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I still really wanna try the flex filaments
@geisterfurz007 whats up
welcome to the 3d-printing room
SO doesn't let me leave this room ._.
you have to buy a 3d printer in order to leave
once you go JavaScript, you never go Java
Javascript is just Java that took a theater class.
@geisterfurz007 Want me to kick you? :D
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/tx7FlFJ.gifv πŸ˜ƒ so graceful. such elegance
he already left
he joined again
kick now @MadaraUchiha QUICKLY
@MadaraUchiha I doubt that that would help unfortunately...
Progress on the AM8
@hilli_micha nice standing desk
i have to go. good night
Niters @KarelG :)
Next try...
For flags, is testing if (flag === true) or if (flag) considered the right option in javascript? (Former is redundant, except it performs a typecheck which shouldn't be needed but one might not know).
@Neoares It's not a standing desk lol
Its just a table from Ikea
@paul23 former is not redundant
it changes it from if( notFalsey ) to if( not false )
it's a small but important difference
say you accept numbers, if( num ) { // I now fail on 0
if you're using a type hinter, like TS or Flow, you also don't have to worry about what typeof flag might be
True, I just can't phrase myself well. - But what is the general accepted approach here, use "truthy" and "falsey" or hard check.
I prefer explicit tests
if( foo === true ) { // I now at least know you expect foo to be a boolean
if( foo ) // what the fuck is foo
@hilli_micha I mean the metallic thing
you put a laptop over there and you can adjust the height
so you can stand-work
The metallic thing is a 3D printer frame.
well it's inside testData(resultsFile, saveExtendedResults) {}
@hilli_micha I kinda wanna build a shitty CNC machine
I think I'd get a lot of use out of it
Though I guess in the future I might actually change the second argument to an object that shows which results to actually save.
@hilli_micha you don't convince me
@rlemon It seems like a sort of common project to convert a 3D printer to a CNC machine, I'm sure you could buy a cheap one and hack it together.
I'm sure someone already has
and open sourced it
I'll just do that
Holy shit that scared me.
I will buy my laser engraver first
I looked at that and my back started hurting.
but a CNC for wood would be schweeeet
why nsfw
Not Safe For Work..what he is doing clearly isn't safe...for work.
@Neoares because standing on doors like that is not safe for work.
then it's
didn't get it
was expecting boobs or 9/11 things
@rlemon banggood had/has them on sale
I almost got one, but would probably never use it
I left my BT keyboard in my truck overnight and now it's frozen and won't work lol
that makes a lot of sense
Doesn't look so bad
like landing training wheels
every time I make that mistake the rocket tips over
@Loktar @Luggage @ssube @hilli_micha @KendallFrey @FélixGagnon-Grenier reprap-windturbine.com/index.php?id=10
$16 for the plans and assembly guide
... vasistas?
pay for something on the internet?! psh
@KarelG My marlin is sharing a bag with the .243 but belongs in one of the two bags in the top right corner. The AR15 is just a .223 one and it's sharing a box with the double barrel :P.
oh there's a button for english
Max 12v/55W output. Not bad.
pretty good for a printed generator
@hilli_micha at what wind speed?
If I print that and use it to charge my phone I can be the most hipster 'maker' on the face of the planet
imagine powering your 3d printer from that
@rlemon I prefer geothermal. Then I don't need batteries
not sure you could power a printer
@KendallFrey Doesn't specify, it seems
you could definitely power a pi and some devices
a printer w/out heated bed
maybe even a pi, screen, and cell modem
bed is most of the power
@ssube free 18650 charger
those can power a pi for a while
hook a couple generators up to a bank of them and put a USB-C port on there...
@KendallFrey LOL
stick it on your car so you get free power while driving
@Luggage oH yEs GrEaT iDeA
sorry, I mean free energy
almost looked stupid there
Can you have free energy without free power?
how many would you need to gather more energy than you use in gas?
@KendallFrey I'M haPpY WiTh youR NdUGGeR Case, bUT Sad beCaUSE YoU're probaBlY noT USInG my bUtton
@ssube NaN
@ssube whatre you driving lol
@rlemon nO bEcAuSe YoUr BuTtOn DoEs It WrOnG
PeRfEcT ALTeRnatIoN bEtwEen CaPs and lowEr casE JusT lOoKs tOo forCed.
I PrefEr RanDom
oh tonight "once in a blue supermoon" happens.
!!> 'this is silly'.replace(/./g, s => Math.random() > .5 ? s.toUpperCase() : s.toLowerCase())
@MadaraUchiha "this is sIlly"
@paul23 you forgot blood moon
@MadaraUchiha Go buy a lottery ticket
@KendallFrey And those are actual real terms.
can i get a vape moon?
@paul23 I know
@MadaraUchiha ohh mines so much better
      .map((letter, index) =>
           index % Math.floor(Math.random()*2+2) ? letter.toLowerCase() : letter.toUpperCase()
You need to weight it so that it's twice as likely that a char is uppercase if the previous went uppercase
And I need to drink more coffee or go back to sleep
I went to bed at 10am what gives :O
@rlemon I've never seen somebody blow themselves before
@Jhoverit 40 minutes ago?
that's a funny looking bird
thats an ugly chicken
@Loktar Trump just got me an extra $231/m thanks to his tax cuts (which the democrats were shockingly in favor of a few years back)
@BenFortune I'm sad that I did stats in school and I can't figure out how to calculate the statistical significance of that
@hilli_micha cute dog though
It's like I just got a small raise :D
I think it's only about 99%
@MadaraUchiha chill on that shade dude lol
@SterlingArcher but in 4 years, you'll pay even more than you did before. And that's not because there might be a new president. That's his actual tax plan, afaik
why is the rabid sloth attacking that dog?
@towc sauce me homeboy
@ssube it's not. that's the slovak girl.
my source is stephen colbert. I'm qualified
@rlemon damnit, I got caught
@rlemon Oh my god I said 10am wth
Also that's 17mins from now for me
No seriously do you have sources? I'd actually like to know if that's true
But no 10pm
@towc You look so normal until you open your mouth
@SterlingArcher Wait how's that
@Jhoverit got a hold of aprilia customer service and they walked me through my order and helped me get every screw and washer I'll need for installation πŸ˜€ amazing customer service
@Cereal I also don't sound crazy until I open my mouth
Like your tax rate changed on your paycheck?
@Jhoverit yessir, paying less taxes starting this year (everybody I think), and my check had an extra $115.50 on it today
Nice I haven't got a check for this year yet
Not a full one
I get paid bi weekly
Isn't it like a few weeks back
So shouldn't you have gotten 2 checks by now?
@SterlingArcher looking them up. I shouldn't be the responsible american in this conversation
Fuck if I know
Yea 1 of them would've been entirely for 2017 tho right
6 mins ago, by Jhoverit
And I need to drink more coffee or go back to sleep
@Jhoverit if you use a holding company. It'll be backlogged 1-2 pay periods
My pay is always a week behind
@Jhoverit oh sorry, it kicked in I want to say this month, so my dad said I wouldn't see it until february, which technically my check is for tomorrow so it snuck in
I get paid for the first 2 weeks on the third week
I get paid on the 1st and the 15th just like welfare
we get paid the 15th and the last of the month
Working is just welfare with a purpose anyway
which seems almost the same but pointlessly more complicated
Weekend provides a variance though, if payday is on a weekend I get paid the friday before
I worked at a place that used a payment insurance company. 4 weeks behind. If you started on an off week you waited five weeks to get your first pay
holiday weekends are the best
if thurs/mon are federal holidays and you usually get paid monday, it moves up to the prev weds
@rlemon I always hated that, it made job transitions a nightmare financial wise if you didn't have a nest egg
yea, it hurt for some of the new hires that were right out of school
Absolutely, that's exactly why I had to take out a personal loan 3 years ago
contracting was like that, getting everything set up and getting the first check
a month without income was a stressful nightmare
My paystubs have all been in french this so far this year, so that's different
@SterlingArcher I'll jus look I got paid this last Friday
they gave up on you?
@SterlingArcher because I do have a buffer in my account, I often go a month or two without cashing any cheques
work doesn't like that πŸ˜›
@rlemon I know lol it's so weird
lol wat
For the first time in my life I have a buffer, and it feels amazing
you just sit on paychecks and then cash out?
> why is there extra money in the account? ohh, Rob hasn't cashed any pay since november..
i'll cash it for you
@ssube yea, I'm too lazy to go to the bank
and I haven't setup the mobile cheque cashing yet
Direct deposit!
my company is small and doesn't wanna incur the fee there
small = 8 employees
@rlemon I used to do that
Don't you get paid in corn?
TIL the # in C# is actually two stacked "++"
Direct deposit that corn brah
@Mosho no it's a sharp
(I know, I know)
@KendallFrey no it's an octothorp
no, it's a number sign. dummies
can't even spell octothorpe
c octothorp doesn't have the same ring to it
!!giphy hashtag
it's actually a 2 rung ladder
@KendallFrey my computer is saying there is no e at the end actually
hastag i spelled it right
oh fucking hell
wow #hashtaglyfe πŸ˜† mom check my twitter
For the record a typo doesn't count but I'll let you guys enjoy the irony <3
The symbol # is most commonly known as the number sign, hash, or pound sign. The symbol has historically been used for a wide range of purposes, including the designation of an ordinal number and as a ligatured abbreviation for pounds avoirdupois (having been derived from the now-rare β„”). Since 2007, the number sign has become the de facto standard signifier of metadata tags on social media platforms; the adoption of the symbol has been so universal that such metadata tags are now widely called hashtags. The symbol is defined in Unicode and ASCII as U+0023 # Number sign (HTML &#35;). It is ...
> Not to be confused with the Chinese character δΊ•, the sharp sign (β™―), the viewdata square (βŒ—), the numero sign (β„–), the equal and parallel to symbol (β‹•) or the game Tic-tac-toe's grid.
@Jhoverit what in the fuck..... did you mean japan????
@SterlingArcher for the record a typo most definitely does count, now enjoy this wedgie
(I made a golf joke, hooray)
Speaking of, my wedges arrive tomorrow I can't wait to try them out
> hastag
my ass hurts bad
I think I hit my ass-bone
oh grow up
@Mosho Keep your sextalk out of here, it's bad enough that we have towc
@Mosho it's ok I broke my ass snowboarding too
pucker up and keep going
this is serious ass business
@SterlingArcher he's great for the economy πŸ˜€
@SterlingArcher the plan starts by cutting a lot, but it becomes more and more expensive for the people with less money, to the point where in 4 years they need to pay more than they did in 2017: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act_of_2017
wiki was actually the most explanatory thing I found
@SterlingArcher no no if you pucker up, everything stops

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