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yeah, SO Chat still has it's own account system. Gets synced up every n minutes, which is why avatar changes sometimes take a while
@TheOneWhoMade Create a jsfiddle for me that has a text area with two lines, one of which uses a fixed font and the other that doesn't. — Kevin B 3 mins ago
@Luggage no.. it was for a research I'm doing
can we know if a user has chat account?
search through the chat users
in a simple way
users who are online
only 50k pages
ah, all
if you know the user's name, it should be relatively easy to find them
unless they're "kevin"
he's speaking with a pleb LUL
is Natty a bot?
I'm pretty sure this guy didn't know he was talking with a legend
No way as a way, no limit as a limit...

What you can't do alone, we'll do together...
^ lol his bio is amazingly cringey
my most voted on question has received 4 votes already this year
all down
2 in the last 24 hours
anyone visiting his chat account can see my blurry avatar there
I feel so honored
@Vap0r That's anime for you
The trick about anime is that you can't understand what they're saying so it's not cringey
$ echo 123 | node -e "console.log(process.argv)"
[ '/usr/bin/node' ]
kinda sad
why the chat is keep going on top?
Wouldn't 123 be stdin, not an argument
and when I type it comes down
or do I not know what I'm talking about again
@Cereal it is
try reloading Mr_Green
did serveral times
I think I'm missing something
I'd like to get a very simple way to use js when messing around with bash
like querying the output of something by using js functions rather than looking up the appropriate bash commands every time
which I should do, but maybe I have work to do
hi , how can i find withing a given div if there is a selected option that has a certain value ?
i have multiple selects inside a div, i want to check if one of the selects contains a selected option with a given value
select the options that are selected, and try to find one that has the value.
can that be done with one instruction ?
like, one line? yeah, if you put it all on one line, but it wouldn't be any faster than spreading it out over a few dozen.
@towc why would piping stdin go to argv?
Is what I say!
I don't have an answer to that, except sticks tongue out and throws arms in the air
what's sad is you tried to do something without understanding why or how and blamed the software
well, my hope was that there would be a sync way to get the stdin
argv is sync, so I hoped
stdin isn't in nodejs, afaik
which means a lot more template code when trying to use a little js
I didn't say nodejs was doing a bad thing, I said a thing was sad ;)
although for good reason
I think the sad thing is just towc
don't blame you
Next he'll tell us he was trying to remake grep
but it's not sync
echo 123 | node -e "console.log(require('fs').readFileSync(0).toString())"
works for me, but is a hack
@Mosho yeah, but it's already too long
That's not what your mother told me.
what about xargs
@Cereal actually, I'm pretty sure what I'm trying to do can be achieved with grep, I just couldn't originally be bothered to look it up
I knew it ;
what can't be achieved with grep
@KendallFrey Towc actually explaining his problem instead of all his solutions first
@Mosho yeah, that's my second bet :)
@Mosho what the fuck
and it works
why did they name it like a library that exists since 30 years
@Cereal You win
It's a bitter victory
echo 1 2 3 4 | xargs node -e "console.log(process.argv.slice(1))" // [ '1', '2', '3', '4' ]
@Cereal I roam endlessly without a real problem to solve
@towc You are the problem to solve
@FlorianMargaine dunno, but why would that be a consideration
@Mosho it's confusing as heck
not to me, I hadn't even known about GNU readline until now :P
but it shouldn't be confusing in the context of being a node module
you're not going to require a program
so, this is what I wanted: something | xargs node -e "console.log(process.argv.filter((x)=>x.match(/\)|\d\$/)).map((x,i)=>i + '\t' + x.split('.')[3]).join('\n'))"
which is much less readable than whatever the grep solution is, but it works and was easy to write
And on your left, you'll see towc still not explaining what his problem is, but giving yet another solution
if it's a one off thing you can just make an executable
@Mosho it's a library
a C library :P
that has bindings in literally every language out there
anyone a fan of BS 4?
except nodejs I guess
> @JonSkeet for someone width your reputation i had hoped you could provide some insights on the behaviour of processes under .net from this beginning the intentions of this code where quite clear, have a good day.
I just saw it
with great rep comes great responsibility
@Cereal making it easier for me to read the output of another command, just shaving off everything I don't need to know
which is fairly subjective, I'd think
I don't know how you've done it, but you still have not explained your problem
This is amazing
It's like your don't want an answer
if you don't get the problem, then you are the problem
probably has to do with underage girls and bondage
original problem: want to find the address of my rpi on the network so I can ssh into it
lazy solution: scan the network with nmap and filter for port 22
problem: now I have 15 devices that have ssh open, I don't want to ssh into all of them and throw credentials at them
lazy solution: have an easy way to read through it, disconnect the rpi, run it again, and see what went off
@towc I have a small program that emails me with the inner IP
and it's executed on start
if you know the MAC address of your rpi, you can configure your DHCP server to give it a specific IP
I like @Neoares solution though
I would have checked the router dashboard if I knew the mac address first, actually
but yeah, I might do that in the future
> Your ip is
just searched for the email
If you have a mac, you can make the pi ssh int oyour mac and get your mac to physically speak the ip
I searched how to get the IP, then searched how to send a mail xD
I had some good times in highschool when I learned you could get macs to talk
@Mosho there's a NODE_NO_READLINE environment variable in nodejs REPL...
I'm hungry T_T
@Cereal copy.sh/yay much :P ?
fuck sorry triple ping
Did you give your pi a device name? Shows up easily in router dashboard
@TravisWhite that also works
but first you need to know the IP to assign it the first time
I've had a RPI for like.. 5 years, and don't have an SD card for it
Every time I see it, I think "I should buy an SD card", then I see the prices of SD cards and just don't
@TravisWhite also assign a name usually tells the router to reserve that address
so you don't need to look up every time
but the email thing is so cool :P
You guys, when typescript is set up right, it is so good
it's always good
yah I started naming all of my devices something obvious and use router dashboard to make adjustments. In past I would come up with exotic names based around a theme but then I'd forget what each device was named and it was useless when I needed to adjust the network
@Cereal how much do they cost
@TravisWhite that's like nested loops with f, ff, and fff variables
20-60 or something
the older I get, the simpler I must keep it
the what
@Cereal ?
how much GB?
@Mosho just got it set up with redux-saga, and it's a life saver... prevents so many bugs before they even happen
for a rpi you can get a 5€ one
This one here is 32$ for 64
I seem to remember reading something about some kinds of SD cards being trash for the rpi, don't remember what about it though
@corvid that's like saying a car helps you listen to radio
I'm watching amazon spain, and I can get a 32GB one for 13.92
or 64GB for 24.29
I think mine is 32GB and I regret not going for the 64
but you're done with 8-16GB
except you need more ofc xDDDDDD
welp, I don't remember the ssh password for the rpi
@Mosho what other purpose would typescript even really serve? Isn't it just stripped away at "compile time"?
@rlemon hey that looks really good!
you sand it at all?
@towc you mean your user's password?
@Loktar yea
the sides look awesome
hand sanded
ah nice yeah was wondering since the sides look like real wood
looks great man
@corvid for your own code
adds some grain and gives it that white-ish look
user: pi
password: raspberry
@towc try that
@Neoares yeah, it's not the default
yeah exactly, I really really like how it gives you hints about what data you're receiving from function calls
having completion for libraries is really nice, yeah, but you really see the benefits when you work on a large codebase for a while
@corvid I mean your own business logic etc.
then plug HDMI to a screen :D
and go headful
of course having typings for libraries is important
oh wait, you forgot root's password
yeah it feels like it actually bridges the gap between action => saga => reducer => container much more nicely (even though I know people here generally prefer mobx)
Hey fellas
long time no see
*{begs javascript heroes for help}
@r3wt const decorator = componentClass => {componentClass.prototype.methodName = method; return componentClass;}
@Cereal thinking about it for a bit, I think the problem I wanted a solution to was "how to be a better lazy person in this context"
I also have a noob question
Q: Webpack dynamic 1 to 1 input/output

NeoaresI want to create a rule in webpack.config.js that allows me to compress all the .js files inside one directory, and output them into another one. For that, I'm using webpack's UglifyJsPlugin. For example: ── src │ ├── js │ │ └── a.js │ │ └── b.js │ ├── minified │ │ └── a.min.js ...

!!afk leaving work
oh I already have -1, nice xD
I guess tomorrow I'll have -10
@Mosho doesn't work
@rlemon @KendallFrey imgur.com/gallery/nEBr5
@r3wt you must be a python dev
@no i hate python
i used it once or twice for small things.
really annoying syntax rules(indentation) soured me pretty quickly
but i liked the composability of arguments
I like code reviews, they make it so you don't write shitty code and learn clean practices
Except when you see: "Wow, this works?"
I really miss list comprehensions :\ wish js had a similar concept
No thanks
@Mosho maybe its conflicting with other decorators. i have no clue. all i know is it says "Type Error: this.model" is not a function
That proposal died for a reason
inb4 no it didnt
@r3wt I suggest a debugger
list comprehensions are probably the most abused feature in python
that and using underscores to name "internal" things
@BenFortune That just makes me sad because it's so awesome and I want to build one, but not badly enough to actually build one.
@SterlingArcher that is when you get a differing opinion on the proper way to do it and you either remember it forever or create a new way of doing things for your team. 'Ahh I can use the ole Archer technique here'
@TravisWhite well it's helpful because if you write an inefficient loop they'll catch it
These guys are crazy efficient
@Mosho changing the order of the decorators makes it work.
@inject('store') @withRouter @model
wonder which of the other two is also using a property called model...
yeah that would be nice feedback to have early. Nothing worse than having to redo a large amount of code only after the inefficiencies piled up
Well unfortunately it happens during PRs, and it's for every feature branch
well I can think of a few things worse
For example my PR is about 3700 lines of code D:
thanks for help @Mosho
can anyone give me an invite to the mobx discord?
@SterlingArcher waaat?
one you submitted?
@KendallFrey I bet it's super easy you know, especially with a teensy
i need to understand if its possible for an @observable to be a primitive (null) and also an object
Oh I know I could if I wanted to
I'd probably send that shit back and say break it up
@Loktar yeah man, I'd say maybe 65% of component JSX
Unfortunately it all is broken up
I just don't have the time and money I'm willing to sacrifice right now
PRs that large will undoubtedly have things missed
17 different files, all for removing a single 75 line config.json file lol
unless you guys have X hours of dedicated PR time
X = as long as it takes
in addition to completing tasks?
@SterlingArcher how much of that are tests
@SterlingArcher I did that recently. 82 program changes
1 line change in 82 programs
@Loktar correct, we're not strict on scrum timelines as long as you're obviously getting shit done
@Mosho we don't really write tests, but sometimes we borrow the QA team
@mosho why don't you post it as an answer so i can accept it as solution.
I got an email from my old IT director at SNC asking how I'm liking the new job. They miss me <3
I wanna use vscode vim mode, but enabling it takes away shortcuts I use a lot
like going to opposing bracket
and acejump
@Mosho % in normal mode
nice, thanks
dat acejump though
posted on January 24, 2018 by Thomas Nattestad

Ever since its initial release of Speedometer 1.0 in 2014, the Blink and V8 teams have been using the benchmark as a proxy for real-world use of popular JavaScript frameworks and we achieved considerable speedups on this benchmark. We verified independently that these improvements translate to real user benefits by measuring against real-world websites and observed that improvements of page loa

> You will not be able to see the satellite within the next 2087 hours
Nvm then
neat shiny space trash
That's hilarious tho they didn't announce it and just launched it on a test
But cmon enough with the cringe
It was a test
Ok. So I've made a couple of basic mistakes and now my code is quickly becoming unmanageable.
mistake 1. use JS
ban dodge
Mistake #1, I did a pagination system using component classes
const pages = [
sorry. don't mean to be mean.
So basically if I want to do a handleNextPage function it looks like this:
handleNextPage = () => {
            pageIndex: ++this.state.pageIndex
Which is simple.
But I can also do a handlePageNavigate to navigate to a specific component:
handlePageNavigate = (page) => {
        pageIndex: this.pages.map(component => component.name).indexOf(page)
Here's the problem with that, this worked fine for our development webpack build
This doesn't work for production because the component names are shortened
These component names are used to update page data like so:
not to mention the horrible memory usage?
handleUpdatePageData = (data, page = this.pages[this.state.pageIndex].name) => {
        let quoteData = {...this.state.quoteData};
        if(quoteData[page] == undefined) quoteData[page] = [];
        quoteData[page] = [...quoteData[page], data]
        this.setState({ quoteData })
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but you just mentioned it
So my data object looks like so:
this.state = {
            pageIndex: 0,
            quoteData: {
                GeneralInfo: [],
                DriverInfo: [],
                VehicleInfo: [],
                IncidentInfo: [],
                CoverageInfo: [],
                AlmostDone: []
So basically I have two (3?) problems:
1. My pagination sucks
2. My data object updates suck
(3.) (I suck?)
have you heard of ag-grid?
That looks suspiciously like angular
@Mosho would you like to post your solution to my question so you can get the credit?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier and the answer is no
22 mins ago, by Mosho
you might want to search it a bit, be it only to inspire yourself from its api
it can be a hassle to learn, but the concepts beneath page change and data sources are worthwhile
@FélixGagnon-Grenier alright, researching...
@BenFortune dunno what that means man
tldr when changing page, you have a page length and a page number, from that you reload the (single) view with the entries from (pageNb * (length - 1)) to (pageNb * length)
@r3wt He can't be arsed, stop bothering him with it
wow, ok then. i was just trying to give credit where it was due.
@Vap0r ok, their documentation changed a bit, start with pagination ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-pagination/#gsc.tab=0
@BenFortune all in good fun, but: i.redd.it/iuzbbg8xv0c01.jpg
Mmmmk. Technically the pagination works though (I think). I think it's just the data object that's becoming mutated
your face is becoming mutated

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