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6:06 PM
hey, it's @copy
how ya been?
hi @copy
@KendallFrey oh man thanks so much for recommending pbs spacetime
It's awesome
i.imgur.com/d6fZb7e.mp4 still the best skateboard trick in human history
@SterlingArcher No, the Letterkenny one is better
Talk to me goose
6:11 PM
@Shmiddty Hi
@Shmiddty Good, how about you?
I got a job in vegas
anyone who has used react-templates, does this mean you have to define any components, etc. using templates using AMD syntax?
sensible chuckle
@Shmiddty Nice, what are you doing in your new job?
6:12 PM
That's incredible
Submitted @Zirak @BenjaminGruenbaum
I'm not surprised but I am disappointed that TuvHERE is real maths
@ssube I lost my second best character by 1 second today :(
It was SO close
6:16 PM
heh. I'm playing someone to save one of my characters.
@copy thisiswhyimbroke.com/dwarven-beard-hat can you buy this for @BadgerCat please
a little bit more money and I'll be able to go after them
or yourself
honestly somebody please buy it
@MadaraUchiha nice
Aight, time to eat smth
6:19 PM
@SterlingArcher That's a fucking expensive hat
It's not a hat it's a lifestyle
dwarves are a race, not a lifestyle
that's so racist dude
they didn't choose to have beards
@SterlingArcher my birthday is soon, buy me a cat
can do
Wait how do you internationally ship a cat
good question
6:21 PM
@BadgerCat We already have one (albeit, a crazy one)
a box with a bunch of mice in it?
@SterlingArcher buy it out there and have them bring it to her
The opposite of accidentally shipping it
@copy ah right
@BadgerCat are you the crazy one?
6:21 PM
jesus christ it would be cheaper for me to fly out there, find a stray and give it to you
No, she is the normal one (in comparison)
It's like $375 to ship a cat
But it's free to shit a cap
is this the same cat that was terrorizing you all before?
@ssube yeah
6:22 PM
@KendallFrey Are you alright, dear?
@KendallFrey I'll ship a cap in your ass
the one that bites nipples
@BadgerCat has it settled down?
@BadgerCat what
or is it still nipping at nips?
6:23 PM
He's more aggressive than before
@copy I'm a moose, not a dear.
wait the cat or copy
the copy
my work husband is this indian guy, and he says "the" before peoples names and it makes me giggle
6:24 PM
how's that stroke going, Kendall?
fuck, idk how to spell his name
you when you guys have kids are they going to be CopyCats?
fuck that was clever
s/was clever//
6:26 PM
@towc you will be there for both our birthdays, we expect gifts
You know Kendall, this is why we only went on one date
@BadgerCat I'll cook the shit out of a chicken ;)
@SterlingArcher but did you put out?
it had nothing to do with the fact that you left the state that very night
I put out constantly
@Shmiddty he did
6:27 PM
@BadgerCat Please eat out
Kendall just didn't put it in
@BenFortune lmao phrasing
or how do you feel about a pub crawl? Just for the two of you, I'll just be around making sure you don't hurt yourselves
so you can see bratislava at night
> I'll just be around making sure you don't hurt yourselves
or I can not be there at all
and buy you 2 tickets. That makes more sense
> you won't see me, but I'll see you
6:29 PM
> I'll just... be... around.....
@ssube I don't know if you guys are funnier today or I had too much to drink
do any of you do development on the side? i've been trying to break into freelance, no luck
@BadgerCat why not both
@JoshuaLonganecker I'm a freelancer
@JoshuaLonganecker I do sometimes, rarely though
6:29 PM
oh yes, freelance security is over the roof
Don't want to - no time.
luck is sparse these days
I have now and then, but it's not worth it
@BadgerCat isn't it through a company and stuff?
I do paidlancing
6:30 PM
I'd rather spend my free time learning new tech to use at work or for myself
the jousting business is slow lately
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, thank God it is
so the company lines up the work for you, essentially ?
Freelance is boring since you have to deal with a lot of non-coding stuff, if someone abstracts it from you that's nice
There's a fine line between freelancing and contracting
6:31 PM
@JoshuaLonganecker yeah, they take care of everything
i just have extra bandwidth for development and it would be nice to have a little variety
Although offers kind of flow with open source
holy shit @rlemon
@JoshuaLonganecker Do open source, it's better in terms of long term income and benefits anyway
6:32 PM
always wondered how that works
@JoshuaLonganecker open source? Do you know some JS?
find a cool project with open tickets
> muscle mac
See anything here you want to try and tackle @JoshuaLonganecker github.com/nodejs/node/labels/good%20first%20contribution ?
@JoshuaLonganecker If you're not finding any work, I could take a look at your profile and give you some advice
6:33 PM
@JoshuaLonganecker Start here
how does that translate to income, though?
you can put it on your resume
It doesn't
But recruiters will love you
6:33 PM
@JoshuaLonganecker when you maintain open source projects people use, you get job offers and freelance offers through those projects.
i don't have a freelancing site anymore, i've been doing more grassroots through my network of connections for now
Open source is a great way to build your community presence and give something back - and to get familiar with the internals of popular projects
i never had people finding me though, it was me finding them through craigslist etc
If you're too lazy use this: github.com/avinassh/rockstar
@JoshuaLonganecker it's pretty common through open source
You don't need to be super smart or a great programmer to do it
@rlemon gimp keeps crashing when I try to use the color picker in the palette dialog
hm, i'll have to look into it
@BenjaminGruenbaum you rang?
@JoshuaLonganecker if you're stuck feel free to reach out to me personally and I'll point you towards an issue or ticket you can start with. I gave a talk about how I got into open source (it mentions this chat too) back in 2015 at youtube.com/watch?v=LGpmUyFnyuQ
6:37 PM
Actually enough shitposting for me, I have a legit question
use redis
and postgres
medium.com/developers-writing/… Memoization. I do not understand how the complexity reduces simply by caching the return value. Doesn't the recursion just overwrite it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah shoot me your twitter or something
fibonacci is recursive there, right?
expand each step
6:39 PM
@JoshuaLonganecker twitter is poison and drama, no twitter for me :) You can find me here or on GitHub
Yes, they gave 3 solutions. O(n), O^n, and O(2n)
my email is benji @ peer5 dot com
> Basically, if we just store the value of each index in a hash, we will avoid the computational time of that value for the next N times.
@SterlingArcher the technique itself of using memoization to reduce cases you know you'll repeat during the execution is called "dynamic programming"
6:39 PM
this makes no sense to me. What hash?
a hash, the collection type
also known as a dict
(but technically a specific kind of dict/map)
The difference from regular memoization is that you'll know you'll need it in the calculation.
Is this a JIT thing or did they literally const meme = new Hash() above?
If a hash is a hash table, does that make a hash table a hash table table?
I use WeakMaps
6:40 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum so wouldn't it make sense just to memoize everything
Not sure what they did, but here is a memoizid fibonacci using dynamic programming:
@SterlingArcher what good does memoizing a const(ant) return value do?
function fib(n) {
  var dict = [];
  return function f(n) {
    if(n < 2) return 1;
    if(dict[n]) return dict[n];
    return f(n-1) + f(n - 2);
} // @SterlingArcher
@ssube everything more complex than like O(2n)
memoizing a timestamp function is worse than useless
6:41 PM
Although it's one of those cases of "just use a for loop"
Or the Sterling formula, not named after you obviously :P
Wait no that's factorial, just the closed form formula then
> obviously
Well, his name isn't Sterling :P
6:42 PM
it is to me <3
The best fib is the fastest fib, right?
So I'm not the only one who gets fibonacci and factorial mixed up
So really a recusive fibonacci is a bad function
It's just the two most common examples :P
there's nothing wrong with recursion
6:43 PM
@SterlingArcher it's just useful for illustrating recursion when people are learning it.
but you can usually make it simpler
that's what TCO is all about
@SterlingArcher Only if you're concerned with performance
I always concerned about my performance
shut up
@ssube TCO makes no sense in cases where the recursion is more than one call
which is why you often need to refactor the algorithm so you have one tail call
6:44 PM
That is, TCO can't optimize f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) although it's pretty simple to write as a for loop
fib might not work, though
factorial would
@ssube It won't, it needs extra memory
@ssube yeah
Looping is just a nice way of saying "we only need these last 3 values" but the compiler can't do it itself.
> Jordan, congratulations on getting a final interview!

What to expect: Greensmith hires extremely talented engineers. They look for the best of the best but they also look for someone that will fit well in their culture. When meeting with these guys, just remember that you are just talking to a group of like minded people who really are most passionate about the work they do. Don’t be uptight!

You will also be expected to do some whiteboarding sessions and also complete a coding test as well. It will be a long 2 hours but have fun! These guys are awesome!
2 hours is short af
6:45 PM
Dynamic programming is actually pretty useful for a lot of stuff.
but learn some code ahead of time and get excited about it
get excited all over that whiteboard
@SterlingArcher if you haven't before - practice writing code on a whiteboard
I spent the weekend reading up about TCP/IP, SSL, V8, and "intermediate math"
@SterlingArcher and don't be uptight, honey.
6:46 PM
practice your curly braces
My whiteboard braces are ugly
My tip for interviewing is just to do 50
50 what?
After 50, you stop getting excited and start enjoying them
@SterlingArcher Most people just have metal braces
6:47 PM
this will be my 4th interview in my entire career
@KendallFrey he has whiteboard ones and all his friends signed them
@SterlingArcher Right, 46 to go and then you'll feel very comfortable in them.
I'm just nervous I'm not smart enough. My personality is always shining
I interview extremely well
Do you now?
I think so, I am very at ease talking with people
6:48 PM
Interviewing well is a sport, if you want to prove me you interview well apply for some jobs you're obviously not qualified for and get accepted :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh forgot to tell you, we found a super impressive candidate today
Then again, why would you want to prove me anyway.
@MadaraUchiha sweet, who?
That's how I got my job at SNC 😃 @BenjaminGruenbaum
I hope Gilad doesn't screw it up like he inadvertently did with the previous one.
Are you sure that's not just imposter syndrome?
@MadaraUchiha what did he do?
6:49 PM
Nah buddy you're not a poster
@SterlingArcher I can refer you to google
If you want
@BenjaminGruenbaum He preferred looking into a production problem instead of doing the HR interview after Nitzan passed them
Candidate got a different offer and went with it.
@BadgerCat I am definitely not google material lol
you guys know my skill level very well, i can get the job done, and relatively well, but there's just so much I don't know
This one is frontend, breezed through everything no problems
Sent you a message on fb
6:50 PM
me or madara
About the candidate
@SterlingArcher no one knows most of this, none of us know what we're doing we only know what sort of works.
ah sorry
I read about a new library that I don't understand at first every day
@BenjaminGruenbaum at varying levels 😛
@BenjaminGruenbaum prime example: this weekend I struggled to learn factoring polynomials, which I was (no offense taken to those who did) teased "basic af"
"basic af" for someone with a CS degree
6:56 PM
I think everyone is terrified of appearing stupid, that's why they say that
In my slight defense, I only have a IS/Web Dev degree
at some point I think your excitement at new things overcomes the fear of looking stupid
that's when you start to get good
Yeah, but who cares if you don't know how to factor polynomials, I never once had to do it outside of an academic setting
So one thing I've learned: web dev will only get you so far
There are tools that do it for you, like I know how to calculate the sin of something by hand but I don't think I'd ever do so
6:58 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum but you know what sine, tangent, and cosines are :P
@SterlingArcher actually, I have the opposite conclusion - I don't think my CS degree has actually helped me that much in a professional setting.
@SterlingArcher right, but I didn't need to in the last 6 years in two jobs except for one time and that was for a UI trick and when making small games.
Mine hasn't either -- which is why I'm basically learning high school math right now (currently learning how negative exponents work)
I don't know a bunch of shit you do, I just happen to know the "right" stuff for sounding impressive
I think my goal here is to learn efficient algorithms, or just be more aware of how my code is executing
BTW, what is @copy working on right now?
6:59 PM
start mapping the flow of data through your programs

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