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looks like coffeescript to me
I don't think SASS would support an onMouseOver accepting the event object
I'm with citrus
I'm like 90% sure its coffeescript
having only mocked coffeescript, I can't be 100% sure tho
@Vap0r yeah that's weird
It's not sass. 100% on that.
it's valid coffeescript
just checked.
yeah it isn't
In other words, if(typeof script === "coffeescript") { runAway(); }
Anyone have an idea why would Jest make such stack trace?
Are people still writing full stack apps with MVC architecture?
@StevenMcCann Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
or is there some new hotness?
in Avatar.js which I want to test I import Icon like this. import { Icon } from 'components';
if I use relative path '../Icon'; Jest works
@StevenMcCann that sounds like you just woke up after a 5-year nap
And if it goes into index.js for some reason it imports some other cmps as well
anyone able to lend me a hand?
Nowadays you have two servers! One's just an api, and the other one serves full client side apps disguised as websites!
yeah, and you have your project split into 10 different modules, which need to be mounted with Docker
@Neoares yep :D I'm not a full-time coder. I've written some back-end and front-end stuff (in Angular), but it's been years
And then you wrap the browser in a container and push it as a standalone app
@StevenMcCann though surely enough to be known to your family as the guy who can install norton antivirus and make a computer run faster, though right?
So now the user can download your blog and run it in its own window for the low, low cost of 1.5GB of ram
and your server doesn't even have to do any rendering!
@Neil definitely. They got me on speed-dial.
@Cereal you went too far
but give it a couple of years
@Cereal Why pay for server resources when the users are willing to pay you to do computations?
(actual quote, btw)
chrome in docker is already a thing
I was actually referencing electron
you can use it for super incognito mode
Is writing a stand-alone server and a stand-alone front-end the alternative to MVC now then?
and your front-end consumes your API?
@StevenMcCann it's not an alternative to MVC
the front-end is still MVC of some sort (React and friends, Angular, Vue, whatever)
right ok
It's just popular. I'm just bitter because it offloads all the work to the client lol
ahh right
React is pretty performant though, isn't it?
it is
@StevenMcCann Idiomatic React is.
React+Redux+ImmutableJS - not so much.
each of popular frontend libraries (React, MobX, etc) are about diffing and rendering minimal changes
same way offloading MVC to the client allows the server to send minimal data
it's all very functional :P
No, no, you just don't understand time-travel. You're not thinking functional enough.
I'm only having one or two users on my app. Server load not a problem right now ;)
time travel
perfect async allows time travel
I don't understand
@rlemon This is why you fail at life.
I'm doing quite well at life actually
still got all my fingers
I'm a little confused by couchdb. Any tutorial, most books etc. teach and tell that is very bad practice and like an anti-pattern to retrieve a whole document with a View, you should only grab the fields you're interested in. But since couchdb cannot update single fields within a document, you have to push the whole document on update if want to change anything.
this looks somewhat counter intuitive
I have 17 fingers
Every time I try to learn react, I get daunted out of it by the whole development process.

I just want to try it out, but I have to use all these tools I don't understand to compile it and whatever it's doing
I understand so little of what it's doing, I can't even complain about it properly
the first time, few times even, just use a template
learn react and webpack separately, together is just too confusing
Reviews of my life are coming in. Roger Ebert said "Most depressive book I've ever watched, cannot recommend."
Yeah, well I created a react project in rubymine and it installs react-scripts, which automagically does everything for me
So I can get it working if I make a new react site
The build process is the biggest part of the learning curve. Luckily, a lot of us were building with babel before we jumped into react, so it was easy
But I was looking at just putting in a single custom element in an existing site and I was just completely overwhelmed
I couldn't even figure out how to run webpack
@ssube Is there any "example" on how to use MVC with react? Without muddling the views with code-behind?
webpack is a helluva drug
the docs are bad, still
Which library's docs aren't bad lol
I'm going to write a site to let me ssh into my local computers and see logs and stuff, basically recreate the resin.io dashboard, and I'm going to try doing that in react
@paul23 what do you mean? React only provides the V, you need other tools as well: a client-side router for C, MobX or a state handler for M, etc
most likely because webpack is created by a single guy who goes rampage from time to time in updates and throwing in/out new stuff
@ssube Well yes, I am looking for something that shows the "full integration suite" and how code would look like if done correctly that way.
I have a sub for my servers and use some of the extra space to log from my desktop/home server
^-- i love papertrail
i can hookup multiple server log in one view.
anyone able to help me?
if there is an error, i see it directly + from which server
the search syntax is not great, but it's been getting better. Otherwise, super happy with them.
I'm doing it to learn react more than to have a useful end product :(
How one would bind views to models for databinding in react etc.
@paul23 that's what mobx does, it tracks consumers of the models and updates them via observable
so I could resolve the problem faster than usual
One of the reasons I didn't learn rails was because of everything it does for you. Not understanding why something is working stressing me out more than anything
So react-scripts doing everything for me is equally stressful
then learn webpack first
Since react officially is only a library to help writing views, I find it hard to judge that library as there isn't really an example on site that shows the strength of this approach.
it's the more difficult of the two, imo
@paul23 every example shows the advantages, rather
react is not opinionated about how you handle state, only how you inform it
full-acronym MVC frameworks are unwiedly, expensive, and generally dying
is jQuery actually still a thing?
I’d rather put my trust in multiple single-purpose libraries than bloated mediocre half-assed frameworks
Well to me they look really really messy (example: reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html#an-interactive-component )
how is it that my phone is half dead at 9am?
Resct only doing views is good
It's fully build with code-behind the view (on-click, instead of binding the object to a mouse-key)
what's a mouse-key?
onclick is the event you'd use no matter how you bound that
@ndugger I'd rather put my trust in my own specialised-for-me-purpose framework instead anything else
Your mouse doesn't have keys?
This makes the whole thing hard to debug and write unit tests around (as now the on-click code lives in an ui element and can't easily be separated).
@jAndy I mean, same, but who has time for that?
putting the entire handler inline is mostly useful in example
is there a seperate room to ask for js help?
@paul23 it doesn't tho
@JamesGreen Java
JSX is translated to JS
they help with both javascript and jquery?
mostly jQuery I think
class Square extends React.Component {
  doClick() {

  render() {
    return (
      <button className="square" onClick={this.doClick}>
@JamesGreen You could ask a question. You just posted a pastebin and said "i cri" as far as I can tell
you can pull the handlers out into methods like you would in any other language
@rlemon How do you then write a unit test for that "doClick()" event without the react library to process your jsx?
their examples just don't
@JamesGreen you never even asked a question. You just pasted a link to some jquery code
@paul23 the react library doesn't process your JSX
@paul23 you do what ssube just showed
@Cereal I did, i asked a question and link the pastebin, look up
unit tests means you remove all dependencies, thus remove react dependency from your testable code.
did it like 3 times lol
and you can write react without JSX
JSX is part of the source, it's been compiled into a function call before react gets involved
that function call is super easy to mock out
<div> becomes React.createElement(div, ...)
7 mins ago, by James Green
anyone able to help me?
I guess that technically counts as a question
23 mins ago, by James Green
anyone able to lend me a hand?
it was much earlier
i typed the whole qustion
36 mins ago, by James Green
anyone able to help me out with the following https://pastebin.com/VS9tw3yp
however I love the question and it gave me the very first jiggle of my day, thank you for that @JamesGreen
None of these are questions >:(
@JamesGreen how about you find the history to the question and link that
much earlier @Cereal
everything has changed.. ≖_≖
> is there a seperate room to ask for js help?
already starred!
@JamesGreen how the hell are we supposed to answer a buried question you asked 5 years ago? Ask it again, dude...
37 mins ago, by James Green
anyone able to help me out with the following https://pastebin.com/VS9tw3yp
The answer is "Yes"
Next question
well then
I think you binned the wrong one
He binned the right one if he was going for comedic effect
I'll go with that
@JamesGreen you're going to have to ask a better question
ok let me be more clearer
@ssube I mean, even in your Square class the render() is directly calling doClick(), similarly if one would like to change something on the "rendered object" (like say change the title text of a button) one would directly call that function. - This makes the controller tightly coupled with the view object. - And we can't test the controller without also implementing a view (whether that's mocked or not).
"just trying to get <variable name> to work" doesn't offer anything at all
@paul23 what? that's not the controller, that lives well above a single component
I think he's asking how do you call Square#onClick without a view
that snippet is just a view, or a partial view, which react calls component
youtube.com/… this was posted in another chat and I felt compelled to share @rlemon @SterlingArcher
under my displayOutput function, I have 2 variables: newreleases and coming soon. what im trying to do is: filter out my ajax file so when i post it to the html, i can sort out what games I want to post. so at the moment it posts all games. but I want to filter it so on one page it displays new games, and another it displays coming soon games
you can't call it without a view, but you can instantiate a view without a controller, using a mock DOM
@ssube say, on click I wish to "update the title text". - I would make a callback to the controller (my view doesn't have code-behind...). Now the controller then also needs to have a reference to the view. - Now this couples both: to test the view (that the proper settings are created) I need to create a (mock) controller. And to test the controller I need to create a (mock) view.
if your views are purely reactive, which mobx helps with, they are a nice clean unit to test
Don't suppose you got my ping @ssube? Any experience with mdadm?
@paul23 you might have that in a old-style MVC framework, but not in react
@ssube Oh that's what I wish to see in react. - I just don't see examples of THAT, which show semi advanced code that shows that.
the view doesn't have any strong dependency
you can replace react out from under it
What's code-behind?
@BenFortune only a little, for the storage array in my basement
I'm imagining webforms
@ssube How big is your array, and how long did it take to build?
@ssube I don't like MVC at all; I always try to use MVVM so that the "controllers" (viewmodels) don't directly execute code on the view.
@paul23 it's not part of react, because react doesn't care. The MobX docs talk about it quite a bit
@Vap0r that's magical
@BenFortune 8TB usable on RAID 1+0, it just formatted and that was it
@ssube Then what does react help me with tbh? - Is it just that they provide a better syntax?
Why would one use react over manually creating view objects that create buttons/fields/forms?
Personalities : [raid1]
md0 : active raid1 sdc1[1] sdb1[0]
      3906885632 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
      [===============>.....]  resync = 76.5% (2992591168/3906885632) finish=127.3min speed=119606K/sec
      bitmap: 8/30 pages [32KB], 65536KB chunk
a better syntax for what? what is code-behind? what MVC framework are you basing this comparison on?
react tells your view when it needs to update shit.
That's after like 5 hours
@paul23 react diffs the dom
@rlemon I never thought I could be so entranced by a dude in a canoe
^ that's not an innuendo either
did you see my canoe ?
@ssube c# to put it frankly, I haven't found any javascript "framework" I like.
I think I saw one picture a while ago
Oh, so you're thinking that onClick is being called on the server?
I appreciate woodworking so if you have a picture handy I wouldn't mind seeing it
now you can train your action man right there
I really like c# declarative way to define an interface using xaml; and I wonder if there's anything comparable in javascript.
@Vap0r try to do that turning in a river 😀
in Java, 30 secs ago, by James Green
guys could really use a hand
Oh no :(
js generally tries to get away from the bloated Java-style xml/xaml/xsl/xslt configuration
@rlemon no I've never seen your canoe before then. I thought you posted an actual canoe before
Who told him to go to the java room :(
How did you make it?
jsx can be abused to do it, like react-router
@Neil lol
@KarelG you just want me to drown now, huh?
@Vap0r printer
@ssube I noticed :(.
That's PLA?
I can use left and right, depending on the moment ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
no, but it only works if there is barely current
No way man that's insane
wooden PLA
wood pla, but still pla
@paul23 it sounds like you're missing the boilerplate. The JS libraries are very single-purpose and you're responsible for gluing them together, so you can do it more purposefully.
The texture looks real
how did you do that?
wood pla is awesome
print it in wood pla, get some sand paper, watch a tv show and sand it
you should see java room xD
well that went well...
hi dude, how are you :D
ya know
that wood pla probably smells like real wood
couldnt be better
it doesn't have a smell
@KarelG not really
java only has the first four letters of javascript, so we only answer half the javascript questions
the pla itself does feel more grainy
But I think that "removing the bloat" should be part of an ide and not a framework, the whole "convention over configuration" idea I appreciate but feel ultimately is more confusing than just explicitly declaring everything and letting ides generate the code.
it looks more grainy
pressured grained wood?
Do they have paper printers?
Like cellulose?
i am curious how they got a PLA of that
nvm that's a google question
it's not that
mixed into the plastic somehow
wood fibers or dust mixed in
most of the grain is from sanding
150 -> 300 grit
and lots of it (sanding, not sand paper)
you can feel the difference between the material, glow in the dark has jagged edges, wood is rough, bronze has a harder feel
!!afk poop emoji
!!s/wood/morning wood/
@Neoares you can feel the difference between the material, glow in the dark has jagged edges, morning wood is rough, bronze has a harder feel (source)
@ssube a bronze PLA ?
is it not just a layer or something synthetic that appears like a bronze metal
Now that is a onebox!
> is hybrid made by polylactic acid and superior metal powder particles
got it
I don't have the tip to print it with, but it's supposed to polish like bronze
the wood does sand like wood (or MDF at least), so I believe them
> do no harm to environment
i do not believe that
@KarelG They're probably referring to the fact that it's biodegradable
just recalled PET and glass
@KarelG polylactic acid is basically corn starch
and metal powders are all natural :D
I'm pretty sure its vegan
and what about the another 3D filament ?
it has the same name as that thing in cars
ABS that
don't use it
* googles *
ABS is a bit more serious, you need ventilation to print it
unless you're printing durable parts, I think there are always better options
> PLA is stable in general atmospheric conditions and will biodegrade within 50 days in industrial composters and 48 months in water. ABS is not biodegradable, however it is recyclable. PLA is regularly used for the production of food related items, however confirmation by the filament manufacturer that it is safe to do so is recommended.
I'm using ABS for my AM8 because of the heat resistance.
Since quite a few of the parts will be near the bed

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