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someone pushed a detached state on master <.<
I run git reset --hard quite often
s/git reset --//
does it not override other's rebase changes ?
!!welcome Florian
@Florian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(just wanted the text for another chat...)
$$ban Florian
@KendallFrey he asked for a baguette, I gave him a pretzel.
was it a soft pretzel
because those are the best
soft pretzels rock
I do enjoy a nice soft pretzel
with cheese
nahh, hot mustard
I always like the good old pizza sauce
im gonna do my next batch with ranch to spite you
all my hard work from this morning ^^
wtf is that colour scale?
not temperature, i hope
you can change it
id like to see a printer that could crank out at 7200mm/min
I'm sure it exists, it'd just be entertaining as all hell to see.
CR-10 probably can
that's only 120mm/sec
I mean.. I've seen people run at 90
so 120 doesn't seem too crazy
god that pretzel commend ... almost lost it :|
@rlemon well, you might run into issues with just plain not being able to heat filament fast enough
@KendallFrey after these two prints are done I'll try
@rlemon if CR-10 can, probably messi also can
cali cube @ 7200
the faster you go, not only do you get more friction from viscosity, you get higher viscosity because it won't be quite as hot
I think the acceleration/jerk will hurt the most.
vscode has colored my entire tree red from missing modules/files not existing
you can slow that down iirc
but they're all there
you can run hotter to compensate
jacked everything up
removed all overrides
S3D still doesn't wanna print that fast.
but we'll see how this works.
"doesn't want"?
be sure to play some hard guitar music along side the print to accent how EXTREME its going
it's powered by demonic will
@Luggage yea, the top layer should be all red
ohh, the solid infil is too slow..
there are settings to reduce outer walls, and infil
those shouldn't make the top slow too right?
I had a dream about 3D printers except the filament came out like toothpaste and it was incredibly frustrating
i think it's a percentage of the main speed..
on a tab with a lot of speeds.
anyways. I put those to 100 now. it does the entire thing full speed. but man. I was hoping to just have fast walls and crazy fast top layers
I forget which one. lemme play.
@SterlingArcher your dream printer has an STD, get that tested
@SterlingArcher i had a dream about 3D printers except the filament was cholocate
I mean, it's just for shits and giggles.
but it'd be neat to be able to set the top layer speed
solid infil underspeed: 100% is what I was about to try, but you already have
ohh that pic isn't with these settings
that pic was 80% reduction
I was just surprised it didn't wanna print the top layer @ 100%
that is @ 100%
put the hot end @210 and hold my butt
I'm doin it
notice me in order to release
that's some mighty fine typing for someone holding his butts
@Luggage you use dark theme?
They're making a stupid movie about the Rampage game series so Ashley and I fired up the N64 and played it for 2 hours last night out of protest but I'm still mad they're making it
does me mean arses or cigarette butts?
I'm toying with the idea of auto unoneboxing your own gifs.
like cap does to hers
I do not, sorry.
where's the fun in that
	☑ unonebox automatically after [ 90 ] seconds.
an option like that maybe
Meh, I unbox depending on the type of animation, how long I think people can stand looking at it, etc.
The only oneboxing that burns my biscuits are the fuck hueg twitter posts
> Hold on to your biscuits
make it autocollapse one-boxed items after 90 seconds
hrm, that could be a solution
but some things you don't want/need to collapse. like rlemon's non-animated screenshot
ohh, you mean other people's
i tend to collapse them anyway, yeah other people's stuff
I could add that
btw, dunno if I've mentioned.. twist ties on the knobs for the bed leveling.. totally solved all issues
so that annoying gif goes away even if the person doesn't unonebox it
check to see that your knobs don't backoff while printing.
it was fucking me up quite a bit
you mentioned. glad it worked.
I just wanted to mention again incase someone else has the same issue. it was a terrible thing
pretty sure mine don't. Things seem stable. But might as well mark them and find out
these are things that shouldn't happen on a well engineered machine, which the cr-10 is not.
in the future I'm probably going to print a locking clip for each wheel
I think mine had some quantum loosening
I had issues until I marked the knobs, then it just worked
crap, i just broke RSA Security analytics report engine. the mongo DB disappeared
$100k piece of poop
how does a db disappear
Russia stole it
the db probably didn't, the connection is just closed. looking for real error.
fuck it, i'll reboot the whole appliance, see if that helps
@Ikari @Zirak @MadaraUchiha has the Uprising event started yet? :O
I'm excited
lol you guys still play that old game Overwatch?
@SterlingArcher that's a pretty personal question
all the cool kids moved to the new shiny TF2 game
@Loktar you play that trendy new game, pubg?
@Loktar lol I've only had it for like a month
I love it
@Luggage of course, but many are moving to the trendier cartoony copy :/
don't game-shame. :)
I can game shame if I want
stop playing waifu simulator
uhm no i play waifu simulator every day okay... roadhog is bae
I linked legitimate waifu simulator this morning
@SterlingArcher you got it for PC?
@Cereal the VR one?
or console-shame
Coincidentally, that was around the time ikari disappaered
I didn't see the link, but I'm assuming it's that one
@Loktar nah, console lol
@Loktar Yeah
hahah yeah I watched some people playing that.. omg the boob physics
@Loktar I asked him yesterday, got a 'no' and told him he disgusted me and made me sick but then complemented him for being a good person
cracked me up, but $50... wtf
@SterlingArcher oooh I thought you were playing with them
was going to say I'd play as well
Zirak and I played one a while back, was fun
I got pitted against the worst smurf last night. Sniper absolutely wrecking our team. You couldn't go 5 feet without him getting you
I think my daughter played as well
@SterlingArcher not atm :B should start around 9AM pst iirc
@Loktar They're probably rolling in money
@Ikari PST??? That's like 1-2am for me D:
lol yeah, or rolling in the refunds
people are disappointed by no actual nudity I guess
@SterlingArcher fixed. :P
yeah because the internet is so hard-pressed for nudity. god..if this game doesn't have any, where will I get to see an exposed breast?
Wait the waifu sim isn't a joke?
@Loktar Isn't there an 18+ patch?
The dev is a well known porn dev
Wait @Loktar you let your daughter play waifu sim?!
@SterlingArcher no Overwatch lmao
Ohhhhhmygod I was gonna say dude lol
@Cereal oh? idk was just reading reviews last night
I just know the dev, ikari said there was a patch
damn thats a fine looking breast
One of my discords has a group of people that play one of their games
@KendallFrey mmmm <3
put a NSFW tag dude jeez
Putting spices on the cutting board is a culinary crapshot
spicy mayo chicken
Gordon Ramsey hates plate decoration
Ramsey hates you
He would love me
gordon ramsey doesn't know shit about cooking
hi anybody can help me with this question
oh fuck dude I just crossed my legs too hard and crushed the jewels. ouch
/me presses F to pay respect
Q: componentWillReceiveProps method doesn't run anymore when using redux to call api

SandroI'm going to call api using redux: I used axios,history,react-redux,react-router-native,react-router,,redux-promise-middleware,redux-thunk component to make api call using redux: I made Reducers folder and put all my reducer file there in their own file and combine them in a main file like this ...

I shared the project here
@SterlingArcher LOL
No idea what axios is
yeah I mean OW is close to a waifu sim with all the fan shit lol
@Loktar I'm staying as far away from the fan content as I can lol I've already seen a picture of Mercy I wish I hadn't
tbh she plays Roblox again most of the time, heh most of my kids do
@SterlingArcher lol good man
yeah it's really weird shit..
@Loktar I bet a lot of dudes were pretty upset that Tracer wasn't what they thought she was
> You mean she CAN'T love me for real? :(
dude there is a whole weird sub culture for that when it comes to Cuphead even
@hilli_micha I thought it was all fucking stupid tbh
I'm scared to ask but what's Cuphead?
Really hard game with a 50's art aesthetic. Its honestly a blast.
game characters with back story and sexuality, merging soap opera with games... yay
The animation is drop dead beautiful.
it's basically a 2d platformer
it's on the xbone
super fun, but yeah my daughter was telling me/showing me the community behind it...
it's fucking weird
Cuphead fills Mugman with his tea (1080p)
Holy shitfuck the animation looks outstanding
Wait I thought you didn't have an xbone?
@KendallFrey that's just rude you know I want to click that but now i can't
Everyone has an xbone, just no one has used it in 3 years.
@SterlingArcher star it for later
@SterlingArcher i can onebox it so that you don't have to click :3
@KendallFrey I'm sure, but moreso gender bender roles, people saying Cuphead is their Boyfriend and making long videos on it.. making Cuphead and Mugman gay (they are brothers though), making them have kids (making mugman a girl.. they are brothers though)
Wait no don't
@KendallFrey I clicked that shit in a non-incognito window, if Ashley checks my history later I'm really gonna have a fun time explaining that.
lots of weird shit. My daughter is on Deviantart though.. so not a surprise
@Loktar lol that sounds fun
@Loktar da fuq
@hilli_micha you know you can manually delete history right
uhm no you cant, you can't change history
@SterlingArcher it's on PC as well, I just meant it was on xbone so you could check it out
is it possible to create two buttons using boostrap with the same size height and width regadless of the text that they have inside?
@hilli_micha Have you even met the republican party?
@Loktar get an xbox and play with me D:
@ndugger I was watching Planet Earth and the narrator kept saying "disorientated", so I googled "disoriented vs disorientated" and your question came up: english.stackexchange.com/questions/204767/…
but in a way that they keep the same size
omg fishman helped someone
@Nerva you have an example right in front of you, inspect the CSS
and try something
LOL man this stuff is so weird, /me stops looking now
@Loktar jfc why did I click that
@SterlingArcher Don't lie, you're glad you did
omfg is that an emo cuphead
lol it's just so nutty to me because all of this sprung around some random 2d game
@SterlingArcher It's been a couple of hours of trying by now
like.. wtf?
I can't think of any event in my life more traumatic than exams
it's a great game, but man, people are weird
@Nerva so show your code. How are we supposed to know what you've already done?
@SterlingArcher and inspecting and coping, but these buttons never keep a fixed size if you change the content
@Mosho time for a prostate exam
I said traumatic, not enjoyable
which i guess is a subset of exams but whatever
fun game to play while getting a prostate exam. Mid exam, clench really hard, how long can you hold the doctors finger.
> alright now we're going to try another game, I'm going to put both of my hands on your shoulders.
> Cuphead then proceeded to give me the exam
@SterlingArcher jsfiddle.net/bqycpxbc thanks
I should ban you for weeks for that jfc
@Loktar not getting it
@Mosho I was just talking about the weird sexual community around cuphead, then made a joke about him using his straw to give a prostate exam basically.
!!giphy homer bush
I don't think you can call anything sexual "weird"
sure I can
either it all is or it isn't
@Nerva they're just using buttons, they're not fixed at all. stackoverflow.com/a/12527816/774078 this shows you how to use btn-block which fixes a button to it's parent's width
I would say anything that strays out of the norm is fair game for being called weird
waifu simulator falls into the weird category
Otherwise you'll have to make a custom class to fix the width, text wrap, etc.
@Loktar what's the norm?
@Loktar well I'd argue it's all normal
Speaking of out of the norm and weird
I passed 10k games on my main sc2 account this weekend
@KendallFrey I'm sure you would
Also TIL bootstrap .btn-block. I could have used that a while ago
@SterlingArcher This is like the best version but if for example I try it on my phone it shows buttons of different sizes compared to my pc jsfiddle.net/bqycpxbc/3
@KendallFrey well, you are your mom's son
^ lol yes @hilli_micha
I have no response to that
@hilli_micha so dildo = weird?
1 dildo = no. Many = yes
you can also have a weird-shaped dildo
@Nerva if that fiddle shows different sized buttons on phone compared to pc, the phone is at fault
Gals don't?
@Loktar dude are things ok at home?

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