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what ever floats your boat
When selecting data from an sql table, we're referencing cells with column names.
i think i would just make an accessor method to get row elements by name
But keep the internal structure as array, right?
so table.getRow(5, someId);
and the getRow method refer to a mapping between someId and its row
but on the other hand if your adding and delete rows alot
it might be better to have them orderless
Rows must maintain order by design in the app.
Cells, however, don't.
But columns do! :)
it might be easier to just keep the elements bound to the column
so the column[3], would be the 3rd row element of that column
I was thinking about that too.
are you more likely to delete a row or a column?
A row.
hmm maybe not the best idea then
And quite often actually for real-time data flow.
aw then definately don't store data with the columns :P
@Oleg i got my console
yea, i'd just go about storing the rows by index in an array
On the other hand the graphs will work on columns a lot.
and if you ever remove a column you'll just have to splice a load of rows.
To build series.
So a dataset.getColumn(index or id); would be a very expensive method.
@user1161898 What does it say?
i imagine so
where getColumn returns all rows of that column
but it wouldn't be any more expensive than accessing it by object id
if your not worried about write time, you could just maintain both
Performance-wise for getColumn it would be best to have:
{columns:[{id:'a', rows:[...]}]}
but then update would be expensive
my god, i finally fixed my remote server and DB
i hate Mocha host, that took me like 2 hours
Just 2 hours? :)
Lucky you!
w/e, i had to deploy a war file manually to rebuild my DB so i could have user logon tables again
i cant seem to get jquery's die working
$("#elem").live("mouseover",function() { // do stuff });
can i do a die() on anonymous functions?
should work
As of jQuery 1.7, use of .die() (and its complementary method, .live()) is not recommended. Instead, use .off() to remove event handlers bound with .on()
i'd recommend using .on and .off though
when using 1.7
ok thanks ill stick to on and off
@Yohann: just calling .die() will cause to shutdown any event handler bound with .live()
Note: In order for .die() to function correctly, the selector used with it must match exactly the selector initially used with .live().
i tried that too
@Yohann: same goes for on() and off(). If you need to remove a specific function, you need a function reference, hence, a named function
@Greg oh
.die( eventType [, handler] )
i think you need to pass it the handler as well
im doing live on multiple elements and die on only one of those
Do you have a VPS on Mocha, Greg?
nope i just want to remove everything
@Yohann: use event namespacing then
try calling it multiple times
@Yohann: you can namespace events like $(root).on('click.foobar', 'elem', fnc)
yup Oleg, its working now
just for a bit it was freaking out
@Yohann: so foobar is the namespace, you can remove any events that were bound with a namespace just by calling .off('.foobar'); then
How is it generally? I'm on Linode for personal use, but looking for somewhere to transfer our corporate app to.
@Oleg sory my internet is slow
not to sure, im using it for a development server
of course foobar is just a pseudo name, can be anything
its kinda flaky
there some issues with js
@jAndy thanks
can i do this with live also?
@Yohann: yep
@Oleg - i send image for that
@jAndy o/
@jAndy and can die have space seperated events like live "click mouseover"
@GNi33: lo
how are you?
@Yohann: yes it can
@Oleg$scroller.outerWidth is not a function
[Break On This Error]

(36 out of range 4)

jquery....min.js (line 36)
$("#slider").easySlider is not a function
[Break On This Error]

(7 out of range 4)
@GNi33: pretty fine thanks, going to vegas in two weeks (I guess its going to be an expensive holiday) and after that I'm heading west to SF for some job offer in da bay area
what about you ?
@Oleg above is the console display
@jAndy doesnt seem to work
@Yohann: "it doens't work" is in general a pointless argument :-), can you get more specific? with code examples at best
$(".feed_message").live("mouseover", function () {
$(this).children().last().children().last().css("display", "block");

}).live("mouseleave.voteHideM blur.voteHideB", function () {
$(this).children().last().children().last().css("display", "none");

$(".feed_vote[m_id=" + _id + "]").parent().die(".voteHideM .voteHideB");
//in different places , ignore parent() and children() stuff , i already know its going to the right elems that had the live to which im applying die
@user1161898 Are you sure you're correctly including the easyslider.js file? It should go after jquery. And inside the ready block.
ah yes ready block is important
@Yohann: don't forget that any event bound via .live is bound to the document or document.body in reality
but .die() should take care of that
i always forget it with dojo
@Yohann: wait a second
@jAndy no prob
@Yohann: try $(document).unbind('.voteHideM'); instead
to remove namespaced handlers
awesome, sounds great. got the job already?

i'm fine, thanks. finally nice weather here ;)
@GNi33: nope. It's just I thought about that step for a loooong while now, and I just got another offer from SF based company a few weeks ago .. I'm already in the states not far away, so it just made sense to me to say "hello" there
@Yohann: I'm a little confused myself. seems like .off() is able to handle namespaced events, but .die() isn't. If if doesn't work with $(document).unbind() I'll fire up a quick fiddle trial
i guess it would be a great step for you. wish you good luck on that :)
@jAndy works :D plus multiple ".voteHideM .voteHideB"
@Yohann: great!
@Yohann: anyway, think about using .delegate() and .undelegate() if you can't use jQuery 1.7.x
otherwise, .on() and .off() are the new cool and shiny
@jAndy can i use unbind with button mouseover etc?
@Oleg u can see how i have called all js in same stackoverflow page
@jAndy oops i didnt notice this, it doesnt work with one element all the vote buttons events are removed not just one
@Yohann: again, any event which is bound with .live() gets bound to the document, not any other element (which is confusing and the reason why on is more convinient). So you can unbind any of those events using .unbind() on the $(document)
@Yohann: can you create an example on jsfiddle for demonstration? I'm afraid I have a lack of information about your code/structure
ill hit you back on chat once im done with this mess.... thanks for the help
@Yohann: don't forget to @ my name so I'll get noticed
@jAndy yeah i know (duh) anyways basically earlier feed_message div had a child called feed_vote div
i have multiple feed_messages storing one message each
i did a workaroud
as the user hovers over the message additional vote controls should light up/show up
so i want to null out one of those messages so i do a for each for the SAME FEED_MESSAGE and find the child id and comapre and stuff
In your question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10476998/css-or-javascript-conflict-in-jquery-mobile
1. jquery.thumbnailScroller.js is loaded before js/jquery.js - this is no good
2. (function($){window.onload=function(){ - this is no good
3. Two times `ready` is no good too
btw, I'm confused by your statement in your profile @Yohann
You should load your external scripts in <head></head>.
"hate boiler-plate code. Dont reinvent the wheel, build the car!"
@jAndy basically i used the same elem or collection of elements i attached live to , to do a die
isn't that antagonism? :p
@jAndy whats that ? lol
well, boilerplate-code should basically be created of of best practices & stuff, so it will prevent you from reinventing the wheel for every new project
antagonism is like oxymoron
@jAndy well i just dont like doing a document.getElementById(""); thats repetative
@FlorianMargaine: yea pretty much. sorry english is not my very first language :P
repetitive? how is that repetitive?
you don't repeat anything
i dont like writing document.getElementById for every element i want to get
and if you're doing $('#id') instead of document.getElementById('id'), it's thanks to a lot of boilerplate code, that's why @jAndy's telling you this :)
I didn't want to get some stone rolling, was just confused about the coherency
nobody does, that's why people use gist.github.com/1455456
@FlorianMargaine \o @Esailija \o @rlemon \o
spam detected
@Abhishek o/
@GNi33 \o hey there
ok i fixed my profile description :(
@FlorianMargaine why you being a bit fitty with me lately ? just feeling trolly ?
@Yohann: ^^
nothing special with you, don't worry
you feeling low ?
i dont get boilerplate code
isnt it the repetitive stuff?
boilerplate doesn't mean "bad"
"In computer programming, boilerplate code or boilerplate is the term used to describe sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or no alteration. It is more often used when referring to languages which are considered verbose, i.e. the programmer must write a lot of code to do minimal jobs." -wiki
yeah, that's what you use in every single project
@Yohann: well, to me boilerplate code should be something like... opener and ending for html5 documents, there are some tags and practices like meta languages and charsets and loads of other stuff, which I would repeat on every document anyway
doesn't mean it's bad, you just have to use it, so let's "make it" boilerplate so that you don't need to rewrite it every time
same stuff exists on css and js
yup, for css it's the reset styles for example
ok thanks for the clarification guys onboilerplate :D
clear picture now
@user1161898 Check this fiddle: jsfiddle.net/H2qUx
It's far from perfect visually... but it works.
ohh snap i need pony images on my meme
yes, you do
@FlorianMargaine I don't think anyone uses that
anybody know how to determine which day a user has dropped an item and export this as a calendar file?
here is a fiddle? jsfiddle.net/ukake
@Esailija I do :p
tsss ponies < unicorns => cornify.com
a chrome-only project doesn't need jquery
@Esailija why not?
Because it doesn't really add anything
please help
Q: JSON, Dojo Dnd issue: Convert to JSON by Dnd item types with JavaScript

AbdulAzizI am using this example using drag and drop from this site: I am creating containers using Dnd item types example in the same page. Like this; Source container var catalog = new dojo.dnd.Source("catalogNode", { accept: ["inStock,outOfStock"] }); catalog.insertNodes(false, [ { data: "Wr...

it makes your selectors shorter to write
By.class(wrapper-el, 'class');
it doesn't even convert nodelists to arrays
Crockford would kill you for that uppercase "B".
And... isn't class a reserved word in JS?
yes, but it works like that
@Oleg that's why it's between parentheses in the code :)
gist: tiny select. Selecting has never been so awesome \o/, 2011-12-10 16:01:27Z
// Pretty fast - http://jsperf.com/select-vs-natives-vs-jquery
  By, shortcuts for getting elements.
var By = { 
    id: function (id) { return document.getElementById(id) }, 
    tag: function (tag, context) { 
        return (context || document).getElementsByTagName(tag)
    "class": function (klass, context) {
        return (context || document).getElementsByClassName(klass)
    name: function (name) { return document.getElementsByName(name) }, 
    qsa: function (query, context) { 
        return (context || document).querySelectorAll(query)
    qs: function (query, context) {
        return (context || document).querySelector(query)
Why not just $ instead of By?
that'd be silly :p
look at the readme however there: github.com/Ralt/My-small-library
@Oleg: that would be blasphemy
florian btw why do you only develop for google chrome
@Oleg I was wondering about dataset, why don't use you a wrapper for localStorage with getter/setters?
@Esailija extension
you don't do websites at all?
I didn't say all my projects were chrome-only, just that I had a project that was that...
@jAndy I concur.
and yes, I do use jQuery when needed :)
in chrome you don't need tiny select at all :P
in chrome, look what $ and $$is on a default page
(when not overridden)
I'm having an appointment to create a project, which uses a stand-alone webkit application. that's pretty neat and nice, you can go alllllll the way
@FlorianMargaine My javascripts must work under IE7...
concerning front-end dev tech
@Esailija oh, nice, didn't know that
hard to find a page where it's not overridden :D
i went straigth to raynos's blog ;)
was pretty sure there's no library on there, didn't get disappointed :D
there shouldn't be any library on global scope anywhere btw :3
(requirejs is great for that, although it does create some global variables...)
@Esailija nice one!
3 global variables to never have global variables again
sounds ok :P
@FlorianMargaine: "some" ? can you define slightly more? how many?
what I thought too :p
@Esailija , what are you talking about ?
@jAndy require, define
requirejs adds 3 global variables
dunno what's the third
define, require and what was the third
maybe there wasn't, that's besides the point
jQuerySucksMuhaha, its hidden tho
A: Replace operators with variables in javascript

Shadow WizardYou can use eval for this specific case: var op = ""; if (abc>5) op = "-"; else if(abc==5) op = "+"; else op = "*"; if (op.length > 0) alert(eval("10" + op + "10")); This will perform "dynanic operation" on two numbers (10 and 10 in this example) based on the value of ab...

eval is not always evil, common
but for this use-case? really?
it's like premature optimization
Under "use strict" it is forbidden afaik.
@Oleg: its not..
under use strict it just doesn't include new variables
@Oleg: its just follows some slightly "better" rules
> We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil
for instance, doesn't modify the current context which it runs in
in 3% of the cases, it's ok
you can easily replace eval here by adding functions for operations though
@jAndy Hmm, you're right. I was confusing the usage of eval with usage of the name "eval".
user image
@rlemon your meme generator rocks :p
dojo :P
I like the UI :)
some star this plx: rlemon.github.com/lememe
thanks ;o)
@Esailija or YUI?
which is worse?
I've never worked with either
dojo has lazy auto generated documentation, id learn better by reading their source
@FlorianMargaine thanks, i'm tweaking it a bit. but only because if i'm going to use jQuery I may as well try to find some badass color pickers and shit
@Esailija well an auto generated doc can be pretty good when well done
but I haven't found a good one for js yet, as good as javadoc or doctrine
how is it different to just reading the source
you can navigate easily
and the interface is usually nicer on the eyes.
but mostly navigation
I don't think the unminified source of dojo is all in one file
half the time I read joomla docs I had to just read the source
the docs gave correct file and line number
that's all
well depends on the project I guess :p
I don't like joomla docs either
but drupal are nice to navigate tho
look at codeigniteer, php or jquery docs
they actually have human written content
I didn't say human written content wasn't better :)
just saying that generated doc is better than source only
yeah but for me only slightly
mostly for navigation
but of course I'd take human written content anyday over generated doc
yeah it's mostly for navigation, but in a big project it's quite useful
I also hate lots of comments / inline doc
the comment noise makes the really important comments less visible
like explaining how something is a hack and why
but I guess that's a preference since tons of people prefer the other way :P
^^ I do :p
btw @Esailija you must know it, what's in textStatus there? api.jquery.com/jQuery.post There is no information about it, is it a string with 404 or such?
or is it a string with 404 page not found?
yeah it's annoying how the callback arguments are not documented
I think it's jsut the number
oh, it is documented actually
in the $.ajax method doc
and it's not 404
> The function gets passed two arguments: The jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHTTPRequest) object and a string categorizing the status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror").
this is so good :)
very annoying thing about vimeo: no subtitles.
@CarlBergquist I love your blog! Such inspiring posts!
damnit, can anyone add subtitles with this? universalsubtitles.org/fr/videos/5vE4hY1P6tXo/info/… :p
I really want to watch this video... ._.
it's in english anyhow?
nah, it's in chinese there
not really useful ~~
ah, so you have no sound, right?

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