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2:00 PM
I wonder if they cleaned his booster seat
But you're American, being full doesn't matter to you
please ban kendall for oppressing me as an American'
@KaivanShroff @_Awake_Soul_ That's not a cushion, it's a lithium 40000mAh portable power bank keeping him charged up
was the gavel really necessary?
man he's already into the water
2:01 PM
@rlemon "water"
maybe he's not a lizard, but an amphibian.
@ndugger not again
2:03 PM
That dudes name is 'The Angry Liverspot'
yesterday was Zucchiniburger's face, today is everybody else
@ssube I enjoyed watching his lawyers faces during it all yesterday
> I hope I look human enough
2:04 PM
Marky Mark is so painfully alien it hurts.
I need more pictures of zuckerberg drinking
@hilli_micha you know that Marky Mark is a different Mark, right?
Marky Mark and the Facebook bunch
Yes. But Mark Whalburg is not what he once was.
@hilli_micha yea, now he's richer and more ripped
2:05 PM
he hasn't killed an old man in years
He looks really fucking stressed out
I miss his obnoxious 'I'm totally a rapper' days.
He looks how I feel every time my girlfriend tells me she's mad at me, and that I should know why
rlemon you're good at this
2:06 PM
watch this guy
yesteday he was making the best faces when mark was answering
I'm like 90% sure it's one of his lawyers
Yeah, I think he's the lawyer
The angry liverspot gives a really intense stare
Damn, taking a stab at the Republicans, this dude is multi-tasking.
dude talking is now trying to politically maneuver his party to seem more righteous
2:08 PM
who let matt damon in?
fucker, mark doesn't care about your poltical affiliation
I wonder who wrote his script
matt damon
2:08 PM
yes, that
He's reading the script like he has no idea what it means
That looks like a fat Leonard Dicaprio
that's matty d
b/d, w/e
2:09 PM
this is actually a new bourne commercial
omg does mark have a handler?
no wait, it's the fake-blonde girl with the headset in the back
> In a future where privacy no longer exists and your data is stored on the Russian moon, only one man can save us
s/round of questioning/standing infront of the firing squad
I just wanna see liverspots smile
2:13 PM
He has only made his frown more aggressive since we started
also whatever the hell he just did with his mouth there
> I'm responsible for what happens here
> I'm unaware of that I'll have to talk to my team
This sounds like a blog post
wtf.. my left knee just started to really hurt and is buckling
tbh it sounds like an Apple apology letter, beat for beat.
@rlemon he did for a few seconds after the opening comments, and it was as awful as you could imagine
2:14 PM
you could see all 4 rows of teeth?
@rlemon Have you been doing any F1 pitstops recently?
must be it
The New York Senator is drinking Simply Orange, stay healthy my friend.
I should quit the Ferrari team.
2:15 PM
Yes, quit the team that's won every race this year
yea, and now I'll never win a race again :(
quit and sue. the american dream
Calm down Mark, I don't use Facebook everyday, I mainly use it when I'm having a really rough bowel movement. Slow your roll.
@hilli_micha Oh I'd want to see his face as you tell him that
if he moved right and up slightly..
Well, at least he's not saying SENATOR, SENATOR. over and over again.
2:17 PM
@hilli_micha in general
> Several breaches of trust later
If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way.
> We don't sell any data
uhhh, I sense that may be fabricated.
@Neil that's actually known as an "italian strike"
michael, you don't know anything. your ugliness is blinding you to the zucc's truth
did he just say "a common misperception"
2:20 PM
well not exactly
what's wrong with misperception
How specific should you context scopes be?

Like if you have a context that translates text, should you wrap each piece of text, or wrap the whole component or what
@Mosho using it where the idiom is misconception
2:21 PM
@Mosho the mis- part
perception is fine without that
wait.. where did jason bourne go?
they replaced him
facebook is literally about herding people
oh god now it's just congressman congressman
2:23 PM
I don't like whoever's asking the questions
Why can't he realize that you're continuing a conversation, you don't need to reopen the convo every statement.
He asks a question, zuckerberg answers, then he just kinda says no
fucking cornered
@hilli_micha they usually forget by the end of the sentence
I imagine meetings in congress are like the old folk's meeting is South Park
@Cereal Oh yeah this dude is a total tool, he used the entire opening of his questions and the majority of his opening statement stating how much he hates the GOP/Republicans
2:24 PM
> This is a complex issue that deserves more than a one-word answer
> Read: The answer is no but I can't say that without putting myself in a bad light
He can't say yes without any repercussion either
It's a loaded question
the best kind
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
yeah it's probably the #1 advice he got from his counsel
2:25 PM
questions are like potatoes. better when loaded.
don't agree to anything on record
dude's been loading questions for years
@rlemon I can't have potatoes on keto :(
dude, baked potato with sour scream, cheese, butter, bacon and chives. Sign me the fuck up.
@ndugger keto is strupid
2:25 PM
yes, but I'm fat
so exercise and eat less pizza
wow that smile
I am exercising again, kind of. I walk the dog twice a day
totally autonomous
2:26 PM
walking ain't exercise
jesus christ
why are we posting faces
2:26 PM
@rlemon questions are like potato chips.. mmm... potato chips...
humans are funny
beause it's fucking funny
Liverspot's smile is literally an SCP
lizard robots pretending to be humans are funnier
I think liverspots has veneers
2:26 PM
ah, probably
mr barton looks like something
can't put my finger on it
@Mosho he look slike the lady on the monster movie
dunno what any of that is
2:27 PM
these old dumb dumbs are so clueless as to how technology and websites and data works
It's so depressing that it's these people that run our country
or world, for that matter
because teens are stupid
why do they need to know about it
this whole thing is making me think we need an age cap for congress
they're politicians
2:29 PM
and a floor, like 30-50
even if they were young politicians, they wouldn't know anything about it
because they keep asking the same questions, or stupid questions, or they simply don't understand the problem
after that, you're either drooling too much to use electronics, or just don't understand them
@Mosho they shouldn't, except when they are making knee-jerk reactions then all the sudden it matters
> I actually use Facebook
Evidently you fucking don't.
2:29 PM
oh lord
nice voice
I didn't realize you could speak through your nose
jesus christ this guy's lisp or whatever it is
this is fucking hilarious
2:30 PM
I actually don't know what he just said
I am trying really hard to not laugh out loud at work
Mark: uhhh, I umm, my team will get back to you
this dude has a weird fucked up autotune on at all times
I can't understand what he's saying at all.
someone get this guy a speak and spell
2:30 PM
I'd say he was deaf.. but idk.
miffer zufferbur
those glasses remind me of the Colonel
I would have lost it, if he said "Congressman, can you repeat the question?"
2:31 PM
oh yea
and did that like 3 times.
I had a conversation with a Downs kid the other day
it's hard
@KendallFrey that was a mirror
SO MIG, SO MAST. Mr Rush, you wonderful man, can I vote for this guy as a Floridian?
@rlemon :(
2:32 PM
@KendallFrey you shouldn't get hard from something like that
that's just wrong
I think he should retire
@Mosho >:|
Zuckerberg's like
oh, is he up in front of the House today?
"Facebook doesn't generate the content, pls understand"
2:33 PM
@ssube apparently
that explains all the randos and "congressmen, congressmen"
matt is back
why is his mouth open
> with federal lAAAAAAAAAws
2:33 PM
i swear this guy's nose could be a wind farm
I like his glasses tho
is it bad form to work on a resume at work?
Holy fuck, Lurch. "The ..gentlemans time...has...expired"
@hilli_micha rip
2:34 PM
I think I'm watching it delayed
@Luggage I've done it
but I'm not exactly a model employee
but don't tell anyone
where else would you work on it? at home, after work?
we've probably all done it, but that wasn't the question :)
I could be a model
for fat people clothes
I mean, I'm only an XL
2:35 PM
and hipster glasses
@ndugger i had no idea you were a super bowl
the more you know
@ndugger uhm fat people are beautiful okay, treat yoself
@Luggage I think it's a fireable offense in France
and knowing is half the bottle!
2:36 PM
@hilli_micha #pinktax
does the average american really use 8 apps to communicate
@FlorianMargaine it's a fireable offense here. but then again, anything is. no reasons are needed
@hilli_micha I'm on a keto diet right now. I am ready to stop being as fat as I currently am
there is no concept of 'fireable offense'
@Mosho I use two, used to use one, but damn android split them
2:37 PM
being in this room right now is explicitly against corporate policy
Did he really just ask that
I guess I use discord, slack, messenger, whatsapp
man there's gonna be so much followup
I wish hangouts still did text
2:38 PM
yeah and hangouts
Could you imagine
@Luggage same. They have all chat sites blocked, so I get on the guest wifi
I guess I can name 8
it never paused my music properly for calls, though
Could you imagine if the CEO of Xbox came up and a congressman asked why his son got banned on xbox live?
Because that's what that question just was
2:38 PM
> Next up is a young lady from California...
Is this dude hitting on her, being a dick, or a hypeman?
you decide
so is compiling to js dead
@hilli_micha at some point you get so old that it's not patronizing anymore
@hilli_micha "young"
what is the new fad now
2:39 PM
@BartekBanachewicz no
@BartekBanachewicz no
@BartekBanachewicz TS is alive and well
@rlemon dammit, I was about to post that exact thing
"young" can apply to everyone
This is like the third question that assumes facebook sells information
2:39 PM
@BartekBanachewicz writing JS directly is
I came in here wanting to shit on zuckerberg and all I can do is shit on the house
@ssube oh finally
that is no young lady
when will browsers announce no more support for js
and webasm only
@Cereal they had staff prepare these question ahead of time and don't understand them enough to realize they were just asked.
2:39 PM
once webasm can do something interesting
> You have to opt-in to sign in
oh jesus
you know damn well that's not what opt-in means
> You have to make it pedestrian, clear, etc etc.
> I think you know what I mean
That's not the problem, people don't give a shit.
2:41 PM
> they had access to a large amount of data
what does that mean
running arbitrary code isn't the problem
@ssube can't it do everything already?
The problem is that it's not facebook doling out the information, it's just that.. it was there
it's communicating with the browser API
it means that hey access to a large amount of data
2:41 PM
HA she just cut him off so hard
and people started gathering it
But a lot of these questions are assuming that facebook actively sold that information
which will always be in JS
> Well, in general, my team...
@ndugger thanks for shedding some light on this difficult topic
2:41 PM
Her name is ESHOO because shes gonna SHOO him outta business hahah, please help
I love this congressperson
is the whole thing worth watching?
She's an awful person
highlights are good enough
2:42 PM
FUCK. this woman is vicious. "I don't have TIME for a long answer."
I watched it all yesterday
Cereal, both. there is the problem that the data is just there and anyone can get it, but facebook has access to more. to non-public things. they can still release more data than you wanted (though, we in here all agree, we assume anything we give to facebook is public)
but in retrospect a highlight real would be fine
@hilli_micha not interested in ANY of his bullshit
@Luggage Right
2:42 PM
Now he's just wasting her time
a lot of them asked the same question.
> We know what happened, I'm asking you
well, trying and failing
I assume a lot of it is abusing the "log in via facebook" thing too, for tracking
She needs to chill
let him answer your question
2:42 PM
@rlemon any good highlights link?
I wish they all asked questions like this
Good questions, shitty approach
Did he just say dayta and dahta in the same sentence
she spitroasted him in 4 minutes
@BartekBanachewicz no. I just think it would be more useful than watching the entire thing.
there was about 100 unique questions over the five hours
im watching the highlights from cnet. 10 minutes
lol his dad goes on facebook to connect with kids
@ssube And this guy spends his 4 minutes talking about his mom and dad using Facebook on a fucking iPad
telling us his god damn life story
2:43 PM
Or does it?
Can we get ESHOO back? Just give her the floor for 5 hours, she'll roast every lizard on the planet at the rate she was going.
who sits like that
Madara, I thought toJS() just made a new plain JS object that had the same 'shape' as your object with observable properties (or array, etc)
2:44 PM
spot the left foot braker
people in the middle of a foot cramp
@KendallFrey ugh
if it's anything like Immutable's toJS, it recursively converts objects
I wish I hadn't see that reddit post
I can't look at mark without seeing Brent Spiner now
@ssube that's how I understood it.
it's incredible that a 33 years old guy is the center of the USA today.
2:46 PM
speaking of Brent Spiner.. I just saw the Independence Day sequel. Man did he have a cheesy part. Worse than the first.
@FlorianMargaine why?
@FlorianMargaine today? he's been in the spotlight more often when he was much younger
happens when you're worth 60 billion
I want Jeff Bezos in a testimony, I don't care what for, I want it. I want him to just straight up tell Congress he is building a fleet of drones to take over the world.
Be honest Bezos, we know what you're up to.
yeah that'd be nice
2:48 PM
I bet he's on facebook
I, for one, welcome our new fleet of overlords.
jeff would get up in the middle of the interview at stormtroopers charge congress
I can see it
> You are ALL now going to the Labor Warehouse to ship Amazon Prime boxes for your insolence.
@Luggage It does
But if I have @observable map = new Map([]); it gets converted to {map:{}}
And there's no fromJS to conveniently convert it back.
So now I can't properly hydrate
> How would you go about getting data back and deleting it?
2:50 PM
ohh, i thought I remembed a fromJS
or maybe that was Immutable.js
@Luggage ImmutableJS has one
@MadaraUchiha don't use Map
for state
> do you do x?
"yes, that is something we need to do"
@Mosho Oh really? That's nice of the mobx docs to say so
Oh wait
I'm saying in general
2:51 PM
No, the mobx docs (and michelle himself) recommends doing it over observable objects
sometimes you need a mobx map.
@rlemon lol
I just mean as a general rule
at least it is for me
There's a specific ObservableMap implementation in mobx, it's a real concept for the library.
well, I only use a mobx map when I need to know about new keys and such. otherwise, just an observable object
2:51 PM
because, for example
!!> JSON.stringify(new Map())
@Mosho "{}"
> Zuck is conceding that the ad network is collecting information across other websites, which he notes that Google does as well.
Why wouldn't they
ohh, you were using the normal map, not Mobx's.. I missed that
People stick their little buttons on every page
2:52 PM
@observable map = new Map makes a mobx map
@Luggage ^
Bring Google to the gulag as well, I want to see Larry Page squirm too.
@FlorianMargaine the sky is also blue!
😋 idk how people find any of this surprising, it's a total "no shit".
@rlemon really, that's a really good reason not to do it
way too magical
Oh the non technical plebs who are the majority...
2:53 PM
does it? it doesn't create one observable property, "map" that contains a new Map()?
@Mosho why? @observable obj = {} makes an observable object
That zoom lol
holy shit that zoom
@ndugger had control of the camera
2:53 PM
Is the Camera in the JS room?
whats wrong with mobx map? I've never had an issue with it when I need a map, heh.
@rlemon because for the user it still "feels" like a plain object
that's the point
@Mosho and so does a map
Michelle claims that if you add @observable.map to an object property it will make it into a map.
Let's see
I wonder how much involvement zuckerberg actually has in facebook
2:54 PM
seriously, he's 3 years older than me, I have no idea how much pressure he's dealing with right now.
@FlorianMargaine not much, he can always walk away if he wants
@rlemon I suppose
he wasn't even sworn in
but afaik
mobx map has a different API
@FlorianMargaine he's had many years of running a big company and this isn't his first tussle with congress
2:55 PM
@Loktar come on, go in front of the senate with all the TVs on your face for hours and tell me you didn't sweat
only pressure he faces is will he be stripped of CEO duties
@Mosho tmk it clones the regular api and adds its own things
I wouldn't want that
the only issues are when other libs check the typeof
@Mosho It does not
2:55 PM
if it's a different class then it should be instantiated as what it is
the worst than can happen is he's some rich d-bag no one likes.
@FlorianMargaine if me as a normal non billionaire dude that does not run one of the largest internet companies in the world you mean, then of course
like recharts will take a map, but bitches when I pass it a ObservableMap or w/e
@MadaraUchiha it has an extended API
He seems pretty confident facebook isn't doing anything wrong
2:56 PM
@Loktar he's younger than you
it's not too bad
but I still wouldn't do it
he could be your kid
@FlorianMargaine lol no he couldn't, I'm not a lizard
he might be
@Loktar ever hook up with Hillary?
nah she smells too much like sulfur for me
2:56 PM
@Loktar You sure your wife doesn't have a nest of soft-shelled eggs under the bed?
jk lol
@hilli_micha lol I'd eat them
@MadaraUchiha :D
@Cereal In some ways they aren't. They just provide a social network, and have lots of users and sell ads. Everything naturally occurs from that situation. Sure, they should be more careful and control things (when possible), while not exerting their own opinions (difficult), but I don't think they are any more responsible than the guy that built a road being responsible for that travels on it.
What up?
Has anyone here ever actually done SSR with mobx?
2:58 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum mobx hydration
> MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). The philosophy behind MobX is very simple:
@MadaraUchiha what about it?
@MadaraUchiha stuff like that is the reason why I say don't use Map
@BenjaminGruenbaum Let's talk about it generally
2:59 PM
it's not serializable
@Luggage my only issue with FB is the bias political censorship tbh
@MadaraUchiha Oh, I have, what's the problem?
@Luggage I don't think they're really doing anything wrong, either.
I loved the questions Ted Cruz asked personally.
They are gathering a lot of data though
2:59 PM
I've a bunch of route level stores
Well balls, none of my Routes work anymore
How do I keep breaking this
the lady with the red shirt heard something she didn't like
And I need to hydrate those same stores on the client side

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