@rlemon I launched my model rocket once with a couple of friends watching. Scared the crap out of some of them, even though they knew what was gonna happen.
how do you determine what the currently active route is?
UPDATE: updated as per Angular2.4.x
constructor(route: ActivatedRoute) {
route.snapshot.params; // active route's params
route.snapshot.data; // active route's resolved data
route.snapshot.component; // active route's com...
@FlyingGambit Thanks for the link. I now have my 'previous' and 'next' buttons changing to next and previous states to allow my website to be a slideshow of html templates :)
Yea, I have a limited number of states that go in a designated order, so I can luckily move from to next or previous if I know the current pretty easily. I was having trouble finding examples that went from an html element event to the JS and then determined the state and or changed it.
@thageekboy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@thageekboy try to access that file directly by your browser. It only works if your setsession.php is a web resource (with other words, not a local file)
I'm trying to understand the difference between ng-if and *ng-if, but they look the same to me.
Is there a difference that I should keep in mind choosing one over the other and when to use these directives?
I have a requirement regarding usage of ng-expressions in Angularjs. In a html template, if I say `{{ name }}`, this works only if the name is property of $scope variable. Can I change the global ng-expression variable from `$scope` to some other custom object?
This custom popup has already a controller which holds the basic events such as outside click, close popup, cancel popup etc..
Now, I am doing the above hack just to compile htmls which come under the popup without $scope because the controller is already registered and there is no track
I don't know whether I am making sense here
looks like I should try something else by myself :(
@Cerbrus Thanks. But still I think I can't use that info in my case, because the controller attached is supposed to have only close popup and other basic functionalities. But the template path which I am adding can have different functionalities which are actually on other controller.
Hi all respected members of the room !!! I wanted to know what is the best PHP book or pdf or any form of tutorial to be a fine PHP developer. Which covers basics and high level coding..Please suggest
if you still insist to use a map ...., generate three random integer values between [0, map.length] , loop through it using for...of, if integer value is hit, pick its value out. Repeat for the other two. If you have collected 3, stop loop.
if you've used arrays then you could simply access the objects by index, removing the use of loop
I am facing this issue in safari browser. What's all done is when i send ajax request to app which use another curl request to check API status, AJAX aways in not responding state with status code 1001
Oh ya sorry i forgot to mansion it. I have checked server's access log, It's showing status code 200 instead of 1001 with all these AJAX requests
@OliverSalzburg Thank you i have never checked it. I am sending AJAX call to my server only and in AJAX call sends API call. But this api call is working at other place
I think it should not work anywhere if OS is blocking the host