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but the whole Brexit thing kind of ripped a hole in that plan tbh
@towc Through mutuals/school
I would still love to, but I'll have to wait what will happen and reevaluate after that
I'd love to move out of this shitheap tbh
your city or northern england?
My city
I need a new job too, hate it here
what keeps you?
The money
It's not even good money, but I'm not likely to get anything better around here
you can probably earn that somewhere else as well
what do you do right now exactly at your job?
But it's all legacy procedural crap
and what do you want to do?
PHP 7 is a lot better than the previous generations tho
I wouldn't mind still doing PHP, but I'd love a JS job
with all the new types and stuff
Or even full stack
I mostly do PHP7 as well right now
I do "Full Stack" but honestly, it's 98% PHP
There's no organisation here though, most of the sites aren't version controlled and are edited live
In almost most of the documentations, optional parameters are shown with brackets, e.g. str.split([separator[, limit]]). Is this syntax documented anywhere? It could be written simpler, like str.split(seperator?, limit?). I wonder why they decided to go with brackets.
@BenFortune Whoa
but I'm eyeballing some data science gig after graduation, if I'm able to get something
@BenFortune oh god
How are you coping with that?
I'm on £35k inc bonuses, which is a decent pay around here
@BenFortune you can rack up your years of experience, helping to get better jobs later
I bitch that some people seem to completely forget the word SOLID at times here, but that sounds.... bad
I'm the sole reason some of our sites are on git
I am thinking to change my career over 4 years.
maybe biotech or doing some specialization
@KarelG aren't you a tech lead of some sort?
yes but I had some moments where I was bored at work, so started to browse reddit :/
if I get a better pay and the work environment is good/better, then I am probably in
don't we all?
I completely agree with that.
@GNi33 When is that?
In a year and a bit
let's say I'd be interested in it
I'll have to find a good topic for my thesis, which I want to be in the DS field
some job in applied data science would be pretty cool
maybe cambridge analytica?
hehe, sure
I'm a yuge Tump fan, so I'd love it
@SomeGuy this semester, we got a security management course
Ooh, what are y'all studying in it?
@GNi33 I do some DS now, not a fan - like development more than reserach
and the lab exercises, as well as the final exam are a CTF :)
How fun :D
@BadgerCat Shame on you, GUYS is a gendered term. You should refer to us as BAEs which is the appropriate term
Have you read any of PoC||GTFO, btw?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I just got some courses about it, but I find it very interesting so far
@GNi33 If you haven't done Karpathy's CS231n, that one is a must IMO
noted, thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends on the US region
@SomeGuy no, what's it about?
@FlorianMargaine so BAEs is not appropriate?
@GNi33 It's a really fun journal. The idea is that all articles need to be actionable, so PoCs are always a part of the article - lots of incredibly fascinating articles on computation, security, Linux, etc.
It's got to be one of my favourite journals
@DuranJayson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(Likely even more than Phrack and whatnot)
@SomeGuy looks good, thanks :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you have tried to say that to a danian person?
my pocket is filling up again
@Zirak oh sure, but I'm very used to my Astro A50 and I can feel the difference a lot now xD
ofc I can't compare a 350€ headset with 63€ headphones
Haha, I had to delete Pocket because it was taking up too much space and I would spend most of my time adding and later cleaning it up
I mean they are good, but the bass is not really good
@KarelG no one is getting the reference :(
@SomeGuy I had to get rid of 4 different bookmarking tools, now I'll stick to pocket and put some effort in it
but in general I'm happy with them, they're comfortable and they sound-isolate very well
Wait, why would you?
A: In an online conversation, is it okay to use "guys" to address everyone?

Benjamin Gruenbaum I wonder if this is acceptable in an online culture, especially with the swarm of new gender pronouns that I'm currently oblivious about. The internet is a big place and there is no one 'online culture', the best idea in order to communicate clearly in an online community is: Lurk around a...

Noun: bæ n (singular definite bæet, not used in plural form)
  1. poop, faeces, crap (See Thesaurus:feces)
  2. bæ c (singular definite bæen, plural indefinite bæer)
  3. turd (a piece of excrement)
  4. bæ m (plural bæ)
  5. (zoology) lamb
  6. (onomatopoeia) The characteristic cry or bleating of a sheep; baa
Interjection: bæ
  1. bye, goodbye
  2. baa (bleat of a sheep)
  3. baa (bleat of a sheep)
@GNi33 I just leave things as open tabs - it works well enough
@KarelG bae is "bestie"
I know but in Denmark it is something brown coming from your back
isn't "bestie" "best" in french?
cause in spanish it's "bestia"
and we all know that french is spanish but ended with "e"
@SomeGuy at work I have 3 browsers, about 5 windows with god knows how many tabs on 3 desktops
bae is a slang from "babe"
that definitely wouldn't fly for me
bae means bestie
5 windows? Pfft, pleb
Bestie in german means beast btw
or "monster"
I have 12 workspaces :o
@GNi33 in german lol
12? hahaha
150 tabs open right now
I know that urban is not a good reference but
> AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) pronunciation of "babe," used as a term of endearment toward loved ones.
mein herz brennt
@SomeGuy how do you manage that?
that is why I though bae is just a short, lazy term for babe
My workspaces are decently organized
@Neoares Nun liebe Kinder, gebt fein Acht, ich bin die Stimme, aus dem Kissen
@GNi33 Word of the day :D
15years + and I still know this album by heart
@GNi33 Dear children, pay attention, I am the voice of the pillow?
you don't know this song?
I need to show a delete icon on just hovering a tr and not the table. how do I pass tr and get it selected, any help please
one of my favorite Rammstein songs: youtube.com/watch?v=WXv31OmnKqQ
@GNi33 I figured it out that lol
read it with the song rhythm
@SomeGuy "Bestie" is actually an interesting word, because "ie" isn't pronounced as long "i" in this one, but actually as "i" followed by an "e"
I remember listening that song while gathering herbs in WoW TBC
not sure if there's a rule for this, but if ie is at the end of the word, you usually do it this way
@GNi33 Like they do here? dict.cc/?s=bestie
@Neoares this album was perfect
Sounds like best-yie to me
I think they should be proud of what they've achieved singing in german
but you don't really say the "y"
it's really just i and e
I don't think I've seen many *-ie words in German
no y sound
hehe, I try to think of a second one right now
but nothing comes to mind
u know german?
@Neoares For real - everyone knows Rammstein
@Neoares Ein bisschen
that one is a long "i" sound at the end though
Oh, yeah! But that's eee
so I don't think there's really a rule for that
what's the meaning of that video? btw
looks so nazi to me
or like pple doing experiments on humans
no clue, but I highly doubt it's anything "nazi"
just Rammstein
More Satanic than anything :P
@GNi33 Or that, yeah, haha
their live shows are insane
I don't think rammstein is satanic at all
it's more like watching a theatre play than a rock concert
I'd love to see them live
and this is how I learnt numbers in german
same album though ;)
Like I said, that album is perfect
Sucks that Google Music doesn't have it
nothing they did after that came close, in my opinion
8 sounds like AAAJJJJJJTTT!!
apart from their porn video? :D
I was just going to say second best :P
@Neoares why is the girl there, spanking the boys?
@Ikari do you think I know german?
I assume the gems are not good enough?
@Neoares you disappoint me
or the production doesn't met her minimums?
maybe she's just a quality inspector
@Ikari well, the video is a weird rendition of snow white
snow white and the seven dwarfs, but snow white is a dominatrix
like said before... that's Rammstein
yeah they like to be dominated
@BenjaminGruenbaum no idea. The gender-neutral way that works everywhere so far is "folks"
@FlorianMargaine people, though "guys" is entirely fine here tbh
I was making a reference
Although if a room reg said it genuinely bothers him I'd personally have no problem not using guys
@BenjaminGruenbaum it really depends on the region. I've seen perfectly fine people think it was noteworthy.
I avoid it in Node since people there don't like gendered speech and that makes sense
use comrades
@FlorianMargaine it depends on the culture really, perfectly reasonable people don't like "guys"
I'm not your friend, pal
@Mosho off to the Gulag
@SomeGuy oh, what's that?
never heard of this, interesting
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just tend to say y'all or folks instead. Feels like I'm from Texas, but it's an easy shift
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, hence why I use "folks" now
it feels like we're both saying the same thing
Maybe I'm insensitive, but the whole PC culture irks me
> ham die Fenster neigschlagen,
this is definitely bavarian
now I have to read up on the Thirty Years War
my country's TL;DR:
> No one expects the spanish inquisition
and yeah, we got the biggest imperium in the world's history
and we lost it all cause some kings sucked so hard
@BenFortune I think a lot of it is justified, especially at the start, but it has all gotten overboard
@Neoares would you have preferred you still had it?
It's like people get offended for the sake of being offended
@BenFortune meh, freedom is about not stepping on each other shoes. Having some awareness of what other people around you are thinking is a minimum, imho. You shouldn't cave to people getting overboard, but some thinking is what holds our civilization together.
@towc sure
I like to keep an open mind about it, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me at times
I'm starting to not be ok with big countries
@BenFortune yeah, I feel that way as well sometimes
it wasn't a big country
@Neoares all the added gov't bullshit
the country was still spain
so unstable
so corrupt
it's just we had more countries under our control
@Neoares your (you specifically) control?
all the west of europe was ours
@FlorianMargaine very well put
read some history docs
Wasn't the mongolian empire the largest in history?
@Amsvartner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Spain's history in a nutshell:

> Spain
> Arabia
> Spain
@towc yes
@KamilSolecki no
@Neoares maybe travelling would have been easier
@Neoares he isn't wrong
but wages and cost of living would probably have been much worse
> Iberia
> Roma
> Spain
> Arabia
> Spain
oh, well, yeah
I'd prefer to still have the Roman Empire
whoever is on top of big things is tends to be a corrupt fuck
we'd all be walking around in togas and have our meetings on the toilet
bloody empires?
look at the US
it's a management mess
and it's still pretty small
russia? Welp
there's a reason colonialist empires fell apart, yeah
china? The govt keeps things under good control, but urgh
europe is da best
little countries adding up together
let's not compare and rank countries, okay?
there's nothing to gain here
yeah, Austria always loses
Polan #1
@GNi33 my country is better than yours
@FlorianMargaine I... but....
!!afk meeting time
@FlorianMargaine so...?
@FlorianMargaine did you see the carrefour chicken on blockchain thing?
check yo pings
@towc I saw your ping and the text, I wasn't really tempted in clicking the link.
I saw it
pretty cool
I didn't read it btw
but the title abstract was very wtf
@Neoares you're expecting a joke?
no, I thought that was the joke
trying to understand
your mom is the joke
so poetic
and that's why I hate french people
Are you guys always so amiable? :P
they have no sense of humour
@Amsvartner yes
@Amsvartner we're in a pretty good mood today!
Hehe, right :P
I remember in the Louvre, asking to a worker something in english, he answered in french
like wtf are you kidding me?
am I supposed to understand you?
happened many times in many places in 3 days lol xD
good article on coercion: wanago.io/2018/04/02/…
> Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
the hotel receptionist said that he was almost forgetting english, since no one speaks english there almost
@Neoares you visiting france?
@Neoares is he supposed to understand you?
@Wietlol I went 3 days to paris
@towc he works in the fucking Louvre?
also, I'm pretty sure he knew english
he was just an asshole
stereotype frenchies
I thought it was a stereotype...
some people even looked at me as if I was an inferior being or someting
inb4 joke about that sentence
Perhaps they just love to hear their language horribly disfigured in the mouths of strangers.
@Neoares im used to look at people like that
@Amsvartner I just know how to say 3 things in french xD
I bet 2 of them are some form of cussing :P
"je ne parle pas français"
Can you use flow-remove-type with grunt ?
"voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir"
I think that's it
@BenFortune it's not a culture really
Honestly if someone cares about it enough to ask then I'm fine calling them whatever they'd like, how a person identifies and what a person takes offense at is none of my business and I'm willing to help as long as it's all in good faith
totally the opposite to mexico, they're sooo nice ppl
I think even too much xD
they made me feel uncomfortable with such an overdose of amability
I guess it's a culture thing
Economical incentive, too, perhaps :)
oh yeah, also that
@BenjaminGruenbaum please call me daddy
tips are a thing in mexico...
lol Mosho xD
@Neoares le baguette
le croissant
oh, I ate ratatouille
@Mosho sure daddy
et portefeuille
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm all for that, I don't want to intentionally offend people. But it's the ones that attack and create manhunts when someone mistakes their identity, or flat out doesn't agree. People are entitled to their beliefs
its a bit of an inside joke
I suppose it's the extreme end of PC
we had a comedian who used those words to "speak french"
@BenFortune people are very tied to their own identity - I don't like witch hunts but I get why people can be upset
!!giphy pc master race
Japan is weird
that's pretty mild for japan tbh
@Cereal yeah, a guy in Maid Cafe was talking about that...
but sadly I don't have a VR things :(
I need to decrease bootstrap modal header default height
But I can't do this
Please help me .
I'm sure there's an uncensored version, pretty sure th dev makes porn games
they have a site where you can download the patch
and apply it to the game to unlock the explicit version
I do not know what is patch ?
there are a lot of games in Japan sold that way
Yeah, Iv'e seen on steam
I own too many of them
@IccheGuri we've been over this multiple times already. If you want help, you need to provide a solid example. Give people something to work with.
@Ikari you went to a maid cafe?
Make an MCVE

 Maid Café (メイド喫茶)

Welcome back, my Master! (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様!) Sit wherever you'd l...
I have changed the code to this ;
<div class="modal-header" style="background-color: darkblue;color:#fff;height:5%;!important">
<p class="mx-auto d-block">Please Give Your Finger</p>
But this does not work .,
"Welcome back, my Master!"
@Cereal hey, he made a mcve.png
Okairinasai Goshujin-sama*
@IccheGuri 👆
@IccheGuri this is not telling me anything.
@IccheGuri once again:

1. *What* does not work
2. Give a working example
I have set height to 5%
But height is not 5%
then your height is broken
It should be 5% of it's parent
not sure if you're expecting it ot be 5% of something else
> Please Give Your Finger
lmao idk why but it makes me kek
I love the useless !important at the end personally
ok . Let me ask the basic thing
How can I change bootstrap modal header default height ?
idk - I dont know
what does Imao stand for ?
lmao* - Laughing my ass off
.class {
background-color: blue !important at the end personally;
All are taking fun about my query
@Neoares All are taking fun about my jQuery (source)

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