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hi Oleg I don't thing this will help u in understanding as it will not so proper o/p
i have used local links for image so cant display
still if u want i have mess all this is link jsfiddle.net/JHJ9N
oh god help me
@FlorianMargaine I'm trying to implement a dataset...
@user1161898 I'm taking a look at it
you know you won't be able to make it work for IE6/7 right?
I was talking to @Oleg :p
@user1161898 look at the console for errors
easySlider's not working there
ya but i don't have console
yes you have
which browser are you using?
Then he doesn't :)
download firebug then
ohh that i have
@Oleg why do want to implement dataset?
@user1161898 then right click, inspect element, and see the errors
but it don't give any clue and let me tell both of u i am very new to all this stuff
but still i try
@FlorianMargaine I need a data model between my visualization library and the controller.
and why are you trying to make dataset work when getattribute is fine?
@FlorianMargaine I've probably used an incorrect term
yeah, because dataset is something that exists on dom elements :p
It's more like a module that I call Dataset on which I can use methods like Dataset.update(), Dataset.onChange() etc...
<div id="t" data-hey="hi"></div>

By.id( 't' ).dataset.hey === 'hi' // true
Hiya, im using a dojo datagrid, but my scrollbar isn't working, it keeps reseting to the very top when i pull it down
anyone have any idea why its doing this?
@florian @ oleg thanks for guiding me
i 'll try to solve it
Hey @user1161898 i'll bookmark your question and will try to answer it when I have time during the day. Is that okay with you?
Do you guys think going for MSc (Master of Sciences) in Software Engineering is worth it?
Any Chrome extension developers out there?
MS in software engineering is usually worth it
@Greg "usually"? :)
most CS masters i know are paid better
and Ce
i've heard a Ph.D can be difficult to get a pay raise for, positions that require a Ph.D are more competitive and often academic in nature ( harder to get paid well )
Is it only the question of getting a higher salary?
I mean... MSc is quite an expensive feat in itself.
Depends on where you go
most schools will give you a scholarship in return for your slave labor on thesis
and you'll probably have more doors open to more enjoyable work, or better paying work, or a combination of the both.
I'm not sure that a scholarship can apply to me because I'd like to continue my day work during the studies.
If you work for a lab, or government contractor they may pay for it
I work for a tiny company that doesn't care :)
ah, you'll probably have to change jobs to get a raise then
Not enough qualifications unfortunately...
an MS will probably boost your salary $10-25k a year depending on the company, school etc
but you will have to change companies
10-25k sounds interesting.
if you want to save money, go with a good state school
try to get a partial scholarship, or pell grant or something
you might be able to do 2 years for only $10k after the grants
also you might want to move to sf bay area for a better salary
I live in Europe, so SF is kinda... far away.
oh, i don't know about europe economy
hi, help me out with this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/10495091/…
im thinking about companies like microsoft or Labs like LBL or Nasa
I had a job offer from a Santa Clara based company. Could have worked from their office in Vienna but it is kinda far away as well for me.
Plus I already have a great job. :D
Vienna sounds like fun.
@OctavianDamiean well, that doesn't sound bad. how many employees have they got in vienna?
gah mocha host is terribad
hi all
@GNi33 Not sure, I should probably ask.
what would you be doing there, android dev?
gah mocha host server sooo bad.
i am in the middle of dropping a schema and it decided to timeout
what a pos
@GNi33 Nope, JS and Python front end design. :)
Q: Javascript loop + Object Issue: How to get reqired item in object with loop

AbdulAzizI am facing some trouble with loops, objects I have json like this; var jsonPermission = {"permissions": [ {"permissionId": 1, "permissionName": "Admin Permission", "roleDesc": "This is an Admin Permission"}, {"permissionId": 2, "permissio...

Kinda nice actually.
sweet, sweet :)
want to get into python too the next months... or maybe RoR. not enough time :/
No, not RoR. Actually, never RoR!
Python is the way to go.
heard that some times now, what's so bad about Ruby?
I don't know for me it feels just so wrong.
so does node for a lot of people
They suck obviously.
is there orm for node yet?

im to lazy to make my own database or write sql :O
Use NoSQL, CouchDB for the win.
@Greg @GNi33 @OctavianDamiean @jAndy hi
i need to fix html header
plz help me how to do it
post something that we can look at
Actually more like this ಠ_ಠ
@Greg yah use NoSQL
its very easy
"Manage Acne and still be Beautiful"

well, this is going to be good
i might have to do that, JPA is pretty easy too though
@GNi33 and here is pastebin.com/hukC6MuW
at line num 28 u can see header1 css
go easy with the pinging, dude
Hi anyone knows javascript here?
Obviously not.
@xybrek no
We wouldn't be in the JavaScript room if we knew. :P
thank god, my sql server finally came back up, i thought mochahost killed it
no js, i can help with asm though
@GNi33 can u tell me y is it not fiexed?
but only if its some obscure assembly, like mips
Ohai, one new user on my ignore list. :)
anyone knows IEEE 754 ?
@OctavianDamiean haha
@Tech_Droiod <img></img> wat?
@GNi33 it's useless
try to kind of make it look like it does on your side in that fiddle, and maybe i can help you
looking at plain css and html makes fixing a little hard
@Tech_Droiod It is fixed.
i think i had to read ieee 754 once
@TechDroiod yep, looks like it's fixed. what is your problem?
@GNi33 it's not looking fixed in my application
Other than lack of basic knowledge?
it's scrolling
i am new in css + html
@Tech_Droiod Your text is scrolling, yes. Your image doesn't.
looking at it with ie6?
bcs i am android developer and making application in phonegap in android so having problem @OctavianDamiean @Oleg @GNi33
no looking it with phonegap browser
Your question is not related to javascript then.
It's purely a CSS issue with the phonegap browser.
i tought that some one can fixed my issue here
@Greg i find it hard to find documents about ieee 754 conversion
@TechDroiod can u repeat ur issue i have done the same but not much learned yet i can try if u want
@user1161898 thanks
yea, i don't really do that stuff anymore, we studied a bunch of floating point in a computer architecture class
actually problem is that u can see
css and html file
my problem is that in html file i have given header fixed property but header dosen't get fiexed
i am testing in mobile browser
n using sql
hello guys. Does any of you have some experience with jquery validate?
@ tech_droid can u show ur code
this is a css file
and here is my html file
@tech_droir try specific ip and also check permission or try changing permission
@user1161898 permission of what?
@user1161898 are u phonegap developer'
i can't see ur code in the link
#header1 {
background-image: url(img/head_new.png);
border-top: 1px solid #919192;
height: 49px;
left: 0px;
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
width: 100%;
z-index: 1;
this is my css
<div id="header1"><img src="img/btn_back.png" style="margin-top:5px;margin-left:5px" onclick="goback('1');"></img><!--<p>Manage Acne and still be Beautiful</p>--></div>
and here is a header
does android support fixed anyhow?
@GNi33 i think yes
bcs i have seend same example of fixed
header but that was too much complicated to so i did not consider that
so, i guess the complicated way will be the only way to achieve it
nobody makes his css and markup complicated just because...
Imho, mr Google can help here
I made position:fixed to work by disabling user zoom feature of the viewport.
@GNi33 @Oleg ok thanks
@Tech_Droiod @ it is working in mine
@user1161898 my code?
@tech_droid : yes i just changed image path instead of ur i gave my
ok so i think i need to search for phonegap
@user1161898 He's working in a mobile browser. It's not the same.
there is an issue with phonegap @user1161898 thanks
u just check in simple html
and run in browser
ru testing in mobile live
Why are we discussing CSS anyway?
And why is there <img></img> in that code??
or in phone gap
@user1161898 ok
i just checked header nothing else
@Oleg even better question... why is there no blink-tag?
I concur.
the website won't work without a blink-tag
It will, but the impact on SEO is too huge...
yes, definetely wrap your body into a blink-tag
Oh my troll. :P
You should always be specific, @GNi33. It's not "your body", it's "your <body> tag". Who knows...
hahaha :D
yes, you're right
Guys, why is everyone forgetting about the marquee tag? :D
Don't forget that pages must load at least 3 of the most popular javascript libraries to be hip.
I'm too young to be familiar with marquee tag.
Yes, load jQuery and Prototype for the lulz of breaking your website. :D
i picked raphael, jquery and dojo
I always link to vapor.js
fooljs.com - because rick-rolling your users is fun.
though anyone who insists on rambo-ing all his code is not doing to well.
unless he charges by the hour and has a maintanance contract.
what do rombo-ing mean?
@GNi33 @user1161898 yup i solved problem
for phonegap i need to add <meta name="viewport" content="target-densityDpi=device-dpi, width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
line to head of html
cool, nice to know :)
that is correct
A quick question...
How would you implement a collection of rows?
1. `[{a:1, b:'a', c:'x'}, {a:2, b:'b', c:'y'}]`
2. `[[1, 'a', 'x'], [2, 'b', 'y']]`
uh, why no styling
i guess an array would be enough, right?
don't see the use of objects there, if the structure always stays the same
It does.
I'm probably overcomplicating things.
Been looking at Google's DataTable which has:
`[{c:[1, 'a', 'x']}, {c:[2, 'b', 'y']}]`
w00t, not style again?
i suppose it depends on how you want to reference it
And at Miso.Dataset, which has:
[{a:1, b:'a', c:'x'}, {a:2, b:'b', c:'y'}]
whats the application?
something like [{a:1, b:'a', c:'x'}, {a:2, b:'b', c:'y'}] would be needed for a datastore
The data would be used by a visualization library, where individual cells could be requested by either an index or an id.
the array of arrays might be better if using foreach or for loops
The internal structure is as follows:
columns: [{id:...}, {id:...}, {id:...}],
rows: [???]
@Tech_Droiod fine
maybe you should make it an object and add accessor methods
well i suppose its already an object
The advantages of individual rows as objects:
1. order doesn't matter
2. more readable
3. the column structure could be *guessed* from a row < important
well your columns have to like up with your row indices anyway
columns is an array of objects
I am using Prototype. How can i extend a class and add to the property (of the cloned class) instead of overwriting it?
In the case of objects they don't have to line up.
so you would assume collumns[0] lined up with row element row[0]
right but your storing your column objects in an array
Yep, for the sake of maintaining an order of columns.
so i think that it might be better to just store it as an array
row[5][3] = row 5 of column 3
might be easier than row[5][pixelvalue]
More meaningful though.
I'm gravitating towards arrays, but would like to consider various possibilities.

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