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ant hill holes are pretty damn small
Golf course holes are not that big
@Loktar my b-hole after seeing this i.imgur.com/gouMGyA.gifv
lmao just wanted to say that
sorry, that was bad, but made me lol hard
@SterlingArcher sorry, that was bad, but made me hard (source)
holy shit @SterlingArcher
in C#, May 5 '16 at 15:17, by BoltClock
@KendallFrey the rules of that world do not apply here.
@Loktar something something the surgery to correct it was free, then we had poutine
Oh man that reminds me
I had poutine for my first time
I bet it sucked
holy hell man, loved it!
okay... test time
isn't it amazing
was it cheese curds?
Yea it is the best thing in the world lol
and what type of gravy
well, I lost
My first poutine was not a good poutine. I had it from a stand on a hockey match
Default gravy.
shit idk man, the cheese was melted, but was curds initially
My first poutine wasn't really poutine at all, but it was delish
gravy was light brown?
too many places try to pass off shredded cheese on fries with gravy as poutine.
I don't like the word curds
it has to be cheese curds
they make it so much better
@KamilSolecki the fuck is "default" gravy
These old ladies would make us poutine like every other day on our work trips to canada
@Loktar sounds like onion gravy. nice
@SterlingArcher Stop being a pussy who confuses it with curdle
crispy fries, cheese curds, and onion gravy is the best poutine
it was really good is all I know man, I want more
@KendallFrey the one youd Expect If you ordered poutine not in canada
The one youd Expect in american recipes
I know what a cheese curd is (now) but curd makes me think of curdle and I don't like that word
Lol big bowls of poutine and chocolate milk. Then out to log for the day wtf was my childhood
@SterlingArcher moooooooist
@Loktar if any place every offers with shredded cheese, it isn't at all the same. kinda ruins it imo
watch out
im fine with moist
me too
one of the worst is grool
my bionic arms are shipping
Im fine with gravy on my fries, but ketchup directly on them is a big No No
I don't like ketchup on anything
mayo on fries is the next best thing over poutine
horseradish mayo is better, sorry. then regular mayo
Also, fries are either best with mayo or McDonalds McFlurry
> ← 103 messages moved from Android Era with Kotlin and Java
horseradish mayo can go on everything imo
@MadaraUchiha what did you do lol
@KamilSolecki no wendy's frosty and fries
@SterlingArcher Wasn't me
the mcflurry is a mcjoke
@SterlingArcher I've never had Wendy's:/
@MadaraUchiha was you instigating :P
im kidding it was too much to read
alert('Use of the with statement is not recommended, as it may be the source of confusing bugs and compatibility issues. See the "Ambiguity Contra" paragraph in the "Description" section below for details.')
@KamilSolecki best fast food nuggets
Ugh I miss greasy food
I need to go get chicken tonight and cook
I am so tired fml
The network came back :(
Also, Olive Garden is worse than dog food
take that back
They make you feel like family tho
there are entire communities dedicated to fucking olive garden breadsticks
shut up kendall
I'm not sure how to proceed, since I wasn't speaking anyway...
These breadsticks are so fucking dry They could make jokes on themselves
I don't think people are fucking breadsticks
it was preemptive
No one has good breadsticks anymore not even Fazolis
Can someone define building?
present participle of build
I have a bigmac in my fridge at home
@ndugger people are having sex with mcchickens. breadsticks are not far behind. Have you not seen how many garlic bread memes are out there
let building = (rooms) => ? || let building = { ...rooms }
Error: What the fuck
@SterlingArcher garlic bread memes are beneath me
@ndugger you didn't send me nudes this week :/
he has ascended
say it
@KendallFrey @ndugger people are having sex with mcchickens. breastdicks are not far behind. Have you not seen how many garlic bread memes are out there (source)
@PeterWard hwat?
@KendallFrey what have you done
I can't believe you've done this
ok it's too dank, i gotta go home
!!afk home/gym
Shakespeare was a bro
you question is whether or not you should make buildings a function or an object? there isn't any context here is there?
I didn't understand the question either.
he wanted us to say || as or
it was a very poorly worded question because it just looked like a syntax error :D
Yea, I get that now, but I still don't understand the question for the same reason you already stated.
@KendallFrey Twilight Sparkle on ham
@rlemon I'm trying to provide the not-yet-transplanted plants with a bit more care. There's this particular one that is usually leaning on a corner of the window to keep some structure, but the fact that it needs external support is partly keeping me up at night
Horse on Sausage?
@towc the fuck you done to mr. BASIL
@towc what is it?
@KamilSolecki you mean tf have I done to ITS FAMILY?
looks like a plant crime scene.
I don't really now. Spout some things and I'll google if it's similar
Your life decisions inspire me
@towc taste it
does it taste like green onion?
(don't swallow it, just bite off a small bit and chew)
lol, remember when he died
/inspire me/shake me to my very core/
if it tastes like deadly deadly nightshade, then don't eat it
@ssube it's a type of grass or a chive.
Sooner or later, towc will become a self-sufficient being with a full plantation
it does :D
it's great
then it's a chive
google 'limpy chives'
So how did you get it and not know what it is
@rlemon turns out he imported the only poisonous grass on the planet :P
can I swallow it?
whoa, we in the US ruined the word plantation a while ago
@Jhoverit label was in slovak
You went on a walk and just brought it back?
@towc yes
it's like a green onion
@Jhoverit sorry can I have a friend for my basil plant?
They know him as the herb bandit
@towc So you just thought. As long as it is green?
You can try to hide your plants but you have no thyme!
I remember my parents used it for cooking sometime, looked neat and was cheap, so I thought I might as well
Or like what made you want to buy it lol
Sure gonna get surprised when you try to eat a cactus
the label said "yard weeds"
Q: Can I run php(code) site in node.js server (own server) instead of (xampp or lammp or apache) server

MM FurkanI am new in node.js. I am trying to run php code through node.js on my own server. I have my own site i.e my school project, I want to run my site to own server of node.js I tried to search about it and I found to run php file with this link but when I implement the code, the test.php file is ...

@Luggage No he clearly said the label was "In Slovak"
!!afk I did my part
@Luggage I'd take that over foot weeds
@towc give it more sun, and less water. if it doesn't pick up give it more water and put a fan near it so it gets some movement and cooler.
the problem with diagnosing plants is too much water and too little water both kill them :D
too much brawdo
@rlemon that's why I have an orchid
They don't really complain
@towc grow some poppies on your balcony because they're beautiful
Orchids usually doesn't like much water at all
ai poppy
and a meth plant
@rlemon eeeexactly.
make the 2 meth plants, please
Make sure they are prominent
(sincerely: florida man)
@towc grow a pumpkin
@rlemon meh, it's getting as much natural sunlight as it could get 😒 Maybe I can sparse the straws around so there's a bigger surface being hit by the sun? A lot of it is hiding itself, but the plant looks healthy-ish on all sides
but noted on the less water
@KamilSolecki check out the wide variety of succulents. They are beautiful and require about the same
(hello: World<PHP>)
@PeterWard wrong room
@towc have a kid, it'll be a good way to make sure you're ready for the responsibilities of plant ownership
(php: World<JS>)
@rlemon the cactus-like?
@PeterWard Wrong generation
Some are. There are so many varieties of them
@Vap0r You are going to feel so bad at this kid's funeral
(foreman: StrongLoop<Javascript's with keyword>)
@Luggage I'll be like my father
... not there
hah, nice
@PeterWard I know a Peter Ward. Are you the same?
@KamilSolecki ^ fun with my vape, but that is a type I enjoy
we get it u vape
you can bonsai them as well
Trying to find out what @Vap0r's website meant and found this
> Foreskin-restoration.net Shut Down by Ne8us in foreskin_restoration
HI All stupid question.. I have this function this.initialize = function() {...} , How can I call it inside the same js.. initialize() doen't work .. this.initialize() .. the same .. how?? ;-)
@Alberto Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No longer interested
@rlemon Haha na first thought. I really like the big pots that give the presentation space
@Jhoverit lol
few others I have
old site my buddy owned
Well. Was your restoration successful lmao
I got hosting because I hacked and fixed his crap
No it's all gone
complete loss, but I have some good jerky now
One of my other names is p4km4n
I also still haven't really figured out what this one is. I remember we debated it a bit in this room
Looks like mint maybe?
I had put 2 straws (you can see one in the lower right) to support it because it was also leaning towards the window a lot and I wanted it to be a bit more independent
break a leaf in half and smell it
not mint
@KamilSolecki nahh
He would already know
His whole house would smell
^ mint
@towc The other solution would be to rotate it. Plants grow towards sunlight.
it's a strong fairly acid smell, but nice
and mint doesn't smell till you harvest it
Sure it does
@Trasiva yeah, that's also the plan, but rotating this one would make it fall because the window wouldn't support it
thin mints do
I have two types growing on my property. neither of them smell until they are cut
@Jhoverit That's a fascinating sub
particularly the image-based offshoot
@rlemon I'm more amazed on how organized your pens are actually
either way, I'm starting to get this purple pattern under the leaves, and it's not in consistent places:
All I know is entire west side of the house always wreaked of the mint we grew
Always lol that's where my old hammock was
that's definitely a strong purple btw, not brown
@KamilSolecki they're in a cup
@towc it's weed
@Jhoverit weird. maybe there are regional types we don't get here.
some dank purple haze
@Jhoverit you don't fool me this time :P
Damn I know the plant that towc has. I'm 1000% sure I've had at at least once. I just can't remember
I have lemon-mint (whatever that is, doesn't taste like lemon at all) and a wild mint I found
...It looks fairly generic lol
@Loktar :S
I'm not even sure if the purple is bad for it or not
be my dad
they almost look like strawberry leaves, but not big enough
it for sure isn't a strawberry plant. just the leaves look similar imo
Me orchid
here's the whole plant if it helps
this year I was most proud of this flower
Oww pretty
first time I've had my water hyacinth flower. I was pumped about it
I probably really really need to replant this one, the pot is about as high as it is wide
@Luggage 'cept for the ugly stuff behind
@rlemon <3
crop it
@towc what's it taste like?
@Jhoverit William Houston Giles was the name of the guy who owned the ne8us site.
@ssube acid-ish and quite strong, but really nice
if it tasted like strong acid, you wouldn't be able to taste anymore
@towc you can take pics in natural sunlight (they prefer it) and ask there
what spice does it taste like?
@ssube well, acid isn't strong, but taste is
Plants have an opinion on the light in which they are photographed?
@Luggage leaves look very different
like, colour wise.
That's why exposure is important in both photography and indoor plant growing
@towc do you own any spices yet?
I've asked questions before in there and the #1 thing I can take away from it is photograph outdoors in the sunlight
@ssube got salt and pepper, just don't use them
> You'll take whatever wavelength photons I give you and like it.
it doesn't seem like any spice I can think of
so you don't have green spices to compare with
does it look like this @towc
it looks like some spices, strawberries, a lot of tree, and half the other shit in my yard
that looks like mint.
that is citronella
a bit? Not really
well, a type of citronella
could it be a parsley?
the leaves look wrong, though
the top of mine is covered in little things sticking up, not lucid at all
it actually feels like very soft tiny fur when you put the hand over it
does it smell kinda like bug spray?
there must be a "identify this plant" website..
I don't know what bug spray tastes smells like
that asks questions
I said smell
Thai basil has a similiar color of leaves
But different leaves and stems
@Luggage they all do trees
at least everything I could find
Obligatory r/trees
what if it's cilantro or something related?
google doesn't have a neural network for this?
It should
gardening.stackexchange.com iirc allows you to ask for identification on plants
don't quote me on that tho
@ssube nah, cilantro has lil leaves
> gardening.stackexchange.com iirc allows you to ask for identification on plants
Ye it's totally different
it looks a lot like a lot of things
It boggles me so hard since I've cooked with that plant once
this pic is beautiful, well done phone
my last guess, by the leaves and the length of the stem is lemon balm.
every plant with those leaves has hairs
oh, TIL
Hello. I have not used chat before, sorry if I am interrupting! window.getSelection() only works on mouseup, not mousedown. After just mousedown no selection data is populated yet. I've tried to trigger mouseup after the mousedown but still the selection is empty until the physical mouseup occurs. Any way to accomplish this?
that looks like the pic lemon posted
@asdfqwerzxcv Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I love how you can query Google Photos
I want to find the pic of my pink tree
something in the mint family definitely seems right
Search for pink tree.
@towc google 'lemon balm' and check the pictures
@Luggage guess it does. Didn't realize it reflected light like that
to me
@rlemon oh yeah!
looks very much like it!
crush up a leaf in your fingers and smell. do you smell lemon?
@asdfqwerzxcv It's always OK to interupt wwith a JS question, but I don't know, sorry.
I has a good guess
Vietnamese balm
@rlemon god yes! I see it now!
congrats, you have lemon balm
> Use lemon balm in place of lemon peel in recipes and to flavor soups, sauces, vinegars and seafood.
rlemon balm
mix that with your salt and pepper
make lemon pepper, put it on chicken
Plant a salt tree
don't see any purple on the photos, so something's wrong :/
@towc they can go purple later
nah, looking at the mint family, tons of them turn purple
the length of the stems makes it look like it's trying to get closer to the light source
meaning it's not getting enough light
apparently it's cold for it?
had a frustrating call with zenefits
God fucking dammit
@rlemon it's been hugging the window :/
he asked a lot of javascript textbook questions and didn't like my answers
@asdfqwerzxcv why don't you get it on mouseup?
I have been trying to upload a fucking photo for 10min lol
but yeah, still seems to be a problem
spindly plants usually means they are not getting enough light. that's all I konw
and wouldn't let me use obvious methods which threw me off a lot
yep, my peppers are super spindly :(
maybe I genuinely don't have enough sunlight hitting the windows
It's MY photo google let me download it
@towc for $30 you can buy a LED grow light
45W red/blue grow lights should be enough
Dat fov
Not quite perfect tho :(
@Vap0r because the desired functionality is to select the word while holding the mouse down (so we can then drag to select more words too)
@rlemon do LEDs run hot?
not realy
@rlemon I guess I'll have to do that at some point :/
hot to the touch, very cool compared to older bulbs
@Vap0r yes, but not as hot
they can, but no idea if a 40w one does.
depending on the led you may need a fan
also, for giggles (and facepalms), here's one of the stems on the basil:
Would they show up on aerial thermal scanners through a roof?
@Vap0r I take it you don't have redneck friends to catch their trucks on fire?
@Luggage the 40W SMDs run warm
well, the heat comes from the power conversion part, i think.
my house lights are uncomfortably warm to unscrew when they've been on, but you still can
@Jhoverit you're right I don't :/
putting in LEDs throughout the main floor was the best
@rlemon did you see the jar setup btw? (check your pings)
yes I did
Do I need the same power output from LEDs as I do traditional bulbs? Like if I want 300W can I do that with LED?
@ssube I swapped mine out this year. they had a sale on led bulbs. $1 a bulb
so we swapped em all out
ikea are cheap for LED bulbs
@Vap0r 300W worth of LEDs is like, thousands
flood lights for a whole show
@ssube nahh, two 150 units shouldn't cost you more than $500
you replace 60W bulbs with like 5W LEDs
my house is kitted with hue lights though
I changed it a bit, now I'm using less of the shower flower, and 2 wet towels instead of one, and shredded it a bit so the basil doesn't have to cut through paper, which may try out
fucking amazing
@rlemon I mean thousands of lights
I spent a ton of money, but I also got Hue lights
they are the best
shit thats a lot cheaper than I was expecting
@ssube Hue 5!
what's the lumens/watt?
grow reef lights are stupid expensive
Do you have an echo @ssube?
@ssube gotcha so by that conversion I should need like 25W LED bulbs?
@BenFortune nah, I might get a google home for xmas
debating that or a bunch of the echo stuff
does google home have an app for grow lights?
I'd rather go google, but the other echo-related stuff is cool
I wouldn't go with the echo IMO, if you're wanting to use hue
I have one and it's flakey as hell
good to know
@rlemon neat
wish I'd have got a google home
I need to get a few more light bulbs, too
@ssube what "other' echo-related stuff?
I've got two color ones in my bedroom, two in the living room, and two white ones in the kitchen
looks like this now
@towc Are you cooking meth?
plus one of the spotlights on my desk
@Vap0r the one that tells you if you're pretty
@rlemon Lol, you seen the new south park?
I think google will do that
the Echo Look
put a cutting of the basil with about 6 leaves something like 7hrs ago
@BenFortune saw the news reports on it :P
@ssube if you're just looking for some of the amazon shopping integrations, I got this and love it: amazon.com/Amazon-Dash-Wand-With-Alexa/dp/B01MQMJFDK
@rlemon I didn't watch it live so managed to mute alexa before watching it
@towc you should only leave 1-2 smaller leaves on a cutting
Absolutely hilarious though
nah, I want a voice controller for my networked stuff
the plant will just put more energy into keeping the leaves alive and less into new roots
if you put the palm at the top of the plastic bag the heat is noticeable, I guess that's a good thing
with the chromecast, steam link, hue, etc, google home is probably the best bet
Yeah definitely
@rlemon something told me it would die pretty quickly that way because I don't know what I'm doing and environment would be far from ideal. What's the reason?
I wanna try grafting in the spring. Hollys parents have an old apple tree that is on its way out that I think I can graft
Amazon released a new fire tv, not sure how different it is from the last one though
well, I guess that makes sense. Should I just prune some of them off?
@towc a plant can do a few things. put energy into leaves, roots, or fruit. and if there are leaves on the plant it will put energy into them just to keep them alive.
will that hurt the plant even more?
plants don't have feelings
try this, get two cuttings of equal size, leave the leaves on one and trim the other to just 1 leaf.
@rlemon Well my history for the day is questionable. Foreskin regrowth, grow lights, opium poppies
So, they don't hide the intended use.
see which one grows roots faster
@BenFortune maybe not your plant
@BenFortune I've got a chromecast ultra, which is great for video, and picked up a steam link for $15.
Even over wifi it plays well enough for anything but twitch shooters and racing games
I have a normal chromecast, which is only pretty good for video
I have two lilac cuttings right now. both alive. one I rook _all_ of the leaves off of, it hasn't grown more, but it has grown a lot of roots.
the other is not nearly as healthy, but it is still alive.
I have more hope for the one I took all the leaves off
meh, I guess it doesn't cost much to set up another cutting right now. Maybe leave the first one intact, put them under the same light
We need a 4k TV for the chromecast to do fancy stuff
@towc that's the idea. experiment
if they die, it's just a cutting. you cna get more
I bet it could do 3d with the projector, but we don't have glasses
does 'fancy stuff' = 'play 4k video'?
but the light is too small to have the same effect :/
so I might need to invest on more light
@towc put em in the same jar..
you can do that, you know right?
oh... that makes sense
if one starts to rot, take it out right away tho. otherwise it'll get the other :D
are the chat rooms typically off topic mostly?
until someone asks an interesting question.
frequently, especially towards the end of the workday for some of us
depends on the day
it will get back on track later, when everyone is home and programming because they have no friends
17 mins ago, by asdfqwerzxcv
Hello. I have not used chat before, sorry if I am interrupting! window.getSelection() only works on mouseup, not mousedown. After just mousedown no selection data is populated yet. I've tried to trigger mouseup after the mousedown but still the selection is empty until the physical mouseup occurs. Any way to accomplish this?
The question, btw.
can you have a range of text selected when the mousedown happens?
how would that work?
already selected / previous selection?
in my browser, that starts to drag-and-drop the text. I don't know if that fires drag and drop events.
actually can't find a decent stretch with only 2 leaves on it :/
anyway, i know jack shit about selection.
does it make a difference if I cut them out?
I don't fully understand the question so I'm going to just toss out some random code.
document.addEventListener('mousedown', event => {
	document.addEventListener('mousemove', collectSelection);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', event => {
	document.removeEventListener('mousemove', collectSelection);
function collectSelection(event) {
basically after the mousedown window.getSelection() is empty. it isn't populated until mouseup, but i WANT it to be populated after mousedown
// Why not:
document.addEventListener("mouseup", _ => { console.log(window.getSelection()) });
so you have highlighted words already, and you mousedown somewhere else? and you wanna add two highlight selections together?

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