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@Jhoverit potentially my new apartment
does my-icons-library have type info?
dude, I've been in an apartment that had that exact layout
same window, island, I think the same cabinets
This is right on top of the metro (literally)
Prime ass real estate
nice, get a laundry chute down to the train
I think I'm going to replace my island with a butcher block
A 2 bedroom penthouse in this building runs for $7500 a month :(
f that.
@SterlingArcher well you're fancy
@Luggage that was it, thanks for the help
some of those are bigger than my house
Do you guys use let instead of var for browser-based JavaScript? I can't justify writing code that doesn't run in 2-3% of browsers yet.
For Node it makes perfect sense, but not if you expect anyone running <IE11 to visit the site.
maybe you don't want them visiting
Node doesn't run on the browser
imgur.com/gallery/IlqI8 these are great
cc @BenFortune
Yeah, I know. The point is that older versions of IE (6-10) don't support let. So no matter how cool it is, there are still three grandmas in the world running XP who can't run modern JS.
@jdgregson have you taken any metrics to see what your users use?
@jdgregson and do those three grandmas matter to you?
Fair points, I agree. But that's usually a customer's decision to make.
plenty of websites are not grandma-oriented
Please IE, just die already.
@jdgregson if you don't mention it, they'll never ask.
and if they do ask, you explain it'll take another 20 hours to make it compliant and charge them out the ass
supporting old browsers becomes exponentially more difficult with each version they are out-of-date
Plus if someone is still running IE8, they probably don't WANT to run modern JS. I can only imagine how many exploit kits would have a field say with that.
@jdgregson the fix for older IE support is quite easy
you just dont support it
Not to mention supporting legacy browsers costs more than just mainaining modern code
people using IE 5 or 6 just are not worthy of your super up to date to the javascript standards website
and lets face it, most websites are not supposed to work on IE 5, 6 or 7 anyway
the customer can suck it. remember that. who cares what stupid things they ask for. they could ask you to make the browser deploy a knife and stab people. it isn't in the cards (yet)
they are probably pretty used to bugs
or 8, 9, 10, and sometimes 11
didnt IE stop at 8 and they continued on edge?
your job is to get the information from the customer to be able to tell them what they need, not for them to tell you. they (often) don't know anything about the web
They only maintain edge now iirc
Fortunately 11 has a decently modern JS engine at least.
ah, then im confused with pre IE8
Stackoverflow site is completely blank for IE6
Supports let anyway
Supporting IE is like going to rehab but still hanging out with your heroin dealer
I have a a computer still running IE5.5
s/IE5.5/all the viruses ever/
It is running on linux through wine
And XHTML? shudders
be careful for border radius as well
also one of the greatest sources of virusses
WML is by far the worst
FML is worse
If you are trying to support old IEs you can use behaviors to get border radius
just an FYI lol
Y'all wanna bitch about that stuff? Come play with XSL.
dear jesus
I remember trying to make early 'mobile' sites with WML
it was Terrible
@SterlingArcher fuck him
@Trasiva xslt is miles ahead of wml
thats not very nice of you kendall
@Trasiva done and done
I always kinda liked XSL/T
@rlemon did the sites have to move?
I'd rather deal with wml at this point.
Bullshit fucking rules I have to deal with.
@KendallFrey I don't want to
That wasn't a suggestion
XSL is almost like android studio styles
I wish json/yml had the tooling that xml does, almost every day :(
@SterlingArcher poof You now exist
yaml especially has nothing
thank you
@ssube what tooling?
schemas, visualization, working with the data rather than the file (treating it as a database)
I guess we use none of that
@ssube same here
@SterlingArcher duh, so simple
is there a JSONT, yet
4 pi r ^ 2 is easier.
or 2 tau r^2 clearly
@SterlingArcher All you see is a coat, what are you laughing at
!! 2 towels or 4 pies
the latter
@Luggage 4 pies
Rather be stuffing my face than be clean
!!afk oh fuck the customer can see this
@SterlingArcher That's clearly bullshit
That is actually pretty hilarious
that's an awful bright blacklight for one step-power
But I was thinking about the microverse before I scolled down
You can't get "7 watts" from "1 step"
the units just don't commute
Maybe you can't
you can't power that light with 7 watts
maybe 7 joules
@ssube 7 watts should be plenty
assuming LED
what if the light is led? - darn beat me
for that size, brightness, and blue?
I feel like it should be higher but I am bad at electricity
he/she should make a solar step machine combo
In fact the math does add up to 7 joules, if you're optimistic
if we started generating energy from footsteps, would america's obesity become an advantage?
@ssube 3.5V LED means 2A, which is typical for a strip like that
@KendallFrey all depends on how many watts the led is
ohh, nvm.
I didn't read above.
In the picture though, he's only stepping on with one foot, maybe 50lb (at most?)
No way you get 7J out of that
@ssube hmm I would assume the step can only be pressed so far sort of like a pedal.
might still help not sure
@William yeah, but you could increase the pressure
@William Well otherwise it would just keep going straight into the Earth's core
lift more counterweight, etc
The other thing no one mentioned is that the energy comes out of you walking, and it's hard to walk when the floor is absorbing your energy
@rlemon Think it's actually piezo? I wouldn't expect to be able to get that much energy from one
@KendallFrey it would be like running through sand
piezoelectric flooring has been a thing for a bit now
@ssube exactly
great exercise
@rlemon But are they squishy enough to get as much energy as it showed?
I always imagined piezo crystals as... crystals, which are normally hard
@KendallFrey that's probably why this is 'innovative'
or it's the same tech re-imaged to make more hype money
@rlemon Skeptical, especially since they apparently don't know what a watt is.
I thought piezo crystals are typically suspended in a fluid medium?
crystals are not the only material you can get a piezoelectric effect from
offsite resource
and how
What's the correct way to annotate a two-dimensional array? It's MyType[][], right? Or is it Array<MyType[]>?
or Array<Array<MyType>>
I prefer not to mix generics and []
@ssube wouldn't that technically be a nested array?
I actually have tslint set to ban [] entirely because it can't be nested in a few places where <> can
Yes, How do you program with node.js if you can not get data from a function. Im confused — Anna K 6 mins ago
@Vap0r yes, so are his examples. JS doesn't have "real" 2D arrays.
@ssube ah gotcha
Array<T> and T[] are interchangeable types, there's just a problem with [] that causes an ambiguous parse elsewhere (I would have to look it up)
@SterlingArcher Lol the things that are ground breaking and interesting to some people. "Invented" a tile that makes electricity gtfo hahaha
@Jhoverit SterlingArcher is afk: oh fuck the customer can see this
I have a grill lighter yo
Are you referring to piezoelectric lighters?
Yea but looks more like a lil tactile switch under the mat in the video heh
God all the kids will think we can power the world with sidewalks of that
Omg yea the R&M clip haha. Ignorance is bliss
piezoelectric floors man. they exist. just expensive af
Of course they do but they won't be satisfying the energy needs of really anything. Ever lol
Just a novelty right? Or do I not know
companies are putting money into it
so, we'll see if they can do anything with them
in heavy foot traffic urban centers they could work.
even so, the infrastructure to have a power-generating walk-way evrywhere is way more complcated than something more centralized
It would never be worth it.
Just good for impressing the FB plebs
EVen if they put down a cute little walkway in every city haha.
How about power generating stripper poles, though?
Why wouldn't you want them on roads anyway. Who decided to target foot traffic...
Put them under foundations of swaying buildings
@Jhoverit no dicknuts the rick and morty reference xD
Shit that actually has a lot of energy to give up lol
@Jhoverit Then you're effectively using gasoline engines to generate electricity. Not the most efficient.
@Luggage most stripper poles auto rotate which consumes power. The others.. well that's just a lot of friction
@KendallFrey huh?
They're saying parasite off existing traffic.
You wouldn't drive cars on them TO MAKE ELECTRICITY lmao
And that power comes from gasoline engines
You are already driving them.
Energy isn't free
Irrelevant. ALso they won't always be gas
That's the point.
the fuel bills would go up proportionally
apparently a subway?train? station in Tokyo is installing some piezo floors.
> The total amount of floor-space will add up to around 25 square meters, and they expect to obtain over 1,400kw per day
ANd humans walking don't carry a lot of energy moving around what some 60-70kg
That was my favorite episode, btw.
@rlemon for fuck's sake, enough with using watts to measure energy
@rlemon kwh?
!!> 0.12 * 1400
@Jhoverit 168
> "That's what you use my universe for, to start your car?" "Yea, but don't flatter yourself; There is always AAA".
So. They do stand to save $100/day
Those better be the cheaper than concrete for the floor panels lol
!!afk coffee/vape
Actually electric costs them twice as much on average according to the interwebs
So. $200/day for 25 square meters
The main thing you have to remember about any "magical" energy device is it's either 1) using some waste energy that would otherwise be converted to heat, or 2) using up some useful energy. And you gotta identify where the energy comes from.
^ exactly
~70kg humans taking steps is not exactly a treasure trove of extra energy
not without a lot of movement, which makes it harder to walk
I would assume.
or, in a place like Japan, in a building like a subway station, where hundreds of thousands of people walk daily (no source on that :P)
@Jhoverit I've already done the calculations, further up
The question is "how much energy from walking before people notice / complain"
and is is useful
@rlemon You told us how much they stand to generate with the absolute best case scenario pithced to the media lol
What we should be doing is harnessing footfalls to mine bitcoins
Well also these things don't work via constant pressure
Otherwise I could stick one in a press and use free energy for life
So when you have such a dense set of peple walking, where are you getting all that movement?
44 mins ago, by ssube
@KendallFrey it would be like running through sand
i guess it depends how big the movable part is
@Jhoverit so? It's still green energy. Solar panels don't harvest much. Point is they're green and keep giving
It's not green energy
Foot traffic will exist either way. May as well harvest it
It's hardly energy lmao
@Jhoverit how isn't it?
it's not free, but if it doesn't add much to the energy people feel ike they are expending, then you are scavenging waste energy
It's sending $5,000 on.... $1,000
or.. not even waste energy.. "not missed" energy
@rlemon Can't take too much though, or people will be annoyed
Don't they already do this?
@KendallFrey how?
Scavenge geothermal
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
44 mins ago, by ssube
@KendallFrey it would be like running through sand
I don't want a squishy floor
@KendallFrey says who?
For pedestrian walkways and roadways too sometimes?
@KendallFrey piezo plates are stiff
@rlemon ssube, clearly :P
What if it's only as squishy as an office carpet?
How does ti take energy without.. moving? You walk by pushing yourself
@KendallFrey they already do this
It would have to take some of that push, no?
It's a bad joke just like all the other robbery kickstarters we see on thunderf00t
@rlemon That was why I didn't think it was piezo. Also, a stiff plate won't get you much energy.
Enjoy. This is the world we live in rn.
@Cereal it moves, just a small amount
@Cereal right
@KendallFrey I think we're talking about different things now.
Worst trampoline ever
What are you guys talking about?
We are done.
I thought so
Talking about the amount of energy it takes to roll your mom over
But the conversation kept going :/
@rlemon That gif of the step-powered generator, no?
@Vap0r I was trying
@KendallFrey ohh no. I moved onto piezo flooring in general
@Cereal hurr durr
Well, same principle, right?
Moving floors would cause too much tripping
Absorbing energy from feet
@SterlingArcher pavegen.com cough cough
@SterlingArcher other way around
@ssube lol
Point is, if you don't notice the floor moving, you're not contributing much energy
@KendallFrey dunno. That gif showed some weird thing. I just made a guess it was piezo
and if the floor does move a lot, cats will poop in the cracks
Well I mean. Pavegen seems to think it's "much" enough
and people will leave their straws
But we don't know. We'd have to experiment to find people's tolerance of moving/squishing floor, THEN determine if it's enough energy to use useful
@rlemon But piezo is stiff, as you said, and the gif showed anything but
It's kinda weird to argue the practicality of a technology that exists as a business entity and product
There are lots of shitty products.
Oct 11 at 13:43, by Sterling Archer
user image
Perpetual motion solved
> What steps I should take for making a search bar for computer?

> (NOTE : I am asking my question on META because I am banned on main site)
Oct 11 at 13:44, by Kendall Frey
/me paints a large "150" on his stomach
@KendallFrey the gif showed some mechanical movement. there could be an array of piezos in there, or it could be any other number of things
@KevinB that question is bad
@KevinB rip
I'm trying to overlay an image based on lat, long corner points, like a ground overlay in Google maps api. Except theirs only uses a url for image input, how could I do it from a buffer or png file?
heh, he updated the question
> (NOTE : I am asking my question on META because I am banned on main site I know I will get - for my question, but no problem my reputation is safe here hehe :))
@user3743168 data-url
might work
Marble Drop is a puzzle video game published by Maxis on February 28, 1997. == Gameplay == Players are given an initial set of marbles that are divided evenly into six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, with two more colors available to purchase: black and silver (steel). These marbles are picked up and dropped by the players into funnels leading to a series of rails, switches, traps and other devices which grow more complex as the game progresses. The aim is to ensure that each marble arrives in the bin of the same color as the marble. Players must determine how the marble will...
you can't quote that without links
You guys all played this right
@Loktar lol
it'l be deleted in a few seconds
no point in linking
My Dad sent me a zip with that in it this morning haha
no actually
URL.createObjectURL() ?
It's pretty great
@KevinB liiink
@rlemon Lmao those are amazing
Dude try it
It gets harder lol
@BenFortune I want so much to believe they are real
@KevinB it was removed
Just a puzzle game
@KevinB lol
Should last me a couple month
Wasnt me
Lol that's a shit gif
Damn... Yea
> I suggested an edit to a question (nothing big, just a title improvement), and now I got a suggested edit from the OP on my lowest voted question where he asks to upvote this question for him to accept my edit.

haha, someone holding someone's suggested edit until an upvote is provided
@BenFortune couple months?
it's the right one though
man I vape way too much
@rlemon Yeah, I can get 60ml to last around a month
You have an RDA though don't you?
@KevinB holy shit some people
@BenFortune I do, but I've been using the cleito lately
Tanks make it last so much longer
@SterlingArcher How big is my room
@rlemon no, a couple month
he is going to be a couple for a month using that
So this is the guy we're supposed to coincidentally notice has bad questions and downvote, right?
@Wietlol -2/10
<cfquery name="i" datasource="tasktrack">
that variable name
@ssube I has a system question if you don't mind
what's up? I'm popping in and out, so it might be a minute
I'm setting up the main partition on raid 5. Now I'm left with ~20gb for the system partition. Should I also go with raid 5 there or maybe raid 0 instead?
I've read up that raid 5 doesn't perform well on small volumes
How many disks and how are they split up?
2 + 1 mirror
does anyone know a good css selector rule cheat sheet
I wouldn't use 5 or 6 on anything except a whole disk, just because you're looking at random-access with a few different RAID volumes on the same disk.
kick vap0r
Remember, always w3schools
So you say R0 for all of them?
You should be fine setting up a small 0 at the start for the system partition
@Vap0r thx
@Jhoverit lel ^
God lol
@KamilSolecki well, you have 3 disks, so 5 is the "right" level to use
you might look into getting 1 or 2 small SSDs as your system drive
Oke. Also, for that r0s, I'm guessing 128KB strips, right?
otherwise, 0 at the start of the volume should work, but performance will change
I went with 64s for the r5
that I'm not sure about
Okay, will do reading. Thanks a lot ^^
the box I've been setting up in the basement has a RAID-1 across a pair of SSDs for the system drive (with grub on both), then 4 drives in a 1+0 array for data.
If you're going with RAID, having a backup system drive is a good thing imo
I am just adding random spare SSDs and having steam use them
@Loktar Free game
cool ty
already own it on Steam but not gog
and gog > all!
@rlemon That money back guarantee is nice of them
@ssube for my next PC, I'll just get a multi-M.2 slot PCI-e card and screw drive bays
I've got a single m2 in here and just use networked storage from the basement.
It would be better with a wired connection, but this house can't really do that.
If I was running wires, though, I'd probably run HDMI through the wall and put the whole desktop downstairs.
I have ethernet to every room, including kitchen :)
that sounds nice
Mostly a waste, actually. Only one room (my desktop) is wired.
I mean in-use.

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