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@ndugger Nice!
well there goes my hearing lol
rockets are loud yo
@rlemon I launched my model rocket once with a couple of friends watching. Scared the crap out of some of them, even though they knew what was gonna happen.
my first model rocket, I brought my nephew along to watch. he was 7?8?
he was super excited. then cried after it went off
@KendallFrey we should collab on a rocket.
a slightly bigger one.
bigger is better
@KendallFrey lets make a wooden rocket.
the size of a bench!
I was thinking more along the lines of like a meter long
made from a soft light wood.
it'll never survive reentry
if I can get 2km high I'll be elated
oh i was thinking of like a russian style ICBM
orbit or go home
I don't think the wood would have much of an issue with the actual engine burn. as long as I treat it with some flame retardant
plastic/cardboard rockets you buy in the store seem to handle it fine
it would be a good excuse to buy a lathe
though how would you know how far it went up?
@derp you can buy small sensors to attach to it
ideally also a small battery and rpi zero
From the arrest report / FAA evidence.
oh that reminds me of the people that attached a phone to a weather balloon
they wrapped it in cloth and threw a heat pack into there to keep it warm and running
got so high that they got video of the curvature of the earth
getting some sort of video feed in there would be awesome, maybe in the nose or something
you want it to go to the moon AND have video? Be reasonable.
@derp if I'm only going 1-2km high? probably fine to mount a camera on it
rpi cams are pretty small and light weight.
yeah definitely not going to the moon
not with that attitude
not with that altitude*
derp. :)
though oh man, you'd be the most popular guy in prison if you managed to land your rocket on the moon
and since you're aiming to crash into the moon instead of land gently, you'll probably need a lot less fuel
why not more fuel
so when it crashes it goes boom
welll....it probably won't make it to the moon on the first attempt
and i do like having a house...
just play some kerbal
well I say 'just'
i really want to go go home and play some ksp now xD
I suck at that bloody game
never managed to do anything except get into orbit
cant even change orbit
im a lowly software engineer not a rocket scientist
its called ksp, but when i play it the s stands for suicide
i hate those people on youtube who make space stations and stuff
how dare they be better than i am
^Free Beta: A cross-platform .NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper
dont need cross platform .net ide if you never leave Windows
I need that pic of the black guy tapping his head
is there an easy way to tell what listeners are attached to an element in Javascript?
delete it from the HTML, see what breaks xD
!!giphy you can't gif
stupid bot
that's not what I wanted
@rlemon and where would the collab part come in?
I build the casing. you help/build the engine and we both design and program/build the electronics
you ofc print the fittings and smaller bits
I've got the heavy machinery, you've got the 3d printer and more knowledge of rocketry than I.
electronics: just a gopro, engine: just a bigger model rocket engine
@KendallFrey yea, but lets have fun with it
Before I bought the printer I was trying to come up with a super reusable design for a rocket
something that would use airbrakes instead of a parachute, or something
so the only setup to go again is replace the engine
No idea how to do that though
I'm thinking like... control surfaces.
rpi to control them
oh damn
rpi zero*
see if we can't launch from one spot, and reliably have it land in another.
that I'd call a huge win
like, soft-land?
parachutes, deployed in stages
to reduce landing area
why stages
smaller chutes so wind has less effect, than larger chutes closer to the ground
like 200m or something
why not just the big chute at the last minute
lol, or that
like, 20m, not 200
I'm just thinking 'what if that fails' :P
it's fucked either way vOv
I've got some cellular based 'arduinos', so we can always eventually track it back
What I wanna know is, what kind of wood is light enough to use for a fuselage?
assuming we don't blow the entire thing up
@KendallFrey balsa
for example
either way, if I have a lathe, I can turn aluminum
I'm pretty sure a plastic printed fuselage would be way stronger
but less fun
I wanna try and make a wooden rocket. at the end of the day the body of it can always be replaced if we get everything else down
I think it would be interesting if you like, gave me a weight/temp/pressure limit and I had to meet that with nothing but wood
How would you bore out the inside? That has to be hard
yeah but how
without breaking the damn thing
either do it in pieces and laminate them together, or get a really good lathe
but generally, if you want a really long hole, you get a much larger stock, drill the hole, then turn the outside down to diameter.
I wonder if a cheap replaceable crumple zone would be an adequate replacement for a parachute
if I was to print a reusable rocket
chutes are cheap for model rockets.
That's not the point
tiny bit of plastic + string? basically weightless
they're a bitch to pack
I mean cheap in a weight sense.
now.. consider a wooden rocket with liquid fuel...
instead of solid.
we could be like a first or something
I don't even wanna try
what if you had a hybrid rocket where the wood was the fuel
the rocket would just disappear when it's done
> in other news, a Kitchener man burns down his house in an attempt to build a liquid fueled wooden rocket motor.
i'm thinking that if it was a partial succss
you'll burn someone else's house down
do it in the country
Scott Manley tweeting Archer memes :D
seriously tho. if I buy a lathe, that's the first thing I think I will build.
a wooden solid fueled rocket.
worst case scenario, you got yourself a solid firestarter
the kit ones are cardboard and plastic
I think some good treated wood would be safer
maybe spray it with some spray adhesive and wrap it in plastic
I just found /r/childfree
You probably don't need to worry about fire except in unplanned circumstances
has got to be the most bitter group of people I have ever seen
As in, I'd have no qualms about an ejection blast going into a plastic body
but a plastic parachute is another story
make it from sprayed cotton?
fire resistant ofc.
I watched my cousin launch his model for the first time, and he forgot the wadding. I don't think anyone ever found the nosecone
I've only launched two.
both tiny little single stage models.
I've never done anything non-trivial
I have a few small motors still and the launch system
wait are you thinking of making a multistage rocket?
because that is AWESOME
My uncle launched a few larger ones
@derp eventually.
@KendallFrey game?
:O It just took 1.2 minutes for my browser to load a 800kb JS file
lets make a two stage solid rocket
This was a Christmas day activity for us at one point
and if its made of wood, if the temperature is right, a wooden piece could burn away and it can detach?
it would have to be stupid thin
@rlemon eh, go ahead and I'll help
or made from something other than 'wood'
I don't think multistage models burn apart
I'm not sure of the burn rate of bamboo
oh the down side, there would be burning pieces of wood coming down afterwradcs
I haven't done it, but it's fairly common I think
@KendallFrey there are tonnes of plans or two-stage systems on youtube
is there a semi-reliable way to log all network requests and save as some kind of json or whatever?
like, from chrome console, or programmatically in your app?
service worker?
@Luggage programmatically
@Mosho Service worker.
care to elaborate?
like this?
so many doge
@Mosho yes
alright, cool
Does anyone know how to stop the shadow on this canvas element stop 'growing' when the page is started?puu.sh/vgkMW/28b90a9d01.png
this.render = function (ctx) {
        ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.width / 2, this.y - this.height / 2, this.width, this.height);
        ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
        ctx.shadowColor = '#999';
        ctx.shadowBlur = 3;
        ctx.shadowOffsetX = 5;
        ctx.shadowOffsetY = 5;

It draws it perfectly but as the loop carry's on it just becomes that blob of extra color and stops looking appealing
@lix Sounds like you forgot to clear the canvas?
I did sir
yeah you've got to be right
!!> const aesthetic= 5; aesthetic;
@Meredith 5
If I have a basic angular ui router like so:

var myApp = angular.module('main', ['ui.router']).run(function($rootScope, $state, $stateParams){
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options){


myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){

.state('home', {
url: '/home',
params: {
prev: null,
next: null
templateUrl: './home_screen.htm'
A: In Angular 2 how do you determine the active route?

Ankit Singh how do you determine what the currently active route is? UPDATE: updated as per Angular2.4.x constructor(route: ActivatedRoute) { route.snapshot.params; // active route's params route.snapshot.data; // active route's resolved data route.snapshot.component; // active route's com...

@FlyingGambit Thanks for the link. I now have my 'previous' and 'next' buttons changing to next and previous states to allow my website to be a slideshow of html templates :)
Also, Angular is totally different from AngularJS
@TylerDahle there's no default way in ui router to get previous/next state
you need to decorate the $state service
there may be some examples on SO
Yea, I have a limited number of states that go in a designated order, so I can luckily move from to next or previous if I know the current pretty easily. I was having trouble finding examples that went from an html element event to the JS and then determined the state and or changed it.
why do you not just have /slide/:number
and just increment and decrement
Hehe, that is a good idea... That would make my next and previous functions much simpler. Or one function with a param to determine next or previous
Does anyone use MEAN stack?
hey guys
@thageekboy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
im trying to use AJAX here, but js cant find the file setsession from this code in js xhttp.open("POST", "/setsession.php", true);
SORRY , this xhttp.open("POST", "../setsession.php", true);
@CapricaSix thanks
@thageekboy try to access that file directly by your browser. It only works if your setsession.php is a web resource (with other words, not a local file)
1 hour later…
In Angular2, what is the difference between ngIf and *ngIf ? or if you could tell me what I should be searching for then it would be great
Searching for that question would be a start
Q: What is the difference between ng-if and *ng-if in angular2

ShellZeroI'm trying to understand the difference between ng-if and *ng-if, but they look the same to me. Is there a difference that I should keep in mind choosing one over the other and when to use these directives?

Reddit's front page's top 10 are about that united airlines incident.
they went too far ofc ...
@BenFortune Thanks
Hi All
I have a requirement regarding usage of ng-expressions in Angularjs.
In a html template, if I say `{{ name }}`, this works only if the name is property of $scope variable. Can I change the global ng-expression variable from `$scope` to some other custom object?
@towc Just checked, I will not be able to make it this weekend, Friday and Sunday are already packed with stuff to do
hello guys
oh :/
is there any way to have global css variables .scss files in order to use them in all components ?
@gtzinos no..
but there is a workaround, if you are using any task runner like gulp
You just need to write code in gulp to automate the addition of that file in every other file..
@Mr_Green I don't think that's possible.
maybe this guys
check delucis and the next answer
@Cerbrus I found the way using $interpolate
@gtzinos you can directly link that response (click on time, it is a link)
@Mr_Green Example?
$interpolate("Hello {{ name }}")({ name: "Mr_Green"})
Oh right
And you can pass a "scope" instead of that object, of course...
@Cerbrus I have another doubt regarding this
If I have html like <div ng-include="pathVariable"></div>
and the pathVariable is a variable which holds a html template path
So, if I say $interpolate($templateCache.get(pathVariable))(someOtherObj)
How can I again attach it to the above mentioned div?
Eeeh, that's quite a hack.
And the ng-include directive only looks for the $scope.
I have no other choice
I am here trying to create a custom popup directive and I needed this kind of hack
Why can't you access the popup's scope?
This custom popup has already a controller which holds the basic events such as outside click, close popup, cancel popup etc..
Now, I am doing the above hack just to compile htmls which come under the popup without $scope because the controller is already registered and there is no track
I don't know whether I am making sense here
looks like I should try something else by myself :(
@Mr_Green: what is debugInfoEnabled set to for your app?
I didn't set it at all
Because you can actually "get" an element's scope.
oh how?
Usually, you'll want to select the element with the ng-controller directive.
Still a bit of a hack, but that should work.
react native, you have not accepted the license agreements of the following sdk components Anyone?
@Cerbrus Thanks. But still I think I can't use that info in my case, because the controller attached is supposed to have only close popup and other basic functionalities. But the template path which I am adding can have different functionalities which are actually on other controller.
ah I think I can still do it
let me try
@WorkingPig Android SDK
How did you install it?
@BenFortune With SDK manager
I would totally go for this if there were hobby unicorns!
Hi all respected members of the room !!!
I wanted to know what is the best PHP book or pdf or any form of tutorial to be a fine PHP developer. Which covers basics and high level coding..Please suggest
@YoYo Ask that in the php room.
This is JAVASCRIPT *roundhouse-kick into a pit*
@Cerbrus : But I know there are alot of Javascript developers who are excellent in php
Fair point. There are indeed a lot of php developers that aren't excellent in php.
Thats goes with every programming language :D
hey guys!
I have using new Map()
But i want get all object , how to i can get all ?
i read document then just using forEach
i think, it really dont effectively
It really don't
if i use foreach, it makes system so slowly :9
So now i want get random 3 objects for MAP(), so how to get it.
Anyone can helps to me about that? Thanksmany :D
for...of ?
eh random objects ... maps aren't designed for that
Any suggest help to me ,please!
Currently, i have 100 object using new Map()
I need get random 3 objects for MAP.
nobody helps to me:(
@NguyenTungs We help those who help themselves
Those who pick Maps even though they want random access, those are beyond helping
Don't get me wrong
I know random objects ... maps aren't designed for that
I just want to any suggest for that .
{ spork: true } // lul random obj, rawr
@rlemon Could you say more than about that code ?
if you still insist to use a map ...., generate three random integer values between [0, map.length] , loop through it using for...of, if integer value is hit, pick its value out. Repeat for the other two. If you have collected 3, stop loop.
if you've used arrays then you could simply access the objects by index, removing the use of loop
@NguyenTungs I like spaghetti and syrup
okay, it will try it , thanksmany :D
map.values()[Math.floor(Math.random() * map.size + 1)]
Sorry not sorry
eww if you have to do that 3 times
man, investigating HTTP traffic is difficult
@KarelG How come?
@KarelG Just use fiddler
Are you trying to sniff your neighbors passwords again?
checking oauth2 token exchanges. Got constantly "bad requests" but I'm 100% certain that my backend code is right. I even opened the specs
> I even opened the specs
That's how you know you're fucked
until some minutes ago, I suddenly got a refresh token ... I didn't change something
now bad request again when I refresh it
@KarelG Who is the provider?
@BenFortune map not support
map.values()[Math.floor(Math.random() * map.size + 1)]
@OliverSalzburg in which context is that "provider" ?
@KarelG Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, ...
oh, just a dutch company for managing invoices. Their API uses oauth2
@KarelG And you're certain that they have their shit in order?
@NguyenTungs wah?
I'm 100% certain that my backend works correctly. So you can guess it ;)
so i'm investigating it because one of their devs said "it works locally"
Ah, I see
(it's a new API, released last december ...)
that reminded me to that xkcd
If you have a contact, maybe they can pull more useful information on that 400 you're getting
@KarelG looks like wrong times?
a refresh should work all times
I have got the solution :D
Guys, there was a library launched in the last two-three weeks...something you can use in the console to load js scripts on the fly
anyone know what it is...
Hello everyone, Do anyone have an idea about "Safari error: Server stopped responding & Software Update times out (-1001)"?
I am facing this issue in safari browser. What's all done is when i send ajax request to app which use another curl request to check API status, AJAX aways in not responding state with status code 1001
that would be a problem on the server, not the client
look there
sounds like it's timing out on something
But the the same if it tried in chrome or firefox browser, i working fine
I never faced 1001 error in chrome or firefox
check the logs on the server
if that's what you're getting back, that's what you're getting back.
@GopalJoshi Connection to the host is blocked by the OS
Oh ya sorry i forgot to mansion it. I have checked server's access log, It's showing status code 200 instead of 1001 with all these AJAX requests
@OliverSalzburg Thank you i have never checked it. I am sending AJAX call to my server only and in AJAX call sends API call. But this api call is working at other place
I think it should not work anywhere if OS is blocking the host
@GopalJoshi Is this on mobile safari? As in, hybrid app?
Oh, sorry, skipped the first line. Yeah, if you're seeing the 200 in the logs, it should not be a client-side blocking issue

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