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10:00 PM
guys poke bowls are too delicious it's not even fair to other meals
it's got some missing features (it's not a real docker container or anything sensible)
@corvid whats in them, poke balls?
the shared filesystem business is not reliable and it doesn't support sshfs, which broke my workflow too badly
bluefin tuna, pepper, pineapple, and kale
interesting, had to look it up actually
10:01 PM
> Ironic. The error boundary component could catch errors in it's child component tree, but it couldn't catch errors in itself.
@ssube for dev stuff I pretty much exclusively use vagrant now
@KamilSolecki Well? Got something interesting for me yet?
@GNi33 :(
we just recently got our last devs off of vagrant, it's just so slow
why so sad?
yeah, but I haven't found a nice alternative just yet
if you can break things down reasonably, docker with some wrapper scripts (I personally tend towards make, at work we have a bash library with unit tests) is a nice option.
10:03 PM
other than buying a huge SSD and have a linux partition
It's not a good interactive env, but great for tools.
@SterlingArcher is this how you really wanted to come out as a koala lover?
damn that's a nice fish
10:12 PM
I'm creating global constants using webpack definePlugin(). After my app compiles, logging the constants is undefined. Any ideas?
@rolu What does the compiled source look like?
I saw this, now you all have to as well
@Trasiva See, this is where you're wrong.
@Trasiva he does a better one with three teacups and a larger cloth
4pm on my second to last day, and they want me to add in several new fields to 'data entry' and new reports for them and a new billing method.
It felt bad, but I had to say "good luck, suckers"
10:24 PM
@MadaraUchiha I'm not wrong, you're wrong!@
@jake Once I start to the define the constant in my app, it shows up correctly. Seems like uglify is eliminating dead code since it wasn't being used anywhere
@jake But I thought with global constants defined in webpack, it would be part of the windows Object?
@Luggage LOL
You put in a standard 2 weeks I take it right?
so it's not like they are blindsided... and tomorrow is your last day plus Friday on top of it lol
4 weeks
damn that's really generous of you actually
I'm surprised they didn't replace me with someone in-house a year ago.
10:27 PM
@rlemon @KendallFrey
@Trasiva Is this even legal?
oh man that React error handling in React 16 actually looks super useful
hold on a fucking second
@MadaraUchiha Those are my exact thoughts. (It's not.)
10:28 PM
@corvid yeah I agree
is that longer or shorter than a normal second?
Can't wait until it's fully out
@MadaraUchiha If it was in a game, no. But the mascot and an announcer are on the field. It's probably a charity event or some fun shootout
@Luggage For me, shorter ;)
I dunno if that's even real... How does the puck stay attached to the stick when he throws it? I suspect magnets
10:29 PM
Hrmph... I don't really understand how to create my own higher-order component -- one that can be used like a decorator
@Trasiva Look like the kind of thing that happens at all-star shootout competitions
In this case, possibly just a one-off
Kendall is the local brothel's favorite customer. They charge by the 15 minutes, and the girls get an extra 14:59.6 to just relax.
@KendallFrey Yea, that was my thought too. Still impressive though.
@Trasiva lmao
@KendallFrey It's like that scene in American Pie when he's in the bedroom.
10:32 PM
@corvid a decorator, HOC or both? What part are you having trouble with?
@Luggage Basically, I want to be able to wrap a component. My use case is basically just to perform a series of asynchronous actions and perform some action when complete, probably the most common use case
BTW, fucking finally researched logistics bots
I don't really understand decorators in JS, they're way different than python
I think they really nerfed it tech-wise
well, a class decorator (probably what you want) is just a function.
10:34 PM
@corvid they run when the module loads and can modify the function they're attached to
@ssube watch the vid dude
@ssube, but they can't bind to module-level functions, that's why they seem a bit strange
class Foo {

same as:
const Foo = decorator(class Foo {});
if a property decorator, different beast
async function doSomething() {
  return await blah();
ohh, so property decorator...
10:36 PM
@SterlingArcher You failed to check your hangouts messages for like...two days
Well I really expect a decorator to be a function that wraps a function, but that's not the case in JS I don't think, it seems to be more complex
it doesn't wrap the function, it's called when the function is declared
it can return a function that wraps the function
@Trasiva shit my bad haha my work hangouts has been muted for like 3 days straight because ive been sharing my screen so much XD
but the decorator itself runs much earlier and typically mutates the decorated thing
forog tyou pinged me
10:38 PM
Are you familiar with property descriptors? like is used in defineProperty() and Object.create()?
If so, a decorator is just a way to 'intercept' that on a class
I am vaguely familiar, my vanilla JS is relatively weaker... I entered the field when frameworks ruled all. JavaScriptMVC was first, then Angular, then Meteor, now React
> JavaScriptMVC
Homework: Make a decorator that capitalizes the property on the resulting class.
? Backbone?
or was JavaScriptMVC some obscure framework
ah so it was
Backbone pretended to be MV*
10:42 PM
@ssube yeah, it was just the first real popular one I could think of in the MV* vein
I've heard of JavascriptMVC, but never heard of anybody using it
didn't realize one was literally called JavaScriptMVC (now called done.js)
backbone was by the coffee-script guy, right?
@Loktar it was a thing. For real. It made documentation impossible to google.
@Loktar yeah, the authors behind backbone and underscore were notorious for making things up and then harassing people for calling bullshit
and not writing tests
and refusing to use modules
10:44 PM
I bet a small part of you is jealous of someone with such well known libraries (and an esolang) to their name.
Yes and no. Backbone isn't exactly positive resume points anymore.
I still use backbone occasionally at work, we're deprecating the one project that uses it in 6 months though
@Luggage If I made Backbone I'd feel good about myself
ty for being honest.
unlike SOME people.
Books were written on it even
I mean, that's pretty badass, and you would NEVER have trouble finding a job
> Oh you used backbone in the past, yeah I wrote that actually
10:46 PM
"get out" -ssube
I mean, yeah, if you write code like that :P
it's completing projects that you aren't paid for..
something I have trouble with.
being famous would be cool, but intentionally going the new-buzzword route... it's going to come tumbling down sooner or later and you'll turn into a dirty word
my only project isn't even d/led by the npm mirrors anymore. They said "why bother?"
10:48 PM
yeah, with people that matter I suppose, but there are so many jobs out there and people without a clue you could ride that wave for the next 15 years I bet lol
people have tried to return it. I told them that's not how it works.
A spanish-speaking man goes to a vending machine. It asks for 75c for a coke. He puts in 65c and the machine says "dime", and he whispers "quiero coca-cola"
yea, backbone is nothing special. I'm not making that claim. But well-known projects used by lots of people speaks about your ability to finish tasks and see something through from start to finish.
i know people that are 'smart' on a local level, but unable to really see the big picture of a project to do that.
(smart needs quotes there)
we call those people product managers
and backbone's collection paging/sort is an example of what happens when PMs write code :P
One of the harshest things I've heard said, by Friend A: "You can tell Luggage's and my code apart, but your's, friend B, we can't tell, it's just a copy and paste of one of ours."
10:54 PM
same thing with Notch. He'd make sense as an architect or something, but I certainly wouldn't interview him as a developer.
not everybody can turn a wrench
11:07 PM
Do you depend on react/lib/* for your junk, ssube?
it's going away in 16.
ohh, yours wasn't react was it, a react re-implementation.
correct, that just uses JSX. My view stuff is still kind of a mess, anyway.
like backbone?
very much like backbone, yes. Classic view API and everything.
views are a hard thing to do cleanly, especially when you're working with some tree
React's restrictions feel less like concessions and more like common sense
everything is a tree.
that might just be the trees in the air talking
11:11 PM
old windows UI was windows in windows. a tree.
(buttons were 'window's)
yeah, recursion is disturbingly prevalent
can there be any other way?
it's amazing that it's taken people this long to realize that small modules, combined well, works for anything
it hasn't. we'll keep re-learning that lesson forever.
software is finally formalizing the idea of interop, which is going to lead to networking everything, and that whole AI thing folks are on about
11:13 PM
nothing in computer science is new. donald knuth probably already wrote a book about it.
11:30 PM
i got a warning in chrome about some polish site when I came here
wtf is that about?
earlier, @KamilSolecki posted an image that was on a domain that chrome had flagged as malicious. It might have been that.
but I'm not sure why you'd get that now.
Quick question: how would I use Babel to transpile JS code from ESNEXT to ES5? Or would I at all?
@Jenguinie that is pretty much what babel does by "default"
@Mosho Ah, ok. But what would the configuration look like? I was at first trying to use babel-preset-env, but perhaps I'm using the wrong one.
though since it's all plugins there's no real default
@Jenguinie that would work, just configure it to whatever browsers you want to support
otherwise you can use es2015-preset
for example
@rlemon bell
11:43 PM
is es2015 still the goto preset? isn't es2017 all finalised and safe to use now?
just saying
ah okay i missed the chat above
Not sure. So I tried out the preset for es2015 at the very least, but I'm having issues with the transpiled code. require, exports, and document are all undefined for some reason, but I'm not sure why.
within a team's codebase, should you be able to tell who wrote what without asking the version control system?
I should hope so, if the team size is 2
11:49 PM
@derp shit no
it should all look the same
yep that's my viewpoint as well
maybe with the exception of // TODO (someone)
hahaha, and then you find out that the TODO was committed by someone else
problem too hard, //TODO (someoneelse)
yeah that's just how you know that someone other other "someone" did it :)
@derp VSCode has amazing git integration. Shows who committed what and when on every line in the background as you move your cursor
11:52 PM
git blame runs by default?
that is not default behavior afaik
since I don't have it
for me it shows in the status bar
Lemme check my extensions
Install Git Lens
yeah it wouldn't be a great default
I don't like it too much
11:55 PM
i don't think its healthy to start development with git blame xD
it's not information I need in my face at all times
Heh, when you work on the kind of code base I do, it's good to be able to see who did what and why often
what kind of codebase do you work in?
Very old rails
Jeff Bezos is rich wtf
11:57 PM
Four distinct environments in one codebase, with a mix of angular, coffeescript, react, alt, redux, jquery
@monners i'm sorry
@derp Me too... :(
that must do your head in
Like I said, it's useful to be able to see who, when, why
though is it so important that it can't be allowed to die?
11:58 PM
It's a platform supporting many, many sites
Mistakes were made, we're fixing them, but it's a fickle process

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