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@rlemon I don't know if that's more of a hastle in the long term. If there is any long term here
well, nvm me, I'm being too irrealistic
@ssube so my understanding of that is that I return the function result and assert in the .then event?
Refactor of my code in line with the solution you linked here
I get what you are saying. But dark theme is a userStyle first with some js added on.
@BrianJ if you assert in then, return the whole promise chain
What you are suggesting would be an entire new client and project
if your test function takes one parameter (conventionally done), you can call that to finish the test
and .error() you mean? @ssube
if you return a promise, mocha will handle errors for you
if you take done, you need to call it with the error
I'm still very keen on making that client for ben, if he hasn't already done it. But I don't want to make something that is just as good as the normal chat. One of the good ideas is to implement stuff that the dark theme implements (codemirror, hljs...), at least that way it's better than the original SO version (one of the reasons I went through a bit of code on the dark theme)
@rlemon well, that makes sense
hmm so I pass password param to the it ?
similar to the link
@towc yea the features would be a lot easier to implement without MOs, but building the rest of the country wouldn't.
Country = client. Stupid mobile
If Ben gets to a good point I can help with some stuff. But his project seems more fitting for that kinda thing.
I have nothing to back this up, but the client code for the chat system seems extremely bloated and somewhat unnecessary, probably as a byproduct of a bit of legacy, browser support, and overall the team deciding refactoring might not be worth it. It actually seems like it would be really simple, given the right network hooks
@ssube finding that hard to write..can you provide a pseudo snippet?
ok, tbf I actually have no idea what the source code looks like
the client code is spaghetti for sure, but it does do a hell of a lot
this chat has a lot of features for what it is
it's hard to read
not all of it works well, but it has a lot of features.
bunch'o' messages, bunch'o'links, room title, room description, room tags, avatar list, joined room list, star list, user input
well, I'm probably forgetting that I don't have access to nearly as many features as ROs and moderators, who probably share the same code for the frontend
replies, flags, multi-room messages, oneboxing
all of the event system and their UI counterparts, every popup, permissions, etc.
you are missing a lot of the chat
ever notice if you have two tabs open on chat and I ping you you only get pinged from one of them? but both get the ping event?
that kinda shit is not thought of when you think about the chats
@BenFortune those all seem like not many more lines
@towc "doesn't seem like much work" is the death sentence for all programmers.
@rlemon I actually have both chrome and opera open with this and I get double pings. But within the same browser, yeah
and right, there's probably a ton of edge cases, and that's what I'm missing
@rlemon can't argue against that
do you internet programmers like the microsofts edge?
we like all the microsofts edges
edge is better than IE11, that's my only opinion.
ok I know we were having trouble with internet explorer with one of the delivered applications
and it was due to a line that was needed at the top of a lay out page
@ssube so got a working verison this gisted - https://jsfiddle.net/c5z5w0zy/859/

can you explain what you mean by.. "if you assert in then, return the whole promise chain"? what's the promise chain in this case
the tool worked ok in other other web browsers except for microsoft
so very odd
must have been magic
but thankfully the programmers found a solution
we're known for saving the day
not me in particular
it is nice working with them as they are very good
oh! I can make a net pot from potato/onion bags! How convenient!
@Loktar @KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine omg
@rlemon Who dat
oh man that's great
he made that vine before reddit got wind of the frog iirc
Oh, the dat boi frog?
so he is a god amongst me_irl
@BrianJ I thought I was typing for a moment, we have the same initials
@Vap0r That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
why is that not a thing?
Because you're not a thing.
@brianj and first name lol
!!learn wednesday <>https://i.redd.it/k1e670iongoz.jpg
ok thought you had something amaazing to tell me?
@rlemon Command wednesday learned
we're all not things if you care little enough
@rlemon Donna Noble has left The Library. Donna Noble has been saved.
dammit I think I grabbed the wrong link
@BrianJ nah haha, I was like I didn't type that, then noticed it was you lol
!!learn wednesday <>https://vine.co/v/iM0HnpBebd0/embed/simple
@rlemon Command wednesday learned
I prefer the vine
@BrianJ yeah my first name is Brian, last name Jemilo, so I'd also be BrianJ lol
mentally at least
yeah im jemiloii here lol
@rlemon is that you?!
lol thats hilarious
@SterlingArcher this commercial is great dude
@jemiloii mine is Blow JOb
@Loktar jesus no, look at the vine I posted after
lmao yeah I was just joking
was hoping someone else would be like wait, Lemon?!
@rlemon posting in the work chat.
@ssube last time I'll ping but I get what you mean now call the callback done after asserting in the .then() so...
instead of..
I might genuinely have to walk 20mins to grab some soil
why you grabbing soil?
sounds illegal
because he doesn't wanna listen and buy non-soil :D
I have mixed feelings about this, but @rlemon, do you reckon that soil from city-grown plants (which are much closer) will hold a decent amount of nutritional value? I assume they try to make the plants as low maintenance as possible (well, about as cheap as possible I guess)
@rlemon more like I don't want to wait until tomorrow
and kinda want to test something first
don't think of soil as having nutrition. soil is the vessel for holding and distributing water and nutrients to the roots
you want to control what those nutrients are
argh, I guess I'll just have to buy the nutrients every so often :/
one bottle will last you ten years
you don't need much, and it isn't expensive.
and you can make your own
@towc city soil is mostly acid
a bottle ~= 1L?
it doesn't grow shit
@towc depends on the product, and the product depends on the plants you wanna grow
@ssube I mean, the soil in the vases of city plants. Let me grab a photo
@BrianJ why not Beef Jerky :P
Jeb should have videos on it
You are optimizing before you have grown a hello world plant.
@rlemon I guess general purpose is not something people really do
yeah it really does depended what are the origins of your plants
@jemiloii actually its Brian Bojangles
@towc general purpose would be like a 4-4-4
which is fine, but you can do better depending on the plant.
your channels taught me that most plants have some basic needs, like a energetic light source, oxygen, CO2, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus
oh, there you go :P
and love towc
nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus all do different things.
you want to control them based on your needs
yeah yeah
ive got some html that is like <ul class="nav navbar-nav"><li><a>stuff</a></li></ul> how can i change the color of the 'a' tag?
at the geriatric home we have nice garden
@BrianJ I can take a look in a bit, finishing up some tickets for work
oh np apologies for bugging, I think I got it sorted
@towc start with like a 4-10-4 for root growth, then switch depending on if you have a leafing plant or a fruiting plant
what you were saying about returning promise and callback
we introduce mantis to the garden as well
I'll see where I can buy those around here
any garden center should have them
I'll probably have to go quite a bit away from the city center
no Amazon?
nope :/
not for most things
maybe this one thing
can't even find a 4-10-4 on amazon.com
but anything with similar proportions should do, right?
look for 'root growth formula'
you should find it
also for materials, check out youtube.com/watch?v=Mt_a7g6C2Ls
sup guys
first result is a 2-1-2
Are you talking about factorio train layouts
Because that's what it looks like
we definitely are
it's fertilizers for hydroponics
@towc that is not what you want. phosphorus and potassium are more important for roots.
is what you want. or an even mix..
the plant will take what it wants.
too much nitrogen will burn your leaves and roots tho
what amazon do you shop from? .com?
I should probably try to understand the biology behind it
@towc what are you trying to grow
it's real simple, check what each component does for the plant.
@rlemon there's no .sk, now I'm just trying .com to see if there's any routes for sk
@towc Oh. Ratios and chemistry, that's close enough :P
@Rick my chances at being a decent human
you can do it
@Rick This is Ron Jeremy's one weird trick.
> every time you water
is their marketing ploy 😃 they want you to buy more
maybe every 4th or 5th time you water is more than enough
can i do 1.5 drops every time i water instead?
and if you're letting it sit in water, very little goes a long way
@david the real concern is nitrogen buildup
so do whatever you want, just don't let that happen
anyways, find a liquid balanced formula if you can't find root specific. it'll be fine, your plants are not cuttings or anything
what's nitrogen buildup? the plant not pulling it all out of the water, and the water sitting there and just getting more and more concentrated?
and probably don't put in nearly as much as they tell you to put in.
if too much nitrogen gets into the air in your house it will make you sick.
start off slow and judge how your plant is reacting
i bought some soluble plant food that is like a clear crystally powder... i haven't used it yet because my seedlings seem to be okay, but should i avoid having it sit around for a long time?
@david water / whatever you have it growing in. too much nitrogen getting into the plant will cause the leaves to burn
like this ^
nope, not shippable to my address
that is classic nitrogen burn
ah, sweet. i'll be able to recognise that now
crystal stuff doesn't expire afaik.
I also live on a no-drive street, so it might be that
nope, didn't seem to matter
interesting it was Fritz Haber who invented the nitrogen industrial process
@towc looks like you'll be making your own
@rlemon I'll still look around tomorrow, maybe there's some shops around here
i have a seedling propagating tray doohicky with a water basin in the bottom and a 'carpet' style thing that wicks the water up under the plants. if i give them some food should i let them sit in it for like a week and then rinse out the tray and replace with fresh water or would they be okay? it's like a closed system so anything that builds up will stay there forever
but making my own also sounds interesting 😃 might be cheaper
I'm also really worried about dirtying up the apartment :/
Have you guys been following Wintergatan? He's building another Marble Machine.
@towc before you go, look up DIY fertilisers (10-10-10 or lower is probably safe if you're worried about over doing it) in case you need materials to make it
@KendallFrey I was actually rewatching the first machine the other day
How does growing a plant make you a decent human being?
on it
@towc hold on
lemmy show you what the potting mix (the three things I keep telling you to buy then mix) looks like
literally no dirt.
oh no, that's fine
I have all of my plants growing in this
the idea of making a fertilizer in my head involved taking a huge basin of something and mixing it into a huge basin of something else and then doing more things
@towc nahh, get a plastic bucket. fill it with water, put some shit in it
or don't wait, depending on what you put in it
(still going through posts on making fertilizers that tell me an approximate ratio of npk)
that is what you mentioned the other day that you use a stone mix
my god man... you have the longest upper finger areas I have ever seen on a human!
can your thumb bend in two places? what is going on over there?
@rlemon That's what you grow stuff in? rocks?
sure, why not
well, the good news is that most of the time, it is just mixing and you can solve npk_matrix*component_amount = npk_amount for component_amount, the bad news is that the npk_matrix is not easy to get without having to pay for specific things
so I WILL be using highschool advanced maths IRL outside of my job or maths passion. Suck on that people who said maths was useless :D
shoutouts to most kids out there
maths is far from useless... it is a universal language
@rlemon I have all this growing in my plants
I basically need to look for cheap npk sources, and then they mix without much need for care making sure they mix fine
ok boys have a nice night or day depending on where you are on this world... until next time.
at this point I kind of get what the astronaut from The Martian was on about, which is already a win
oh, human urine is about 11-1-2.5 apparently
@david expanded shale, vermiculite, and perlite. Some gravel just to weigh down the roots
oh my, eutrophication clicked too
I need a sanity check
const scrapeData = await scrapeTranscriptPage(roomId, timestamp);

    // Build our queries arrays based on scrape data
    const roomsQueries = getRoomsQueries(scrapeData);
@KamilSolecki false
just get a chia pet and strike two birds with one stone
how the fuck getRoomsQueries tries to loop through an undefined
where I clearly get a proper return from the async func
as an array
it seems all-ok
is that exactly how it is in your code? Does the console.log do things?
try to log from within getRoomsQueries, the problem is probably not where you think it is
im logging from all the places
will come to update because I had an idea
@rlemon I'm planning on buying some of these to grow some rocket or something in the office: aliexpress.com/item/thegame/32593340517.html
I'm hoping they work like fancy versions of the expanded clay stuff
ok nvm found the error
@david looks like it might drain you quickly.
I would have just used clay or shale but it drains the water very fast.
yeah good point...
the plan was to have a small pump and a mister to water it as regularly as needed
and one of those red/blue led lamp things
Mix it with something else. Then top the pots with the fancy shit
@david yea that would work.
i wanted to have a fully glass/transparent plastic container so you could see the roots growing
I'd drip not mist.
Make sure you have good drainage. No standing water in the pot.
mist too low flow?
i was hoping i could just leave it in there at the bottom ><
would water in the pot cause that much of an issue?
@towc yeap all good now. I should read the errors more carefully.
it will be fairly deep, maybe 15cm
@david mould and root root
i don't know how deep leafy greens grow to
Root rot*
@Rick wtf? :)
you need a rootkit
this will be in the work kitchen, and will get rapidly harvested and put on sandwiches once it's ready
and then i'd clean it out and plant a new batch
@david don't take my word for it. I'm just a hobbyist who learned shit on the interwebs
What can I grow in an office?
@Luggage got a window?
hmmm I can use hair as a source of 14% nitrogen
@rlemon nah you know way more than i do so i put a fair amount of weight on what you say
@Luggage you talking about the chia pet?
i guess i'll just give it a go and see
also blood, as a source of many things
iterative improvement and all that
I wish this is what they taught us in chemistry
it's a female zombie chia pet
I want to be able to grow a hemp plant on my desk.
@Luggage or get a grow lamp thing! aliexpress.com/item/lolurl/32815218499.html
yewp, im getting closer and closer to finishing 😛
@Luggage get a light then. 45w grow LEDs are like $30
No, just for decoration.
they're $3, but you have to buy 10 v.v
what's so appealing about a hemp plant in your front yard
1. on my desk at work, 2. it's illegal
The illegal part is enough reason for me :)
the work part is enough for me!
@towc how did you make that joke tag?
@Rick \133\164\141\147\72\152\157\153\145\135
actually, does cap escape it?
!!> '\133\164\141\147\72\152\157\153\145\135'
@towc "[tag:joke]"
I guess monospace is a valid escape from this kind of markdown? [tag:joke]
oh, yeah
I'm so meta, even this
No punctuation except dashes
but who needs underscores
@rlemon do you buy your fertilizers?
cheap enough and saves time, right?
he gathers fertilizer from the bottom of the slide.
@Luggage Or the top, depending on diet
and technically the force of gravity and the slope of the slide
relativity plays a role too
and don't forget that butterfly on the other side of globe
In what significant sense?
I have heard human waste is the best fertilizer
I'm taking the piss
not literally
Well give it back
laughed too hard
I have to go somewhere
but all my underwear are in the dryer
go commando
do you need underwear?
I guess I have to
the problem is that i have a habit of leaving my fly open
use a shirt and wrap it around
or a pair of short shorts
wear a condom
one time I couldn't find my sleeping mask
so I used 3 socks tied together
I couldnt fall asleep in a sleeping mask I think
Anything on my face would be annoying
it has a chloroform dispenser
Ah, a premium mask then.
@BenFortune missed this. my experience is they suck and your pi will overheat
😃 so not good experiences.
so I'd just listen to the pi forums
@towc some of it
mostly I just use pond water or fishtank water
because I have those things..
but you can just make your own :P
I really think I'd enjoy my chemistry lessons so much more now 😒 Which is a lot better than almost failing it and being extremely scared
use fishtank water on your pi, got it.
@rlemon oh, right
@towc subject in school become a lot more enjoyable when there is a real world application that interests you.
that's always true.
Chemistry is fun as long as there are labs
@Luggage water cooled
has anyone found a way to roll back time yet? Asking for a friend
Unfortunately, my high school chemistry was all books.
chemistry is fun when there are no labs
@monners do you know if there's a CFP?
mine was all about copying notes from the overhead.. for an hour and a half a day.. every day
@towc Nope. Things still have consequences :(
@Luggage damn :/
@rlemon so pretty much same.
> Der Junge isst dreiundzwanzig Käfer.
what the shit duolingo
@KamilSolecki yea, boring class.
What is Käfer?
could have been so much better, but I had a boring teacher
@Mosho ...oh
@KamilSolecki my class was a lab. The teacher would never really explain what what we should be looking out for and why. And that's really good if you're really clever, but I wasn't/am-not
@KamilSolecki beetle
@KendallFrey are you that Junge?
oh, yeah, also copying notes
Same, ours was 170 years old and didn't really give a crap about us enjoying the subject
@rlemon okay :(
@KendallFrey tasty.
@Mosho I stopped at 19
@KamilSolecki I mean, if I had him for maths, I think I would have absolutely loved him. But I didn't
well, no point in complaining about it now, for me, I don't get to do that
one day when I'll be "succesful", maybe
but right now, I'm not a model anyone should follow
well, not most people, at least
aaaaaargh what's happening again
also, hacktoberfest is back!

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