In statistics, the Kendall rank correlation coefficient, commonly referred to as Kendall's tau coefficient (after the Greek letter τ), is a statistic used to measure the ordinal association between two measured quantities. A tau test is a non-parametric hypothesis test for statistical dependence based on the tau coefficient.
It is a measure of rank correlation: the similarity of the orderings of the data when ranked by each of the quantities. It is named after Maurice Kendall, who developed it in 1938, though Gustav Fechner had proposed a similar measure in the context of time series in 189...
To bypass it, you would have to send the correct data from the captcha forward to the server, and the server would need to be able to validate it with the ccaptcha server
if i am using react-router to do routing once my page has loaded, how can i access the current user's session? I have a page that can only be accessed by a select few roles.
not sure how to get my current user's roles when in the client code
never used react-router 😬 or 😀 pending on if it's bad or not :p
but usually that's just an ajax requst away to get the user's roles, then you show/hide content based on role, or force redirect the user if they access a route they don't have access to
Have any programming methods have been used to defeat reCAPTCHA?
I'm interested in seeing evidence and potentially demonstrations that reCAPTCHA in particular has been made obsolete by completely automated, humanless methods.
To clarify, not looking for reCAPTCHA-cheating solutions that involve...
it uses a combination of things, including a honey pot, mouse tracking, keyboard tracking, number of links in submission, injection-looking submissions, etc and generates an overall score that can be used to determine how likely the submission is legitimate
i'm fairly certain recaptcha is now using a similar combination of techinques
oh, even form timing. so if the form is submitted in .01 seconds it's obviously spam
I'm currently in the process of trying to solve a reCaptcha. One of the suggestions received was a method called token farming.
For example, it's possible to farm for reCaptcha tokens from another site, and within 2 minutes, apply one of the farmed tokens to the site I'm trying to solve by chang...
I am using Google reCAPTCHA V2 and verify the token on the server side as
described in
Do these tokens automatically expire? How long before they do?
A user has posted the (same)[] (answer)[] twice. both old questions. You guys think one should be dupe target of the other?
for me that's easy, when i log the user in, i follow it up with another request that pulls down the user's profile, and one for roles/permissions. i persist it throughout the request. if page reloads, the process repeats
i could save a little bit of client bandwidth and time if i stored it in localstorage too.
I'm looking to build a system that consumes incoming alerts. likely in a couchdb. I want the UI to refresh the moment a new alert comes in. need to choose my tech stack for it
either way, I have some experience with that, so if you encounter any problems you have some support back here in room 17 ;)
@KamilSolecki it makes sense if you think long and hard about it
my reasoning is, if it gains any traction at all, I kinda want it to reach current media. And they'll try to get as wide an audience as possible, so if the story isn't really safe for children, there's a higher chance they'll ditch it
and twat is great for that
git is popular
completely different mechanic, but works
note the little things like git blame instead of more friendly things
well, that might be the only unfriendly naming in git, other than the name itself