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@Mosho Alive?
@Neil Please have a look in this fiddle: jsfiddle.net/oebbtb7z
When We choose department, so the combobox HOD will appear based on department
I cant sleep
I think there should be a standard in JS to indicate whether a function returns a promise
I made this utility that wraps http.request in a promise, and I called it httpPromise, which is awful
@HiDayurieDave My apologies, I can't look at it at the moment
every time I use it I feel guilty
for booleans we have isSomething, for example
for classes/constructors we use pascal case
I think promises are another fairly important distinction that we should have a short version for
What you say makes sense, as it's painful to deal with those two incompatible "colors" of function, but using a prefix while more and more functions are now async would be more and more heavier
even something stupid like someFunctionP
like list variables usually look like variable-p if they're predicates
perhaps it's a problem of tooling and we should have editor plugins giving a different colors to async functions ?
is the async keyword not sufficient enough ?
Even a simple P suffix is still too cumbersome IMO
@DenysSéguret could be a temporary workaround
or do you mean when calling it?
@KarelG the problem is when you call them
ah right
@KarelG my problem is mainly with this part of my code: const httpPromise = require('./http-promise')
in IDEA, you can hover it with a mouse to see its definition
It's too frequent to ask oneself whether it's async or not. And it makes dirty bugs
but yes, I have to check regularly
it feels like saying const somethingNumber = 1, which is wrong
just don't use async
We'd need a more powerful es-lint to deal with that
(if you actually need that, you might prefer to use somethingCount or somethingID)
@hellzone Are you serious ? Do you write complex server side js ?
that is a matter of meaningful variable names
@hellzone that's not an option
@towc that utility already exists in the util module; promisify
I had a reason not to use that in this case. Let me find it
oh, yeah, I couldn't get it to work with http, because it requires multiple calls (request, write, end)
messed around with it for a couple of minutes to figure it out, then said "fuck it" and made my own wrapper
if I'm going to need to do whatever you must do to get a promise http in every file/call, it might not be worth it
@towc I think I'll ask programmers.se about this problem
I guess it would be closed on SO as too open and on being almost a tool recommandation question
Anyone else feels web-seminars/certificates are kind of a scam? - They seem to mostly just ask for knowledge; but anyone can learn to use a documentation. I don't need to follow a seminar for that. - I wish they would focus more on questions like (and not only theory, also have practical tests) "how do I perform in a group", "how do I help others in our group", "how do I recognize a persons skillset and put him at the right position in our group",
"how do I offload a person's job who isn't capable of finishing in time without offending that person".
Knowledge is trivial, working as a team isn't.
Q: How to statically check you didn't forget to await for an async function

Denys SéguretA common bug in JavaScript is to forget the await keyword when calling an async function. Of course you don't always want to await, sometimes you really want to get a promise. And of course you can't statically determine all target functions. But there's still a vast majority of trivial cases t...

@paul23 most web things are scams
expecially certificates
@DenysSéguret I'd say unit tests are the only real way
hello i have a jquery script
that works once
@DenysSéguret that's almost the exact opposite of what I asked 😛 But at least it will help you, I guess
@DenysSéguret TypeScript
I want a naming scheme
@BenFortune I don't think they're adequate for that. Too heavy.
i need it to use it for multiple instances
My dream would be a coloring scheme in vim but it seems impossible to check with enough certitude
I might write a static checker if nobody provides an answer
colors should be a last resource when reading code
(and if I find some time)
@towc how so? you are solving the same problem with your problem: the naming of your variable
$( document ).ready(function () {
		$(".moreBox").slice(0, 3).show();
		if ($(".blogBox:hidden").length != 0) {
		$("#loadMore").on('click', function (e) {
			$(".moreBox:hidden").slice(0, 6).slideDown();
			if ($(".moreBox:hidden").length == 0) {
function magic() { return Promise.resolve({x: 1}); }

async function foo() {
  const obj = magic(); // oops
  return obj.x; // error, Promise<{x: number}> has no member x.
this is my script i need it to use it for .moreBox es
and #loadMore
@AndreiClaudiu your question isn't clear to me
any ideas
ok so i have this
<div class="moreBox">contents</div>
<button id="loadMore">Load</button>
but i have more of this
more than just one box and load button
oh, so you want to find the related moreBox from the loadMore button event handler ?
the point is that im using a group of these
<div class="moreBox" style="display: none;">content to expand</div>
<button id="loadMore">Load content</button>
and i have more of these
the script expands moreBox
if you have more of these, you are already doing it wrong
id must be unique in your HTML document
so theres no way get it done
there is a way.
ok can you show me
@MadaraUchiha What you mean is that you can run a TypeScript tool on your normal JS code without changing it and have those kind of tests done ? Or that the code should be switched to TS ?
@DenysSéguret Former.
How do you do that?
@AndreiClaudiu depends of the data. Put it in a variable and pick a substring from it. This substring is being displayed.
VSCode as this as a built-in feature, you just add //@ts-check at the top of the file, and magic happens.
I was thinking at another problem
can you give an example
There's also the ts-server you can look at, which supposedly exposes a service to editors, but I've never got to give that a try.
Is it right for mdadm to take 6 hours on 2 4tb drives?
cc @ssube
hum... vscode isn't open-source... that would be the first closed source program on my computer... :\
@DenysSéguret vscode is open source
I'll try that ASAP
VSCode doesn't seem to notice there's a problem if I remove the await
@DenysSéguret Code?
@BenFortune Risky click of the day
NSFW code
"node safe file watcher"?
@BenFortune Were you searching for porn on github.com?
wrong hub, man
@Neil code is my porn
@MadaraUchiha the one of Miaou. For example if I remove the await here: github.com/Canop/miaou/blob/master/libs/profile.js#L92
@DenysSéguret It probably infers con to be any :(
@MadaraUchiha I'm sure such a static check is a fairly difficult problem on standard JS code
Microsoft has a copyright on the NsfwWatcher
good to know
big brother is watching
@DenysSéguret You could hint the function that con is of type connection
Especially if con is some library's object.
BTW vscode seems nice. I won't use it because I can't escape vi but it doesn't feel like the usual MS tools I've seen
@DenysSéguret :q!
that's the command to exit vi
you're welcome!
I can't escape. If I quit it I'm attracted to vim back as soon as I try to edit a file in another editor
it took me 2 years to find it, so I like to share
I discovered vi in 2001
I'm still trying to figure out how to escape it
@FlorianMargaine oh you noob
vim is an awful experience. I only use it when I ssh into a remote linux server in order to edit config files
figured it out after a hour while leaving lots of unintended character entries on the file.
@ndugger cool story bro
I know it is
@KarelG it was a joke to say that I used vim for 2 years :)
I know, I was joking too
your story doesn't necessarily look like a joke...
at least I wouldn't put a question about that on SO
good morning, my dudes
Do you feel like this question I closed should be reopened ? stackoverflow.com/questions/48537546/…
I'm a little fed up with too lazy regex questions
@DenysSéguret The correct answer is "don't use regex, use your favorite language's URL parsing tools"
!!> (new URL('http://www.thisismysite.com/subfolder/child.html')).pathname
@BenFortune "ReferenceError: URL is not defined"
!!> a = new URL('http://www.thisismysite.com/subfolder/child.html'); a.pathname;
@Neoares "ReferenceError: URL is not defined"
From the MDN: "URL is available in Worker scopes."
@CapricaSix what
So.. why ?
to be used with web workers?
@MadaraUchiha she's drunk
@BenFortune ok. TBH I never looked at the implementation of the bot
you can only use the functions in that list?
!!> eval("new URL('http://www.thisismysite.com/subfolder/child.html').pathname")
@Neoares "ReferenceError: URL is not defined"
!!> this
@MadaraUchiha TypeError: cyclic object value
!!> this.URL
@MadaraUchiha "ReferenceError: URL is not defined"
How is that a reference error?
> TypeError: cyclic object value
@Neoares When you try to JSON.stringify cyclic objects, that's what you get.
@BenFortune Aha, I see.
Zirak is a madman
> /* TEE HEE */
That he is.
Just hammered a "getting a number from prompt" question, someone comes in and comments:
@Cerbrus - technically it's not a duplicate. The solution is the same, but the question is not a duplicate. — Adelin 4 mins ago
!!xkcd technically
Does that still work? Apparently not...
@Cerbrus I think that it relied on Google API, which was since shut down.
guck foogle
@Adelin Read the text, it doesn't say "this question is a duplicate of...", it says "this question already has an answer here:". The distinction is intentional. — Madara Uchiha ♦ 11 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha Thank you
haha Zirak with his reference error
made my day
Seems to me that the downvotes epitomise "answer from new user = higher chance of downvoting". Seems pretty good to me. +1. — Bathsheba 1 min ago
and lol @ that technically dude
Wat... That's a 145k user....
@MadaraUchiha the distinction is pretty accurate
since, technically, changing a single character makes a question different
@MadaraUchiha that's when you want to use JSON.prune
And the answer got another upvote... Goddamn SO, some times... :-/
@Neoares Before The Great Close Vote Overhaul™️ a few years ago, duplicates were duplicates.
@Cerbrus stop doing SO
The semantics have changed since then to include "this other question answers your question perfectly"
I am barely contributing due of this kind of behavior
(well it is a factor of it )
Nowadays, most of my contributions are down / close / delete votes, and plagiarism flags...
Madara, did you delete the question?
@Cerbrus Ignore the crap, write canonicals
@KarelG I didn't.
Oh, that's interesting. The sympathy-voter delete-voted the question.
what happens when a question is deleted and an answer had 2 upvotes
what happens with the rep
@Neoares Poof, gone
and if it had downvotes?
@Neoares Within a certain time-frame, votes are void.
Don't remember the exact rules.
60 days, not?
and if I delete my own downvoted question?
Or was it more complex?
@Neoares Same
@Cerbrus yes, 60i + 30
come on
there's people getting stars for posting fucking frogs
just because their name contains a fruit or a bow mastery
time to go check your government, dear Neoares
I don't get it c:
I guess it's a way to call retarded to someone
but idk
!!giphy I'm retarded?
wow lol
nice videogames
imagine someone pulling this joke in a modern movie
"knock yourself out"
doesnt sound like something good
@GNi33 I'd pay for it
for them ? the lawyers ?
to see it
in the cinema
it's in or at the cinema?
question for european murricans
european murricans?
tea drinkers
UK citizens
queen lovers
you might want to read up on the history of that nation again
@GNi33 do you think so?
and I'd say "at"
I know very well who "discovered" america, as you can imagine xD
I'm not a brit though
I know they're copies of us
@Neoares wrong america though :D
you are weird today Neoares
I'm just trying to be sarcastic Q_Q
nibbled at towc's feet or lurked at wietlol's weed?
@BenFortune I recently glanced over an article saying that Friends is basically unwatchable in 2017, because of Chandlers homophobia
I do not understand certain people
fuck, cut the certain, I do not understand most people
Someone be hatin on jQuery 'cause it's slow, so he's asking for some other method of building HTML in JS. Reads like a "I heard it's slow, so now speed is my primary focus"...
@GNi33 ?
Friends... the 90s tv show?
no the article
what about it?
@GNi33 wait what
I've literally never noticed
he's a little uncomfortable when the subject comes up, that's about it
Bunch of snowflakes
the "political correctness" behavior lately should stop IMHO
@KarelG "lately"? It should've stopped years ago...
I think I do understand the core of what most REEEEEEing is based on and I think a lot of these things really are important, but in this day and age you have to overdo everything to a point where the topic is just ridiculed and people don't give a shit anymore
look to the reaction to kardashian's insta post of last week. She posted herself almost nude yet people complains that she is a racist because her haircut was with braids, a typical west-african culture. "A white person should not do this"
that even became a small feed on my newspaper feed
both should just GTFO
ah yeah. Rule 1: Be offended
there are no other rules
oh i recall a fucking weird comment in a blog post about who has built the pyramids
easy, the americans
it was about a hypothesis that the workers were not only slaves, but also real workers, like laborers in a sorta feudal system
who said they were slaves?
@KarelG But then you're stressing the server :P
@Cerbrus no. Webservers are optimized to generate HTML pages.
sarcasm undetected
@KarelG We recently had a extremely poorly designed legacy web app that literally downed one of our servers
You are so Sheldon today KarelG
if it does it slowly, then the code is dirty
Thousands of string concatenations
In nested loops
that is an example of it
wait he wasn't being sarcastic? lol
Disposables that were never disposed
EVERYTHING was cached indefinitely
you have upgraded it to another tech right ?
Even query results with ~25 filter options
Oh, the old guy was let go off years ago
The fix was to use a StringBuilder, and disable most of the (homebrew) hacky caching
but a good webserver with a templating engine should generate html pages on a whim
And using blocks, so disposables actually get disposed
you can render html locally, but really a whole page rendering locally ?
This wasn't exactly an templating engine :P
I sometimes see that tho
concatenating strings in jsp scriptlets
It was an old ASP application, most of the markup was generated in codebehind files...
(My terminology may be off a little)
@Cerbrus you raise a lot of good points, I may just say screw it and end up using jQuery, I can't really argue against your logical arguments. As for KarelG, I would be doing in through the back end, like you said, BUT, I can't, the back end work is all outsourced for this project, which is stupid IMHO, plus they're a pain to work with, if you want something done, it takes forever to get a response, and they forbid us from touching anything in the back end, you write ANY php, it gets commented out, put a PHP file on the FTP, then you get a 403. — JO3-W3B-D3V 7 mins ago
he is doomed :D
Yea, just read that...
I'm thinking of a way to circumvent that php block...
That's absurd
Well, php is absurd, but still
you can invite him to the chat
Is that a good idea? :P
your discussion might be interesting for him
Hm, true
imma link it
just noticed something in his answer
someElm.innerHTML += htmlStr;
ofc that leads to a perf problems if he keeps calling that function ...
innerHTML, my old friend
@KarelG it's an attribute :D
@KarelG Oh, that may be worth an actual answer
> innerHTML is cancer
Hi all
if he is going to use jQuery, then I do not have to answer that
have a question
you are free to ask your question
check room info :)
Can someone guide me how to get response cookie in JS where request cookie is set HTTP only True
@SohaibAsif Not on a decent browser
The point of the HttpOnly flag is that JS can't access the cookie.
so is there any way around to get
I certainly hope not
@SohaibAsif JS can't access the cookie.
so is there any way to get that cookie
tried several methods but all in vain
not with JS, no
that is the whole point of a http only cookie
We're repeating ourselves...
you might be able to read it on the server and pass the content to the client otherwise
@Cerbrus you complete each other
@GNi33 With spa and modern web design: does such a cookie have still its uses? (I honestly am wondering what the use is).
imagine you have a page with a login system
yes i need to send that cookie to my api
but i guess there is no way i could get that or have some patch to do it
@SohaibAsif not the same server?
@GNi33 Why would you not want the cookie to be read by javascript? - It can't be to protect your website, since the user could read it manually.
@paul23 several reasons, one of them being session spoofing
there is some extension i am trying to get its cookie and just send it to api
if a session cookie is readable by JS and you have an XSS vulnerability somewhere on your site, you could be in trouble
Getting a cookie you're not supposed to access, and sending that to an API? That sounds like session spoofing...
yes its not the same server
yes i am trying to achieve that wrote all code everything is working fine
except that HTTP only cookie
Or at least, it seems a little dubious...

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