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explode/implode wth!
what does implode even mean
why change something that makes perfect sense just for semantics?!
it's some kind of spell in heroes of might and magic
HOMM 2 <3<3<3<3<3
well check this : paste.to/NDI3MTE1 sumin i been writing :P
it's the only way i can remember it
lots of php functions used
homm3 :P
i started on homm1
I have homm2 on my phone though
I played homm1 and 3
homm2 was the beginning of the standard homm gameplay
homm1 was strange, in comparison.
        if( in_array($sx, $sdata) && in_array($sy, $sdata($sx) ) ){

   function getNeighbors($data, $node) {
@Dave is that a case of pride for you :P?
ugh... you shouldn't define functions in if blocks.
bad mojo
@Esailija no that script is embarressing cos its full of issues
@rlemon how else would you do it lol
not in a function...
you could probably use a custom data structure instead of doing everything with arrays
did i miss part of the question?
well i only need that function to exist i that if statement is true so why write it outside of it :P
keep the scope to its needs
pretty sure the function is available either way
class dataStructure {
    public function __construct($foo = null, $bar = null) {
         $this->foo = $foo;
         $this->bar = $bar;
maybe not cos its php?
nah if u try calling it on the } else { } it wont work
@Esailija it is.
@Dave but it doesn't matter if it's available. memory wise it's still there
itll say it dont exist
so it just makes your code less manageable.
well i never really learn't about how php uses memory =/
js it is a nono as well.
@Dave classes are your friend.
awesome guys thanks alot got it to work,, didn't' think about using a loop inside a loop
i never understood classes
regardless of what some people might say treat php like a oop
i dont use classes in js either
@Dave do you know any languages?
only from picking at scripts
@Dave then you need to watch some tutorials.
i cant get the different between just using functions from classes
don't just blindly read some code. I tried that... toook a long ass time to learn.
ud probably faint if u saw my game engine in js then :P
for example, a node might have a method getNeighbours
then you don't have to think about it in your general code
but whats wrong with a function to do the job
function myClass() {
this.foo = "bar";
​var f = new myClass();
what if you need to store state data?
or have multiple instances of the same object?
why not just var f = myClass(); n the function just has return("bar");
@Dave because you are looking at the limited example... jesus
in this example he could do that
but the example is ridiculously simple
for the love of god
i dont see what else your function is doing any different other more lines of code lol
nobody will be convinced of oop if you show them that example exactly for that reason :D
but writing good examples is hard :(
when I looked at the animal examplse
I just didn't get it
@Esailija yea, I see the value in that example.. but i know oo
"why would I ever need to have a Bear or make a bear->eat()"
can you explain the benefit of you're approach to mine?
@Dave dealing with objects instead of everything being a singleton is much much much more efficient for larger applications and manageable acrossed the board (meaning large and small applications)
function Person(gender) {
this.gender = gender;
alert('Person instantiated');

var person1 = new Person('Male');
var person2 = new Person('Female');
yes those examples don't really help people who don't know oop benefits in the first place
yes and now you have two people with separate genders but one "person" class to define them.
but how i would do it is like this:
hrmm, I'm like "how can you not see the benifit"
to be honest, I dunno what to say to people with that mindset
Classes are essential to web development with js and php imo... maybe it's just me... i've been drinking... i thought we got past the days of writing long ass redundant code that referenced the same shit like 20 times?
function get_gender(gender){
case 1: var result = 'male'; break;
case 2: var result = 'female'; break;
default: var result = 'error';
return (result);

var person1 = get_gender(1);
var person2 = get_gender(2);
what if I want to have 15 males and 5 females
yet, they are different males
(and females)
what on earth is going on here?
@Esailija based on both examples ud have to make that many vars
function Person(gender) {
      this.gender = gender;
Person.prototype.getGender = function() {
     return this.gender;
from person1 to person 20
yeah but they would be the same
it would be 15 strings saying "male"
they would be equal to each other
var GENDERS = ['Male', 'Female', 'Both', 'Neither', 'Raynos'];
@Esailija as it would in the first example no ?
new Person("male") is not equal to another new Person("male")
but the only difference is variable name having person1 / person 2 etc
where as the string, "male" is equal to "male"
other than that they are surely both holding the value "male"
Dave, you need to change your name if you're going to have arguments like this
its not an arguement im asking the difference
well, a person would have other properties as gender
how do you store that as strings?
@Esailija that's wrong, should be "13,male,atlanta"
the order has been previously defined by the internets
well it woud be stored with properties
@Dave, so your 'person' object would be a string with other properties? o_O
but only objects have properties..
so why cldnt i store them as objects?
well that is kinda the point, we want to c onvince you to store them as objects
and now you see the point?
thought we were talking about using classes
i already use objects
classes are used to make objects...
you can't make a object without class in php
wait were on about php now ?
wait, we are talking about php?
function Person(data) {
    this.name = ('name' in data) ? data.name : 'I have no name';
    this.gender = ('gender' in data) ? data.gender : 'genderless';
Person.prototype.changeName = function(new_name) {
    this.name = new_name;
var rob = new Person({
    'name': 'Rob',
    'gender': 'male'
var females = [];
for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
    females.push( new Person({'name': 'Chicky', 'gender': 'female'}) );
console.log(rob, females);
me and my ten hoes
are you french?
but I only want Tiffany
you better not be french
now I can have her
sh david.
let me put that in jsfiddle
class Person
  constructor: ({@name, @gender}) ->
  changeName: (@name) ->
nice coffeescript bro
ty bro
so u can use functions to make objects right?
yeah, if you want the object to have a 'class'
(really it's just setting the prototype)
because this is javascript
so an object class is not the same as a property?
you can have 2 objects with the same properties, but different 'classes'
because their prototype chains are different
so if u have two objects with same properties they will still come out as false if u did == if statement check
ok that might be quite handy for dealing with multiple npc's on my map =/
({} === {}) -> false
oop is especially obvious in games
every entity on the screen is an object you can represent
@Dave have you seen the light now?
bullets, players
the thing that confused me was in php u have to write classes and define it as a class in js u can do it in functions so i was thinking classes in php were different to js
well they are different
js doesn't really have classes
they are different, but you can use them the same
it has class like objects
for most things
js is a prototypical language. similar but different
for the purposes of this discussion they are the same
in which case i already use them without know as all buildings on my game have their own properties - defined to a key which links the building
altho i don't name the properties i use array position
do you have inherited behaviour for the objects
no you abused arrays like she was a little school girl
objects aren't just data properties
they also have behavior
like player.die()
would make the player object on the screen die
player.move(dir, speed, etc);
well i store my building info like this: jsfiddle.net/uVmjF
yea abused little schoolgirl
the [] is it's information i use for what ever
it's incredbily clear to me right away what those numbers represent
what do the arrays represent?
woah what the shits is that
why would you do that? ><
well it converts to :
X:Y [data1,data2,data3]
no cos i write it by hand for example purposes
the Ys aren't even in order
what is data1, data2, data3? ><
why don't you use a name?
data1 = building id, data2 is sprite id data 3 holds the upgrade level for the building
i didn't know how to add names to a json_encode
yeah you really need to look into what we are talking about before exploring that further
i just remember what is why from its array position
then instead of ["618","22","1"] do {id:618, spriteId:22, upgradeLevel:1}
why are they strings? why ["618","22","1"] instead of [618, 22, 1]?
function Building(type /* string */ , location /* object{x,y,z,rotation} */ , data, /* building specific data? */ ) {
    this.type = type;
    this.location = location;
    this.data = data;
Building.prototype.move = function(location) {
    this.location = location;
Building.prototype.render = function() {
    // render the building on the page

var buildings = [
    new Building(some shit),
    new Building(some shit),
    new Building(some shit),
    new Building(some shit),
    new Building(some shit),
json_encode is always strings
that is so much more helpful.
maintainable. readable.
you can add .toJSON method for building
but its created in php then json_encoded
easy to obfuscate when you are ready to go production
you can also add static method Building.fromJSON
@Dave you are off to a good start... but please listen to us. oop is the way to go here. that means classes
damn fix font wont wor
I personally have been doing this for a long time (programming) and although I might not always be right, this one is easy for me to see you are beginning. and classes are scary, but once you learn how to use them you will see how much easier life gets.
hold let me show u how i created it
btw, it's not json encode that converts your numbers to string
php mysql takes integer columns as strings
oh really ? some one told me it defaults to string cos php doesn't set data type
well echo json_encode(42)
do you see 42 or "42"
compare to echo json_encode("42")
JSON is encoded for the URI, everything is encased in quotes, and escaped (iirc).
but if its encased in quotes that will make them strings ?
thats why i have had to be keep using parseint(X) etc
@Dave for the URI, but JSON.parse() should take care of that
you only need to intval() when you fetch from database
because integer columns are fetched as strings
send to client as integers, receive from client as integers
but then my server is the one converting to ints from strings n not the client
adds to my server's work load
yeah avoiding low level cheap functions like intval in the name of performance is good idea
aww YEAH gold badge
im sure that was sarcasm that time! >.>
every little bit that helps cut down server workloads is a plus =/
not really, people would use C if that helped
@Loktar you are now online, large and in charge. Loktarian is you meme name
but you use php because it's 1000x faster to develop for some meaningless cost of execution time increase
i use php cos its what i been learning =/
if there is a faster more powerful alternative to php ill go straight there n ditch php
yes, hand optimized assembly code
no seriously. Python is like ten times faster than php.
so i read
I don't believe it
it's probably compared in a situation without opcode cache
that's the only way to have that kind of numbers
either way I can believe python is faster than php
php is a beast
use noedjs for speed
well i was going to use node but some one here talked me out of it
node does not instantly === speed
and lets be honest im not that advanced
what about php you think would make it considerably slower than python
well poor python scripter will be slower than a experienced php scripter
but remove the human aspect alot of people still say python is better
but ive never seen a benchtest to know
Python imo is the less 'noob friendly' programming language. less built in functions. far less community resources
i don't know Python. But I am meaning to learn it
I currently do my server in php
I was thinking more in lines of running apachebench or something, and getting 10x more request per seconds for python. those benchmarks don't mean anyhting to me :P
of course node instantly === speed what you talking aoubt rloemon
it's non blocking
@david you've watched too many youtube videos
some one said it was blocking earlier
then they're doing it wrong
and shhhh rlemon :D
i'm going to make my website in nodejs
and nginx
for all the non blockingness
@david well just dont look at my php script :P
cos its really bad
that's okay, all php scripts are bad
yeh but add that to my methods of code :P
@Dave if you mean me I didn't say that node was blocking. I said that, for example, sorting an array is synchronous activity (blocking), so while the server is sorting that array, it cannot take any other requests or process events
well i do array sorting on client end
lets see... my apache/php server utilizes all four of my cores... my nodejs server utilizes one :[ poor node. (i'm not anti node. i'm just not a fanboy)
no need for my server to do that
sometimes you need to do it on the server
in which case you should spin off worker processes and loadbalance between them, possibly with a message queue sitting there to handle spikes
i cant think of a situation where i would need to on my server at the moment for my game
yeah, spin off worker just to sort an array
nodejs has it's place.
php/Ruby has it's place.
they are for two completely different applications.
perl has no place
does ruby have it's place?
python has many places
really they should all be replaced by erlang
so to conclude using php for my path finder is still the best idea
path finder?
path finding should be client side
no cos people can edit it then
path finder is a crucial part that no user should be able to change
it doesn't matter until people actually play your game
yeah but you should try to start out right :P
i should note - my path finder is made and works
just i dont want it on client side
(made it in js)
1900 lines of php with no classes?
ohh. lol :P nvm
I thought the pathfinder was in php
@Dave I think I remember you! (maybe)
werent you doing your pathfinding with only the clear areas?
i kid i kid
like only wanting to pass the open areas to the pathfinder
not me @Loktar altho don't all path finders find paths on clear areas :P
ah ok
no this one guy only passed clear squares
not all of the squares
yeh that was me
it reduced loop time hugely!
how do you handle client sending whatever it wants for your server side pathfinder
i currently don't have it server side @Esailija thats why im converting it to PHP
then i was going to use ajax request
yeah but the client can still send whatever it wants
yeh but then php can check in the database if that recieved data is valid
@Esailija shhhhh.
i want to own his highscore board
so they could send fake info but it has to match the table row
so why do you even have the client send the info if you are just gonna take it from db anyway
all you need is the coordinate where he wants to build a house
cos how else will it know which square to start from
well thats many houses - which house and where is the house X:Y is important to know
with the names:
sure but you don't need the client to send the entire layout of the game, just what he wants to do
ie build green house at x y
its not to place the house
its to find a path from the house
ok, time for My Name is Earl. see yall tomorrow
the pathfinder has "all tiles u can walk on and all tiles that count as end target" - and the starting square
it finds the quickest route to the nearest end target
before I go. Everyone HAVE FUN
yea I get that. but what do you send to the server
thats it
starting cell
i get all avail tiles from loading them from the database
its the only non cheat-able way
yea ok good :P
the main debate is.. php or not php for it
or node js
anyway im guna see how i can get my php to work =/
have fun
3 hours later…
any one have worked in AdobeEdge Software for Htm5
1 hour later…
Q: College alumni website

Mohd Ibraheemi have computer engineering background with specialization in .net. After engineering i go for management. so i haven't in touch with programming for long time. recently i saw my college website it don't have a proper alumni page. so i contact to authorities they said it Government owned colleg...

Adobe Edge, sounds fishy.
is there a way to read bytes from comma-separated float string to byte using javascript?
hi all ,i am new member in javascript
i have some issues regarding js can any one help me
if anyone can this is the link stackoverflow.com/questions/10476998/…
Hey there
You don't provide styling for the next/previous buttons?
I can't see them anywhere in the code.
ya but now i have applied thnx for answering
but my verticall scrolling gallery is not scrolling after i added the horizontall scrolling gallery
i don't know why ?
and it works completely fine if i remove horizontal gallery
They are probably interfering with each other. Maybe same id somewhere?
no i have checked all no same id still i'll check again
@user1161898 what does the console say?
i am using notepad++
no same id
Do you have a live page or jsfiddle I could look at?
hey Florian, good morning
no live page but i can create fiddle page i do have account in that but it will take some time
afaik jsfiddle doesn't require accounts to share code snippets
can u wait untill i do it
Take your time.
I'm banging my head against the wall here reinventing the wheel anyway...
which wheel
The round one.
i m not asking in that sense
fine i complete fiddle first than talk 2 u
anyone here?
Not a living soul.
hey @Oleg :)
how are you doing? watcha banging your head for?
@xybrek , that is the fastest way for getting on the ignore list that is known to man
hi Oleg I don't thing this will help u in understanding as it will not so proper o/p
i have used local links for image so cant display
Q: Share C variable with Javascript on an Arduino

Michael KaesyI'm programming a simple web server on an Arduino. I basically send HTML, CSS and Javascript to a client through a method in C code. Now I've come to need a C variable in a Javascript if-case, and I need to do it without using ASP.NET. client.println("if (%c = 1) {",stat[0]); I tried changing ...

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