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@KarelG hh is not padded to 2 chars, right?
it should always be :)
@KarelG moment(string, 'HH:mm:ss').hour();
added a checksum: time[2] === ':'
!!> parseInt("01:23:45")
@OliverSalzburg 1
There. Easy
eh that's clever
@KarelG "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@KarelG 23
sorry cap
I hope that isn't subject to some weird locale issues or something :\
the time provided is read from a string -> i put it in dateObj.setHour -> getUTCHour()
it's for a plugin for marketing team. they aren't always aware which time is at given location.
no longer reads octal with 0 in front by default?
In any proper project I'd go with what @bitten suggested btw
@rlemon that would be the case if your mother had Quindecuples :)
15 lil' Lemons
no need to put a whole lib for that small get hour of hh:mm:ss string lol
well if filesize is a problem you could use github.com/date-fns/date-fns
only sucks how you can't really treeshake with moment
We have moment almost everywhere anyway, but, yeah, I wouldn't import it just for this one call
can I use node for DOM manipulation?
I am the Queen of France!
Marie is that you?
@KendallFrey watch your head
My eyes are in my head, that's kind of hard to do
try harder
*takes viagra, tries again*
Hey what do you know, I can see my head
@bubb1e Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
damn you fedex, won't let me hold my shipment at the facility.
@KendallFrey Do you need it for that ? Poor you
imagination is the key
@Luggage wow that's weird, although I have never used FedEx.
@Luggage they want you to wait for your sex swing
@KamilSolecki it is normally an option, but it is disabled for this package.
@KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine @Loktar woop
"today before 8pm, must sign for it"
how convenient.
!!afk meeting
@rlemon You had me questioning myself for a split second, fucker
@KendallFrey I got the idea for a meme of you ready, now it's just PS work ^^
oh. yay?
Rather yay than nay. Nothing offensive this time.
If it's making him a French fry, already done
Wait.. I haven't gimpd @KamilSolecki yet
Well, that has to be corrected
Oh boy right, I have my face here now <-----
Should I aim for disturbing or terrifying
Both please
gimp without a mouse sucks.
@rlemon you don't watch the html/css room anymore ? I've made a bad answer to a good question and I'd like somebody better than me to answer
@rlemon how about snapchat filter fabulous?
@rlemon can you pleasepleaseplease put a clown nose there :D
would fit perfect.
already closed gimp
@rlemon do you have a photo of yourself you wish to have 'modified drastically'?
@DenysSéguret pseudo elements have higher specificity than pseudo selectors.
> The following list of selector types increases by specificity:

Type selectors (e.g., h1) and pseudo-elements (e.g., :before).
Class selectors (e.g., .example), attributes selectors (e.g., [type="radio"]) and pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover).
ID selectors (e.g., #example).
@KamilSolecki Take his avatar and give him a horse face!
@rlemon do you think Chrome not colorizing in blue the "tart" part means there's a bug?
is lemons github pic himself?
@DenysSéguret really depends on how those elements are represented
:before is still inside of the tag, so the previous selectors should prevail.
but then the color in the before.. well.. idk.
it's lower specificity, so if it's acting as part of the parent element it should not be blue, if it is it's own element (which it actually isn't) it it blue
kinda hard to say, css almost treats them like real elements, but nothing else does
@KamilSolecki It's from a different time
still, if its him, it works for my idea.
yes it is me
and yes that's my real sword
@rlemon You're swordless in your GH avatar
@rlemon if you think you can improve my answer or just make a better one, please do.
@DenysSéguret it's all speculation
and I haven't finished my coffee yet, so no opening specs for me
besides, bolt is like 1000 times more knowledgeable on css than I am
the specs I've read sound as if the guy in charge had thought it was too painful to think about it and decided he'd rather have a coffee...
@DenysSéguret is this all about the red first letter?
I think my answer is fine on the first letter topic.
The problem is the rest of the word
Should the "tart" part be blue ? green ? striped ?
I think he's specifically talking about the first letter because it should be blue in his understanding
> The first is that pseudo-elements (:first-line and :first-letter, for example) have no specificity at all.
> The only reason the first letters of paragraphs will be red is because the pseudo-element which is created to apply styles to the first letter allows the explicitly declared styles to override any inherited styles
> The first is that pseudo-elements (:first-line and :first-letter, for example) have no specificity at all.
mdn disagrees
Someone is having a red letter day
@rlemon have you got a link for me?
15 mins ago, by rlemon
> The following list of selector types increases by specificity:

Type selectors (e.g., h1) and pseudo-elements (e.g., :before).
Class selectors (e.g., .example), attributes selectors (e.g., [type="radio"]) and pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover).
ID selectors (e.g., #example).
they don't have none, they have very low.
well, yeah, they don't add specifity in any way though
it's just like a plain element
you can add them up when building the selector tho
they need to be counted for
no, you can't
what sense would a p::before::first-line::first-letter element make?
I'm not here to make sense of it, I'm saying when calculating specificity if they are weighted as type selectors they are not none. they are 1
theoretically, yes, but I don't think there's even a practical way to put anything after a pseudo-element selector?
that doesn't negate my pedantism... so win/win
well, I just quoted a website, I'm fine with it :D
Hrmph... where do I find the typings in TS for whatwg-fetch? It seems to be included in the standard library since 2.2
!!afk 2hours shits going down
well, the more I think about it, that is actually a really good question
Yes, please upvote the question
the kind of question that I usually don't think about when I encounter it in the wild because I'll just slighty rewrite my CSS
Usually when you try to do something interesting with pseudo element you just give up after having noticed how diverse the results are depending on the browser
But at least FF would make sense if you'd see every pseudo-element seperated from the others
so specifity wouldn't be accounted for them if they have the same score anyways
like, I'm not even fully on usb 3 yet
@KendallFrey ksp players are the best gfycat.com/EnviousPositiveGenet
I flew my spacecraft against the control tower... underestimated the alt changes
was going to fly slightly over, just for awesomeness
@rlemon I spectacularily failed on my first try to meet an object in orbit yesterday
I think I'll have to start read up on KSP at this point
start to orbit has been trial and error, but I don't think I will get this done without some background knowledge
"Alright... set Target.... there are some new points and lines now... cool. what do they mean? Add maneuver... cool, what the fuck am I doing here?"
watch a video on maneuver nodes.
I'll have to do that, yeah
they look more complicated than they are
there's like a two mission learning curve after watching a video
I'll try this meetup/rescue mission, then I'll send a first satellite up there and then I'll go to Mun
rendezvous missions are hard.
is this your first time playing?
I realized this yesterday, yep
yea those are like semi-pro level things.
I played it a long time, > 2yrs ago when it was a lot different
it's pretty hard to hit something in space on purpose.
but the furthest I've ever gotten was a pretty rough landing on Mun
fucked up the return flight somehow and then I lost interest
started playing again like a week or so again. Really liking the career mode
Anyone familiar with an IE11 bug where an element disappears (like visibility: hidden;) until reflow or until inspected in the F12 dev tools?
It sounds like an age old IE7 bug, but no, never experienced this in IE11
@rlemon It's almost beautiful tbh. It reminds me of a vase that I really want to play soccer around, you know?
basically, when launching, you wanna keep decreasing your angle as you go. I usually start doing that at 1 km, and aim at about 45 deg @ 10 km.
Then, I keep decreasing my angle slowly to about 15-30 deg (depends on the aircraft) until my apoapsis reaches > 70 km. I usually aim at 80,000 though.
Enter maneouver nodes
you put one on the apoapsis, and keep dragging its arms until the orbit that appears is satisfactory to you. For stable orbit, keep it above 70km apoapsis and periapsis.
when you are done, two things will appear:
at launch I push to 3-4 degrees turn, then around 10-14k m up I start to lay down
@KamilSolecki Maintaining a certain time to apoapsis is more useful than a certain angle. Generally I try to adjust my angle to aim for a time to apoapsis of about 40s, until I'm almost at orbital speed.
once at 90 I just keep it there, I should already have enough upwards momentum to take me to 80,000m+
1. a point on the navball that you will need to burn towards
2. time to node & estimated burn time
You wanna start burning usually when your time to node is at half of your burn time
then, just burn till you reduce the delta-v to 0, and you have an oribit :)
that sounds roughly like how I get into orbit, yeah
didn't user maneuver nodes for that, but I'll practice them with simple orbits I think, thanks
@KamilSolecki delta-v to what?
@KendallFrey is orbital speed a certain constant?
In this case it's just an approximation
The speed of a circular orbit is a function of the mass of the planet and radius of the orbit
@GNi33 delta - v to reach the desired path/orbit. It will show up next to navball after you add a node.
oh, I see
Fun fact: escape velocity is always sqrt(2) * orbital velocity for a circular orbit.
@KendallFrey what about glide velocity ?
> for the uninformed: yesteday jordan said

i expose my thighs every chance I get
then he laughed to himself for a few minutes and raised the issue re-implement the listener.
i forgot about that
@rlemon just have a woodworking accident already
I've had a few
all minor
Anyone know how to make chrome not yellow and autofilled input?
There's a so answer but it's looking like it's not valid anymore
are you supposed to wear gloves while bleaching?
I guess it depends on the amount you're using
If you're scrubbing a bathtub, nah you're good, just wear clothes you don't mind ruining
Anything bigger, maybe use gloves and have a well ventilated room (the smell can make you light headed)
never mix bleach with anything btw, unless explicitly told so
kitchens are supposed to be cleaned with bleach as well, right?
or am I making a huge mistake
Yes, small amounts though
In this page webcodegeeks.com/html5/html5-3d-canvas-tutorial in the section where it talks about fragment_shader.js, the code is wrapped in "`" characters. I'm not sure what those are. When I use the code, it says the apostrophe is an illegal character, but if I remove them I get syntax errors.
Bleach is good for disinfecting counters and sinks and stuff, but smells terrible
dunno, not minding the smell too much :/
I suggest using a better smelling cleaner after bleaching so your kitchen doesn't smell like a post-murder scene
also, my counters are somewhat wood-like. Wait, I'll take a pic
Hey guys I am using Jquery's 'contextmenu' event. It works fine in all browsers except on ios/Ipad it is simply not fired. Any idea why?
my kitchen is a post-murder scene
@rlemon well, would have made sense to google it that way :/ thanks!
you should probably wear gloves, just make sure they're the right kind. not all 'rubber' gloves will hold up to chemicals.
I mean, it's just bleach and not like acetone or anything, so it's not crazy corrosive, but still.
well, my fingers aren't on fire yet
The toilet note is a very good note, some people use chemicals in their toilet between flushes, and that can react with bleach and basically create mustard gas
@towc you can buy cleaning products designed to clean certain surfaces. They will contain what they need to contain. I suggest you use these.
Use a designated toilet bowl cleaner there, never bleach
@towc still, you'll wanna keep it off your skin if you can help it and rinse off thoroughly.
Yeah, unless you wanna end up with white spots on your hand
Guys my back is 85% better today
I usually use a citrus cleaner.
I was able to get out of bed without crying <3
it's just acid in water.
good shit
@towc rule no.1 if you want to easily clean your dishes
clean them right after you eat
at the very least, soak them after you're done with them
I'm not making much sense
never let food dry on
It happened too many times
if you do let food dry on, don't scrub. you'll scratch your shit.
soak it in soapy water for a couple hours
then it'll slime right off
@SterlingArcher what the hell I thought it was a devil chant thing at the beggining :D
My mom bought me one of these
literally the easiest bachelor cooking thing ever invented
Does it make pot in an instant?
@OliverSalzburg yeah :)
It's basically a pressure cooker you can also use as a pot. It cooks perfect chicken from FROZEN to juicy in 19 minutes (plus maybe 5-10 minutes to pressurize)
@towc invest in a toaster oven. you're cooking for one, more often than not the full sized oven is overkill and takes longer
With literally no effort
a good toaster oven will cost $100, fit a decent sized chicken, and heats to 450F
cc @Trasiva you may want one of these instant pots
Hia all!
@SterlingArcher I use one of these: google.pl/…
pressurecookrecipes.com/… look how easy spaghetti is to make in a single pot
never failed me, although I needed to buy a separate gas burner to use it
@SterlingArcher I know I've seen this user before
funnily enough, the id's don't match :D
did someone get question banned?
My mom is obsessed with these things. She was a part of the facebook community when they were at 50,000 members, and in maybe a year, they're at over 500,000 without any product advertising. All word of mouth
@rlemon I can tell you that he's polish, for one.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Hypersapien Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
I DID hit ctrl+k
@KamilSolecki tak
@SterlingArcher Wow, the pinnacle of cuisine
    var fragmentCode = `
    void main(void) {
        gl_FragColor = vec4(
@OliverSalzburg i mean, you can cook anything in it. Ribs, fried rice, boiled eggs, etc
I found that code on a tutorial page. Can someone please explain the apostrophes to me?
I cooked perfect hardboiled eggs in 9 minutes
Is it saving it as a string maybe?
@SterlingArcher really? because I do that in a pot on the stove
it's always consistent, so once you find that right time, it's always that time, and you don't have to monitor or stir
in the same amount of time
I have a crock pot, and a rice cooker, i need a pressure cooker.
but I want a big one
@SterlingArcher that's how boiling an egg in a small pot works, yes
The IP is a pressure cooker :)
I hardly ever cook anymore anyway :(
I think they make bigger ones
@OliverSalzburg I have to, but I freaking loath it
The one I posted I think we fit.. 20 chicken legs into?

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