guys have freelance gigs or fulltime jobs using Javascript?
Though looking at his point activity...I question if he somehow was rep farming.
There was some hint about it being in "config" whatever that is
I am w i d e
@Earth2Eddie nope
@Earth2Eddie Hell, I'm not even doing developing right now. I'm doing unit tests.
I have a full-time job doing back-end stuff, not JS lol
Kotlin ftw
@KendallFrey what do you wanna bet, I can't edit this while the bot is loaded. Zirak likes to over write configs on unload and overwrite shit
So, I take it you guys have multiple SOF chat windows open
anyways, what is the new message you need me to add?
@Earth2Eddie What makes you say that?
@CapricaSix use the source, luke
this pc has no browser history and isn't logged in anywhere
copying it in by hand seems the wrong approach anyway
link me or I've lost interest
there is no other choice. the localStorage is broken (by design) I think
Likely interesting conversations going on in multiple development chat rooms + you guys said you aren't even doing JS
Zirak over writes the configs on load and on unload
idk what that means
omg she's sentient
@Earth2Eddie I don't participate in other chat rooms, this one is interesting enough
well unless you change how the bot loads, you need me to edit it by hand. and I'm not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure F5 will undo my changes.
but you can't in the current system over write a set localStorage var
why would F5 overwrite?
which is one of the reasons I removed the weather APIs from the config
because Zirak does localStorage stuff on unload
what stuff
> use the source luke
well shit
but it's easy enough to test
!!welcome rlemon
@rlemon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
any suggestion/experience for a browser based rich text editor?
so live changes do nothing, as expected. let me refresh
I don't even understand, if the old message isn't in localstorage or the source, where the fuck would it come from
@jAndy do you mean RTE or do you mean IDE
okay so I updated localStorage, verified it was changed, then refreshed.
!!welcome Kendall
@Kendall Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey Zirak pulls localStorage on load. then saves bot_config on unload
so any runtime changes are ignored, any source changes are ignored.
@forresthopkinsa RTE
localStorage is locked into what the bot changes herself.
creating formatted text encoded in html
can you force exit it, so the unload doesn't run?
I just need to change it without the extension running
but you wanted to know why it was such a pita
the welcome message shouldn't even be in the config, silly Zirak
mm no don't know sorry @jAndy
well, it is :P
also reading from localStorage isn't expensive
i dunno why he doesn't just read from it live
hrm, I wonder..
Q: second $.ajax() request needs result from first $.ajax() request

HelleCircumstances: I am using a weather API. The first ajax request returns a City ID. The second ajax request should take that city ID and return the forecast for the same. From similar posts on SO i have adapted the idea of calling a secondary function from the first ajax request's success stateme...

@ndugger This probably isn't the solution for you, but FYI it's possible to define a module loader hook to use your own logic to determine how a file path is imported. I had some modules written for the browser that I needed to pull on the server for an app, so I gave it a custom loader hook that treated all files in that directory as ES modules, regardless of the extension. But this requires a node flag, so...
I am sick of man in middle always try to cash opportunities
I need to make an appointment urgently but they are all taken by agents, who resell them for profit
Scalping has evolved to passports lol
I would be already paying £3000 for the appointment and now agents which I didn't came across yet will ask for addition £200
Most of these arbitrage situations are the fault of the agencies/vendors for failing to consider incentives. They're the ones who deserve the blame for not making the system resistant (usually trivially: just requiring the ID used to make the reservation covers 90% of cases).
They take the ID but I think it doesn't checks if it's valid or not
but I agree, they should have procedures in place which confirms if appointment is hold by genuine person
@Cerbrus you use hangouts?
that would just convert it from being mitm to scam
@rlemon Never have, why?
@Cerbrus wanted to PM you
Ehm, Github doesn't have pms, right?
idk, I'll check
i mean, there's the message thing in the private repo
but everyone with access to it can see it
nahh, can't message a user
So, how do we connect on hangouts?
just email me
that's probably the easiest :P
and done
I have 3,333 rep
@ndugger You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1408759/ndugger) have 3333 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 18 questions, gave 62 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:31.
avg. rep/post: 41.66. Badges: 2g 18s 36b
@Neal You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/561731/neal) have 107432 reputation, earned 45 rep today, asked 99 questions, gave 2583 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:287.
avg. rep/post: 40.05. Badges: 28g 198s 262b
@KevinB You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b) have 82140 reputation, earned 22 rep today, asked 7 questions, gave 2308 answers, for a q:a ratio of 7:2308.
avg. rep/post: 35.48. Badges: 11g 130s 150b
@ShrekOverflow You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/855760/shrekoverflow) have 4660 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 17 questions, gave 49 answers, for a q:a ratio of 17:49.
avg. rep/post: 70.6. Badges: 2g 27s 44b
Wow I am vampy
everyone has a better rep/post than me
In my case that basically means I have a few good answers that get EMGERD SO KEWL upvotes
mine has even going up significantly recently, thanks to that one answer
was 33 last i checked
i'll get 100k one day
I just want to see flags
in 2-3 years
but I also don't want to answer shitty jquery questions
only answer the gud ones
@geisterfurz007 You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/6707985/geisterfurz007) have 2319 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 26 questions, gave 135 answers, for a q:a ratio of 26:135.
avg. rep/post: 14.4. Badges: 1g 16s 31b
answer everything barmar answers
There you go @KevinB :)
@ndugger 9/10 are not worth the effort. Deleted questions are way better to see than flags.
your question record is better than mine
@rlemon oh, true
there are some nice gems on the deleted side of main
funny things that used to be allowed, and obvious troll Q's and A's that are pretty funny
chat flags are boring
you're boring
elon musk is boring
🆙 why is this a thing
what, the boring company?
a box with the text "UP!" in it
@KevinB because it's 🆒
"Originally intended to denote leveling up in a game"
@TravisWhite You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/4354883/travis-white) have 1215 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 62 answers, for a q:a ratio of H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ.
avg. rep/post: 19.59. Badges: 1g 5s 14b
is here

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