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This is one of those situations of "If something impossible happened, what would happen?"
@KendallFrey no, I mean according to lore
@tereško What lore?
What does "relativistic" mean in this case?
in the physics of the universe star trek takes place in...
@KendallFrey "at speeds close to c"
They're beyond c
... they are in 'subspace' and basically not traveling through space (except when it's convenient to the plot)
@Luggage I don't think that makes any sense at all
Of course not. It's fantasy physics.
If that were the case, why would subspace radio be faster communication than flying the ship?
hahaha omg I love when people film themselves being idiots and then post it
just like a radio is faster than everything with mass that must travel THROUGH space, subspace radio is faster than anything with mass that travels thought "subspace".
It's fantasy non-sense, but that bit can be self-consistent, at least.
@KendallFrey it is
watch some StarGate
subspace communication is the only way they can communicate over large distances
like, everyone knows that, man :)
@rlemon I knew that
originally just the Asgard, but now everybody knows
not just the Asgard
@rlemon it's always that same accent, too
and didn't humans steal it from the goa'uld
it's been a while since I've done a SG1 watchthrough
but only humans have the magic stargate cover that blocks everything.
minor details have escaped me
aren't they all humans
Jaffa are not humans.
the rest of them are.. for the most part.
but their ancestors were human
welp, I know what I'm watching tonight.
Dancing with the Stars?
only in a bad dream
Fox News?
ohh jack
you'll always be the best
jonas was good, but he ain't no jack
I like how the "blast" "door" doesn't dissuade him
they just need 2 blocks of C4
the show wasn't the same without him
a bunch of stargate people (mostly atlantis) made a movie
ohh hey, Bezos just took the richest person spot.
does that mean my prime will start showing up on fucking time?!
but how much money has bill given away?
over half
@rlemon I was just thinking about that
it's much better at my parents'
then Jeff Bezos is still a pauper.
in richmond hill
KW is just too remote
we're hillbillies
he's given 28 billion to the Bill and Melinda gates foundation alone.
@Mosho KW is hillbillies? hah
when you're measuring in Gates, only one Gate is still far from a pauper
@Mosho lol really? dude there's ~600,000 people in waterloo region. ~500K of that is basically KW by itself.
that's the joke
@ssube That was always Jack's solutions. If it's in his way, blow it up. I love that episode when the Asgard needed help with the replicators. 'So uh...we've forgotten how to make ballistic weapons. We need you apes to use yours.'
KW is the basically the next best place in Ontario outside of TO if you want 'stuff to do'
not according to jeff
I've never had the option for same day delivery here
jeff can go geoff
@Mosho distribution centres. we're getting (apparently, unless it fell through) a huge maker space and some more group offices (those startup things)
so once we get those, I expect distribution centers to move out of guelph and come here
coworking spaces?
I don't think distribution from guelph is the limiting factor here
I worked out of one for a bit while I was contracting, it was miserable. So loud.
@Mosho sorry, guelph is only a hub. we need a proper distribution center for same day
not just a 'hub'
KW === Kitchener?
Kitchener / Waterloo probably?
just got an email that another student at UW killed him/her self :\
We're now a tricity
Regardless of what anyone might say, it's just one big city
@KendallFrey with different municipalities ...
@Mosho You get suicide updates by email?
Until they merge.. it's kinda not one city
man, I really want to visit Canada
@KendallFrey pretty much
@rlemon that's how it is here, too
title: "Waterloo mourns the loss of one of its students"
@KendallFrey in your own school, yea. Probably with support lines for depression
second one in like 2 months
That sucks.
Anyone you knew?
I don't know anyone
@GNi33 so do it
@Mosho you know me
who won the weight challange
@rlemon are you in UW?
@William that is a good question, we haven't really sat down and done it yet
You didn't specify UW, you just said no one
I'm guessing monners
@Mosho Actually, whoever Juanavan is. Monners did slightly better than I did.
I lost ten lbs, but I didn't get abs like I wanted
@Trasiva did we do any voting
@rlemon @Mosho do you guys live close by each other?
~30 minute drive
maybe less
15 minutes now I think
I will, but I don't know when
@Mosho Lol, like only half of us actually kept on up on.
@Mosho depends on which roads are closed on which days :(
fucking hate this city right now
starting university in september, I'll have to make plans once I know how that goes
@Trasiva yeah I fucked up halfway and dropped out pretty much
@rlemon I'm in doon south now
@Mosho o nice.
yea, you're a lot closer
@Mosho And I didn't do before/after pictures. I can honestly say there's only like 5 or six pictures of me entirely on the internet.
@Mosho what you doing on the weekend?
@rlemon studying for the next two
ohh yea, exams.
last exam is on the 9th
I've got some large shelves I need to move. been putting it off because I have to move them myself.
gonna attempt it this weekend. (if it doesn't rain)
you have my moral support
Bezos looks like a young professor x
that is exactly the expression I expected the richest man to have
Is there a way to fetch a websites styles / color scheme?
@ssube jesus, he could star in the next expendables movie
@Shrek kinda
client or server side
@GNi33 washed up action heroes delivered to your warzone is under 2 hours
sounds like something I would watch
why the hell doesn't humble bundle just let me download the whole bundle I bought?
bezos for president
npmjs.com/package/css I use that in here github.com/rlemon/swatchy-cli/blob/master/src/swatchy.js#L53 which pulls all the colours out of a stylesheet (for comparison later, but you can ignore that) @Shrek
@rlemon server
so just pull back the stylesheet(s) and pass em into css.parse
then walk through it and grab colours
you will miss inline styles, but inline styles can be picked up I guess other ways.
The same thing
but doing a dom parse?
@rlemon what is swatchy?
a project that I never continued, but probably should
you give it a color scheme (or swatch) and a stylesheet and it translates all the colours to their closest in the scheme.
@rlemon Thats pretty cool
I was making it so I could easily dark theme websites.
mostly works.
@Loktar Jesus, just how high...
Missed opportunity IMO
needs more infinite recursion
more infinite recursion?
gfycat.com/VillainousPlaintiveAntarcticfurseal man this guy should make a KSP movie
I'd watch that.
So...I think I need to do some work on this SQl query. It's been running for three days. It should only have like...four results, lol.
$(ukeyCell).attr('onclick', 'cmodPopup(this)');
@KevinB so they can augment .innerHTML later and retain the event
clearly that was the intent.
> I hate college
^ LOL the last line is the best
anyone know of an effective way to remove a substring, only if a string ends in it?
str = str.replace(/foo$/,'');
My "polyfill"
!!> ["hello I am foo","hello I am bar","screw you foo","I love to foo your bar"].map(str => str.replace(/foo$/,''))
@rlemon ["hello I am ","hello I am bar","screw you ","I love to foo your bar"]
i'm am creating a login form and it works well with ajax, or axios or whichever, it works well with the happy path (login successful) but if the server throws back a 401, i still see it in the browser errors, even though i'm catching that error using axios.catch .. what's the best thing to do here?
@rlemon what I want to do is convert the colors from a website
so that I can apply them to a template
and give it a similar look and feel of the website
@JoeSaad i don't think you can hide http errors from the console.
@Shrek so you want swatchy! :D
!!> 'fuck yo pencils'.replace(string.endsWith('pencils') && 'pencils', '');
@Loktar "ReferenceError: string is not defined"
fuck yo string
so verbose and ugly
@rlemon yes my love :P
@Shrek like... get all the colors used on a website?
@KevinB I just tried to do bad login in yahoo and i can't find 401 error in the browser console
swatchy does that already, I look at every rules value and compare it against /#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}){1,2}|rgba?((.*?))/g to see if there is a colour to extract
@Loktar not all the colors, more like a system that I can use to generate swatches
and place them
The idea is
user comes to my page enters thier website
that site is pretty damn nice
I show them a silthoute that looks similar to their website
user is happy
@Loktar but it gives me all colors, I can't automate that
gives you a sweet breakdown and other sites that use the colors
@Shrek actually put in a site
@JoeSaad are you sure the server is returning a 401?
pft, but it wasn't swatchy
@Loktar I did
please, someone use my code
I put in one of mine it didn't give all of my colors
!!> [...start, last] = [1, 2, 3];
@corvid "SyntaxError: parameter after rest parameter"
@Shrek I could write something like this but it would look like garbage
yes, how else is my bad login getting this error ?
Ah you can only rest/spread at the end :\ that would be nice sugar
you ever use kuler?
@Vap0r It not looking like garbage is the problem I'm trying to solve lol
or I'll just fuck it and make it uber generic
@KevinB yes, how else is my bad login getting this error ?
color.adobe.com is awesome as well
well i mean yeah your server is returning 401, but are you sure yahoo is?
mix that with swatchy
i don't know about yahoo
Just because it's a failed login doesn't mean you have to return a 401 status code.
@ssube I'm looking at your makefile. I thought you needed to make placeholder files for tasks in make?
@Loktar it is Kuler
adobe bought it
@Shrek yea
you very well could instead return a 200 status code with an error response.
I know 😛 that looks like I meant awesome in addition to Kuler
I was just adding onto it
!!> [last, ...start] = [1,2,3].reverse()
@rlemon [3,2,1]
well, that wasn't what I had in mind cap, but he can run it himself.
@KevinB that seems so wrong
we used to do that was shitty though
now it's real status codes all the time
!!afk my pickle is a ghost.
we use correct status codes as well, but the question was how do you hide the failed request from the console
you can't, other than making it not a failed request
how do you type emoji in windows?
the intertubes said Window-period, but no joy.
Pretty sure Yahoo is refreshing with an incorrect password
and I do see an error actually
> GET fc.yahoo.com/sdarla/php/client.php?l=RICH{dest:tgtRICH;asz:flex}&f=…0002‌​993&ref=https%3A%2F%2Flogin.yahoo.com%2Faccount%2Fchallenge%2Fpassword net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
the on-screen keyboard has them...
some of them
i could see all statuses on yahoo as 200
can't see 401
@KevinB so you think this should be handled from the server side or have the frontend refresh?
well, no, i think it's not a problem
what's wrong with a failed request showing info in the console?
i don't know.. if it's not a problem, i'll just believe you
almost every page i visit has a bunch of blocked by client errors due to adblock
it would be great if there was a tool to block government surveillance
or at least regulate it
so that not everybody would have access to them
that's an awful lot of k's in a row, there.
there is
what is that?
another question, if i got a token from the server, using react, redux.. where should i keep this token to gurantee it's always in the header, do i put in a cookie or in the state or just in a variable that keeps getting passed with all subsequent REST calls?
live in the boondocks
how abt the satellite surveillance?
be under a tree
it seems that they can even monitor inside your body
anytime and from anywhere
nobody has privacy
Dude, your tinfoil hat is slipping off.
what does I stand for?
I think you're a crackpot.
You think the government gives enough of a damn about you to spy on you?
no i don't
government doesn't regulate it well
not at an individual level maybe, but definitely in mass collections/surveillance
@Loktar Well sure, but that's always been a thing.
I mean, you start talking about capping a president, someone's gonna come knock on your door.
i never did that
You send a letter to a senator saying that you're going to kill them for supporting the KKK, you're gonna get arrested.
If you're worried about the collected information being used to market to you or target you, that's not the government surveilling you.
It hasn't always been a thing actually, it's why we have the 4th amendment.
@Trasiva that's not even close to the same thing
@Loktar No, I know. It's a weird point, but I'm getting there.
im being spied on by individuals
However, if you think that little Timmy at the NSA or CIA is bored and wants to see what you're up to specifically, you've got a screw loose.
@kkkkk Do you have evidence?
no since they don't leave clues
@Trasiva what if Timmy is your neighbor?
Then how do you know?
What if his neighbor is a very attractive single lady he wants to get with?
since they spy on me they can come here and talk to me
^^ this
is that not evidence?
People are not infallible and definitely use data inappropriately
there actually have been cases where they did that
somehow make you understand that you are under surveillance
@Loktar I'm not arguing that. I know for a fact sometimes the power that people have is abused.
from then they might distract you
Are you Waxi?
@Trasiva the issue is in the US anyway they don't legally have that power
@kkkkk where do you live?
without a warrant
im not in the usa
i live in azerbaijan
they spy here too
waxi's ban has expired
our government
maybe we should ping him
and from the us too
every government spies.
@kkkkk that sucks man, not really a way to get around it easily though honestly.
some more than others, some better than others.
@Loktar Right, which is protected by the 4th amendment. However, we both know that it's abused more than it should be. Time and time again someone slips up and it becomes public record. (Snowden, that Verizon situation are the two that come to immediate mind).
@Trasiva you're all over the place with your points I guess lol
whoever spies on me is either bored or disgusted at any given moment.
sometimes both.
@Loktar Jesus, i really am. I need to actually get some sleep. My point is that in most instances of government monitoring, it's not against specific US citizens (foreign bodies are a different matter).
@Trasiva you don't know that at all
Maybe he's the US spy.
The Snowden leaks showed there were massive collections on US citizens
were you surprised about that?
Granted someone isn't sitting there recording at an individual level, it's more of a google analytics approach where you're just caught up in the data.
@GNi33 no, of course not, I was glad it was brought to light though
Our rights have been slowly degraded over time, the Patriot Act being one of the biggest factors in recent years
the problem comes when they try to disturb you with spying on you
Someone of your 'persuasion', Loktar, is usually pretty Anti-Snowden. Are you? Just curious. I think he's equal parts hero and traitor.
@Luggage I feel the same
Equal parts hero and traitor
The "hero" part ways a lot more for me
yea. or at least 'unknown parts'
I'm super conflicted on him so I can't say which way I feel directly lol
but I'm not a US citizen, so my perspective is different
I truly think he did the right thing
you can have opinions about other countries' issues. I sure do.
I mean he was a hero for letting the American public know, but was a traitor giving information to Russia after it
yeah, I have opinions, of course
Granted if he stayed here he would have been worse off than Private Manning
didn't he practically give the information to everyone?
i was aware of the surveillance since 2006
iirc he had a laptop with a bit more info that the Russians recieved
manning was a more clear cut case of just stealing data and giving it all to wikileaks.
unless I'm misremembering
@Luggage yeah, and there was nothing really that damning or crazy
snowden gave all to some reporters and they only released some of it
I mean there were the pilots shooting at civilians which definitely is wrong, however it wasn't some sort of revelation to anyone if anything it just put more troops in danger in those areas.
i think giving it all to wikileaks is worse than some known reporters that will filter it
Honestly I just hate how much the government classifies stuff
it's our government so much more needs to be unclass for the public
Not talking about military secrets or things that will actually do danger
@Loktar yep, that's the double edged sword there, but I really think that bringing stuff like this up on a public stage is the only way you'd at least have a chance of changing something
but man so much is over classified
@Luggage only if they use file patterns. I abuse make to run generic tasks.
@GNi33 yeah for sure
less classified, and earlier 'release dates' for the things that need to be.
yeah definitely
just annoyed with a lot of it lately as well, like closed door hearings and such
Reason for classification: Inconvenient
lol exactly
not trying to sound paranoid or anything like that, and hope I don't come off that way, just a frustration is all
not at all, i think it's a pretty widely held view, and natural for any organization to try to keep it's dirty laundry internal
Looked up that laptop bit on Snowden apparently it wasn't true, they were used as diversions
according to him anyway, and he didn't give anything to China or Russia (again according to him)
i can't imagine russia didn't talk to him
even if they didn't, just having him there is a thumb in the eye of the US.
Yeah I'm sure they definitely did, but probably in their best interest to be good hosts to him
yeah I wonder what will happen with him
Wonder if some president 20 years from now will pardon him
I want to be in control of microsoft. Job 1: make the touchpad work as well as a mac. 2. Make 'show file extensions' be the default.
been a while since I did work on windows (as opposed to gaming). Is everyone still using conemu?
@Luggage LOL at #2
that has been something I've had to change since windows 95
I also always turn on show hidden files
It does nothing but harm to hide it.
yes, that too
in fact, not just make it default, take that option to hide extensions away.
@Loktar that's why nudez.jpg.exe was so dangerous
Fucking Manning, lol.
@Loktar I don't see him giving anything specific to China or Russia. I feel he was taking a strict whistleblower approach.
@Luggage i am, in combination with babun
The guy's even been on record saying he wants to come home, provided he gets a fair trial.
never heard of babun, will look it up
it's basically a wrapper for cygwin
nothing special, but it works for me in the most cases
didn't get to check out the win10 ubuntu image they ship now
the image works ok, much better than cygwin, but nothing vs git bash or a vm

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