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had problems with snails tho
yea for my veg gardens, my inlaws have a wood chipper and some land with lots of pine/cedar trees
There's our front planter we just did. Lava rock, rocks.
@KarelG Hey!
I got a suggestion to mulch the area a bit with grass
we mulch the trimmings / fallen stuff
@hilli_micha useful
@KarelG I put some grass clippings and turn them over at the end of year. and I use grass clippings to bury seedlings.
@hilli_micha you have a better decoration idea
bunnies do not like dead grass.
well. not the bunnies in my yard
at least you don't have a wood house, @hilli_micha
they stay far away from it
great moves
what do you think is under that stucco?
@Neoares there is wood under the stucco
uff, then run away from that
yeah I do not understand why people in USA build their houses with wood
@Luggage Exterior is all masonry, of course the interior walls and shit are wood lol
it is cheap yes but not solid against strong winds / storms
@KarelG s/USA/regions that benefit from building with wood/
not to mention it can be moisty
@Luggage @rlemon you both modified your messages to the opposite one
argh, not this again :)
@KarelG strong enough for the weather we get, and better for ground shifting
@Neoares yea :)
I was right the first time, but I thought it'd be funny
it was.
@KarelG <3
I found an anti-wood mate
@rlemon I recall a stormy weather moment (not with tornado) that has ruined a lot houses in a state somewhere in USA
@KarelG sure, and how many times has earthquakes affected you guys?
they blamed me
you plan for the common weather, not the outliers
big sticks of cellulose that literally grow on trees will continue to be a popular building material.
no, I plan for my safety, and an outlier can kill you
we plan for safety as well
Yes, the outside of our house is stone/mason because of the hurricanes, that's the only reason it is.
I once built a tent using morning wood
the most earthquake-resistant buildings are 500m+ cement buildings
#checkmate @rlemon
all of north america is so wrong and fragile. amazing how they survive in their log cabins and wicker high rises.
@Neoares yes, because my house is going to be that.
now we're talking
@rlemon in CA they are using reinforced foundations with shake stabilizers
@rlemon no, but that is against your assumption that "cement houses are more fragile against earthquakes"
Wood is a near-perfect material for small construction. It's light, very strong (if thick enough for the job).
easy to work on-site
easy flammable
@Neoares in the scale I'm talking about, cement and block houses are. they have much less flex
cement can be very flexible :)
you can build things without bricks
@Neoares Only if it's exposed, but most of the time it's shielded/surrounded by drywall and shit. When this topic last came up, I mentioned and still stand-by the fact that a modern home would actually be kind of tough to burn down unless you were deliberately hitting weak points.
I would be
I like to hit at weak points
Most people aren't looking to burn down their homes.
not my house, your house
mine is inflammable
sure it is
but you're free to provoke an earthquake to get my house down
@Neoares ehm those well isolated houses ( like mine ) are also inflammable
Yes, my house, the only way I could fathom actually getting a sustained fire going in my home is if I either A) tore down some drywall and built a fire at the base of a stud in the wall or B) just straight up built a fire in my attic.
@Neoares inflammable: (adj): Easily set on fire.
fucking skype
what's flammable then
the same thing.
@Neoares checkmate
english is great
flame retardant is my choice for it.
how's the opposite of flammable
that reminds me to some "The Simpsons" episode
good question.
was that "suspense" stuff added in react 16.3?
@Neoares flamboyant
flame-retardant is common, too
in spanish, it's also "inflamable", and "flamable" doesn't exist
but we use "in" to make counterwords
sexist :O
i'd hope they're not sexist.
so it's even more confusing
usually in english too
the guy asked me the difference between apply and call in the interview.
@Neoares So does english.. mostly. Not this time
@hilli_micha lol
in english it's "un" usually, no?
@Teomanshipahi great start..
when i was little i thought the phrase was 'fire retarded'
@Neoares and "in"
inconceivable, inconvenient, etc
not sure about that one
what is 'ception'?
or 'cest'
lol, we're sick
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means"
"cest" is french
800 years of war
in spanish, the main opposite of "inflamable" is "ignífugo"
from ignis
and fugit (i guess)
tempus fugit
!!giphy forget about it
Cap, that's weak.
@Neoares, is Fall a good time to go to Spain? Tickets are suspiciously cheap
/forget giphy about
@corvid it's better than summer
Isn't forget an RO only command anyway?
also, it depends on which part of spain
summer in barcelona is horrible
except you like to die of heatstroke
Barcelona and Madrid, I heard summer in Spain is a little meh cause it's too hot
yeah, specially barcelona, since it has sea
not high ºC, but extremely high heat sensation
so if you come in October, it will still be somehow hot, but less
spaniards have a low specific heat
I have no heat tolerance :| over 70F and I am dead
!!convert 70F to C
@Neoares 38.8889 degC
eh, that's a lot dude
that's not right. that conversion is broken
it's absolute degrees.
that's absolutely right
lol 21 xDDDD
I think it's 21C, right?
@Neoares the coasts at the Mediterranean sea could have fresh wind, but most of the time they come from (sub) Sahara, explaining the warm wind
!!weather barcelona
@Neoares Barcelona: 20.5C (293.65K), few clouds
I loved the Kelvin notation
so absolute
we're already at 70F
@KarelG Of course.. what do you use?
@KarelG yeah that's why
Yeah that's hot. although I come from Northeastern U.S. which tends to be known for being relatively colder climate
0 degrees kelvin is absolutely perfect weather
for superconductivity
then fall is fine, except you want to go to the beach
@Neil degrees Celsius like those regulars.
Fahrenheit is just so nazi sounding
can be read as "fahren heit"
I just want that delicious Spanish food
everything, karel, everything
and is not only about food, it's about food culture
BUT be careful in touristic places, you can end up paying a lot for shitty food
spanish food culture?
come here 😉
@KarelG no refrigerators
don't you tell me La McDonaldo is shitty tourist food :(
yes, it is
even japanese people come to belgium just for food
I want a Grande Mac
I love food to a scary amount, especially Mediterranean and South American foods (does Spain count as Mediterranean?)
better don't talk about japanese
how fucked is that. Then they say that they gain too much weight after staying here for 4 days
the most preferred country for japanese people is spain
they love the spanish culture in general
like, too much lol
long time?
@KarelG that's because your food is made out of shitty fat things
@Neoares yeah my friend told me that Japanese people romanticize Spain a lot
@corvid yea... it's awesome xD
@corvid See also: Paris syndrome
I found that very funny, actually
eh neoares, Canada is the first non asian country japanese people is visiting
damn am I witnessing a legitimate beef over food?
Belgium food is pretty meh tbh. When I went there they also used ice cream from where I am from :| no fun
@KarelG wat
first place for european country is Germany
then Spain.
@hilli_micha i hope they squash it
but yeah yours is bigger
@KarelG much more
@hilli_micha quit waffling about, this is serious
I think everyone around here likes to go to Italy, because it's close enough and fun
@KendallFrey don't be such a ham, no time for puns.
shut your pie hole
does it have to be creamy ?
@KarelG germany doesn't have numbers
in that graph
for february ? no
it does for jan
see a summer graph,
dammit, they only took cheques, cash, or paypal.
so I went with cash. now I have to stop at the bank :(
get a gun in your pocket
they give you more cash
@Neoares no, they give you 30 years to think about how stupid that was
not everyone wants to make the news
using cheques is "old" here
@KarelG they are here as well.
I've never written a cheque
but a company selling dirt probably isn't with the times.
@rlemon yea, but you get to keep the money for a few minutes first.
@KendallFrey I've written quite a few. buy my old apartment took cheques so..
at least 12 a year
@rlemon idk, there's a place down the street with clever, topical signs
most recently "spring is here! #fakenews"
"different day, same shit" was a good one
it is at least understandable for those stupid
@Luggage for a dirt company
ordering dirt means the gardening is here.
I'm pretty excited
first world problems - online transactions have made it so I can barely remember my PINs because I never use them
protip: keep your pin numbers written on the back of your debit/credit cards
works every time
Another protip: Don't ever fucking listen to my advice
they're pins not pin numbers
This is Henry the Hedgehog. Having him on your timeline proteccs from all bulli.
personal PIN numbers
@KendallFrey rip in piece
@ssube those are PPINNs
OK, anyone who can help. I am getting await is only valid in async function pastebin.com/RBqkre8c
@Neoares better than PPINIs
@mega6382 because it is only valid in an async function
@KendallFrey GNU's not unix
@mega6382 sounds pretty self-explanatory
duh, I know, but how do i refactor this shit to make it work?
@Luggage XNA is Not an Acronym
function getScreenshotFromUrl(site)
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(site.siteUrl);
    await page.setViewport({width: 1520, height: 1080});
    await page.screenshot({path: site.outputImage});
    await browser.close();
@mega6382 line 26 is probably where you're missing an async
make that async
problem solved.
just listen to rlemon, i'm superfluous really
ok, thanks guys.
async function getSCreenshotFromUrl({siteUrl, outputImage: path}) {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(siteUrl);
    await page.setViewport({width: 1520, height: 1080});
    await page.screenshot({path});
    await browser.close();
inb4 u have to await that too
@rlemon See, I didn't even knew you could use async like that.
@mega6382 did you read any docs on it?
JS is getting crazier and crazier.
Not just can, must :)
(when using await)
@rlemon Nope
@mega6382 probably a good idea :P
@KendallFrey I am not a JS dev, ok give me a break.
you are writing js, you are a js dev.
I don't care what kind of dev you are read docs first, always
excuses are for the lazy
Anyway, @MadaraUchiha gave me this code, blame him.
@mega6382 I'm not a Python dev, but when I use Python features I read about them first
@KendallFrey "blacksportsonline.com/"
!afk nope lol
if an async function calls a normal function, does that function run aynscrosly too
async functions are just pretty promises
It runs synchronously inside the async function
i been meaning to read up on promises, i hear about them alot
so for example if 2 async functions run a non async function at the exact same time, will it be in a queue
multiple threads
then, OS manages that
or at least that's how it usually works
do u mean they are running on multiple threads so they wont interfere?
or i will have to run them on mutliple threads
they wont interfere, except both need a shared resource or something
then you need to handle that
ah ok i get u
JS has some rules about what gets to run, when, and when it can stop
I mainly wanted all my sql queries in 1 function and didnt know if it would clog up
why not a function per query?
thats what i have at the moment and have about 10 different functions
so i figured i could make an sql function and pass the query as a parameter
just to tidy it up abit
Q: How did the pilot survive the crash?

stackzebraOne sunny day, as he usually does, the pilot was flying his plane. All of a sudden, a wing fell off and the plane started spiraling towards the ground. The pilot didn't eject nor bailed out. The plane smashed into the ground with great force and disintegrated into thousand pieces. However, the p...

this is stupid
so stupid
@SterlingArcher Not a fan of lateral thinking, eh
it was barely a puzzle. i thought the answer before even finishing
why the hell am i still here? bye js ppl
Megaman 2 and Megaman X1-3 were the only good ones
fight me
Mighty No.9 sucked
I was so excited for it as well.
Ever hear of the real plane that landed with a wing missing?
it was scott manley, right?
ohh, real
Did you guys see the Venom trailer?
Also am I the only one who watched Danger Island last night?
I watched it this morning
what is danger island?
were you confused as well
@SterlingArcher About what?
hang on hangout
Howdy everyone

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