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hey people, can anyone point me in the direct of a suitable question. Want to find out if a string appears multiple times in an array and its position. Ty
@SterlingArcher His back on that ledge
Yea, then when he was given the opportunity to correct himself, he said the difference was *Hitler didn't drop sarin gas on towns'.
@Meredith yup
@ndugger I couldn't see it on the transcript, so I had to scroll up. But people who see it later maybe won't be able to.
What's worse, sarin gas or zyklon b?
@KirstyMarks indexOf(str) !== lastIndexOf(str) will tell you if there are multiples, and give you the first and last position.
thanks both, think ive found what im needing :)
@Meredith They're both lethal, so they're both just as bad in all reality. One is a nerve agent, the other actually inhibits cellular respiration. Either one is a crap way to die.
Breath of the Wild spoilers
@SterlingArcher If you're spending this much time on Imgur, I hope you're taking advantage of the new event on SW.;
lol i am
im actually about to go home
ive got to prep for tomorrow
nvm, thats loke
@SterlingArcher What's tomorrow?
Are you getting that mole on your ass looked at?
is window.URL.createObjectURL asynchronous? My file doesn't seem to be available immediately
nah, turns out it's a real mole and he made a home
I have a suit-worthy event tomorrow at 12 that I took PTO for
wink wink hint hint
@SterlingArcher Funeral?
i.imgur.com/EeoHOJd.mp4 alternate united ending
@Trasiva dude lol
@SterlingArcher Seriously though, are you fucking proposing?
no he's going to see a man about a new horse
speed up
@BadgerCat thanks for the heads up. I'll make sure everyone sees it
@rlemon Uncaught AmbiguousEuphamism at rlemon.js: 1
k gotta run
!!afk home
@Luggage pls. rlemon.jsx
I'm scared to ask but wonder if anyone in here is actually outraged by the whole overbooked flight thing lol
IMHO, you got asked to leave private property (airplane) and didn't. What you expect lol
Everyone on FB is like calling for national reform lmfao
they broke the law, assaulted a passenger, then acted a bit shitty about it 😛 I'm enjoying watching the internet rip them a billion dollar new one.
!!pay bills or eat thin mints and play battfront, which I'm just gonna do anyways?
@ndugger eat thin mints and play battfront, which I'm just gonna do anyways
@Jhawins there are actually laws in place to protect you after boarding unless you're being disruptive. they can't make you leave otherwise.
otherwise, yea, get off the plane.
I don't know the details, so I don't know if it was mis-handled, but I'm with you as far as it not being news-worthy that they asked for him off the plane.
Then why are there laws for involuntary removal of passngers already
@Jhawins if the passenger is being disruptive, and the airline has to prove that now
If a passenger is involuntarily removed they get 200% refund if it delays them 1-2 hours, 400% if it's >2 hours. And it goes up.
@rlemon Nah ^
It's just routine
@Trasiva you there?
@ndugger Yarb
They just have to pay you afterwards
let me find the details. but after the gate, unless you're causing a problem they cannot make you get off.
Before you leave the property in cash or check
they can prompt you with $$, but they cannot make you leave
let me know when you get it so I can remove it
Those sound like decent compensation if you are removed, but I wonder how often it happens.
Idk man. Afaik They can make you leave and are required to compensate you according to the law above. That law would be simply irrelevant if you couldn't remove them
@ndugger Done and done. THough you could have sent it to me in hangouts.
That law is specifically for involuntarily removed passengers. That's why they offer you cash compensation that is less than they'd be forced to pay you if they didn't ask for a volunteer
if you are going to miss an important event, like a parent's funeral, i can imagine why someone might get a bit pissed if they are asked to leave after warming up a seat, too
Asking for volunteers is just a way to save some money if someone is dumb enough to take the short stick
I fly pretty regularly for work. I never volunteer, and I always take them for the full amount if I get taken off.
well, you can volunteer and get the lesser reward, or take the chance of being picked from over 100 people.
I would be like. I will leave if you involuntarily force me to. No problem. But I'm not volunteering lol
@Luggage Well either way you get a better deal. You either do get to fly or you get more money
I don't think I can get bumped anymore though, I'm a preferred member with American, and a frequent flyer. I have better luck of getting a new job, lol.
I'm js I would've taken my fat payout. They were even offering to pay for a hotel
^ Read; they're refunding you 400% cause this is over night
Also paying for lodging.
I have 20 chicken nuggets and no drink. Lord help me
put half of them in a blender.
@Jhawins np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/64m8lg/… tl;dr after you board, unless you're causing disruption and the pilot has to have you removed, you're legally protected
I think blending them is the better option
so dude will more than likely win in court if he takes them
(or get a phat settlement)
I won!
Ah ok.
That adds up. What I'm saying is still real but only applies if you're denied boarding
@rlemon United will probably throw every wrench into this as possible, costing the guy huge money with a lawyer, and then eventually offer a tiny settlement after a year or two.
Not removed from a plane post-boarding ig
yea if they denied him to get on the plane then thats fine. after he's on the plane you have to get them to agree to leave
They're bashing the guy in FB trending already
which United sucked at
Says he is convicted for trading drugs for sex like 13 years ago
I didn't watch the video; was the dud calm the entire time before the violence? Or did he whine and raise his voice?
Not sure why this would be newsworthy
@Trasiva they've already lost 1 billion in value
over night.
@ndugger Typical everyone in the general area screaming and making random noises.
Women screaming because an officer is standing straight up
@rlemon Oh I know, but that won't stop United from being shitty after firing whoever they can, and getting Chicago to fire that cop.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic
@ndugger at no point in the videos do I hear the dude, apparently he was vocal about not wanting to get off the flight. but that was about it
The dude may as well have been tranquilized from what I saw lmao
He just acted like dead weight
I wonder what they can claim is "disruptive"
smart, go limp.
since that's what it will come down to in court
well, he did eat an arm rest
busted his face up
Get your back rippied off while you're drug 200yds... Yea
I don't think the cop did anything wrong afaik
He doesn't know the story nor should he. He needs to remove person A from flight A
Did his job without hurting anyone more than necessary. The guy wouldn't get up... Had to drag him Idk what to say. I feel bad for the cop
well, he could have handled it better, but no I don't blame the cop. United is fucked for a while tho from this
It's a US airline
They don't get picked out of preference anyway
they're major market is in China (says the internet) and Weeboo or whatever their twitter is is on fire hating United right now
I thought people were being sarcastic with the 1 billion value decrease, look it up on google finance, they're not :P
@rlemon You mean the stock valuation?
Buy in the valley. It'll be right back.
This company isn't going anywhere lol....
There is a sale on United stock.
@Jhawins no, but the investors who make money on them will care.
they lost 180 million when they broke the dudes guitar
It only dipped on hourly.
The value is back in range within a day lmao
Or where are you looking?
It's up and down right now. But nothing crazy
if history repeats itself, it'll continue to effect ticket sales
People will just forget and book their flights at the cheapest place again like before
This is murica
like I said, they broke some dudes guitar a while back and it went viral because they wouldn't replace it and he wrote a song about it and they lost 10% ticket sales in a year
that's a huge fuckin amount of revenue
Or are they international?
they are
Who even knows.
5 mins ago, by rlemon
they're major market is in China (says the internet) and Weeboo or whatever their twitter is is on fire hating United right now
These foreigners think in patterns I cannot comprehend. So who knows
Meaning language barriers on the mental level and cultural differences. Not bashing foreigners lmao
@Jhawins but United is
think i've come to the conclusion that my indexOf may be a little too complex lol :) How is everyone this evening
there needs to be a buh-dum-tsh emoji
Drum sound @rlemon?
farting on a hot day
Guess the weather is rather nice where you're at. We had a heat wave last weekend, now the temp has dropped significantly :S
83 Freedoms, here.
feels like 90.
yea, we stole it
was like 19c today and yesterday
Damn you!! Send it back (although we do complain when its hot either way)
We had 20 Deg over the weekend, it was lush. Now the day temp is about 13, but this flat feels FREEZING tonight :S
@Jhawins Not me, I use American because they're one of like three airlines that come through our airport, and with having their airline card I get triple points for flights.
i also use united, but i thought they merged..
all my points when to AA
my last flight was with Air Canada I think
I don't often pay attention
I make 70k a year and it's soul sucking work for a beuracracy with no real potential for growth. Worth it to take a job at 60k with a small team of developers and an established SDLC that will look better? With opportunities for growth?
well, yea, i'll fly anything, but i have 'points' with one
it's worth about $10k
Alright. The new position will also allow me to cut my living expenses by about 5-8k so I would say that's definitely worth it in my case
I'll trade money for quality of life.
I thought so but I'm still young and was struggling with the decision because my ego kept getting in the way.
As Luggage said
"Hurrdurr less money" -- my ego
being in control of you life / career is worth more.
Thanks. I kind of knew it but needed to hear it from someone other than my recruiters who stand to make money if I settle.
you should (for like 99/100 cases) keep the mindset that you're financially independent and don't need their money.
it makes decision making and confidence in the interview/negotiations a lot easier
if you are good at it, the 60K job can easily turn into a 70K job too
if their redline is crossed with 10K a year, you don't wanna work there to begin with
... if you steal from the supply room enough
hey guys I'm getting this error when I try to push to the remote repo I created
remote: Permission to repo/reponame.git denied to cw_user_name.
the cw_user_name is my co-worker's username, and I'm not sure how it ended up on my computer. if I do a git config --list, only my own information shows up.
Ok absolutely. I'm tapped out at my current job and need growth. And this company offers that in the right environment technically and socially.
@user3382714 git remote -v
paste that (as long as it has no passwords, which it shouldn't)
@Luggage yeah it's the correct remote
@Luggage ummm is there significant interest in office supplies in the black market?
then check your ~/.ssh/config
@rlemon i hate you unbelievably much right now
@rlemon that was stupid and you should feel bad
Got a star from me though lol
@Vap0r Yes, but mostly for white-out
Is there something wrong with this document.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => event.preventDefault());? It was made by webpack but when I try to uglify it, it is telling me the > character is unexected
@Luggage I only have known_hosts inside my ssh folder
that's a split, not a spare though
@KendallFrey if I make the split I got a spare
@KendallFrey It's a spare if it got the split.
@OliverSalzburg that doesn't seem like a joke unless I'm missing something... uh... why white-out?
well, are your remotes via ssh? I was assuming.
nobody makes a 7-10
@Vap0r Because it's the black market
I'm dumb
@KendallFrey I prefer 7-11
@Luggage I'm not even sure, how can I check ?
git remote -v
@Trasiva Well yeah that's the point. People are generally buying the cheapest OR the most available. I can't fly home on anything but Delta or United
I think I have used almost every event from the media events on a single component :|
I have no choice.
Nor do I care to boycott
@rlemon @OliverSalzburg you two should move in together you both have awful senses of humor
@Luggage that's all I'm getting with a git remote -v
origin repo/reponame.git (fetch)
origin repo/reponame.git (push)
ssh will have a format like: user@host:repo.git
@Vap0r Germans don't have humour
it's a fact.
@Jhawins Nothing like knowing you're about to get screwed, but not knowing if it'll be the pineapple or the cactus.
@Vap0r We're already sharing a room
@Vap0r ""Komödie" refers to films and plays."
@OliverSalzburg Hehhehehehehehe that's really great. I might have to leave work early to avoid laughing at my cubicle
so everything past 1990 isn't meant to be funny
i mean... i don't see the point in blaming the entire company for a mistake made by a select few employees... in one very specific incident...
@user3382714 that looks like a local repo.. how did you clone?
my point is made for me
yeah it was horrible... but..
@KevinB pilot and pilot alone makes the call to eject someone. side stepping policy and training is also an issue. you don't know if it was a rogue move, or if the company doesn't train their employees
@rlemon upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/… if that isn't humor then I'm scared
(again, this is all from 2 days of me reading about this on various sources, I could be bamboozled)
@Vap0r that's imagery for modern capitalism
germans just riot a lot nicer than we do in NA
@Luggage actually it looks exactly like this
origin https://git.company.com/group/repo_name.git (fetch)
origin https://git.company.com/group/repo_name.git (push)
ahh, https, ok.
so that's not a ssh connection right ?
i actually don't know much acout https auth in git.. i use ssh..
Oh so you guys have one hockey riot and all of a sudden you guys get lumped in with US?
true, it's https. But there is nothing wrong with it.
one? many
also, I didn't lump anyone. North America isn't something I invented
Getting drunk and passing out under a car isn't a riot
so.. it shouldn't have his username unless he logged in when you cloned.
@Vap0r try again. Vancouver riots were a sloppy mess, both times
@Luggage would you have an idea why my co-worker's name appears in the error message ?
remote: Permission to repo/reponame.git denied to cw_user_name.
@rlemon didn't know there were 2, probably thought the second report was a repost because of how rare they are.
is this windows? look up how to log out (of git https auth) and then try again
@Vap0r just hockey riots, there have been 7 since I was born.
Please could someone take a look at this? Pulling my hair out over it, spent the last 30 minutes trawling the internet for something so simple... stackoverflow.com/questions/43356010/…
or.. look at your commit messages to see if they have the right username/email (i know you already looked at git config)
@Vap0r he's laying it down to do a trick over.
no, if you're going to try to make jokes do them better.
I passed that one
@rlemon lol worst gif evar
@Luggage yeah the commits have the correct name. I'm using macos. This is how I cloned the repo:

echo "# repo_name” >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://git.company.com/group/repo_name.git
git push -u origin master
got me. all looks normal and correct
Q: fetch() is not POSTing JSON body

JamesThe fetch() API is not POSTing this JSON body. var j = { "addressee": "James" }; return fetch('http://requestb.in/blahblahblah', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' }, ...

but still, the https auth has cached sessions, so try the logout thing
but no idea how it would get his name unless he clones..
@James credentials: true?
makes no sense.
@rlemon Two words, Bertuzzi - Moore.
@Jhawins Sorry, what do you mean?
without assuming that the first value has an index of 0, would this be the best approach to get the first value of an array? stackoverflow.com/a/11506725/4781925
@Jhawins nah shouldn't be I think fetch passes credentials on POST requests
@Vap0r It does not
I could be wrong but I thought I just dealt with this on IIS for Windows Auth
@JayIsTooCommon so you'd have empty values?
[,,,,,,1] and you want the 1?
Ah darn probably getting this mixed up with CORS then
You have_ to specify it now
But Idk why that would stop his body
@James method: 'POST', credentials: true
Does anyone know why react doesn't seem to have lengthComputable, loaded, and total on the onProgress event for a <video> tag?
Or something
@corvid You mean attributes of a DOM element? Not React
Unless you mean React isn't applying attributes for you.
@Jhawins didn't change anything adding credentials:true. Such a weird bug
@JayIsTooCommon I mean, the array will always have an index 0, deleting it just undefineds it. if that check is a requirement sounds like you're abusing arrays
@James try setting up a test in jsfiddle or something of the like?
@Luggage ok I'll try to logout, if it doesn't work I'll try to switch to SSH, thanks SO MUCH for the help, I see clearly now
however, for( const item of arr ) if( item ) return item;
@Jhawins would those be properties of the video tag, meaning I have to grab e.target and find them?
@James stackoverflow.com/questions/29775797/fetch-post-json-data the top solution on that page shows you how to set it up in jsfiddle as I don't think they allow outgoing requests to sites anymore (or something like that). If you still can't see it after that at least the guys here would be able to tweak it a lot easier and find out if it's a bug with browser or what.
Anyways. Heading out it's EOD here for me.
they have an echo url for testing.
@rlemon @Luggage thanks for the advice.
!!afk 🏠
@Luggage yeah the top solution explains that, and also a semi-recent chrome browser bug
So I just pointed him there as I know nothing about that.
@rlemon yeah just reading that now. Didn't realise, Thanks :)
!!afk 👨‍🌾
@corvid I misunderstood you sorry..
Well, that was painful. To disable the stupid OPTIONS preflight request to see if cors is enabled, you have to remove any custom headers - I did this, now works
silly javascript.
@Luggage I deleted the "internet password" from my keychain access of macos, then it prompted me to re-login and it worked ! so weird
@user3382714 Luggage is afk: 👨‍🌾
@James Just set credentials
Eliminates the preflights
credentials: 'include'
You're seeing preflights of GET and then your POST request missing stuff right?
Lots of CNN / Washington Post / Media jobs in front end on SO Careers right now.
Oh lol
I read CNM as CNN
Some clothes store
@Luggage haircut barley?
@rlemon Luggage is afk: 👨‍🌾
I feel like people just assume that american idiot is a bad album because "it was popular when I was in middle school" but it really is a great album and tbh probably the best one from that era
ok, any ideas. (I have attempted). Ive done the count of indices in this while loop, but i want to use those positions to pull data from another array. However its returning undefined, jsfiddle.net/rusticblonde/yrjgdbxc/19
@Jhawins thanks, but I actually just ditched the headers and this worked :)
@James Well read what it does so you actually learn something.
Is that you in your avatar
I think I just found the most beautiful man ever to visit this chat lol
You rang?
@Jhawins haha yes
@Jhawins you really like that long hair dontcha
Mine;s crazy long right now
too much hair
after about a month my hair starts to curl and get uncontrollable
That's a sign that you need shampoo
@KevinB Wait what don't you wash it
ofcourse i wash it
yeah same, my hair will curl if it gets long
Ditto, but my hair only curls once it's to my shoulders
oh no
how can I tell if an <input> is active?
i want to hear your views on that guys.. why would companies enforce no mac on Frontend developers
what would you think of companies that would say "you only have to work on PC"
@jake document.activeElement === inputReference
Depends what you mean by "active" but probably that
cursor in an input box
That will do it.
@JoeSaad Why would they force that? You mean they won't provide you with a Mac to dev on? That can make sense for a ton of reasons
maybe they are just a windows shop.
no, i mean they won't get mac for feds
@JoeSaad Do you work here?:
You're front end. You work in a text editor. They shouldn't care nor know what you work on if it's really that simple. I'm sure they have more reasons
Yea I'm not surprised. You're probably one of very few that wants a Mac. Big companies have hardware providers
like a windows domain
You can use macs on Windows domains tho
well, in the JS dev world macs aren't too uncommon, but yea,, big corporations aren't knows for being flexible
no, they're a Java shop
It shouldn't be a big deal regardless
Your tools are in no way environment specific lol
npm is notoriously bad on windows
What? It's just fine.
I worked on Macs only for 3 years, no piece of hardware in the company was Windows. Then I came here and used the WIndows machine they gave me
Not if you need something like node-sass
or flow
yes, i remember 2 years ago working npms on windows and that wasn't a very smooth ride.. but that's not the issue, it's their policy that macs aren't for contractors, only employees
ohh, so they have macs aleady? then they are just cheap or something.
yes, but only for employees
That's dumb lol
The issue is packages that come with binaries and the windows filesystem

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