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10:03 PM
Over a period of two and a half years, @NASAHubble Space Telescope observed the “light echo” from a star that exploded over 11 million years ago. Light from the explosion reflected off nearby dust, creating this “light echo” effect. Find out more: http://go.nasa.gov/2jANWsx https://t.co/CyUG0WF9Pf
I love science
prove it
dude, that's the coolest low res photo I've seen in a while
wuz that?
@Loktar you around?
10:14 PM
I just want lots of tiny mathematically interesting 3d printed objects around
!!welcome rlemon
@towc download and play with structure synth
^ it's super cool
!!are you alive
you're lucky she isn't
or else I'd have !!ban'd you again
last backup was a bit less than a week ago
10:15 PM
lol nice
tastes like raspberries and blood
@rlemon for next time I get ideas: not sure if you're joking or not
@towc if you keep welcoming people, I'll jail you
he mentioned about adjusting the z axis to be buttery smooth
10:17 PM
yes but you're bribeable, rlemon already has all the money he needs (reference to wiping tears with money, isn't meant to be offensive)
I'm not sure if he just meant loosen the coupler or not
I want to figure out how to make the vertical borg ones, those seem easy to print
That is not the structure synth I remember, wow
> Rendered in Keyshot
my printer just crashed and rebooted
10:20 PM
hmmm, looks like fun
good evening
I exported my whole mongodb Database - now I have .json and .bson files
Q: How can I import the data in my newly created postgres database?
where are you stuck?
and where's the problem?
what's stopping you from achieveing your goal?
10:30 PM
I just switched the the mongodb adapter with postgres one
I set the migrate to 'alter'
what sails now did was only to migrate the structure (tables)
but not the date itself
Do I miss something here?
the date is stil on mlab (mongodb in the cloud)
might as well do the migration yourself
I don't think waterline migrates anything more than the table system
it tried, apparently didn't completely succeed
10:32 PM
yeah because what you do in sails is just chainging the connection type => from mongodb to postgres
which admittedly is weird, but understandable
the new instance doesn't know anything about your data
it only knows your models
yeah, right
so yeah now I am looking for a way how I can (already exported from mongodb) import the .bson files into my new postgres db
btw, I don't work with database migrations very often, but at least now your question is more clear and someone can help you out
10:33 PM
maybe there is a tool someone knows
thank you very much :)
if it were me and I felt too lazy to do some research, I'd just write a node script that connects to redis and consumes the bson file
hey @SterlingArcher
hmm I mean I use waterline (this orm in sails)
yes, but as you said, this has little to do with that
I could just read my jsons from file and write it to the new db
you're just looking for a one-time transfer of the data, right?
10:36 PM
@Suisse that has some real benefits
so no need for waterline
because of ACID
letting waterline write the data means it will be in the right format
although you can use waterline, sure
10:36 PM
it will be easier to mutate the JSON than to try and turn JSON into SQL
if that's an option, try it
@ssube right that was the idea :)
yeah, listen to ssube
sounds like the path of least resistance/new code
hehe yeah.. I wished I had done some homework and knew that mongodb + money = no no!
the PCI DSS is long and lawyerly
11:27 PM
old, but good
also, fixed it for ya: jsfiddle.net/xp5uhwq2/1

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