Howdy do anyone know how the web plans to do with multitouch or how it has? More specifically what happens when you have more then one finger on the screen?
Question - related to javascript in the sense that I think it's a javascript framework - but does anyone have an idea how Google tackled this site?
@RyanGreen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@William - the animations and if it's some sort of framework. I noticed that a lot of the element tags are custom. I haven't gotten a chance to jump into many frameworks just yet and thought it'd be worth looking into whatever they might be using :)
Oh, look at that, they have all their code online - haha. Should've just searched for that.
@KarelG I miss my gaming days. Ever since I have a baby, the only games I ever purchased were the Humble Freedom Bundle, which is not really about the games......
Well, I guess flinging the baby's arms and singing to him counts as gaming, in a sense.
Hi guys, In Angular 2 can I call emitter.emit("BS") only inside the evend handling function if emiitter is EventEmmitter or I can do it anywhere. If anywhere then the name EvenEmitter is a lie to some extent cause I can emit wherever I want.
If you mean maternity leave, no it's over long ago. But I resigned. So, technically, I'm not a developer anymore. I'm just a common sheep masquerading as a web dev.
He's not hungry. Not quite sure what he wants now...
@KARTHIKEYAN.A Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like,, or a demo site like
now i update the json data for _id: 3 , the default_dashboard goes true and other _ids default dashboard become false. at a time only one default_dashboard become true.
use the first link and determine if that xss-filter on git is secure enough against the listed attack vectors on owasp' site. Use the second to develop a good defense mechanism against it
( just fyi, yahoo has experienced many security breaches last years ... I wouldn't use their "secure" stuff for security ...)
Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is a software interface that integrates software audio synthesizer and effect plugins with audio editors and recording systems. VST and similar technologies use digital signal processing to simulate traditional recording studio hardware in software. Thousands of plugins exist, both commercial and freeware, and a large number of audio applications support VST under license from its creator, Steinberg.
== Overview ==
VST plugins generally run within a digital audio workstation (DAW), to provide additional functionality, though a few standalone plugin hosts exist which...
@francophong Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mathematics Because it's an enterprisey Microsoft/VS thing related to TFS. The Venn diagram of people who like this combination of nouns vs. people active in online communities is disparate.
@Orsu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage I just made the experience, that if I "use / import" stuff from something which is located in npm_modules and I explicitly excluded that folder, babel won't transpile the file which accesses stuff too.
problem is... I have a lib in node_modules which uses es5/7 syntax, so i actually want to transpile that. I tried to exclude /node_modules/ but explicitly include /that_lib/, didn't work
it seems like a risk anyway, doesn't it? If we generally exclude npm_modules from babel, it can always happen that some code will just break our front-end code
Thanks @ssube. I'm screwing around with jQuery UI sortables (, and I need to draw lines between two column of elements. Kinda like this However, I also need it to stay connected when I drag the elements around. My first thought is SVGs and mouseup/down events that track the element positions and repaint the line over and over.
However, I'm not sure that's the best way (and I am also not very familiar with SVGs and unwilling to commit to maintaining a long term project with them if there is a better way). Hence my question. Does anyone have any idea of libraries or something that can help me out, and if so, can you point me in that direction?
Okay. Thanks. Do you know if within SVGs, repainting with JS is the correct approach? Or is there something inherent to SVGs that could make it easier?
I'm using angular 2 providers, I set a value of this provider in one component and I try to use it in an other one but in seems undefined (I use getter and setters in my provider)